Height and Weight? Personal, I know........


Hello, I am probably looking for some encouragement, but it would help to know what ratios I might be able to find out with height and weight.

I have been working out off and on for years, but kind of hit the wall in terms of chubbiness. The war is on! I have been working out very consistantly for a couple of months. I have also been very faithful to a good healthy diet, cutting a lot of carbs especially-but not in an unhealthy way.

Darn if that scale has not moved a bit!!! I know, I know, I know that it should not matter. I feel great! I am fitting into my smaller clothes again, and overall I would definitely say that inches are coming off. That is the bottom line and an important one. Regardless, I still weigh 144 and my body fat still says 29%. I know muscle weighs more than fat, and that I am surely building muscle, but......not a single pound has come off.

I would love to know how much any of those girls weigh in the videos. Is it possible to be a 150 pound size 0? Nutty question, but I will sleep better knowing that the scale really doesn't matter. Or, if realistically, I need to work harder. I am 5'3" by the way.

Thanks for any input!
You don't say how old you are and that can factor in too. I spent 2 years basically at a plateau, not moving up or down. I am finally losing again I have lost now 15 pounds in a 2 yr period. I know probably not what you wanted to hear or read but it does take time. I stopped eating after say 6 pm and it has helped me tremendously with getting over the plateau. I also got more into weights and can now wear smaller clothes even at a higher weight. I am in size 12's at 180 pounds (5ft 7) where before I was about 165 and in a size 12 so muscle is more compact allowing you to wear a smaller size yet be a higher weight. Because of this fact I am thinking that I may just take myself down to 175 and stop because I really don't want to get too skinny like I did before, not too mention wearing who knows what size if I lose anymore than that. Before I was 148 and an 8 verging on a 6. Can you imagine what I would be now at that weight??? Horrors for me to even think about considering I am large boned and big busted. Go with how you feel and how your clothes feel and eventually the weight will come off and you will be pleasantly surprised. I could have given up long ago but I kept plugging away figuring something had to give sometime, and it has.

We are here to encourage you along the way so DON'T GIVE UP!!!! Beef up your workouts some also and that might help even try not eating after a certain time and remember to drink your water!!

Hope that helps some!
Actually, what you wrote is exactly what I needed to hear. I need to just get the number on the scale out of my head. Like I said, I think it is helpful to hear weight/height/pant size perhaps to know that I am not so completely beyond hope. I do have plenty of hope, truthfully, but I think I am craving something tangible for all of my routine changes. Throw the dog a bone!

I am 37, have three kids, and homeschool them. I have gotten into a bit of a rut with putting all those priorities ahead of any exercise program. It always felt selfish. I have been really freed up though, to dive in, and once I did I am amazed at how much time I wasted on stupid stuff. I use that time for working out, and I still get all the necessary things done. Not to mention that my mood, periods, energy, and overall everything is so much better. Way more spunk! I think I actually get MORE done, if that makes sense.

I live near Lake Tahoe, so with elevation and generally dry air, I drink water like a mad woman. My working out is plenty of Firm tapes (love the weights), and I just ordered the Intensity Series. I also mountain bike when the snow melts, and ski in the winter. I try to do more outdoor things when the weather is good, our summer season is so short here. Tapes are what get me through looooong winters.

Thanks again for your input, and encouragement. It is appreciated!

I am 43, and I am 5'2", and I now weigh 124 after losing 14 lbs, I will weigh again tomorrow hopefully to find I have lost another lb or 2 :7 ... Rhonda

If you are not seeing weightloss, then maybe it might be a good idea to start a food journal (if you haven't already), and write down everything you eat for a week, and be really honest, write down everything. At the end of the week you may just be able to see where you can make adjustments :)

I was exercising and clean eating, but since I started WW's and learning about portion control, I realised I was having 3 times too much rice, pasta, potatoes, than what WW's were considering a 'normal sized' portion. So, it is little things like that, that can make all the difference :)

I know that a lot of people consider how your clothes fit to be a more important gauge, but I would rather be lighter, with my scales showing weight loss, with muscle tone and strength. So, the scales to me are important, and seeing my measly 1lb a week come off spurs me on :)

Anna :)
That is awesome! How long did it take you to lose the 14 pounds? Like I said, I have not lost a single one in nearly two months. Though I have dropped a pant size. I know it counts, but I would like to see the scale move just a bit. I weighed 110 all through highschool, and 115 early marriage. I never felt thin then, but obviously at 144 I am topped out. I have realistic expectations, I think, it just seems to be so slow for what I honestly feel is a great combination of diet and exercise.

Thanks for you input!
Maybe I should start the journal thing again. I have done that in the past, and it is not any fun, but you're right. There are so many little things that you forget about.

I have been eating a relatively carb free diet as well. Relative being that when it comes to veggies, I just don't care. I love them. If corn is not great carb wise, too bad. I like to think that I eat healthy carbs, but not all the rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cookies...you get the idea. I am eating what I believe are correct portions, and I think all of this is what has prompted me to write. I am truly wondering if I am right on track, with muscle building and fat going, therefore making up the numbers I see on the scale.

I do my videos, and watch these amazing powerhouse women, and wonder.........what to those gals weigh?

I do appreciate the thoughts!
Hello Dannette,
I have a feeling that when you begin to do the Intensity Series you will break your plateau! This series is amazing and Cathe posted three different rotations using the intensity series. Let us know what type of results you get after you have incorporated these workouts into your schedule!
Keep up the great work!
Seeing your age, tells me alot, you are probably in perimenopause and that can reek havoc on your metabolism. I am 39 have 3 boys and homeschool mine also. So we have something in common. I live in PA though. With the onset of perimenopause it is not impossible to lose weight it just makes it tougher. I am proof of that considering my plateau happened about the same age you are now. Again don't give up, I exercise before I even start school with the boys, it is MY time and they know it!! I feel sahm's need to give themselves something and for exercise is my gift to ME and ME ALONE!!! Don't worry about being selfish, the old saying goes, if momma ain't happy then nobody's happy!!!

Hope I provided some more insight from somebody who has been there and done that!!:+
It took me 3 months, I started slow on March the 3rd, with walking and worked up to weights ... my kids are almost grown my 20 yr old son lives away from home and our 17 yr old son of course doesn't stay home much. So I don't have kids to compete with my time. But a couple things I do besides watching what I eat, is I drink alot of water about 80 ozs a day, I don't eat anything past 8 pm if I can help it, many times its before then like 7pm or 7:30pm. I exercise everyday, you can see my routine on another post called what is your routine or something like that, I know what I do is alot, but that what I wanted to do to get results. You'll have to find out what yours is, just letting you now what helps me. God bless and hugs ........ Rhonda :7 :7 :7

I think Bernard is right about a food journal, an exercise journal with it would be really good, too. I keep both of these so that I can go back and see what I did when I feel I looked my best. It helps alot.

I am 47 years old and I have ten children, seven of which are boys. I, also, home school six of them. I have been home schooling for ten years and I agree that can be very time consuming.

I work out every day, also, as Robin does, I have for years and I think that has helped me mentally as well as physiccally. I am 5' 5" and I weight 115 pounds - I have actually gained about 5 pounds over the last few months without even changing my diet or exercisse program and I know I am starting to go through perimenopause.

I had my last baby at the age of 45 - it is a good thing that I have been working out and watching my diet all of these years - since I don't weigh much gaining a little weight won't affect me. But I can tell you it would if I was overweight to start with.

It seems to me that you are doing all the right things, just keep plugging away. I hope this encouraged you some.

I think you will like the Intensity Series. It has really upped my level of fitness. Along with that and WW I have dropped 40 pounds this winter. I am 5-4, 41 years old, and went from 180 to 140. I wear a size 8, sometimes a 6, it's all that muscle I have from Cathe videos!!

I hestitated joining WW because I knew the journaling would be hard. But now it is becoming second nature and it really keeps me in check. I have been totally honest with it, so if there is a bad day, I cannot say that I don't understand why the scaled does not move, it's in the journal.

I am now maintaining, because I am happy at 140. That may be too heavy for others, but hey I feel good, look good, so I don't care what the scale says.
Dani, if you are seeing inches come off why worry about what the scale says? You're getting lean and adding muscle, which weighs more than fat. Scales are evil and they lie. Work out, lose inches and pooh on the scale. How your clothes fit and how you feel are much more important than what the scale says!
If you have ever read Muscle and Fitness Hers or any other body building magazine, you would be so surprised how "much" the female body builders weigh, when you consider their height. They are so much heavier than you would think!! I was blown away. You really do get more compact.

Give it some time. You are making progress. I would watch body fat if anything...not sure how you are calculating the body fat but I have heard that the dunk test is the only way that is very accurate...not sure if that is true. I'd like to do it sometime.
I totally understand the scale thing. I weigh myself every day. I know a lot of people say NOT to do that, but it keeps me in check. I lost 20 lbs. between last July and October, and I think what did it for me was portion control and writing down what I ate. If you look at packages, you can be amazed at how LITTLE is in a portion compared to what you think it should be! I also wrote down my weigh-ins; very motivating. I still have that notebook, as well as my before and after body composition tests at the Y.

In addition to running after a 3.5 year old and an 11 month old (both adopted so I can't blame them for my weight gain!)I do Leaner Legs one day a week, my own upper body routine, and then three cardio days (usually cardio kicks, IMAX2 and the hi/lo of MIC). Now that the weather is nicer, I'm trying to get a long outside walk in on the weekends. So I work out 5-6 days a week, including at least a couple times mowing the lawn during the week.

In case you want to know, I'm 5-1 and 119/120 lbs. I went from a size 12 to around a size 6 (I have a couple 4s in my closet, too, but I think those are aberrations). But weight isn't the only barometer - my sister is 5-2, weighs about 110 and we fit into the same sizes.

I must say that I am really blessed by all the response, and people taking the time to reach out to someone else! All of the input is really good, and I think there is a common theme, which really keeping track of what you eat.

I have not done the journal thing in a while, but I think it is because I feel like I eat so little that I really remember pretty well. I am kind of on a routine, I guess, and tend to eat a lot of the same sort of safe meals. I do think you are right about portion. What I might say a portion is and what the nutritional guide says it is are possibly quite different. I have a really hard time with the idea of bad amounts of produce. I will eat an orange, or a handfull of snap peas, and not even think "How much can I eat?"

Funny that you mention your sister. My younger sister has never had an athletic bone in her body, has always weighed less and been a smaller size. Yet, in a swimming suit, she is sort of loose. She has never been toned, is what I am nicely trying to say. I believe she is also 5'3" and about 115-20 currently. She did just give me another neice, and she is already in a 6. Oh to be nursing again:)

I think it is nice to know you can be 5'1" and NOT 99 pounds. That is what I am fishing for, I suppose. That is what I imagine that you need to weigh to fit into a 6. I would love to be a 6 again! No matter what I weigh.

Thanks once again, to everyone, for all your thoughts!
Okay, so I'm reading all these posts and really feeling in sync with all of you! The only difference is, I am 6-feet tall, so my numbers are a little higher than all of you other gals.

I have lost 35 pounds -- I was topping out at nearly 260 pounds. Now, I'm hovering at 220-225, and the doctor wants me to lose another 20. That still puts my BMI at 28, which, by all "measurable" standards, is overweight. But I look and feel so much better, even plus the 20 pounds to go.

I am measuring by inches, not pounds. My hips have dropped from 54" to 46", my waist from 42" to 36" and my chest (sigh) from 42-D to a 36-C. I am down from a size 22W to a size 16 misses (pants) and 14 (tops) -- as you can guess, I'm a pear-shaped amazon!

There is something psychological about the scale. I can't get it to budge, either, and it is discouraging. But, don't give up, and keep exercising. Listen to the mirror, not the scale!

My doctor says mine is probably diet-related at this point, so I'm trying to develop more of an awareness of what I eat, and when. She says seeing a nutritionist may help, too.

Good luck and keep the faith!

I was in the same boat. I was at a plateau for over a year and a half. I was eating 1100 calories a day, lifting weights with Cathe 3-4 times a week, and riding my bike 1-3 hours a day, six days a week. I couldn't lose an ounce! In fact, at one point I actually GAINED 4 pounds! I was so discouraged. I tried everything I could think of . . . more calories, fewer calories, more exercise, more intensity, vitamins, etc. Finally, I read about a program called physiquetransformation.com here on the Cathe website. It has been my miracle!

In the past 7 weeks, I've lost 14 pounds! Finally!!! Turns out I wasn't eating NEARLY enough. On this program, I actually lost weight on 2,840 calories a day! I honestly can't believe it's true, but I feel I owe it to all the people who were so kind to me all these months as I've whined and complained about not being able to lose weight to tell this story again and again, so if you've heard it before, I apologize. But if there's one more person out there like me--desperate--I want you to consider the possibility that you're not eating enough. It's NOT too good to be true. It really can happen, despite what even my doctor told me.
I'm 5'7-1/2", weigh 142 pounds and am a size 8. I'm 38 years old and after having battled the scale since high school (I've weighed as much as 210 pounds), I've come to realize that 135-145 is my natural "set" weight. I can eat normally and healthily, indulge in a few desserts now and again, and maintain this weight comfortably as long as I work out. I'm looking to increase strength and get rid of a few stubborn pockets of fat on my arms and thighs, but I don't expect the scale to move much when I accomplish this.

I'm always surprised by how much people weigh - my sister, who's an inch shorter than I am with a beautiful hourglass figure (she can wear "juniors" size 7 because of her tiny waist) weighs 160 pounds. She's lifted weights for a long time and is proof positive that muscle does weigh more than fat.

I can sympathize with you on your weight plateau, but the number on the scale is only one indicator. Like you said, you've lost inches and your clothes are fitting better and that, plus the health/strength/endurance gains you've made, is more important than some random number. Interval cardio work should help with some additional fat loss - I alternate interval work with long moderate-effort endurance workouts and have had good results with fat loss.
>>I would love to know how much any of those girls weigh in the
>videos. Is it possible to be a 150 pound size 0? Nutty
>question, but I will sleep better knowing that the scale
>really doesn't matter. Or, if realistically, I need to work
>harder. I am 5'3" by the way.

I'm 5'5" and 118 lbs and not near as musclar as Cathe. I'd guess with muscle you can weigh quite a bit more and still look great. In the last six weeks, I've also only lost 1 lb but I've lost 2" in hips and abdomen, so my bodyfat percentage has gone done even though the scale hasn't moved much. The scale is the least accurate way to gauge progress.


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