Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2023

Happy Thanksgiving,

I finally finished Sure Thing today took much longer than 8 weeks but I did it. DH and I are spending the day just the two of us decorating for Christmas and he fixed our meal. I don’t know what I am going to do now Shaun T has a lifting program coming out the middle of next month and there isn’t any cardio involved. I am trying to decide BeachBody has a special right now buy 1 year at 179 get the second year free but I didn’t really use it a lot so I might just stick to KCM workouts and maybe subscribe to Cathe. I work 5:45-1:45 tomorrow my first 7.5 hour shift an now being in charge of fragrance it’s going to be wild especially since we locked up our testers with the products
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HWH Chest,Shoulder and triceps plus RWH Low impact HIIT is done. I caught up on the rotations.

Great job everyone.
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I guess I have not checked in since Saturday. Just so many things to go to and get done. I have not done a lot in the workouts. Short ones. Sunday was rest day and hosting family Thanksgiving, Monday I did Raw Kickboxing Outside 40 minutes, 218 calories, heart rate 138/159, 2,681 steps, followed by CDorner Toned arms with loop bands, 26 minutes, 74 calories, heart rate 94/125. Total time was 66 minutes, 292 calories, 2,964 steps.
Tuesday was spent with my ladies group for game day and brunch. No workout. Yesterday I did CDorner Fast Basic Step #339, 45 minutes, 211 calories, heart rate 122/156, 3,314 steps. This was 30 minutes and the last part was abs and stretch.
Today I did CDorner Arms and Abs with dumbbells, 52 minutes, because I had to stop after the warm up for a bit and started over, 128 calories, heart rate 94/113. I followed this with CDorner Mobility Flow 22 miutes, 34 calories. Total time was 74 minutes, 150 calories.
I have two dental appointments next week so there will probably be more days of no workouts or short.
Our electricity went out while I was typing. I am glad it came back on. I had to cook in the dark and am glad I have a gas stove top. I need to stock up on more candles than two. Thanksgiving at dinner time is an odd time to have a power outage.

Arms and Abs with Dumbbells 45 sec work

chest press 15# dbs
1 arm row 20# db
repeat 3 times

triceps dips
skull crushers 12# dbs
repeat two times

Biceps concentration curls 15# db
standing hammer curls
repeat 3 times (hammer curls change slightly each time)

Overhead arnold press 10# dbs
wide overhead press half and all the way 8# dbs
This morning I did RAW TBTS Lower Body. Great workout. I started out with TBTS Warm Up and then did the Lower Body:

3 sets/10 reps

Deadlift/Squat Ups: 15's
Close Stance 3 Pulse Squats: 15#
Alternate Back Plie Squats: 12's

I also did 2 circuits of TBTS Strength Abs which was:

Dead Bugs: 10#
Full Weighted Situps: 10#
Russian Twist: 8#
Crunch/Reach Through

Great ab workout. Total workout time was 38 minutes, burned 188 calories and HR 107/188.

DH and I are getting out kitchen remodeled so we are leaving to order our cabinets. I'll be back to read what you all have one. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Mine was great!!!
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Today I did Cathe Live Total Body Giant Sets. It was an hour long and a really good one. Each set was repeated 2x. The core section was tough.

Hope everyone had good Thanksgiving. My dinner turned out great and the Packers won. Amazing!! It was a good day.
Today I did CDorner Lower Body + Abs (Legs on Fire) 62 minutes(50 actual), 131 calories, heart rate 89/120. I finished with CDorner Day 29 mobility morning spinal mobility, 19 minutes, 29 calories.

Lower Body And Abs 60 seconds each move
fabric loop and dumbbells

squat heels elevated, 25# dbs
side bends 15# db rt
squat regular 25# dbs
side bends lt
squat with a heel lift 25# dbs
forearm plank
squat out and in 25# db
dbl leg drop
glute bridge 30# db
glute bridge on toes 30# db
seated on floor double leg kick out alternating sides
bridge with heavy loop band and 30# knees in and out
dumbbell held at chest sit ups 20#
bridge up knee in or option single leg glute bridge rt
side plank right
bridge up knee in lft
side plank lft
wide squat 30# db
wide low squat foot against dumbbell and slide across for inner thigh I just put on ankle weight and did inner thigh. Afraid of hurting my knees pushing a dumbbell across puzzle mats.
lunge out with a knee cross 15# db held at shoulder
inner thigh lift 10# db toe flex and point
lying legs up point out and flex in
lying legs up scissors
ab blaster 3 moves repeated for 3+ minutes
10 hip lifts
10 bicycles

Debbie, nice work on Raw TBTS legs and the abs. I really like those workouts. I feel like I get a pretty good workout in a short amount of time. Have fun picking out the cabinets.

Cam, good to see you back. I see you are enjoying Cathe Live. That step workout you started with is one I kept returning to when I had Cathe Live.

Belinda, nice work on getting in the walk and RWH legs. I am not sure what that is.

Roxie, good job finishing Sure Thing.

Jolie, I am sure that you will love the Garmin. Good job on the walks and circuit workout.
Yesterday was a rest day, I was so tired from cooking and cleaning all day, I just could barely function. I never ate dinner on Thanksgiving, after making all of the food and serving it. I just fed the dogs while everyone was eating and took them for a walk to get out of the kitchen. I did in fact have my green juice and some pie and that was it.

Today I feel fantastic, and I got in a good weight workout. I did Cathe Live #136 Upper Body Challenge with the Ball, and I skipped the AB section because I have a sore low back right now. Workout was 50 minutes and I burned 402 calories. I lifted good weights; I am increasing each month and I feel like I am seeing some gains now.

Debbie, how fun to be re doing your kitchen, I wish I could do that too! Nice job on the workout yesterday and I am happy that your holiday was good.

Cam, great to hear from you! Romeo Dobbs your Green Bay wide receiver is one of my son's good friends from his college football team. He is a really humble good guy and I love seeing him thrive in the NFL. Nice job on the Cathe Live workout, I am enjoying them as well. I love the weight workouts with the ball because they are slower, and I can lift heavier weights.

Belinda, great job on the workout and the walk.

Diane Sue, the only thing that I do not like about the Garmin, I looked at it when it arrived, is the watch band is very narrow compared to my FitBit band. Not sure if that will be an issue or not, I will see if I can get a different on Amazon. Nice job with the workouts and getting in your Ladies Day and Thanksgiving with your family.

Roxie, great job on the workout and welcome back.

Make it a great day.
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Good Afternoon,

Worked until 1 today which I am happy about because it is snowing we are expecting 4-7”. I didn’t workout yesterday because I went to work at 5:45 so I was tired. Trying to decide what to do today
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This morning I did Michelle 55 min. Full Body Met Con No Equipment. This is fun and challenging body weight workout. The time flew.

Diane, that is one of her best step workouts. Her cuing is spot on and easy to follow but not too repetitive. I like that its all her familiar choreography built into fun combos.

Jolie, that's cool about Dobbs. The Packers pretty much suck this year, but so glad Rogers is the Jets problem now. I don't miss him. He is such a drama king. Have fun NY. Do you have buffering issues with Cathe Live? Sometimes its frustrating. Either the picture starts out grainy or it freezes. Sometimes I need to shut everything down and start over.

Debbie, have fun with your kitchen renovation. Hopefully our master bath will get remodeled next Spring. I can't stand it much longer.

Like Roxie, we are expecting a couple inches of snow tomorrow. A good day to clean and make some minestrone soup. We'll see if I make time to workout.

Today I did Perfect30 Perfect Flow: Yoga Strength & Flexibility.

Diane - I did Ripped with HiiT - Lift It Hit It Legs. Great job yesterday.

Great job everyone on your workouts.
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Good Afternoon,

We got around 4” yesterday. I did Country Heat Country Swing and then I might do a treadmill walk later.

Afterburn is done.

I am starting Week 4 of the Nov rotation tomorrow. Wonder what Cathe has plan for Dec?

Have a great day. It’s too cold to walk these day’s.
Yesterday I did Raw Hi lo step 38 minutes, 194 calories, heart rate 129/157, 4,118 steps followed with Raw Timesaver Intervals 13 minutes, 68 calories, heart rate 129/161, 817 steps. I finished with STS 2 mobility #1, 19 minutes, 35 calories. Total time was 70 minutes, 297 calories, 5,087 steps.
Today is a rest day and I did STS 2 mat yoga, 23 minutes, 39 calories. Tomorrow is dentist appointment in the morning. Not sure if I will do a workout.

Jolie, sometimes after I have cooked a meal and smelled all of that food all day long I lose my appetite for eating it. I would have been glad to have the pie later after all of the craziness was gone and I could relax and enjoy. Nice job on Cathe Live Upper Body challenge. My watch band on my Garmin Vivoactive 4 S does not seem to be a lot different from the Fit Bit. It is a few years old now though. I think the 4 is a bit bigger watch face and wider band in that one. I will have to look at the one you got. I changed out my plastic band for a leather one from Amazon.

Cam, nice work on Michelle 55 min. Full Body Met Con No Equipment. We had snow forecast late last night, but there was none on the ground when I got up. Just ice from all of the rain all day and 24 degree temps.

Belinda, nice work on Perfect 30 Yoga Strength and Flexibility yesterday and Afterburn today.

Roxie, great job on getting in Country Heat Country Swing today. Hope you get in the treadmill too. I am not ready for winter. I never am really.
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A cold, dreary, snowy day. Blech! Anyway, I got a lot done in the house today. I also did Cathe Live Fun & Done. A moderate to light weight metabolic workout. At first I was confused on Cathe's light weights until I realized that this was filmed when she blew out her arm. I then did Boss Loops Glutes & Core. I did the cardio and glutes premix.
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Good morning,

I started Cathe November 2023 Week rotation today. I Idid Fit Split Boxing Bootcamp | Legs & Glutes this morning. I did all my Xmas shopping this weekend. I am done.

Diane - good luck with your appointment today.

Sorry I don’t have time for personals, I will catch up later today.

Have a great Monday.
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How did the end of November get here already? It seems like we just started our November thread. Geez...

This morning I did RAW Ripped & Ride June 2019. Had a great workout. I used my treadmill and did light jogging for that part of the workout. Love this workout.

Each weight exercise was for 1 minute.

Treadmill: 5:25 minutes

Bent Over Rows: 15's
Hammer Curls: 15's
Upright Rows: 12's
Overhead Triceps Extension: 8's
Chest Press: 15's

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Reverse Flies: 12's
Front Curls: 12's
Overhead Shoulder Press: 12's
Kickbacks: 8's
Dumbbell Flies: 15's

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Lawn Mowers: 15#
Supinated Curls: 15's
Lateral Raise: 8's
Skull Crushers: 12's
Modified Pullovers: 12's

Treadmill: 5 minutes

Workout was 46 minutes, burned 350 calories, did 3229 steps and HR was 131/159.

Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!! I don't have time for personals but should tomorrow. I have read all the posts, though, so great job with your workouts!!
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And the check-in is as quiet as a mouse...

Hope everyone is ok, it's unusually quiet on this thread lately. Everyone around me is ill, so far - knock on wood - I am doing ok.

Today I started doing a Box and legs workout but my right trap has a pinching sensation in it and it is very tight. I decided to stop the workout and just walk on my treadmill. I will try that workout tomorrow. No sense in making it worse.

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 470 calories (damn, I was just walking), went 2.2 miles, did 5565 steps and HR was 160/185. Not sure how it got that average, I was checking it periodically and it was usually around 145. Weird

Diane - Great workouts, sorry you haven't had time to be consistent. Things come up, we just do what we can. You have gotten in some good workouts, though!

Roxie - You should subscribe to Kelly's RAW channel. I know you would love those workouts.

Cam - LOL! I don't think it's going to fun doing the remodeling of our kitchen. There is a lot of work and my DH is doing it himself. Hopefully it won't take all that long, but it is a huge project. I will be happy when it's complete. Great job with your workouts!

Jolie - I have the Garmin Venu SQ and love it. It really is a great watch, I know you will enjoy yours.

Belinda - I didn't see your post from yesterday, I thought I was the only one who posted. Great job with your workout and doing Cathe's Nov. rotation.

Have a great day everyone! It was a white knuckle drive in this morning. We got snow that no one was predicting coming our way. Weather people don't seem to know anything with their billion dollar radar systems. Unreal. The roads were covered with ice and snow and no salt trucks to be seen. Oy!!!

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