Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


We're going on Sat. I hate to wait til Sat, but had to get my dad to watch DS for us. DH got the tickets yesterday. Now I just have to wait til 1:30 on Sat. And its only 12:12 on Mon. *Sigh*

Woo hoo! :D
I'm way excited-- I've spent each spare second speed re-reading the book over again before DH & I catch it this weekend! :p;):eek::D
MeEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Did I ever mention I'm in a Harry Potter club? I'm kind of geeky that way. Its 5 of us between the age of 30-65. You would think we were a knitting group, or a book club, but no, we are serious Harry Potter fans. Some are going to San Francisco for the Azkaban festival. I can't afford to go, so they are going to take pictures.
ME!!!! I even have a wand I'm taking with me to the movie!!! ;) I'm going with my mom and sister. :)
Me ....been watching the previous movies just to get in the groove :D....probably will not see it either till Saturday because both my kids are playing Little League All Stars....game almost every night this week.

We'll be seeing it Saturday too! I'm excited. Although I really don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. He's too.... something. Dramatic. He yells too much. And yes, my DD has already told me she's going in her Hermione costume and taking her wand:)
I am! I am! :D

I'm just sorry my nephew won't be here to go with me :(. I've seen every HP movie with him and I will really miss his company. My DH isn't into HP so I'll probably have to go by myself. At least I won't have to share my popcorn. :eek: :p :D
We'll be seeing it Saturday too! I'm excited. Although I really don't like Michael Gambon as Dumbledore. He's too.... something. Dramatic. He yells too much. And yes, my DD has already told me she's going in her Hermione costume and taking her wand:)

Shelley - I cannot stand Gambon either. He was a pathetic replacement for Richard Harris. Why they didn't go with Ian McKellin I'll never know. Gambon almost ruined the entire series for me.

(((HUGS))) Michele! Wish you could come see it with me. I would even buy you your own pop corn. :)
Hi Shelly! How's your sister doing? Haven't seen you are here for a while. Hope you are doing good! Oh of course I'm going to see the new Harry Potter movie!!! :)
I am I am <<<raises hands in the air and waves wildly>>>

I feel like such a kid, but really love these stories. And the scenery is so gorgeous too.
I'm going too - to the first matinee on Wednesday with my DS11.

I just came back from buying tickets for us and also for my DS17 and his friends who are currently doing a HP movie marathon and going to the midnight show.

should be great!:D
I am so excited!!! So is my DS! I had to reread the book as well to refresh myself, and I had forgotten just how good it was. This book sets up everything for the final book, and I cannot say how much I admire J.K. Rowling for her genius!

I hope to go this weekend, but we have to see what is on the schedule for stuff at home.
We're going!! I have been trying to persuade DH to see it at a midnight show tonight but he keeps looking at me like "woman, you are off your nut." :p My beloved Snape awaits...

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