Is anyone NOT ordering STS?


In fact, every product is a version in some way of a product before it, except improved. This is a natural part of the creative process in any field, and essentially, it is what "ART" really is.

I agree with that part.....P90X & STS are based on Periodization Training..Unless I missed something Tony nor Cathe ever said they "invented" or "created" the process...Just like HIIT Training..Theres millions of HIIT DVDs, classes, etc... that are HIIT based but no-one I ever read, saw etc claimed to have been the creator.

Training Principles can & SHOULD (imo) be duplicated by many people..Thats how we get variety in training.... If you only did STS for the rest of your life eventually your body would stop being challenged...Personally I plan on using ALL good quality Periodization Training DVDs that get put out there & rotate thru them....I'm tired of creating the Meso Cycles / Phases on my own...BRING ON MORE - From any great instructor!!! I'll buy them all!:D:D:D

I disagree with blanket statements about most things...But the statement that ALL before & afters are fake simply is not true.
I personally have a "before" & "after" body...just because I didnt try & be in an infomercial doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
I have GREAT RESPECT for the many "befores" who did the work & turned themselves into "afters" say ALL/EVERYONE is fake seems disrespectful to those who DID accomplish it... the statement also has no way to be proven;) Some/Many...maybe- but ALL? Nope- not gonna buy that.
I agree with that part.....P90X & STS are based on Periodization Training..Unless I missed something Tony nor Cathe ever said they "invented" or "created" the process...Just like HIIT Training..Theres millions of HIIT DVDs, classes, etc... that are HIIT based but no-one I ever read, saw etc claimed to have been the creator.

Training Principles can & SHOULD (imo) be duplicated by many people..Thats how we get variety in training.... If you only did STS for the rest of your life eventually your body would stop being challenged...Personally I plan on using ALL good quality Periodization Training DVDs that get put out there & rotate thru them....I'm tired of creating the Meso Cycles / Phases on my own...BRING ON MORE - From any great instructor!!! I'll buy them all!:D:D:D

I disagree with blanket statements about most things...But the statement that ALL before & afters are fake simply is not true.
I personally have a "before" & "after" body...just because I didnt try & be in an infomercial doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
I have GREAT RESPECT for the many "befores" who did the work & turned themselves into "afters" say ALL/EVERYONE is fake seems disrespectful to those who DID accomplish it... the statement also has no way to be proven;) Some/Many...maybe- but ALL? Nope- not gonna buy that.


True. And my apologies go out to all of those hard working before and after photos that are indeed real successes. However, I was responding to a thread where someone emphasized how they preferred P90 over STS because of the test group!

And here's another example- if you look at the infomercials for P90x, several times they claim the before ad after people lost 46% Body Fat. (laugh until I throw up). Let's do the math----46 divided by 3 months= 15% body fat lost per month. Divided by 4 weeks (per month)= 4.5% body fat per week lost.

I've heard of the "fake" model thing esp for suppliments. But to say ALL of them are deliberate frauds I dunno. I hear another issue with before/after testimonies is that may have not been the ONLY program they used to get back into shape. Say they used P90x and another program then send their before/afters to both.
I think just reading thru the lines here... you don't like Tony do you? lol.
Test groups isn't an issue with me. I know Cathes workouts will be awesome. I didn't care about all the "informercial" stuff with Turbo Jam but I got it cause I like kickboxing and wanted something fun for some days. It is just as they described.
The thing about suppliment before/afters is its obvious that person is FIT not just thin. There is no way they were out of shape/overweight and took some suppliment then looked like that. I wonder how anyone could believe it.

True. And my apologies go out to all of those hard working before and after photos that are indeed real successes. However, I was responding to a thread where someone emphasized how they preferred P90 over STS because of the test group!

And here's another example- if you look at the infomercials for P90x, several times they claim the before ad after people lost 46% Body Fat. (laugh until I throw up). Let's do the math----46 divided by 3 months= 15% body fat lost per month. Divided by 4 weeks (per month)= 4.5% body fat per week lost.


And if this is true, those "after" picture people are lucky they're still alive as any doctor will easily tell you that losing 46% body fat in 3 months is extremely dangerous.

The healthiest possible body fat percentage lost within a 3 month period, which is still very respectable and requires hard work, and yet still very difficult to achieve, would be about 20-30% MAX MAX MAX. Still, not too shabby. I wouldnt mind losing 20-30% in 3 months
I agree with that part.....P90X & STS are based on Periodization Training..Unless I missed something Tony nor Cathe ever said they "invented" or "created" the process...Just like HIIT Training..Theres millions of HIIT DVDs, classes, etc... that are HIIT based but no-one I ever read, saw etc claimed to have been the creator.

Training Principles can & SHOULD (imo) be duplicated by many people..Thats how we get variety in training.... If you only did STS for the rest of your life eventually your body would stop being challenged...Personally I plan on using ALL good quality Periodization Training DVDs that get put out there & rotate thru them....I'm tired of creating the Meso Cycles / Phases on my own...BRING ON MORE - From any great instructor!!! I'll buy them all!:D:D:D

I disagree with blanket statements about most things...But the statement that ALL before & afters are fake simply is not true.
I personally have a "before" & "after" body...just because I didnt try & be in an infomercial doesnt mean it doesnt happen.
I have GREAT RESPECT for the many "befores" who did the work & turned themselves into "afters" say ALL/EVERYONE is fake seems disrespectful to those who DID accomplish it... the statement also has no way to be proven;) Some/Many...maybe- but ALL? Nope- not gonna buy that.

I agree with this ;)
Pre-ordered and cancelled - so did 3 other folks I know...its expensive for yet another heavy weighted workout - and the trend is going back to lighter/more rep workouts as injuries increase (in the personal trainer biz anyway, where liabity is king).....I love Cathe, but know that from Tony to Jari, to even Chalene, I can get results alot cheaper, not the same as her low key, pleasant approach...its truly just the cost...and maybe ALL the equipment too....

Maybe the downloads she talks about will be more reasonable...let's hope!
You know, These are "workout DVDs" I'm failing to see that all the whizz bang cameras, high tech cinematography and the "Red carpet" is necessary and therefore it goes into the cost. All that is just not required for a good training dvd. Cathe has proved that time and time again and while I am sure the STS will be great, I just want a good workout without the unnecessary price tags.

P.S I probably will eventually "weaken" and buy one meocycle at a time, but that'll after y'all get on these forums and tell us how Fantastic it is, how your bodies have changed over night;);) Thef at and weight has Magically disappeared.:D
I watched the clips last night and I am not that impressed. I am really not seeing anything new, and I know I will totally zone out at the thought of spending that much time on a single body part. I understand this is just a clip, but I really got tired of all the push ups. I mean, how many ways can you do them, and who wants to? Okay, I know alot of you want to, fair enough...but...not me.

I also was unimpressed with the male factor. Frankly their form was not very good in spots, and I didn't find myself needing that addition.

The music was good, but the sync was definitely off, and that bothers me. For that kind of cash I should not have to turn the vocal off to get the effect I am paying for.

I will get the ab circuit and wait for the rest on the trade forums, this is too much cash for something I really already have within all my other Cathe routines.
I preordered and then got nervous when I hurt my shoulder, thinking "OMG - I won't ever be able to lift again"... Doctor told me with physical therapy I will be fine - I will just have to be more careful. I tend to overdo things and when I started with Cathe I did just that - lifted to heavy and developed tendonitis in my rotator cuff.... What I love about Cathe is that she takes the "guesswork" out of my workouts. The "Oh, what exercise am I going to do now?" SHE decides for me which makes my workouts flow better and i know I'm hitting each muscle in each bodypart every which way it can be worked! I'm psyched for STS.
I don't plan on purchasing them. The clips looked fine but I think like others have said, STS would turn working out into a stressful to do list for me. Partly because of the long roation and partly because of what's going on in my life right now. I don't have the time or mental energy to devote to the rotation AND I would want all the gadgets and there is no room for that AND I can't do without other workouts coming out so, no, I'm not ordering. I didn't go gaga over the clips but I'm anxious to see more, especially clips of the leg workouts and I will be watching to see what results people get, were they able to make the commitment, etc. I'm thinking this MAY be a future purchase though.
I just ordered the ab dvd


It has been very interesting to watch creation and production of does look cool for those that love strength training for gains.

I tend to favor cardio and full body weighted routines.

I can't wait for MMA. That will be my Cathe "STS".:eek:

I preordered STS after being on the fence about it for a long time. I had been looking at P90x for a long time and something about Tony Horton just turned me off the series (kind of like how I can't do Denise Austin dvds). Nothing against him personally, just sometimes personalities don't mesh. It happens.

The concept of rotations has been around for a long time, so the idea of p90x isn't a new thing. Tony Horton just made the idea easier to implement for a wider audience by prepackaging and marketing a rotation with a specific goal (to increase fitness). I applaud him for that as anything that can make the average American fitter and skinnier makes my job as a nurse easier on my back. :)

Also, innovation involves observing existing ideas and building and refining on them. Computers, cars and many other things we take for granted would not be in the state of sophistication if manufacturers didn't do this. Why shouldn't that go for fitness too?

Anyways, I figure huge number of new workouts will add even more rotation options so I should be set until I'm 90. :) Then I will need to preorder Cathe's WalkerMax.
I'm sad to say, I'm not ordering. I have every other video she's every made, but I'm just not up to it right now. My fitness level isn't there, and I really can't afford it. I truly have all the videos I need to build myself back up. Then, when I get back to my former fitness level, I plan to reward myself with STS (or the latest, greatest new series -- or both!)

I'll very likely order them today or tomorrow, after having peeked at my bank account and seeing it's not as low as I thought.

I doubt I'll use them in a strictly 12-week least at first, because I'm not quite sure what my fitness goals will be for '09 (i.e, thinking about triathalon training, etc).
But the way I look it, a bunch of videos for under $7.00 each is a bargain, I'm sure to learn some new things, some new techniques, and get new form pointers....and following her on videos makes me not have to think and plan. I can capitalize on her knowledge. :) I'm fine with that for the time being!

Besides........I just love those fuschia tops! hehe
I did pre-order and can't wait. One of the appeals of STS for me was the fact that it is structured, and it's only 3x a week and you can choose your own cardio (I don't do step much anymore). I'll probably do mostly Cardio Coach for cardio.

The attraction for me is that STS is limited but progressive -- i.e. 12 weeks, changing up workouts within that time frame, with an endpoint -- at which point I'm hoping to see serious results, if I can keep my eating mostly clean.

And after seeing the previews up close and personal during the recent road trip, I'm really eager to get my hands on it!
I'm just going to wait to see what other people think about it... I'm more of a cardio junkie and am not overly partial to splits, but I think it's an interesting concept, and I might try it... I just don't want to jump on the bandwagon and then regret it, so I'm going to take the wait and see approach.

Plus, I want to be able to gradually accumulate all the necessary equipment first, (and find out what that is) because there is nothing more frustrating to me than getting a new workout, being excited to try it, and then finding out I don't have some of the necessary equipment.

I preordered and then got nervous when I hurt my shoulder, thinking "OMG - I won't ever be able to lift again"... Doctor told me with physical therapy I will be fine - I will just have to be more careful. I tend to overdo things and when I started with Cathe I did just that - lifted to heavy and developed tendonitis in my rotator cuff.... What I love about Cathe is that she takes the "guesswork" out of my workouts. The "Oh, what exercise am I going to do now?" SHE decides for me which makes my workouts flow better and i know I'm hitting each muscle in each bodypart every which way it can be worked! I'm psyched for STS.

I also tend to push myself too hard. I truly believe I hurt my shoulder from consecutive classes of power heated yoga due to poor alignment and a LONG break from exercising while I was in Thailand over the winter.

Developing tendonitis in my muscles, and bursitis and capsular contracture in my shoulder joints never made me think I could never lift heavy again. What did make me reconsider keeping my STS preorder was a mental shift in focus while recovering. Taking time off to heal, I've come to respect and accept my body as it is instead of what it could be. My views on strength gains narrowed. No longer do I aspire to ever become physically stronger for the sake of being stronger without clear, concise reasons. Because, when is strong enough, strong enough? When is looks good enough, enough? When is physical endurance long enough? These are questions that I have had to answer for myself based on my life. For me, weight lifting doesn't hold the same fun factor as other physical areas of my life... not that I lead a physically active life. :eek: :D What I'm trying to say is that STS or any weight lifting program should support my lifestyle, not the other way around.

I decided to keep STS for different reasons from when I first pre-ordered it. I plan on respecting what I can do without beating myself up physically or mentally to achieve something that I don't necessarily need to do. I plan on closely monitoring my body and keeping my focus in check. I may find that I don't want and need every mesocycle or the entire STS program for my personal needs. I'm okay with that.

Oh Wendy, thank you for sharing that. It gives me hope that with physical therapy and REST in between, my shoulder WILL recover and I will get back to normal. Not sure how I did this - but likely I will need to re-think and re-work my workouts to adjust to what I CAN do and not try to OVERdo... I appreciate your input and your sharing where you are at!

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