Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 2025

Wednesday, I took the pup for a 3.6-mile walk. Yesterday was Cathe Live All In Upper Body and I went lighter with the weights because I sort of tweaked my low back taking out the trash cans the day before. Today I took the pup for a 3.2 mile walk. I am going to the Chiro today to have my low back lasered to see if I can get the pain to go away quickly. Man, why do I always do things I should not do, like lifting really heavy things!!! My fault completely but I am paying for it right now.

Great job with the workouts everyone. Tomorrow is a rest day for me and on Sunday and Monday we are supposed to get rain!!! We have so many fires raging right now, the rain will be a big help to getting them out.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Back and had an excellent workout. I upped my Pendlay rows again, I really like that exercise.

This is how it went - 1 minute (for the most part) rest between exercises

Straight Arm Banded Pulldown: 15# bands - 2 sets/12 reps
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did overhand band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Single Bar Chin up: I did underhand band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did overhand Band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
Single Bar Chin up: I did underhand Band pulls - 50# bands - 8 reps
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 30# - 10 sets
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 30# - 10 sets
Barbell Pullover/Band Pull Apart superset: 30#DB/20# band - 2 sets/10 & 12 reps
Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs: 50# for both exercises - 3 sets 8 & 10 reps
Band Close Grip Pulldowns: 45# bands - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated T-Band Pulls: 15# band - 12 reps
Superman swimmers: I actually did the swimmers but was very careful

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 178 calories, HR was 96/130.

Belinda - Glad your surgery went well! Hope your eyes heal fast.

Diane - Nice job getting a workout in!! I hope you can figure out your cell phone issues soon, that sounds very frustrating. I think I'd go to a different carrier.

Jolie - Great job with your workouts. Hope your low back is ok. The dumbest things can put us in pain. Hope you guys get rain, I hear the fires are heading north now.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

I am feeling much better, no pain or nausea. I saw my surgeon today, I have 20/25 vision in my left eye. It‘s wasn‘t even 24 hours ago I had cataract surgery. I haven‘t worn my glasses all day. I can see without them. My right eye on the other hand is slow as heck catching up :( It was my worse eye. Doctor said, we have to wait a month to see where I am with that eye. He is happy for both yes.I probably need a light prescription for my right eye. We have to wait and see. I probably need another surgery in the future if I don‘t want to wear glasses at. I have options. I can actually read without glasses.I am so happy. I wore glasses since I was in first grade. I have another follow up appointment next week for my eyes.

Diane - thank you! I hope your pulmonary function test went well today. Reminds me I need to schedule mine. I had to cancel my mammogram, I can‘t have pressure in my eyes or right shoulder/biceps. I hope your cardiologist appointment went well yesterday. How do they test for calcium score and chemical stress? Sorry you have to go through so many tests.

Debbie - thank you. I am already feeling better after the surgery. It can take 6-8 weeks to fully recover from surgery. Great job on Body parts back.

Jolie - great job on your walk. Wished I could just go for a walk. It‘s to cold and icy.

Roselyn - thank you so much. We still have a lot of snow and ice too. Getting tired of it.

Good night,
This morning, I did LMR Functional Total Body. this was 53 minutes, 215 calories, heart rate 106/132. I finally did my hair color today. I was having a hard time finding time. This evening, I spent time with Verizon again. The woman working with me and making our account easier (I hope) for me to deal with said she will call me tomorrow at 10 after she works on it so I do not have to sit on the phone while she does it. I got my results 2 hours after I got home from the pulmonary function test and the doctor called and said it all looked good and we would just continue with what we are doing. Which is?? I guess use inhaler if needed, use acapella device, and take prilosec which I only use if I have reflux acting up. I still have the Chest CT to do.

Rest Move and Restore Total Body
warm up 8# dbs
suitcase squat 10# dbs 12 reps
suit case squat 12# dbs 10 reps
suitcase squat arm up 12# dbs 10 reps
squat upright row biceps curl combo 10# dbs
suitcase swing 10# weight plate 12/8 reps
biceps curl arnold press combo 8# dba 12 reps
underhand grip row 15# dbs instead of barbell
lunge press tricep extension combo 10# weight plate 12 reps
side lunge 12# db 12 reps
side lunge overhead press combo 10# db
squat swing tricep extension 8# db
overhand grip row 15# dbs
clean & press skipped
rear lunge bicep curl 12# dbs 12 reps
deadlift calf raise combo 15# dbs instead of barbell 12 reps
press & pour 5# dbs
single leg deadlift 15# db 6/6 angled reps
walk out plank did some of it
thoracic push ups doing the kneeling option
kneeling side bend 10# db
chest press close grip press combo 8# dbs 12 reps
plate crunch 10# plate 10 reps
chest fly leg abduction 5# dbs 10 reps
opposite hand to knee plank (used the forearm plank option) 16 reps
seated twist 8# db 16 reps
bus drivers 10# weight plate

Jolie, nice job on the walks and Cathe Live All in Upper Body. I think we hurt ourselves because we are not so careful when we feel good. Caution leaves. I have tweaked my back many times putting large packs of water in and out of the trunk and shopping cart. I hope you got the rain.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2 Body Parts Back. I am hoping we get things working correctly. It is a big savings. with the internet added which is working fine. I am exhausted from sitting up night and day trying to make things work myself. Everything says go to your My Verizon which is no help if I cannot get into it. Then I get AI to talk to which is not help. I feel like it is arguing with me.

Belinda, that is great that you can see to read. Maybe the other eye will improve some with healing. Glasses are so uncomfortable. I can barely make out letters unless they are large and dark. I had glasses since I was 7 then had the surgery and saw great for a lot of years. It has been only recently that I wear my glasses most of the time. My glasses were so thick that the lenses would stick out of the back of the frames. I would try to get wire frames and they could not get the lenses to stay in them. I am wearing progressive reading glasses the last two years.
Calcium score they attach wires to chest area and sometimes other areas and you get a CT scan to check for plaque in the arteries. I asked my daughter about the chemical stress test and she says they use chemicals that cause the kind of stress to the heart that would happen on the treadmill without doing the treadmill. She said she was surprised they were doing it that way, unless that is just what they do at a certain age point. I think I would rather do the treadmill, but even when they did that they used some kind of injection twice during the test.

Roselyn, nice work on the trampoline.
Diane - I am so happy with the surgery. I do believe my other eye will improve with some healing. I still have some inflammation in that eye. My glasses were so sick they did stick out of the back of my frames. I pay a lot of $$ to make the glasses as thin as they can be. I always had to go to specialty optical shops to make that happened. I will see my doctor next week for another follow up. My doctor is very happy, so am I. Thanks for explaining how the calcium score is done. I am sure there is a good reason for why they doing it that way. Maybe it‘s less stress on you that way? Great job on LMR Functional Total Body//

I will try to go for a short walk today. Need to move my body.
It is raining here and it has been all night long! Yay! But, we got flash flood warnings on the TV and phones last night for LA County where the fires went through, nothing to help slow down the water. Saturday, I walked the pup for 1 hour 22 minutes, traveled 4.1 miles. Yesterday I did a 3.4 mile walk at the beach and it was cold. Today is a rest day for me since it is raining, and I do not want to walk on my TM for whatever reason. I went to the Chiro on Friday, and I had 3 bulging discs and that is very painful. This is a very old injury for giving birth to my first son and it comes and goes, and it is very hard to overcome. However, I have a great Chiro, and she has helped me a lot. No weightlifting for this week at all, I cannot afford to go back to intense pain and not being able to sit or walk around. Also, Friday my husband is having Hernia surgery so I will be taking him for that and there will be no time for walk.

Great job with the workouts over the weekend everyone.
This morning I did RAW Intervals 4 and had a great workout. I haven't done this workout for exactly a year. LOL! I pulled it out and I did it on 1/25 of last year. This was fun, it's been too long not to have done it more often.

This workout has 30 second intervals, used the step with one set of risers, 8 and 12# dumbbells. No boxing in this workout whatsoever.

Split/Squat Jacks
Power Curls:

Deadlift/Upright Rows
: 12's

Icky Feet (love these)
Back Lunge w/One Arm Overhead Press
: 12#
Repeat other side

Lunge Cardio off Step
Side Lunge/Curls
: 12's

Squat Touch Downs
Plank Rows
: 12's (I just did standing rows)

Heel Crossovers


REPEAT ALL - but she cuts back on lifting moves, only does them once and skips the Heel Crossovers and Jacks/Skates - I only did about half of this due to time

Skull Crushers/Situps: 8's (I don't know how she does this with 12's!)
Chest Flyes w/Leg Raise: 12's

Workout was 39 minutes, burned 262 calories, did 2059 steps and HR was 127/154.

No time for personals, you all have a great day and workouts!!!
Today I did 2023 series Gloved Up and Ready, 41 minutes, 197 calories, heart rate 111/140, 3,006 steps followed by LMR Upper foam roller doing the upper body mini workout with the roller as well. That mini workout is tough on my wrists. This was 17 minutes, 53 calories. Total time was 58 minutes, 250 calories. I have my grandson here today.

Belinda, I am glad that you are pleased with the surgery. I know it is a relief to get rid of the glasses. They always had to send away for my prescriptions because no one around here had the equipment to make the glasses. nice that you were able to get in a walk yesterday.

Jolie, I hope you get some pain relief. Nice that you got in some walks. They were showing rain and water flowing where homes were gone. It is so sad. Good for stopping the fires, not so good for the mud slides.

Debbie, great job on Interval's 4 today. I have not done that one in a long time either.

Roselyn, nice job on chest and triceps today.
This morning I did my favorite Boxing workout - RAW Heavy Bag/Shadow Boxing with Kelly and her son, Zach. I absolutely love this workout, it is just a fun one and has great music.

Workout was 41 minutes, burned 288 calories, did 2798 steps and HR was 129/178. It didn't feel like my HR got that high today, in fact, every time I looked at my watch it was only around 140. Weird.

Jolie - Glad you guys are getting rain but I saw what is going on with mud slides on the news. You guys can't catch a break. I keep wondering where all those people who lost their homes are at now? I know many have money in which they can find a place, but I also know many do not. God bless them all, I keep them in my prayers all the time.

Gotta go, at work and a lot going on. Great workouts everyone!!

I did another long walk outside.

Great job on your workouts everyone. BBL
I love going for walks when it isn't 20 degrees outside. It feels good to get out in the fresh air & sun. Once it warms up, my son & I plan to start our early morning walks again. I look so forward to it!
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Walk is done. That‘s all I can do these days.

Deanna - I love walking. It‘s only in the 40‘s here. I can‘t lift at the moment, still recovering from my surgery. I prefer walking in warmer weather too. I does feel good getting outside in the fresh air and sun.
Today I took the pup for a 3 mile walk early in the morning and a 1.5 mile walk this afternoon. You would think with all of this walking I do with him he would want to take a nap, but no way. This dog never takes a nap no matter how much exercise he gets. My other dog used to love to sleep during the day, what's up with this pup!

Great job on the workouts today everyone. I hope you all have a nice evening.

Walk is done. That‘s all I can do these days.

Deanna - I love walking. It‘s only in the 40‘s here. I can‘t lift at the moment, still recovering from my surgery. I prefer walking in warmer weather too. I does feel good getting outside in the fresh air and sun.
I hope you are healing quickly! It's great that you're walking!
Today I did Lite Strong Body Stacked Sets Lower Body. I forgot how constant this was with little rest. At first I was going to do Pyramid Pump and realized it was the one with lots of gliding disc added and changed my mind. Workout was 47 minutes, 189 calories heart rate 104/135. I followed with LMR Lower Foam roller which is a short amount of time rolling and the rest is some strength exercises, 18 minutes, 43 calories.
I just did the weights Cathe used today except for the deadlifts on the last half which she changed the barbell to 30# and I did not realize I had put 35# on at first. I just decided to go with 35 after I noticed.
The last time I did this workout was July 2020.

Strong Body Stacked Sets: Lower
Round 1 A
Barbell Squats 25# 32 reps
Alternating cross tap lunges 8# dbs
Barbell Plie Squats 25# 32 reps
Alternating rear lunge with 2/2 deadlift 10# dbs
Side to Side pivoting squat 12# db

Round 1 B repeat round A same weights

Round 2 A
Static Lunges 10# dbs 32 reps
wide squat to side lunge 8# 8# 12 reps
Wide Stance Deadlift 35# barbell 10 reps
Forward Diagonal Lunge Combo 8# dbs 24 repside/crossback/side lunge combo 10# db 12 reps
Round 2 B repeat round 2 A same weights


Debbie, nice work on Raw Heavy Bag/Shadow boxing with Kelly and Zack. I have had that happen with my watch too. I never saw it get that high and never felt like I worked that hard.

Belinda, nice work on getting in a walk.

Walk outside is done. It‘s very windy outside. I do wear sun glasses that rap around the sides. At least my eyes are protected from the cold.

Debbie - nice job on your boxing workout.

Diane - great job on your boxing workout yesterday. Sorry it bored your wrist.

Hi Deanna and thank you.

Have a great Wednesday everyone

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