Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2023

Today I did STS 2 Super Sets Lower Body only mix, 18 minutes, heart rate 110/135 heart rate, 70 calories. I added STS 2 body parts legs bonus, 8 minutes, 29 calories, heart rate 101/119. I finished with CDorner mobility challenge day 27 full body morning mobility and day 26 legs stretches, 23 minutes, 34 calories. Total time today was 49 minutes, 134 calories. I almost skipped a workout. My brother called me and his wife was in the hospital after a heart attack. Not long after she passed away. It was so unexpected and makes me sad.

STS 2.0 Supersets lower body 8 reps

Squats #1 30# dbs
Deadlifts #1 55# barbell

Squats #2 30# dbs
Deadlifts #2 55# barbell

Squats #3 30# dbs
Deadlifts #3 30# barbell

Alternating Sumo Squat #1 40# db
Alternating crossback lunge #1 20# dbs

Alternating Sumo Squat #2 40# db
Alternating crossback lunge #2 20# dbs

Alternating Sumo Squat #3 40# db
Alternating crossback lunge #3 20# dbs

Body Parts legs bonus exercises
hamstring hip hinges 20# db 12 reps
firewalker ladder blue firewalker band
pizza press with medium fabric loop band
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Debbie, nice work on Ripped and Ride 2019 today. The thing that made that lower body workout so hard was doing 3 rounds of the 3 sets with no real rest till that exercise was over. My legs were screaming and I stopped because my left knee was starting to feel it before that last exercise.

Belinda, nice work on the belly dance and SBF barre work. Have a nice time with your husband today.
Diane Sue, I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law's passing, prayers and hugs for you and your family.

Yesterday was a rest day for me, my feet needed a break :) Today I did Cathe's STS Meso 1 Disc #5 Back and Triceps and had a great workout. I added in 100 rows on my rowing machine at the end, boy what a killer piece of equipment. I can really feel it in my arms, back and legs after using that thing. Total workout time was 63 minutes and I burned 389 calories. I am really enjoying doing STS again, I love that this meso is basically a no repeat workout and I love that format, no dread factor and it moves quickly with little rest periods if any.

It is so warm and beautiful here today, I worked out in shorts and a tank top with the garage door up today and it was so nice. Lucky for me, my husband is walking the pup for me today!

Have a great Saturday.
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Diane - I am so sorry to hear about your sister in law. That is so sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jolie - glad you have no dread factor with STS M1. Great job. Send some of your nice weather this way.
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Today I did CDorner Kickboxing to the Beat, 32 minutes, heart rate 146/176,186 calories, 3,287 steps. I followed with STS 2 abs mish mosh standing abs (not quite all is standing) 21 minutes, 91 calories, heart rate 114/149, 406 steps. I then did CDorner mobility challenge day 28 upper body 12 minutes, 18 calories. I then though I would do some of CDorner Low Impact Cardio Yoga Flow, but ended up doing all but the starting talk you through a process in your head, 40 minutes, heart rate 108/148, 144 calories, 524 steps. This was pretty good and non stop movement. Total time was 1 hour 45 minutes, 439 calories, 4,222 steps.

Jolie, glad that you enjoyed STS meso 1 back and triceps and got in some rowing in too.

Today I did Low Impact Series - AthleticTraining.

Diane - more hugs coming your way.

Have a great Sunday every one.
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This morning I did RAW Intervals 4 and had a great workout. I like this workout but I hate the music and it's almost too loud. Also, my knee didn't like some of step cardio as she does one legged jumps over the step and lunges off the back, etc. Both my knees weren't very happy with me. I brought it down and modified towards the end.

This workout has 30 second intervals, used the step with one set of risers, 8 and 12# dumbbells. No boxing in this workout whatsoever.

Split/Squat Jacks
Power Curls:

Deadlift/Upright Rows
: 12's

Icky Feet (love these)
Back Lunge w/One Arm Overhead Press
: 12#
Repeat other side

Lunge Cardio off Step
Side Lunge/Curls
: 12's

Squat Touch Downs
Plank Rows
: 12's (I just did standing rows)

Heel Crossovers


REPEAT ALL - but she cuts back on lifting moves, only does them once and skips the Heel Crossovers and Jacks/Skates

Skull Crushers/Situps: 8's (I don't know how she does this with 12's!)
Chest Flyes w/Leg Raise: 12's

Workout was 46 minutes, burned 356 calories, did 2418 steps and HR was 132/157. This workout gets my HR up there, I had to rest a few times to catch my breath. I loved the chest flyes with the leg raise, my abs are so strong and I think it's because of all the boxing I do. I always keep my abs in and really concentrate on them when I'm boxing.

I'm sorry but I don't have time for personals. I have an Academic Challenge coming up on Thursday and I really have a lot to do. So hopefully I can do personals tomorrow or Wednesday.

Belinda - Thanks for the Black Friday link! I appreciate that!!

Have a great day everyone and great job on your workouts!
Today I did CDorner Step and Strength with dumbbells 47 minutes, 234 calories, heart rate 130/157, 3,575 steps. I then did Raw Upper Body & abs, 33 minutes, 79 calories, heart rate 94/114. I finished with CDorner Mobility Challenge day 29 hips and low back mobility and day 30 Full Body static stretch(30 seconds hold with timer), 32 minutes, 44 calories. Total time was 1 hour 52 minutes, 357 calories, 3,749 steps. I have a busy week so not sure if I will get in many workouts. Tomorrow I have a pulmonologist appointment and Friday I have a dental appointment because I have a toothache or something. My jaw hurts. Both during the time I usually work out. We are doing family Thanksgiving this weekend and I have shopping and cooking to do. The funeral is tomorrow. Thank you ladies for the thoughts.

Step and Strength 5 min cardio and 3 min weights
lunge rows 10 reps 12# dbs
alternated with wide squat curl press 10 reps 10# dbs
repeat till counter finishes
side lunge hammer curl 10 reps 12# dbs
alternated with wide squat front raise 8# dbs
repeat till counter finishes
push up knee in alternated with
tuck ins

Raw Upper Body And Abs 33 minutes
Timed 45 seconds alternates upper body and abs rests uses a step with two risers each side and dumbbells

shoulder press 10# dbs; 2nd time 12# dbs
Russian Twist with dumbbell 12#

seated preacher curl alternating 15# dbs
Sit up with a press 15# db

kickbacks 10# dbs
Standing side to side reach abs with 10# dbs

seated pulls 12# dbs
Plank hold

chest flys 15# dbs
Reverse crunch

6 all upper moves standing
Overhead press 10# dbs
Curls 12# dbs
Kickbacks 10# db
Rows alternating 12# dbs
Bench press 12# dbs

Debbie, nice work with Raw Intervals 4 today. Good luck with the academic challenge that you are working on.

Belinda, nice work on the Low Impact Series Athletic Training yesterday.
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I did 4DS Bootcamp before my appointments.

Debbie - you are welcome!

Diane - great job today.

Have a great evening.
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Quick check in, I am so busy today with so many things with the house. Yesterday was a 2 mile dog walk, I had an early dentist appointment and it did not leave me enough time to do three miles. Walk walk 40 minutes and I burned 361 calories. Today I have a city inspector coming to sign off on our solar that got installed so I am short on time again! I walked the pup 3 miles through the hills, 1 hour 7 minutes and burned 557 calories. I hope to get in some weight work this week but I have so much to do before I host Thanksgiving. We will have some rain this week so I am not sure how the dog walks will go either. The holiday season is a crazy time for me. BTW, I still have to walk my neighbors dog today.

Great job on all of the workouts ladies. Diane Sue, I hope you and your family fare well through the funeral for your sister in law.

Have a great day.
This morning I did RAW Upper Body & Abs that Diane did yesterday. I thought it was a workout I never did but apparently I did it in April. I really liked it. Tough workout.

45 seconds on/10 seconds off

Seated Overhead Press: 15's/12's
Russian Twist: 8#

Seated Preacher Curls (I did Hammer Curls w/Twist): 15's
Weighted Situps: 8#/12#

Kickbacks: 8's
Standing Side to Side Oblique Pulls: 10's

Seated Rows: 15's

Close Grip Press to Fly: 15's
Reverse Crunch

Standing Shoulder Press: 12's
Dumbbell Curls: 15's
Kickbacks: 8's
Double Arm Rows: 15's
Bench Press: 20's

I also walked on my treadmill for .79 miles. Workout was 50 minutes, burned 319 calories, and HR 117/147.

Diane - I'm so sorry to hear about your sister-in-law. That is truly sad how that happened. Reminds me of when my brother-in-law passed. God Bless you and your family, especially your brother.

Jolie - So cool that you have solar panels. I bet that will be nice with your energy bills!! Great job with your walk.

Belinda - Great job with your workouts!!

Have a great day everyone!
This morning I did RAW Shadow Boxing and not sure why. I really hate the music in this one but the workout is so good. So I did it and used my egg weights and then when it got to the cool down, I did a little bit of RAW TBTS Shadow Boxing and used my 3# hand weights. Kelly uses 5# hand weights which I think it a bit overkill. I only did a few segments and then ran out of time. I might do this one again on Friday to do it all the way through. I liked it.

Workout was 51 minutes, burned 453 calories, did 4662 steps and HR was 140/166.

No time for personals, going to the hall to setup for my Academic Challenge for tomorrow. I can't wait until about noon tomorrow when it is over!! LOL!! Have a great day everyone!
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Today I did Raw Boxing and Legs 2, 36 minutes, heart rate 133/161, 187 calories, 2,463 steps. I wore 1 1/2 # weighted gloves and use 15r# dumbbells for legs. I then did Raw TBST Strength Lower body, 17 minutes, heart rate 107/134, 52 calories. Ended with Raw Stretch 20 minutes, 39 calories. Total time was 73 minutes, 283 calories. My pulmonologist put me on an inhaler that the cost of was a shock when I went to the pharmacy and it was 411 dollars! She thinks I may have some asthma along with everything else.

Raw TBTS lower body
3 moves done for 3 sets of 10 reps

Wide dead/squat up 20# dbs 10 reps 3 sets
Goblet hold close stance squat 3 pulses 20# dumbbell 10 reps 3 sets
Step back plie squat alternating (Kelly calls it plie) 20# dbs 10 reps 3 sets rt and lt count as 1 reps

Debbie, good luck with all of the work you are putting in today. Nice work on Raw shadow Boxing and some of TBTS boxing. Music sure does make a difference to me. Those seated preacher curls on the bench are hard that you did yesterday. Yes, I thought 5# was a bit much for boxing.

Jolie, you sound like me as I have so much going on along with trying to get things done for hosting our Thanksgiving on Sunday. Good that you have got the walks in. Hopefully you can fit in some weights too.

Belinda, nice work yesterday on 4 Day Split higher intensity step plus back and chest.

Roselyn the holidays sure have come up fast. I have bought 1 Christmas present and am feeling a bit rushed to get things done.

Today was STS 2 Active Recovery on the schedule. I went for a long walk outside instead. Needed that today.

Diane - wow, that is a lot of $$ for an inhaler. I had no idea that cost that much:( I hope it will help you. Great job on your workout today.

Debbie - great job on your workout today.

Roselyn - nice shoulder work.

Good night.
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Yesterday we had a lot of rain and our internet went down. I did get in a good dog walk before the rain came, 1 hour 22 minutes, traveled 4.2 miles and burned 782 calories. Today I did CL#136 Upper Body Challenge with the Ball, I used a bench and had a fantastic workout. I lifted heavy weights and did a few less reps to compensate for it. I skipped the AB section at the end, I have to get my dogs to the groomer, and I ran out of time. Total upper body workout time was 50 minutes and I burned 355 calories. My FitBit is just about done, I will ask for a fitness tracker for Christmas or just get on before the holiday.

Great job with the workouts yesterday everyone. I am running late today but will catch up with the personals when I get home. I ate really bad yesterday, I had to sample some cookies for Thanksgiving and I feel sick today from eating that crap! I think on Thanksgiving I am just going to eat a winter salad and some lobster bisque. YUM!
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Just a quick checkin. Just got back to work from Academic Challenge, which went well but had some issues come up. that's normal, though.

Anyways, I did RAW Burn Out Legs and had a great workout. I'll be back tomorrow for personals since now this event is over. Thank God!!!
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