Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2023

Today I did CDorner Tabata Cardio + stretch, 42 minutes,182 calories, heart rate 124/161, 2,130 steps. I then did Raw TBTS Pull Day, 17 minutes, 63 calories, heart rate 106/132. Total time was 59 minutes, 245 calories.

TBTS Pull Day
Hammer curls 17# dbs 8 reps; 17# dbs 8 reps
Reverse Flys 12# dbs 8 reps; 12# dbs 8 reps
Zottman Curls 15# dbs 8 reps 15# dbs 8 reps
Bent over Row palms front 25# dbs 8 re[s
Bent over Row palms back 25# dbs 8 reps
Pullover 20# db 8 reps; pullover 20# db 8 reps

Belinda, nice that you got in a walk yesterday. Good work on 4 Day Split Kickboxing today.

Jolie, nice work getting in CL 136 Upper Body Challenge with the the ball today. It always seems odd to me that rain would cause internet to go down. I would go for the lobster bisque too. I am not all that fond of turkey. Especially when left over.

Debbie, nice work on Raw Burn Out Legs today. I bet you are relieved you are done with the academic challenge. Those kinds of things take a lot of work.

Roselyn, nice work with STS 2.0 Back.
This morning I did RAW Ripped & Ride July 2019. This one is the tabata styled workout and I alternated between my treadmill and weights. I really like this one. Last time I used my Max Trainer, this morning I jogged for the tabata 20 seconds. Loved it!

Workout was 52 minutes, burned 392 calories, HR was 136/176.

Hope you all have a great weekend. I was wrong, I am so busy again today and now have to go take the art show down. It's never ending once it begins! LOL!!
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No workout today. I spent the morning at the dentist and came home to make an appointment with an Endodontist referred to. Dentist can't determine exactly which tooth is causing the problem. I just know I feel it in my ear and jaw as well. I think I twisted my knee when I tripped off the curb yesterday with the trash can. :rolleyes: Hopefully it is better tomorrow. I left my bench set up so I could do the other upper body parts I missed.

Debbie, nice work on the Ripped and Ride July 2019.

4DS low intensity step plus Shoulders/Calves and abs is done. I also walked the dogs. I am watching DD’s dog Cooper. DH, DD and I (and Sadie) will fly for xmas to TX with our son. Fight is booked.

Diane - nice job on Chris Tabata Cardio + stretch yesterday. I had a dental appointment yesterday. I really like my new dentist. I hope the Endodonist can figure what is causing your problem. Teeth can cause a lot of problems. I am good until my next cleaning in May. Oh no, on your knee. I hope you feel better tomorrow. Poor thing! I don’t remember if I mention it? I am back with Invisalign for a few month. One tooth is not moving. I will pick up my new retainer in 3 weeks.

Debbie - nice job on your workout. I hear you on being busy. I have so many appointments, my head is spinning.

Have a great evening.
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I have been cooking and prepping for tomorrow's dinner all day. I did take a break while a pie was baking to get in a workout. I did Raw TBTS Push day + warm up, 24 minutes, 94 calories, heart rate 110/136. TBTS timesaver intervals 15 minutes, 86 calories, heart rate 140/164, and TBTS Sculpt Abs, 17 minutes, 46 calories.
I ended with CDorner mobility day 6 morning mobility and day 18 chest and shoulder mobility stretch, 25 minutes, 48 calories. Total time was 81 minutes, 279 calories. I need to get back to work on things. More potatoes to peel.
Push Day
seated shoulder press 10# dbs 8 reps; 12# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise 12# dbs 8 reps; 12# dbs 8 reps
seated overhead triceps extension 20# db 8 reps; 20# db 8 reps
skull crusher 12# dbs 8 reps; 12# dbs 8 reps
connected bench press 15# dbs 8 reps; 15# dbs 8 reps
straight bench press 15# dbs 8 reps; 15# dbs 8 reps

Belinda, nice work with 4 Day Split Low Intensity Step with shoulders, abs and calves. I hope it does not take long to get that retainer off. At least you have someone that knows what they are doing. The dentist that I saw says everything looks good. I am scheduled for a teeth cleaning February. That is good that your flights are all set for Christmas.
Yesterday was rest day #2 for the week, just a short dog walk. Today I did CL# 351 Intense Upper Body and had a fantastic workout. I lifted heavier weights in some exercises in some exercises and I did really well with them. My Biceps are so pumped right now, it feels great! Workout was 56 minutes and I burned 394 calories. My FitBit is not workking well, so I do not know if that is an accurate calorie reading, last time I did the workout I burned 454 calories. I am going to ask for a Garmin Venue for Christmas so I will have to wait until then to get accurate reads. No big deal, I know what I typically burn for each workout since I document it each time I do the workout.

Diane Sue, sorry to hear about your mishap with the trash can. I hope you are feeling better today. Have fun at your Holiday meal this weekend. I dread mine on Thursday, I have to do the whole thing myself and I hate to eat like that. I am going to have a sushi roll and call it a day.

I hope you all have great workouts today if you choose to do so. I am off to Costco and I bet it will be a nightmare. Make it a great day.
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Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I found out that my uncle in Canada passed away :( I wasn’t in the mood to do a lot yesterday.

Today I did Cross Fire modified (mostly on the rebounder low impact) and a walk outside. It’s cooler today.

Diane - that sounds like a lot of cooking and prepping. Enjoy your holiday dinner today. I haven’t had a check up in over a year. I also needed a cleaning which I hadn’t in a year. Everything turned out good. I am scheduled for another cleaning in May. I have lingual braces on my lower to prevent my teeth from shifting, I got a class on how to clean them and keep them clean. I really like my new dentist.

Off to rest. Have a great Sunday everyone.
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Good morning,

I started week 3 of Cathie’s November 2023 rotations. I did Ripped with HiiT Back,Biceps & Shoulders.

I hope you all having an amazing Monday and workout. BBL
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This morning I did RAW Box & Pump 2 and had an excellent workout. I haven't done this one in a while. I think this is my favorite Box & Pump workout because it has 80's music in it.

Boxing Drill - 1.5# Egg Weights
Squat Rows: 15's - 16 reps
Run Rows: 8's - lots of reps

Boxing Drill - 1.5# Egg Weights
Overhead Press: 12's - 16 reps
Connected Front/Side Raise: 8's

Boxing Drill - 1.5# Egg weights
Overhead Triceps Extension: 15#
Run Kickbacks: 5's

Boxing Drill - 1.5# Egg weights
Chest Flies: 15's - 16 slow reps
Run Press: 8's - lots of reps
Ab work: 5's
Hammer Curls: 15's - 16 reps
Run Curls: 8's - lots of reps

Workout was 42 minutes, burned 317 calories, did 3264 steps and HR was 133/178.

Diane - I hope your knee is ok. I hate when stuff like that happens. I hope your Thanksgiving was special!

Belinda - I'm sorry to hear about your uncle, I will pray for his soul. I hate getting older because this is what starts happening. All our loved ones leave. I hate it. Hope you are doing well.

Jolie - When you get a Garmin, I want to connect with you on it. Diane and I can see each other's workouts and it's really cool. I also follow my cousin in Italy and his son. When are you going to subscribe to Kelly's RAW site?

Roselyn - Great job with your workouts!

Have a great day everyone!
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This morning I did RAW TBTS Push and Pull workouts. Had an excellent workout and I upped my weights on a few exercises. Love these two together, I even had time to hop on my treadmill and walk a bit.

RAW Push
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Overhead Shoulder Press: 15's
Lateral Raise: 12's
Overhead Tricep Extension: 20#
Skull Crushers: 12's
Connected Chest Press: 15's
Dumbbell Bench Press: 25's

RAW Pull
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Hammer Curls: 20's
Reverse Flies: 15's
Zottman Curls: 15's
Double Arm Row: 20's (1st set palms front, 2nd palms back)
Pullover: 20#

Then I got on my treadmill since I had some time walked for .86 miles so about 15 minutes. Total workout was 53 minutes, burned 335 calories and HR was 116/156.

Everyone must be busy getting ready for Thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful day!!
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No workout to report today. I ran some errands, just got home. I will catch up tomorrow on my workout.

Thank you, Debbie! I ate everyone is leaving too. I am doing ok.Thanks!

Great job everyone.
This morning I didn't feel like doing much so I walked on my treadmill for a bit on a 3% incline. I am reading a really good book so I read the whole time I was walking.

Workout was 41 minutes, burned 279 calories, went 2 miles, did 4783 steps and HR was 119/139.

Have a great day everyone!!
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Hi Everyone & Happy Thanksgiving!

I have been working out regularly, but my nights are so busy and I am trying to get more sleep. I subscribed to Cathe Live a couple weeks ago. I am so happy I did. I am loving the workouts that I have done. There are so many to sift through and I have viewed a lot and have developed quite a library of favorites. The first one out of the gate was Ready, Set, Step. That is an awesome step workout. Fun, sweaty and great cuing. I have some buffering issues occasionally, but it works itself out. We have high speed internet, so I don't understand the buffering issues. It probably has to do with how many of us are on the internet at the same time.

So far this week:
Monday: Michelle Briehler Upper Body RIP
Tuesday: Cathe Live Legit Legs
Today: Cathe Live Metabolic Blast

I am enjoying having most of this week off and getting ready to host Thanksgiving.

I sure have made some strength gains this year, though. Moves that were challenging or impossible are now more doable. I keep changing it up and adding variety to my workout week. I have done workouts that a few years ago I would never have attempted, including more fusion workouts. I'm glad I did. Little changes in my workouts have made me stronger and more flexible. Also keeps it fun and fresh.

Looks like everyone is doing well and feeling good. Hope everyone has a good and healthy Thanksgiving.
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I wanted to come on and say how thankful I am for each and every one of you. You all have become great friends to me over the years and checking in with you each day is a highlight for me, I love that we all share so much of our lives with each other. I hope you all have a great holiday today!

Sorry I have been MIA but I have been super busy getting ready for Thanksgiving today. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I have worked out all week here is what I have done so far this week.

Monday, 3 mile walk with the pup
Tuesday, 3.5 mile walk with the pup
Wednesday, I did a 2 mile walk and I did a total body circuit with heavy weights x 12 reps and 3 rounds of the circuit.

I ordered to Garmin Venue SQ fitness watch for my husband to give me for Christmas. I am excited to try it, so many people give it 5 star reviews.

Great job with the workouts this week ladies, we are killing it! I will go back and read all of your posts as soon as my guests leave tomorrow. I have my son home from college and my heart is full.

Happy Thanksgiving
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I am getting ready to head over to my moms for Thanksgiving but did get a workout in. I did RAW Ripped & Ride May 2019 which consisted of using any type of cardio equipment alternating that with the heavy bag. LOVED IT!! OMG, I used my Max Trainer so it was a killer.

43 minutes but I started with TBTS warmup that was 7 minutes.

4:45 min. Cardio: Max Trainer
Heavy Bag: Jabs then Crosses

4 min. Cardio: Max Trainer
Heavy Bag: Hooks

3:45 min. Cardio: Max Trainer
Heavy Bag: Body Shots

3:30 min. Cardio: Max Trainer
Jab Cross Combo

5 min. Cardio: Max Trainer
Shadow Boxing: 1.5# egg weights

Was an excellent workout. Total of 57 minutes, burned 449 calories, did 4375 steps and HR was 135/165. Kelly is 56 in this workout which means she is 60 now. She looks amazing and to me it looks like she's getting more cut and trimmed and younger. What an inspiration!!

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and thank you all for being such great friends and inspirations!! You all inspire me to do my best every day and I appreciate that!!

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