How old are fitness finatics

How old are fitness finatics

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I'll be 40 in September and have been working out consistently for a little over a year. Working out with Cathe since January 2006. I was never atheletic in school, I hated any kind of physical activity. I joined gyms periodically during my earlier adult years but never stuck to it more than a few months. Got really serious in March of 2005 when I realized I was 50 lbs overweight, had high cholesterol and couldn't do anything without getting winded. Made the committment and refuse to look back. I love my new body, my new energy level. I'm in better shape than DH for the first time ever.
I'm 41. Started out at 13 doing ballet. Did that for about 6 years, then started doing Jane Fonda. Took off several years while taking care of my kids. Started exercising again a few years ago. When I discovered Cathe, I really started to get serious. I didn't pick up any weights until I turned 40. I started keeping a food journal in February and have since lost 28 pounds. I feel better, look better and feel that I am in the best shape of my life. Thank you to Cathe and to all of you for all your help and guidance along the way.

Turned 30 this past March, another chapter to my book ;-) I have been working out since the age of 14!
I will be 40 in less than a month. Have been working out off and on since I was about 25. Got really, really serious about it in 2001 when my Dad was in intensive care. For some reason going home right after work and getting in a hard core workout helped me relieve some of the stress of the situation. It was the one hour of the day to myself, as I spent every night for a month in the hospital until he passed away. Needless to say I have been religious about it ever since. My goal was to be ACE certified by the time I was 40, but the exam is the end of July...oh well, close enough :7
(TMI warning: for short version, skip to bottom!)

I'm 49.

I was never athletic in High School, though a couple of friends and I got together after school for maybe two weeks(!) to start an exercise program...I didn't even remember it until one of those friends reminded me of it!. And I don't even remember what we did.. maybe just dance around to music? That definitely doesn't count!

When I was an undergrad, I became more interested in health (went veggie in 1976, started working at a whole-foods co-op) and dabbled a bit in yoga (with some 30-day yoga program that I never finished), running (in bad shoes and up and down hills every day---this was the 'no pain, no gain' 70's-- which was the beginning of knee problems) and even a tiny bit of weight training (I picked up a weight set, after discovering that I had just easily lifted TWO 50-pound bags at the same time out of a truck that brought supplies to a co-op I was workig at, but had no idea what to do). I think I may have done more harm than good at that time, so luckily didn't continue.

In grad school (around 1983), I finally got more into working out. I biked a lot, did a century ride (finished the whole thing, but rather slowly!), and took a weight-training class. One day, when the regular teacher was gone because he was off with some sports team at a meet, a woman who was subbing for him corrected all our form (seems regular teacher didn't really 'teach' us much beyond book learnin,' and we were doing some things that could have caused injuries--I will always be thankful to that woman, whoever she is, and whom I never saw again). After figuring out that the regular teacher was not the best source of info, I picked up some books by Rachel McLish, Gladys Portuguese and 'Ahhhnold' and started reading things on women's bodybuilding (female bodybuilders back in those days looked buff AND feminine, unlike the 'men with long hair' look of the Ms. Olympia contestants of today).

I count this as my true beginning of my fitness quest (1983+), though there have been times since, like the first two years of my teaching, when I didn't exercise, but was shocked back into it when I weighed myself after two years and found I'd gained 10 pounds! That's when I started using workout videos (1992).

The short version: I've been working out seriously, with a few unfortunate long breaks, since 1992--14 years.
Turned 37 in March & started working out seriously after I recovered from breaking both arms at age 24. I'm sure you're wondering so I can answer that question with only one word - trampoline. Anyway, I just found Cathe earlier this year when I ordered Low Max & was instantly smitten. Since then, I got on here & asked a bunch of questions about her w/o's, placed an order, & just received six more DVDs (yes, six, can you believe it - I'm already addicted!) two weeks ago. I love them all & I am officially hooked on Cathe!
>I'll be 57 in November, and will personally bust any "I'm too
>old" myth or excuse anyone wants to offer up. Don't even try

Way to go Honeybunch! I'm right behind you!

I'll be 50 in November.
I turn 40 in 1 1/2 weeks. I have been exercising regularly for 4 years. Was never active when I was younger. I feel better than ever :) :)

I just turned 25 about a week ago and I've been serious about working out for about 2 years, but did play some sports in school and was usually pretty active. Couldn't run a mile or anything, but I wasn't a total couch potato either, lol!
I'm 51 and have been working out for about 25 years. Still going strong and don't plan on letting up anytime soon.
I'm 39 and have been exercising forever.
As a teenager I swam at least 5 times a week and did spring board diving twice a week. I also did aerobics for the first time (those early classes were like bootcamp...lots of jumping jacks and toe touches).
In University I swam, played squash and did intramural sports (floor hockey, soccer (indoor and outdoor), softball, waterpolo, broomball, flag football, basketball and volleyball.
In my mid twenties I took up karate (got my brown belt) and started weight lifting. I did step aerobics, broomball, swimming and biking.
At age 30 I started doing Cathe video tapes. I've been doing home workouts (mostly Cathe) steady since then. I also still swim, bike and hike.
I'm 30, I've been active all my life, started dancing in kindergarten, then took up skiing in 3rd grade, played softball all of my school years, and was on the high school swim team. But didn't think of it as working out. I started exercising at home in high school, then quit in college and didn't start back up until 6 years ago after I had my son and I've been going strong ever since.

I am 38 and have been working out since I was 18. I became an aerobic instructor in my early 20's and them became a personal trainer around the age of 27. I have been hooked on Cathe for about 6 years.

I'm 43. Fell off the exercise wagon for a couple years, gained about 25 pounds since turning 40 (Yikes, something happened to my metabolism!) Got back to exercising consistently several months ago and am trying to shed the pounds. Not nearly as easy as when I was younger. I love Cathe and really only do her workouts now, even though I have a large collection of others (Firm, Billy Blanks, Kathy Smith, etc). Love this website and you gals with picture trails - you look awesome!
As I am reading there are a few of us turning or have turned 40 this year. Guess our parent didn't have much to do back in that year :)

Here is to us all going into our 40's with a great, big positive attitude. We can still kick some butt :)

I'm 47 and have always worked out but more often and at a different level since I found Cathe and this Forum which was about 7 years ago.


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