How old are fitness finatics

How old are fitness finatics

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I am 28 and have been working out on and off since high school. Been seriously working out now for three years and with Cathe for just over a year. Thank god for Cathe! Now that I know how good it feels to be consistent with eating healthy and working out, I will never go back!

I am 45 and it makes me feel great that so many of us in our 30s, 40s and 50s are working out with Cathe. I don't have any problems with high impact - if anything I'm fitter than I was 10 years ago. I want to be working out like this when I'm 90!!!
I'm 42. I've been pretty active my whole life apart from a few downtimes. I've been working out more seriously since about 1998.
I will be turning 39 next Tuesday. My mom turned me on to working out when I was 15. Thanks Mom!

I am almost 42 and have been exercising since I was 16. It all started when our high school would give us credits to take aerobic classes at the local health club. Anyhow, I have exercised all my life and the only time I really stopped was right after my son was born 2 1/2 years ago. I've had to change my workouts and the times I do them since I work full time and have an hour commute each way. I have been working out regularly again for the last year. It just makes me feel better about myself.
I must be among the oldest as I turned 53 in May, but I honestly feel that the long hours of working out have helped to keep me young. I have been working out for about 25 years.
I agree with you so much, honeybunch, and I don't think there is such a thing as too old. People in their seventies run marathons.

It cracks me up when people say they have lost endurance after the age of forty. I ran the NYC marathon when I was 41, and I can still do two hours of cardio.
49--will be 50 in Oct. Have been working out since I was 17, but was overweight til I was about 23. Have kept the weight off (even with 3 pregnancies) and with many thanks to Cathe am probably in the best shape I ever have been!
Just turned 49 this year. I have been working out for many decades. For about 10 years I was a marathoner and ultra marathoner but now I'm not doing much impact due to some joint problems. I probably lift more and heavier then ever. For about a year I'm also a personal trainer. Life is good...:) Mari
I'll be 45 on July 1 and have been working out consistently with weights and cardio since I was 18, taking time off twice for injuries (once in 1993 for about 5 weeks when I tore my ACL, and again in 1999 when I had my ACL reconstructed). I took up Ashtanga Yoga at 33. I discovered The Firm about 10 years ago, and Cathe about 5 years ago. I have been a part-time group fitness instructor since 1984 - almost half my life now!

I am very inspired by all the ladies here - it is great to be part of this crowd.

I just turned 35 in April. I was in tae kwon do in high school. I was blessed with a thin frame and high metabolism, however, it is coming to an end I had my daughters in 2000 which I suffered from a condition called hyperemesis which did not allow me to keep any food or fluids down so my first 5 months of my pregnancy I lost 25 lbs soon gained it back by the end, had my son in 2004 condition was not as severe had my tubes tied and I am finding since working out since 2000 off and on seriously every day since jan of this year with Cathe I have been off my workout schedule for 3 weeks and it creeps back even faster. I will obviously be working out until I die to keep my figure I want. I love food too much to eat completely clean.

I have always worked out with video tapes and tried the gyms but I did not buckle down and really start working out hard until 33 years old. I lost 40 pounds naturally and had to work really hard and am very health conscious now. ur right though. it does seem for me the older u get. I just wonder how long our bodies can hold out. LOL
I just turned 39 and didn't get into working out and eating clean until I was about 35!

I've always noticed that most women who work out seriously are typically in their late thirties or more. I love it, I think us women have loads of potential of being in the best shape of our lives. Plus too the child bearing years are most likely behind us so we can start to put some time into ourselves.

I tried to vote twice: once for me and once for DD, but it wouldn't let me!

I am 46 and began working out consistently just before my 43rd birthday. I was obese, lost weight through unhealthy dieting, looked terrible even though at a "healthy" weight, but wanted to learn and and practice a healthier lifestyle overall. DD was my inspiration for this change, but it became my way of life when the benefits became obvious to me.

DD is 14, and has worked out at karate for 4+ years. She has recently added some Tony Horton, the Firm, and of course Cathe to her regimen.

I'm 50 (51 next month). I have been working out forever! I have always been active...sitting is just not in my genes! 50 is the new 30 in my book! :) My mom is 90 this year and she still walks 3 miles everyday!

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