Hardcore Fitness Maniacs January 2025

Good Afternoon,

2.47 mile walk on the treadmill then shoveled a foot of snow out of the driveway and broke through a drift so the dog could go out the back door. Ulta has been closed the last two days due to weather every road in Kansas was closed yesterday.
Today I did LMR Lower Body, 55 minutes, `94 calories, heart rate 112/148, 1, 271 steps. I also did a mix of two LMR workouts, Anytime Mobility stopping at the walk outs on the hands then yoga timesaver #2 floor y 28 minutes, 48 calories. Total time 73 minutes, 242 calories. I also used the back pod and did some extra stretching I did not count.

Lift Move Restore Lower Body (I upped some of the weights this time)

Warm Up
Side to Side Sumo Squat med fabric loop
Squat Lunge Combo med fabric loop
Lunge Knee Lunge Stand medium fabric loop
Squat & Pop med fabric loop
Suitcase Squat 15# dbs 16 reps
Single Arm Suitcase Squat 15# db alt. 24reps
Deadlift 15# dbs
Sumo Squat 15# db 10 reps
Pulsing Sumo Squat 15# db 32 reps
Single Leg Deadlift 15# db 10 reps
Static Lunge Halo Circle 10# plate
Side Lunge to Crossback 3# dbs
Forward Leaning Lunge 15#db 12 reps
Cossack Lunge12# 12 reps
Drop Squat to Crossback high step 2 risers 10# db 6 reps rt/lft
Step Ups high step 12# db 12 reps
Lateral Step Down no weight
Lunge Knee Lift no weight
Firewalker Ladder medium loop
Firewalker Crab Walk medium loop
Firewalker Zig Zag Walk firewalker medium loop
Half Circle Crossover medium firewalker loop 16/16 reps
Rapid Running Man medium firewalker loop
Clamshell firewalker medium 12 reps lft/rt
Glute Bridge firewalker medium
Inner Thigh Lift firewalker medium
Belinda, good job on LMR Functional Total Body. I am pretty sure you will like all of them. There is nothing killer in these workout. I upped weight on lower body because I can ;) My problem is this crazy costochondritis and neck issues. I have to not push much and things like push ups can cause pain right now. I wish it would go away. I did the step portion on lower body this time, but just used one riser. You do not have to use any. Stepping on and off the side is supposed to be good for strengthening knee joint so I did it today. I have done legs 4 times now. Costochondritis was feeling much better till I threw in core and skipped back pod for a couple of days and extra stretching. The core uses a stability ball and there were some push ups on the ball mid workout. It didn't seem hard, but it did mess with my chest.
We had high winds and snow blowing all over. It is just a light dusting though. Sunny today, but freezing temps. I like snow if I do not have to leave the house and can just view it. Hopefully it is nice next week as I have two doctor appointments to hit next week and they are across town.

Debbie, nice work on Raw Box and Pump. Sorry you had to get up so early to get ready for work. If it were me I would curl up in a chair with a book or something and rest. That is good that the rest days helped a lot.

Roselyn, good job on the rebounder workout with Michelle Beihler. I bet it was a good one. Her workouts always require quite a lot of energy. Enjoy your trip to Key west.

Jolie, great job on the walk and today's Pure Strength. Those were some of my first heavier strength workouts. I did them a lot. I remember back when the workouts had longer warm ups and I would read complaints and wonder what was wrong with people. I always prefer to have a good warm up and stretch. It helps prevent injuries and helps with performance. Ha Ha on the lying in the sun:p I envious!

Roxie, nice work on the treadmill walks.
This morning I did RAW Kelly's Favorite 8 Moves. It was ok, I broke a sweat, but she likes doing compound moves and I'm not a big fan. Plus some of these exercises I've never seen her do before so how can they be her "favorite moves"? Weird.

45 seconds on/15 seconds rest

Upright Row/Reverse Curl: 15's
Landline Row: 30#

Collar Bone Press/Triceps Extension: 12's
Squat Thrust/Curls: 15's (I did pulse squats/curl)

Biceps Curl/Twist: 10's
Landline Squat: 30#

Hamstring Pulls: 25's (this was weird and not an exercise I will do again, I felt nothing while doing it)
Close Grip Press/Twist: 20's

This was 27 minutes and I burned 101 calories. Then I got on my treadmill and walked .78 miles. Total workout time was 44 minutes, burned 298 calories and HR was 124/159.

Jolie - You have had some kick ass workouts lately, looks like you got your groove back! Nice job! I really love my Garmin but if you prefer a Fitbit, go for it. I never had a FB that lasted longer than a year, I've had my Garmin for I think 3 years now. Just food for thought.

Belinda - Great job with your workout yesterday! We also got about 6-7 inches of snow. Crazy, we haven't seen snow like this in years.

Roxie - Wow, you guys got a foot of snow?! I thought 7 inches was bad!! Yikes! You don't usually get much snow, do you?

Diane - I really wish he Costochondritis would stop for you already. How frustrating!! Glad you are able to get in some good workouts, though. I like the snow when I can stay home, too, like I did yesterday. It is pretty to look at. I read my book at lunch time but had to work from home the rest of the day. I hate doing that.

Have a great day everyone!!!
No workout to report today. Lots of paperwork to fill out before the surgery tomorrow. I am beat. I am glad when this surgery is over tomorrow. I will check in when I can.
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Today I did LMR Upper Body, 54 minutes, 128 calories, heart rate 92/118. I also did LMR FUnctional Mobility 41 minutes, 90 calories. I

Lift, Move, Restore upper body
warm up with blue medium tubing
over the top push press 10# (holding like a goblet and up and over side to side)12 reps
single arm push press 8# dbs 12 reps
rotational dead row 10# dbs 8 rep/8reps single alternating
one arm snatch 8# db (I did this slow so not quite a snatch)
overhead press march 8# db 8/4 reps
single arm row switch 8# has some curl press so lighter
lateral arm circles blue tubing 32 reps
pull aparts blue tubing 16 reps
lawn mower pulls blue tubing 8 reps/16 pulses
sumo concentration curl 12# db 8 singles then 3ct
step out rotation curl 10# db 4/12 reps
90 degree isolation step out curl blue med band and 8# db
push ups did on knees skipped some of it
bike maneuver close grip 8# db 12 reps
tripod kickback I did this kneeling 8# db 10 reps
lying shoulder to shoulder press 10# db 8/10 reps
hip lift one arm pullover 5# db 4 alt/ 4 single
side leaning lateral raise 3# 12 reps
sit up thumb to thumb raise 3# dbs 10 reps
seated oblique pulls blue tubing 10 reps
modified bird dog no weight

Debbie, nice work on Raw 8 favorite moves. I am not a fan of compound moves either. It seems like I injure myself more easily. Hard to concentrate or something.

Belinda, I always feel like they have me filling out a book for some of those medical procedures and visits. I got a link wanting me to fill out paperwork for my pulmonology appointment online and did it two times and at the end it would not let me finish and sign. I think the same thing happened last time.
This morning I did RAW TLC Shadow Boxing and then added on a little of RAW Boxing Finisher. I like the TLC workout, it's different than her other boxing workouts. I wasn't sure if I liked it the first time I did it, but after doing it again, I do like it. I used my 1.5# egg weights for both workouts.

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 368 calories, did 4650 steps (which surprised me) and HR was 139/72. I worked up a good sweat.

Belinda - Good luck with your surgery!!! Fingers crossed for you.

Diane - Nice job with the upper body workout. It seems you are liking that series. I was worried doing a few of those compound movements yesterday and I think I concentrate so much on not getting hurt that I don't get the full advantage of the exercise. I found it funny that those were Kelly's favorite moves as I've never seen them in any of her other workouts. LOL!!

Have a great day everyone!!!
Yesterday I walked the pup 3 miles, but it was windy and so many things got in my eyes I could barely see, it was not fun. Today is a rest day, the air quality from these fires is horrible. I am taking the pup for a quick walk and taking the day off. Poor sleep last night due to high winds and I am tired. They might cut our power pretty soon, so I do not want to start a workout and then have to quit. It is so sad what is going on in this area, the air over the ocean is dark brown from the wind pushing the ash over the sea. Hopefully the winds die down this afternoon. Not bad right now where I live but it is in LA county. So many beautiful historic homes are burned to the ground. Have a good. I will be back later to read all of your posts.
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I got in a 3 mile walk with the pup but now the winds have picked up and I think they will cut our power to avoid a fire in this area. Tomorrow, I have a clean out of a root canal so I will be in for dental surgery early in the morning, now workout for me. See you all on Friday.
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Good Afternoon,

I went to the optometrist today for the first fitting of my new contacts but they need to order another pair. It was a nightmare trying to get there first I had to deal with our usual construction backup then I got on the interstate only to be sent back because it was closed due to a semi on fire then the other route was backed up with traffic a hour drive became an almost 2 hour drive. Came home walked 2.55 miles then did the boxing finisher.

Debbie-we haven’t had this much since 1983.
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Quick check in. My surgery went well today. I didn‘t feel anything except the bright lights. I am light sensitive .It was kind interesting how they do the surgery, I was awake the entire time. I was giving meds to relax and lots of drops to num your eye. I am home and resting. I can‘t see well ,my glasses don‘t fit Ober the eye patch. I have to wear a eye patch. I am seeing my doctor tomorrow.
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Today I did Ice Low Impact Sweat workout #2 stopping at the stretch and added on the LMR low impact cardio bonus, 40 minutes, 213 calories, heart rate 132/169, 3328 steps. I finished with CDorner Mobility stretch to relieve tension. This was a good one, It really helped my tight sore areas from head to toe. 33 minutes, 46 calories. Total time 73 minutes, 259 calories.

Debbie, nice job on Raw TLC Shadow boxing boxing finisher today.

Belinda, I am glad the surgery is over.

Jolie, those fires are terrible. How terrible for the businesses and homeowner. Walking with all of the smoke and stuff wind is blowing would not be a good thing.

Roxie, sorry the contacts need to be reordered after the trip there.
This morning I did RAW July Rotation Lower, Arms, Shoulders and had a great workout. Kelly uses a 35# barbell for this entire workout (well, most of it) but I mixed using dumbbells and a barbell.

3 circuits, 10 reps and hardly no rest

Leg Extensions (or Pulse Squats: 25# dumbbell (I did pulse squats)
Wide Squats: 20's
Elevated Squats: 20's
Deadlifts: 35# barbell
Bicep Curls: 35# barbell
Shoulder Press: 15's (I did Arnold Press)
Overhead Triceps Extensions: 10's

I also got on my treadmill and walked .82 miles. Total workout time was 48 minutes, burned 295 calories, and HR was 119/152.

Jolie - I cannot believe what is happening in LA. OMG!!! How horrible! I heard James Woods lost his beautiful home, how truly sad that is. I hope you aren't in the path of those fires. How truly scary that is. Shame on Newsom, that idiot has no plans for anything there in CA. No water, no evacuation plan. Nothing. I can't believe the fire hydrants didn't have any water in them. WTF? Why do people there keep voting for that moron? And I thought he was voted out at one time, how on earth did he get back in office? Wow. If he doesn't resign, something is truly wrong there. Prayers for everyone there. My heart breaks for them all. Hope you guys are ok where you are.

Roxie - So sorry it took you so long to get to your eye doctor. What a pain. I hate driving anywhere anymore. Hope the snow has slowed down near you.

Belinda - Great to hear your surgery went well!! Now just rest up and let it heal. Take care!

Diane - Great ob on your workout! You are getting in some good ones lately. Hopefully you are starting to feel better.

Have a great day everyone! Pray for CA!!!
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Quick check in again. It has snowed all day. My husband was off and we went out to see about getting a new cell phone carrier and replace my husbands phone. One did not have any Samsung phones and another was closing early when we got there so we have to wait. Anyway, I did CDorner Power Step 28 minutes, 189 calories, heart rate 135/164, 3,421 steps. I did this workout not long ago and liked the fast pace and no fancy footwork. I did do the modifiers on the on and off step jacks and the 50 jacks at the end. I wanted to do all of LMR Functional Pilates fusion but needed to clean the snow up for Walmart to deliver groceries. I did the Timesaver all foam roller which is most of the workout, 24 minutes, 39 calories. The other parts are some mini ball work and fabric band moves. Total time was 52 minutes, 228 calories.

Debbie, nice work on the July rotation Lower, Arms, and Shoulders. I think I am getting better one day and the next I am in terrible pain. I think maybe some of the band moves and overhead stuff is what caused my latest neck and upper back pain. Ribs and back hurt when I do core work or push ups. Hope it all goes away. I am trying to keep my muscle while I am trying to gain weight.
I feel terrible for those who have lost their homes in those fires. It looks devastating.
This morning I did RAW Box, Bands and Abs. I really didn't feel much like working out today but after I got started with this one, I had a great workout. Love this one.

This workout was tabata style (sort of) and was 30 seconds on/10 seconds off.

Boxing: 8 sets of different moves - 1.5# egg weights
Cloth Band: Squat Pulses (burner!) - Pink cloth band
Abs: Seated Knee Pulls

Boxing: 8 sets of different moves - 1.5# egg weights
Cloth Band: Squat Outs - Pink cloth band
Abs: Reverse Crunch (legs up and out)

Boxing: 8 sets of different moves - 1.5# egg weights
Elastic band: Side Steps (Firewalkers) - green elastic band
Abs: Plank, Knee In, Leg up (I did Dead Bug and crunches)

Workout was 43 minutes, burned 349 calories, did 1996 steps and HR was 1340/175.

I sometimes wonder if my Garmin is still tracking my steps accurately. Lately it seems like all the workouts I've done have way lower step counts then when I previously did them. This one, for instance, shows that I have gotten as much as 2600 steps- that is a BIG difference! I'm working out hard all the time so I don't get the low step count this morning.

Diane - Nice job with your workout, I wish I could get into step workouts more. I'm so afraid of twisting my ankle, I am not that coordinated anymore. I'm sorry to hear about the teeter totter of no pain/pain you are experiencing on different days. I just don't understand it. I sure hope it all goes away soon.

Not sure why I can't turn the bold print off? :rolleyes:

Belinda - How is your eye doing? Any pain?

Jolie, I sure hope those fires are getting under control. I hear they are getting very close to Hollywood now. How truly devastating all of that is. OMG.

Have a great day everyone!
Debbie - I have to avoid strenuous activity for the 2 weeks. Lots of resting, which is tough for me to do. I am allowed to take short walks, my neighborhood is slippery. That’s out of the question. I have no pain. I do have some flickering going on, which is normal. Colors are coming in beautiful, I still see blurry. Also very normal after surgery. It will take a few weeks for the new lens to adjust.DH is a good nurse, lol.

Diane - I am glad the first eye surgery is over. It was easier than I thought. I didn’t feel anything during the procedure. Next surgery is on the 16th. I can shower and wash my hair, I can’t get any water in my eyes. I can’t bend over or lift more than 10 pounds. No sports for the next 2 weeks. By the time I am allowed to exercise, I am going right back into surgery, lol. My husband is talking good care of me.
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Good Afternoon,

I walked 2.47 miles on the treadmill then did Ab finisher but just the standing part the music is loud an horrible. We got another 2 inches of snow last night so over it.
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Today I did LMR Functional Total Body skipping a few exercises and adjusting some, 53 minutes, 123 calories, heart rate 90/128 followed by Raw Yoga Stretch 14 minutes, 26 calories. Total time 67 minutes, 149 calories. I need to check out the timesaver that I think skips a lot of the core work. This work does not seem hard, but it sure has set off some pain the other two times I have done it.

Lift Move & Restore Total Body
w/up 8# I switched to 5# dbs
suitcase squat 8# dbs 12 reps
suitcase squat 10# dbs 10 reps
Suitcase Squat arm up (shoulder level and not what I feared as overhead) 8# dbs
squat upright row biceps curl combo 10# dbs I did some upright and some as just squat twice and bicep curl
suitcase swing 10# weight plate 12/8 reps
bicep curl arnold press combo (I skipped Arnold press) 10# dbs 12 reps
underhand grip row instead of 40# bar I used 15# dbs
press & pour 5# dbs (this is press forward turn lateral raise)
single leg deadlift 12# db 12 reps
walk out plank skipped
thoracic push ups skipped
kneeling side bend 1 leg extended 8# db 12 reps
chest press close grip press combo skipped
plate crunch (no plate for me as it is a pull over move)
chest fly leg abduction I skipped the dumbbells and did it with no weight
lunge press triceps extension combo10# dropped to 8# they used a 10# plate
side lunge10# db 12 reps
side lunge overhead press combo (no overhead) 10#dbs 8 reps
squat swing tricep extension supposed to be 10# and I used 5#
overhand grip row I used 12# dbs instead of 35# barbell
clean and press skipped
rear lunge bicep curl 10# 12 reps
deadlift calf raise combo I used 12# dbs instead of 40# barbell
opposite hand to knee plank skipped
seated twist skipped
bus drivers skipped
( I guess I skipped a lot :rolleyes: ) I just do not want that neck and rib pain to come back full force again)

Debbie, good job on Box, Bands, and Abs. If there is a lot of boxing in a workout, I do not get a lot of steps in. Also, Steps do not count well unless the arms are moving. Step workouts do not give me near as many steps as floor cardio does. I don't pay a lot of attention to the steps lately. Since I am doing the weight gain thing on app, I do put in steps as they account that as part of calories burned and activity level. I just put my overall steps in at the end of the day on My Net Diary. MFP tracks though which is nice because if I want my Garmin to sync with My Net Diary I have to pay for it. They did off for a discount of 39 dollars for a year, but I did not do it.

Belinda, I am glad you are doing well and getting rest. That is nice your husband is taking good care of you.

Roxie, nice job on the treadmill walk and ab finisher.

Jolie, I hope things are going well for you with all those fires.
Today I did LMR Funcional Mobility Fusions+cardio, 55 minutes, 179 calories, heart rate 103/155, 1,602 steps. There is not stretch after the cardio and I wanted to get a bit more in my neck and shoulders so did 13 minutes of a CDorner mobility stretch that I like. She does have short one on her 30 day plan, but I went back to the one I really liked a few days ago. I probably will not do anything tomorrow or Monday. I have a pulmonology appt. and my husband will be off so he may want to go back out cell phone service and phone shopping. Functional Mobility sure does tax the hands and wrists a lot! Now I have wrists stinging and stinging in my left side of my back. Hopefully it lets up. I spent some time unplugging and plugging the tv back in this morning till I finally got color instead of black and white. That is one big annoyance. Not sure why it would do that.

I spend most day in the ER. I am having chills last 2 day’s. This morning I got this wicked headache. I couldn’t move my head. I am running a fever on top. The doctors were worried it had something to do with my eye surgery. My eye feels great. Just to rule it out they ran all kinds of tests. They ran a IV Thyenol and fluid IV. Helped a little. My head is killing me. I have Covid. I am on Paxlovid. My eye is feeling great.

I will catch up in the morning.

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