How old are fitness finatics

How old are fitness finatics

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I'm 55, been working out or doing something ever since I can remember. I think the trick is to keep moving, even if you don't exercise, do a small walk, or hike, or bike,...anything, just keep moving. Oh, and stretching is perfect for the aging body. Been doing Cathe now for about two years, lost 35 pounds. Trying to lose the last 10 pounds and trying to gain more muscle. My clothes look pretty good on me. Eating as clean as you can helps more than you know.


"If you can't say anything nice about someone, then don't say anything at all."
-My mother, Mary Cooper-
Wow! Your mom rocks - I hope to be doing the same when I'm 90. That's only 34 years away! Yikes! I'm thinkin' about how fast the last 34 years has gone by!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
I always loathe the "over 30" statement. Does this mean our warranty expires once we hit thirty and now we must preoccupy ourselves with calcium supplements, hemorrhoid medications, adult diapers, and estate planning? Sorry, I'm having a hell of lot more fun in my alleged old age and I plan on hanging on like Madonna (a hot 47!) and Tina Turner (an even hotter 67). BTW, this over 30 chick has been working out since 16, haven gotten rather serious six years ago with special thanks to the Firm and Jazzercise for getting me started and Tracie Long, Cathe Friedrich, and the Adirondack high peaks who have forced me to step it up to a whole new level.
I am 46. I started jogging when I was 19 and did this for six miserable years. In 1985 I discoved a Kathy Smith video and was hooked. In 1988 I read the ads for The Firm in Shape magazine and quickly switched. I did The Firm for 10 years. From there I continued with old Firms and added some other cardio stuff. I switched to Cathe a in March of last year and have been faithful to her ever since. Cathe is the best!
I will be 42 in November and have worked out since 1997 with Cathe.
I cannot believe it has been that long she she still kicks my butt. :7
I know my mom is awesome! I remember doing Jack LaLanne with her in the the late 50's and then she started walking regularly about 1961 before everyone else was doing it! She is a great role model for everyone and nobody can believe her age! My oldest sister is 68 and walks about 15 miles a day. (My brothers are so well disciplined!) We are a fit family!

Exercise is THE fountain of youth!

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
Way to go honeybunch1 and janiejoey!! I'm 54 and have been working hard for many years. I'm still trying to get my "twin" fat off even though my twins are 23 :)! I am also trying to lose my last 10 lbs. and I'm sure I will since I discovered Cathe. (I was doing the Firm before).

Stay Strong,
I am 53...will be 54 in November. I got serious about exercise when I started losing many family members to heart attacks, including my dad. I have been exercising faithfully since 1981 (Wow, that's 25 years!!) I know the best results I ever felt/saw was after I discovered Cathe's workouts. I am so thankful to have found this place. I plan to continue on the road to health & fitness til the day I die.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

Ditto on "I'm too old" excuse!! You are living proof!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
A lot of them find out what it is, and promptly ignore it! "Too hard!" "Don't have time!" Etc, etc, etc, etc.

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain ;-)
While I might post my age privately, I don't think I'll do it on the forum, but I think I'm the oldest one here. Sigh... And my birthday is also in November.

But like you, Debbie, I've been exercising since ... hmmm... I guess it was 1984 -- and started for similar reasons -- mostly I lost my dad to a heart attack when I was very young and my mother to cancer.

It's nice to meet you all here -- I'm just happy to see that there are others out there who are over 50 who still exercise -- anybody out there over 60?

Just wondering.

Have a great day, everyone!:)
Karen, my very good friend is 64 and exercises regularly to Cathe and loves Turbo Jam (I am proud to say I got her hooked on Cathe! :)) She doesn't belong to the forum however. She has been at it since about the mid 70's when she took up running and then switched to Jane Fonda in the early 80's.


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