Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2023

Good morning,

Fit Split Low Impact Cardio | Metabolic Conditioning is done.

Debbie - no problem! I am so busy these day’s. We are car shopping for the RV. Great job with your workouts.

I will be back later to catch up on personals.
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Sorry I have been MIA, I have had my son home from college and I have been very busy with the holidays. I have gotten in my workouts, I just have not posted since Saturday. I promise to get better with posting going forward, well at least till Christmas.

Sunday- 3 mile walk in the hills and an upper body circuit, x 2 rounds
Monday- 2.5 mile walk in the hills, this is my rest day so that is it.
Today- 5 mile walk through the hills, 1 hour 38 minutes and I burned 849 calories!

I am having a hard time getting in some weights this week, my husband is so busy at work and cannot help with the dogs, so it is all me. I will get in a workout hopefully on Thursday and Saturday.

Nice job with the workouts everyone!

Cam, I have no problem with the buffering on the CL workouts but I do have a hard time getting the live workouts to come up. I have to search sometime on the search bar, it is really weird.

I have to throw out all of the cookies and candies, I cannot leave them alone. I will be so overweight by January if I do not do it today.

Make it a great day!
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Today I did Raw Upper Body Strength (and endurance on description) 66 minutes (59 actual) heart rate 112/138, 235 calories. I then did Raw flow stretch 20 minutes, 45 calories. Total time was 86 minutes, 280 calories. Dentist did my teeth cleaning and they tapped around on my teeth to try to figure out which was the tooth causing me problems. Needless to say I hurt when I came home. Thursday I go to the endodontist so they can try to figure it out. Not looking forward to it and it sounds like this is just a consult and I will have to go back. Tired of dealing with it hurting. I upped my weights from what I did on this workout in the past. Apparently I must have done this when still recovering shoulder as I used 5# for shoulder work.

Raw Upper Body Strength

Round 1 12 reps for each move
Squats 25# dbs
1 arm row 25# db
seated curls 15# dbs
seated alternating overhead press 10# dbs
bench press 15# dbs
seated overhead triceps extension 20# db lowered to 15# second set

finisher moves 1 minute each light weight
seated run rows 8# dbs
seated run curls 8# dbs
seated alternating lateral raises 8# dbs
alternating run bench press 8# dbs
alternating skull crusher 8# dbs

Round 2 10 reps each move
squats 25# dbs
1 arm row 25# db
seated biceps curls 15# dbs
seated alternating overhead press 10# dbs
bench press 15# dbs
seated overhead triceps extension 15# db

seated run rows 8# dbs
seated run hammer curls 8# dbs
seated alternating lateral raise 5# dbs (shoulders gettng tired)
alternating skull crusher 8# dbs
speed squats no weights

Round 3 8 reps
Squats 25# dbs
1 arm Rows 25# dbs
seated curls 15# dbs
seated alternating overhead press 10# dbs
seated overhead triceps extension 15# db

Finisher 1 min each
speed squats 8# dbs
seated run rows 8# dbs
seated run curls 8# dbs
seated run lateral raises 8#dbs
skull crusher alternating runs 8#dbs
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Debbie, sorry that your trap was pinching. Nice work and calorie burn on the treadmill this morning. I hate when there is unexpected snow and ice. Particularly if I have something planned to go out to, Usually I watch the weather and change appointments if I see some coming. We have rain coming Thursday when I have my appointment on the other side of the City. So far at least the weather is warming up a bit and forecast is above freezing. We have done remodeling in several houses ourselves. Our last kitchen my husband and son put up tin ceiling and lowered the ceiling closing off the old inset box or fluorescent lighting. Then they took up old ceramic tile and put in new updated. It was a big project. The good part is when it is done and you can enjoy the work that you did. Saves a lot of money do it yourself.

Belinda, nice work on Fit Split Low Impact Cardio/Metabolic conditioning. Have fun car shopping.

Jolie, good work on getting your workouts in when you are so busy. Holidays are a busy time for sales jobs. Great calorie burn on the walk. I sent all of the pies out the door with family. My grandson took some to work. I just kept myself one piece of blueberry. My problem was halloween candy that was left as tick or treaters were low this year. I put the chocolate in the garage, but kept going out at night and getting several of the minis. I ended up eating all of the twix and milkyway minis out of the mix. Glad that is gone. My snacking time always ends up late at night. Not a good thing. I need to gain weight, but I need to d it in a healthy way as junk does nothing for me.
I did Cathe Live Turn it Up Total Body. I liked it!

It is 15 degrees tonight, so no dog walk. Tomorrow it's supposed to be warmer. Not ready for this weather yet.

Belinda, that is my favorite dvd of Fit Split. I have to do that one soon. I like Legs & Glutes too. That one is a tough, short lower body workout.

Debbie, I didn't realize you're doing it yourself. I'm sure you will enjoy it when it's done. My husband is going to do our bathroom. He does most of our remodeling projects and he's good at it, but it takes so long. Cheaper, definitely, but sometimes I would prefer spending more and having a contractor do it quicker. The expense is crazy though.

Jolie, I don't have trouble with finding the workouts. They are all laid out in order on the home page. But today my workout froze at the beginning and I had to restart it. I get one glitch and then it plays fine. I mirror mine to the tv through Chromecast. Maybe that's causing the problem.

Diane, I saw Chris posing with Cathe in an Instagram pic. I am not on Instagram, but it looked like Chris was at Cathe's gym recently.

Good job on the workouts everyone!
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Today I had a great workout. I decided to walk my dog less today so I could get in a weight workout. Yesterday I ended up walking over 6 miles and my feet are sore today. Today I started with a 1.6 mile walk through the hills, 31 minutes and I burned 215 calories. Next, I did Cathe Live # 465 Strong and Fit, All Upper Body and I loved it! You can either do this workout with lite weights high reps or heavy weights and less reps. There were several men in the class, and she tailored the workout to them as well, which I liked for myself. Workout was 52 minutes and I burned 366 calories. I had to change some of the ab and core exercises to suit my low back issue but it still was a great workout. I still have to take my dogs out this afternoon so I will get in another mile or so depending on the way we go.

Cam, if you don't mind, post the number of the Cathe Live workout so I can find it easily. Try the one I did today, I loved it.

Debbie, I hope you have a great workout today.

Off to the thrift store to donate a ton of stuff! I am clearing out the house and it feels amazing!

Diane Sue, darn, those are some impressive weights you lifted in yesterday's workout!!!

Roselyn, great job on the workout and chasing your grandbaby around!
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This morning I did RAW Boxing & Legs 2 and had a great workout. Then I added RAW TBTS Sculpt Intervals. Really had a fun and good workout. I didn't use my egg weights because I was afraid to irritate my traps again, they are feeling good today.

RAW Boxing & Legs 2:

Boxing Combo
Squats: 12's
Boxing Combo
Side Lunges 3 cnt Hold: 12's
Boxing Combo
Reverse Lunges w/Twist: 12's
All Boxing Moves
All Leg Moves
Boxing medley

RAW TBTS Sculpt Intervals:

Done on a step, I used 1 riser
Step: Alt. Knees/Triple Knees
Step: Jog on/Hop Hold Leg Out
Alternate Triple Press: 5's
Lateral Raise/Cuff Rotation: 5's
Step: Triple Insoles
Step: Jump Shoot
Cross/Down: 5's
Scap Squeeze/Pec Deck: 5's
Step: Reverse Lunges, Split 2
March Side/Hop Center
Kickbacks/Squat Row: 5's
Rolling Curls: 5's

Loved these workouts, very fun. Workout was 52 minutes, burned 399 calories, did 4170 steps and HR was 129/173.

Belinda - Did you get your RV yet? I can't remember if you said you did yet or not. So you need a car to pull the RV?? Or is the RV a driveable one?

Diane - I remember that workout you did yesterday, that is a long weight training workout. I don't do it much but remember it is a good one. Yea, my husband has literally rebuilt our house, it was just a crap box when bought it. It now has two stories and I love it. I'm glad we decided to stay there, we were talking about retiring and getting a lake house when the time came. But everything is so expensive now and our house will be paid off in April. So why move?

Cam - Yea, my husband would not hear of having an outside company do anything at our house. He has literally rebuilt that house. He does electric, plumbing, drywalling, A/C work. He knows it all and it has saved us so much money through the years. Great job with your Cathe live workout!

Jolie - Great job on your weight lifting session today! Sounds like it was a great workout. I sort of miss Cathe live. Torn on whether I should subscribe again or not. I know what you mean about the candy, luckily we don't have any left from Halloween. And I can honestly say I didn't eat one of them!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Afternoon,

I did Sure Thing Endurance Strength WK1 D1. I am going to mix it with KCM and StudioSweat Spin.

Debbie-I have been subscribed to Raw since she started it but I just got away from it once my Bodi subscription ends then it will be all Raw or my dvds.
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Mobility 2 is done. Taking it easy today, I didn’t sleep well last night.

Debbie - the RV is a drivable one, you still need a car if you longer at a RV park. You don’t want to unhook each time you go grocery shopping and it’s good in an emergency. We need a car we can pull behind the RV. Great job on your workout.

Diane - I hope they find out what is causing your pain. Praying for you. Great job yesterday.

Cam - I really like Fit Splits. You get a lot done in a short amount of time. Great job yesterday.

I will be back later
Today I did CDorner Step Workout #340, 66 minutes, heart rate 125/160, 298 calories, 5,661 steps. I followed with Raw Abs Finisher standing and part of the floor, 12 minutes, 44 calories. My phone and doorbell kept interrupting. I just gave up on the last 7 minutes of abs. Total time was 78 minutes, 342 calories. No workout in the morning as I have that dental appointment.

Cam, nice work on Cathe Live Turn it Up Total Body. I went and looked at the post on Instagram with CDorner and Cathe. I just resigned in to Instagram a few days ago. I used to have it, but I could not get logged in anymore. I always used it to follow Fitness people and some I use recipes from.

Roselyn, nice work on getting in legs. 11 months old will keep you busy for sure. I used to watch 5 of my grandchildren. It was quite a job.

Debbie, great workout today with Raw Boxing and Legs 2 and TBTS Intervals. Keeping your soon to be paid off home sounds like a wise move.

Jolie, great job on the walk and then Cathe Live # 465 Strong and Fit, All Upper Body. It sounds like a good workout choice. I like that you can do high reps and light weight or heavier and lower reps. Glad you were able to fit in a weight workout today. Thanks on the weights. I am finally getting my strength back without feeling like I over did it all of the time. My shoulders are a bit tender, but not in a painful bad way.

Roxie, nice work on Sure Thing Endurance Strength WK1 D1 today.

Belinda, I hope you get some rest. Nice job getting in Mobility 2 today. I hope I can get this dental thing fixed soon.
Wow, last day of November. How did that happen?

Today I did Kelly's RAW Weights 1 and had an excellent workout. I haven't done this one since almost exactly 2 years ago and not sure why? It is an excellent workout and it a tough one.

Tabata style, 25 seconds on/10 seconds off. 8 rounds each exercise.

Dumbbell Curls:
15's (4 rounds)
Hammer Curls: 15's(4 rounds)
(alternated between the two)
BW Squats

Shoulder Press:
15# (used only one dumbbell so it was more of a front shoulder exercises) - 4 rounds
Upright Row: 15# (one arm at a time) - 4 rounds
(alternated between the two)
BW Alternate Lunges

15# (alternating sides)
BW Curtsy Lunges

Overhead Triceps Extensions:
15# (4 rounds)
Alternating Kickbacks: 10# (4 rounds)
(Alternated between the two)

Lower Body
Curtsy Squats: 15#

Dumbbell Flies:
15's for 4 rounds
Dumbbell Press: 15's for 4 rounds
(Alternated between the two)

Planks: Skipped

- Only did 3 rounds
Reverse Crunch - Only did 3 rounds

Workout was 52 minutes, burned 30 calories, HR was 117/145. Last time I did this I still had my Fitbit and it said I burned 159 calories. OMG! How off was that thing?

Diane - Great workout with Chris's step yesterday, that was a long one! I can't do over an hour step workouts anymore, anything over 40 minutes loses my attention span. LOL!! Plus, I don't have that kind of time. I remember loving Step Blast and that one was over an hour. I sure hope they can figure out what is going on with your teeth. That is so weird. And teeth pain is the worst!!

Belinda - I thought the RV was drivable, just wasn't sure. I understand why you would need a car, though. Sounds like you two will have some fun soon with that thing! Good for you!

Roxie - Great job with your workout. I just placed an order on Black Friday from Ulta and I got the matte eyeshadow pallett from Urban Decay and it came to my house in pieces with the dark shadow everywhere. How does that even happen? LOL! Now I have to go return it. I hate when that happens. It almost looks like someone else already returned it and they resent it to me. Oh well. I need a few other things anyways so I'll go to the store near me and take it back.

Jolie - Great job with your workout yesterday. Have you trained your dog to walk on your treadmill yet? I'm thinking not since you are still walking him. Although your weather is probably beautiful right now.

Gotta get to work. Hope you all have a great day!
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I have the day off. Not sure what workout I will do yet. I didn't workout yesterday, so I need to do a good one this morning. Cathe's Live today looks like it will be a good one, but I will check that out this weekend. The time difference makes it a little difficult to do this morning. I have to eat something and move around before I hit it.

Jolie, so funny, I have that Strong & Fit UB scheduled for next week. Can't wait to do that one. I have several days off in December, so I should have time to do longer workouts. I also want to do 464 You Bet Your Bottom Line.

Diane, how did Cathe and Chris get together? Does it say? You sure get a lot of interruptions during your workouts. I don't take my phone in my workout room and I ignore the door. Usually not a problem for me, but I am weird with distractions when I workout. I like no one near me either. Can you tell I hate the gym. Ha!!
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Today I walked the pup 3 miles, 1 hour 2 minutes through the hills and that is it. I am sore from yesterday's workout, yeah! I am loving having DOMS again, like the good old days. I will try to get another weight workout in tomorrow, I am so excited to get back into really good shape again. My pup turns 1 year old on Christmas Day so I hope he starts to settle down a bit and it will then allow me to get in more gym workouts going forward.

Debbie, fantastic workout today, that was a long lifting workout, and it looks like a killer! Nice that your husband can do home repair work, I wish my husband could, the cost of getting it does is insane!

Cam, I hope you have a great workout today. I am loving my Cathe Live lately, there are so many workouts to choose from each day, I never seem to get bored.

Daine Sue, great job on the workout yesterday. Like Cam said, I do not take my phone in the gym either, I cannot stand to get interrupted, I look my momentum.

Belinda, nice job with the mobility workout.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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Decided on 2 Cathe Lives. Total Body Circuit 377 & Boot Camp Express #1 427. Perfect combo for today.
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God Afternoon,

I did Raw Box & Fit today and she got me really breathless I had to stop before it was completely over.

Debbie-I have heard their packa isn’t the best, we get stuff in broken sometimes and when the girls sort our order they throw things.
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I had a bone density test today. I got up early and did Fit Split Shred Cardio | Push Day. I wanted to make sure it will get done. Glad I did. We didn’t get home until now.

Debbie - you don’t want to drive that big thing grocery shopping every time you need too. Most RV’ers pull a car. It also saves on time hooking/unhooking the RV. When we go somewhere we go for a few day’s. We suppose to get it the middle of Jan 24. We will drive to upstate NY, the dealer will give us a class on how to use it. Everything is computerized. Everything is high tech in the RV unlike our old one. We have lots to learn. The dealer will hook us up on site, we get to play with everything before we hit the road. Great job on your weight workout.

Roselyn - Happy 50th birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Roxie - great job on Raw Box and Fit.

Cam - great job on the 2 Cathe live workouts. I have to look them up. Did you sign up for the month or yearly?

Jolie - you sure getting a lot of steps in and your pups a great walk. Nicely done. It’s too cold outside.

Diane great job on Chris Step Workout #340 and Raw Abs Finisher standing and part of the floor, 12 minutes. Nice mix of workouts. I saw Cathie’s post with Chris. So cool!

Good night.
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No workout today. I did not sleep well at all last night and was up before 4 this morning. It was still dark out when I left for the endodontist. Not happy at all as I wasted my time and had to pay 275 dollars for a consult. All he did was do more x rays of my teeth, tap them, put cold on them in different areas which did not cause an instant reaction. He aid he could see nothing that would need a root canal. He said maybe I am grinding my teeth or there could be crack in a tooth or something that they did not see. So, anyway it may be that if it gets worse then maybe we will know which tooth exactly. Then I cam home and my jaw and teeth started throbbing belatedly after them doing all of that. I took Advil and took a nap.

Cam, nice choices with Cathe Live Total Body Circuit #377 & Boot Camp Express 1 #427. Chris went to a Cathe class from what I read. There are a few different pictures of them together and with some other women.

Debbie, great job on Raw Weights 1. I don't burn very many calories when sitting or lying on the bench or floor. My Fitbit was always way off and had me so frustrated all of the time. I don't know why I kept buying new ones. I am happy with my Garmin. Calories in and Calories out seem to be pretty spot on. I don't worry about it too much anymore. I really enjoyed the CDorner long step workout. It was not one where I was stumbling around to get moves or finding myself clock watching or checking how much longer I had to go. It kept my attention, and the music was good which always makes a difference.

Jolie, nice work on the dog walk today. Hope you get the weight workout in that you want to do. I want to do some weights tomorrow.

Roxie, good job on Raw Box Fit today. I guess I am lucky as I have not had anything I order broken yet as far as make up. I order from the seller or Amazon though. Not very nice of those sorting throwing things around. I don't like getting deliveries through Fed Ex. They are the worst for throwing things on the doorstep and packages are usually beat up and look like they have been walked on or something.

Roselyn, happy birthday. Nice work on 2.0 Upper Body 2.

Belinda, nice that you managed to get in Fit Split Shred Cardio/push day before you bone density. It was cool seeing Cathe and Chris together. My aunt that used to travel with her RV had a car she towed along behind the RV. She traveled and spent time with family in different states and would stay in Arizona where he granddaughter lived part of the winter and head back to her land in Washington during the summer months.
This morning I did RAW Heavy Bag/Shadow Boxing and had a great workout. This is the one with Kelly's son, Zach. Love love love the music in this one. This is my most favorite boxing workout of hers. I used my 1.5# egg weights. I probably shouldn't have done this workout because my traps are so tight again, but I just didn't want to do floor cardio or a step workout. Neither thrilled me this morning.

Workout was 40 minutes, burned 361 calories, did 2987 steps and HR was 144/186 which seemed high. This is not a crazy cardio workout, it's more slow and controlled. Anyways...

Diane - Wow, why can't they figure out what is wrong with your teeth? That is crazy. I agree, my Fitbit stressed me out, too. Kept buying them, though. Glad we got Garmin's, I love mine. The only difference I see is it doesn't seem to read steps as well as the Fitbit did, or maybe the Fitbit was just wrong on everything. Not a game changer, I will keep buying Garmin's when this one dies.

Belinda - How exciting on getting your RV soon!! Like a late Christmas present. I sure hope you both enjoy it and have fun with your travels! Great job getting your workout in before you appointment.

Roselyn - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you had a great day!!

Roxie - I've never seen a Box & Fit on RAW? I'll have to check that out. Is it one of her DVD's that is on the RAW channel? Great going with your workout! Yea, I'm not too happy with Ulta right now. But I do need a few Ordinary oils so I need to go by there anyways.

Cam - Great workout yesterday!!

Jolie - Yes, I am lucky. My husband can literally do anything. And if he can't do it, he will learn how to do it. He's a keeper, that's for sure!! Great job on you walk through hills yesterday!

Have a great weekend everyone! We are going to the Cleveland Zoo to walk through all the Christmas lights they put out. It's awesome and I can't wait. Only thing is, it's raining. I hope it stops by the time we go.

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