Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for November 2023

Today I did CDorner Step # 332 (halloween) Fast Basic step + abs standing, 59 minutes, heart rate 123/157, 259 calories, 4,241 steps. I followed with Dy 22 of the mobility challenge, gentle low back stretch, 19 minutes, 25 calories. Total time was 77 minutes, 284 calories.

Belinda, I am glad that you had a fun time Saturday. It has been a long time since I have been to a salon. I order color and do my own color and my husband cuts it for me. That is a lot of money. It seems like everything is going up to crazy rates. Nice work on I Max 4 yesterday and P30 upper body today. It seems like you just got Sadie. Time goes by fast.

Jolie, nice work on getting in Meso one Biceps and Triceps and the dog walk. I still have two Fit bits and have never wanted to get them back out since I got the Garmin.

Debbie, great job on Box and Pump #4 today. I like that one.
This morning I did RAW TBTS Push and Pull workouts. I seriously love these workouts. Old school lifting - 8 reps, heavy weights. I went higher in weights than I did last time. Felt great!! I had to start early because we are voting on some major issues here in Ohio today, so I needed to get done and get out to vote before heading to work.

RAW Push
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Overhead Shoulder Press: 15's (can't believe I did 15's on this!)
Lateral Raise: 12's
Overhead Tricep Extension: 20#
Skull Crushers: 12's
Connected Chest Press: 15's
Dumbbell Bench Press: 25's

RAW Pull
Everything was 2 sets/8 reps

Hammer Curls: 16's
Reverse Flies: 12's
Zottman Curls: 12's
Double Arm Row: 20's (1st set palms front, 2nd palms back)
Pullover: 20#

Then I got on my treadmill since I had some time walked for .78 miles so about 15 minutes. Total workout was 48 minutes, burned 380 calories and HR was 131/184.

I'm sorry ladies, no time for personals. I have so much work to get done today so I'm sorry! You are all getting in some great workouts, though!! Have a wonderful day!!

P30 LIH is done. I am going for a walk soon. It’s beautiful outside today. Tomorrow I have a dental plus cleaning appointment. I will check in the evening.

Debbie - great job this morning. Sorry about the issue in Ohio.

Diane - I wouldn’t trust my husband to cut my hair. I would look like straight out of basic training :) That’s great your husband knows how to cut your hair. I stopped coloring my hair a long time ago. My stylist encouraged me to stop after she saw how nice my gray hair looked. She said people would pay thousands of $$$$ to get my color :p The stylist on Saturday said the same about my hair color. I got tired of coloring my hair, my gray’s won. I know it’s not for everyone, I like it and so does everyone else. Nice work on the Halloween step. Time goes by fast doesn’t it.

Have a wonderful day.
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Sorry I did not check in over the weekend, my computer froze up after I updated it! Jeez... Anyway, I have it working now so it is all good. Sunday I did Cathe STS Meso 1 Disc #2 Back and Triceps and had an excellent workout. My triceps are talking to me today! Today I took the pup for a 3.5 mile walk, time was 69 minutes and I burned 601 calories. I think for Christmas I need to get a new fitness tracker, this old FB is on it's last leg. I will probably get a Garmin since you all seem to like yours and I think the price is good too.

Belinda, great job with the workout today. My hair costs $250 just for a partial high light and that means no blow out or cut or anything else! I cut my own hair because I never like how anyone does it or they cut way too much off.

Great job on the workouts over the weekend!

Make it a great day.
Jolie - my stylist would charge the same for partial high lights. My old stylist cut too much off too. That’s way I tried a new one. She didn’t cut a lot off, I am trying to grow my hair out. It’s still blows my mind how expensive it is. Maybe I need to cut my own hair too. Great job on your workouts.
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Today I did Raw Strength Moves Total Body, 59 minutes, 142 calories, heart rate 95/123. This time I used dumbbells instead of kettlebells for part of it. I then did CDorner Mobility challenge day 23 morning stretch full body 11 minutes and Day 24 Neck and Back mobility, 14 minutes, both together was 24 minutes, 43 calories. Both of these were more of a movement flow rather than long holding stretches. Total time today was 83 minutes, 185 calories.

Raw Stength Moves Total Body (Kelly makes sure she does the same amount of reps on each side)
each move is done 3 sets 45 seconds

Goblet Squat 25# dumbbell 3 sets

Rows rt/lft done 3 sets 20# dumbbell

Barbell Hip Thrust using step 30# 3 sets

shoulder press rt/lft 3 sets 11 reps 12# db

Romanian Split Squat 10 reps 3 sets 20# kettlebell (didn't want to use a Bowflex weight)

Seated overhead triceps extension 20# kettlebell 3 sets 11 reps (dropped to 15# last 3 reps to finish)

side lunge rt/lft 20# kettlebell 10 reps 3 sets

Single arm bench press rt/lft 15# db 10 reps 3 sets

Pull over to sit up on step 15# dumbbell 9 reps 3 sets

Belinda nice work getting in P30 UB today. I hope that you had a good walk as well. It has been really nice here too. Weird how we had a freeze and it warmed back up to 70's and 80. My husband used to cut our children's hair and would take me to Dallas and I got my hair cut there since at the time I had a terrible time with lousy hairdressers. He would sit and watch them cut my hair and would recreate the style after we were home. I did later find a couple of places here when he was out of country that did a good job. I didn't feel like I needed to go home to fix it before I went on to shopping. I think my hair would have a lot of white around my face judging by my roots and the top would be darker grey. Coloring it is something I really do not enjoy doing. Most of my friends have gone on to letting their hair be grey. Some never colored their hair.
I don't worry much when my husband wants to try something else with my hair. I just figure it won't take long for it to grow back. Sometimes I have him put in some layers so it has more body and other times I just have him trim it off. It I tried to cut my own hair a few times and had to have my husband fix it. It is hard to get the back of it.

Debbie, great job with the Push and Pull workouts. I like those too. I checked a bit of the functional one, but when something starts out with a snatch I just move on to something else. I suppose it is done slower and carefully it might be okay.
Yesterday was a rest day but I still got in over 3 miles of walking due to having to walk my own dog and my neighbor's dog as well. I did the hills and got in a good butt burner. I guess it was not a rest day after all. Today I did STS Meso 1 disc #4, Chest, Shoulders and Biceps and had a great workout. I lifted heavier than usual, I felt good, so I went with it today. Total workout time with stretch was 1 hour and I burned 408 calories. I have not used a BB in a long time, and I really liked it. Boy, my Bicep curls are so sad, I only lifted a 25# BB and I was fighting for it on rep 15.

Debbie, great job on the workouts the past 2 days! Today's workout looks great, I like to lift heavy and for low weights too! How did the voting turn out for you? I have not looked at the news yet.

Diane Sue, great job with the RAW strength moves workout yesterday, that looks like a great one!

Belinda, I used to do hair in the 80's so I had a cosmetology license so I can easily cut my hair myself. I wish I still had the license, the amount of money they charge now is insane but so is the rent for the hair solans. Way to go on the workout!

Make it a great day.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up no equipment, 47 minutes, 250 calories, heart rate 135/168, 4,225 steps. I finished off with Day 25 mobility challenge Full Body Mobility Flow, 17 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 64 minutes, 286 calories.

Jolie, nice work on the walking with the dogs. Definitely not a rest day. Great job on STS Meso 1 Chest, Shoulders, and Biceps. I realized this morning that there was not a specific biceps move in the total body workout I did yesterday, I guess the arm turn she did in the overhead press and the from the side and turn on the bench press would have bought the biceps into play more.
I learned that trying to cut my hair like some of those quick and easy videos on the internet does not work. Particularly putting it in a ponytail and cutting it. What a mess I had. I just get those moments of insanity when everything is not right and the hair is in my face and I decide to chop it off. Has not happened in a long time though :p
Today I did RAW Lower Body Ascending Pyramid and had a great workout, I will be feeling this tomorrow. It is a 30 second on/10 seconds off workout going heavier with each set. My knee did well with it but I started feeling it strain towards the end. I was really careful, though. It has been doing really well.

Each ascending exercise is done 3 times through:
Squats - 10's/12's/15's
Forward Lunges - 10's/12's/15's (I did static lunges)
Deadlifts - 10's/12's/15's
Sumo Squats - 10's/12's/15's
Reverse Lunges - 8's/10's/12's

I also did a stretch on my own. Total workout was 49 minutes, burned 287 calories, HR was 114/147.

Jolie - Nice job with your walk yesterday and the weights today. Woo hoo! No, both issues passed and I am so upset with mankind right now. Issue 1 was legal abortion up to birth and this issue also gives children - CHILDREN - the right to change their sex without a parents consent. Who on this God given earth thinks that is ok? I'm sick to my stomach about it. Issue 2 was legalizing recreational marijuana and that passed which I knew it would. I know this can help people who are in pain but the last thing we need is high people driving and causing more accidents. I just don't get it. I've lost faith in humanity. Anyways, not a good day for me. I pray for this country. I want to live on Mars.

Belinda - Wow on the haircut costs. I'm lucky, my cousin cuts my hair and I pay her $30. I don't get color or anything like that so she just does my cuts. Great job with your workouts!

Diane - I agree, when I see snatches or even mountain climbers, I move on. No more for me. I don't mind snatches so much, but I have to be in the mood to do them. Nice job with your workouts lately!!

Have a great day everyone!!
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I did P30 Lower Body this morning. I did it before I had my dental appoIntment. It was my first time using the dentist. My orthodontist recommended it. I really like it. I had a private room.

Diane - your husband is very good if he can cut your kids and your hair. Lucky you. I don’t trust my husband cutting my hair, lol. He would give me a military hair cut. Like I mention to Jolie, we bought a grooming kid from Amazon for Sadie. I will try it tomorrow. I can’t cut the back of my hair. Maybe I will let my husband just cut straight accoss one day. It’s insane how much they charge. Last year, I payed $50 than it went up to $55.

Debbie - you are so lucky your cousin cuts your hair. Yeah, getting your hair done is expensive. Maybe I need to start cutting my own hair, lol. We are living in a crazy place :( I hope things will change soon.

Jolie - no wonder you can cut your own hair. The thing is, she didn’t cut a lot, just a little. I still payed a lot of $$. Dh and I plan on cutting Sadie’s hair. I bought a grooming kid on Amazon. Wish me luck, lol. Sadie’s grooming is $70. Thank goodness for YouTube!

Good night.
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I am SO SORE from yesterday's leg workout. OMG, it was all I could do to get them moving this morning. LOL!! And now that I'm at work, I'm getting all stiff again.

I wanted to do two different boxing workouts and I couldn't decide which so I did them both. First I did RAW Box 4 Your Waistline and then I did half of RAW Kickboxing. Love them both. The kickboxing one isn't at all like a Cathe kickboxing workout is. In fact, she hardly does any kicking moves. But I love it anyways. I used my 1.5# egg weights for both workouts.

Workout was 56 minutes, burned 459 calories, did 4114 steps and HR was 136/174. Had a great workout!!

Belinda - How are your knees doing? Did the cortizone shots help you out? Great job with your lower body workout. Yes, I'm lucky I have a cousin who cuts hair, I have no idea what I will do when she stops.

Diane - I can't believe your husband cuts your hair, I've never heard of that before unless they are barbers or something. That is really cool. I cut my husbands hair but I just use one of those shavers because he likes his hair fairly short.

Roselyn - Great job with your workouts this week!

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I am sore from yesterday's workout, especially in the Traps. I have a headache, and I am sure it is because of the soreness in that trap and neck area. Today I took the pup out for a 3.4 mile walk, time was 1 hour 2 minutes and I burned 567 calories. It is so warm and dry out, the weather is perfect for walking. The ocean looks so crystal clear and it is like a glassy lake today. I can see Catalina Island so clearly, it is absolutely beautiful today.

Debbie, great job on the kickboxing workouts today. I cannot wait to start those workouts, I just have to wait for my new credit card to arrive in the mail, it was deactivated due to fraud, so I have no way of paying for anything right now. It is so disgusting what people are voting for, the future is bleak. Too many people are not religious anymore and this is the Devil doing his work. I feel sorry for all of the non believers, an eternity in Hell will be hell for them!

Belinda, I have two dogs and their grooming is $85 per dog, I wish I could do their grooming myself. Tell me how it turns out, these costs really add up and it is for a lot of money! I am trying to find ways to cut costs, 2024's economy is supposed to be a disaster. Nice job on getting the workout done before your dentist appointment. I have an appointment on Monday.

Diane Sue, I have a 3 way mirror that hangs off my door and I can cut the back of my hair myself. I cut it last night and I am not sure if I like it or not. I cut it into a blunt bob hairstyle, I am not sure if it is too blunt for my age. Sometimes texture helps but I am so in the mood for a different hairstyle. I started to grow it out last year and I hate to say, I think I like it shorter better :) However, I had a pixie hairstyle for the last 20 years and I was bored of it. Nice job on the workout yesterday.

Roselyn, great job on the workout.

Have a wonderful day.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body premix Upper and calves, 49 minutes, 122 calories, heart rate 95/121. I upped some of the weights from what I previously have been doing. I then did Raw Stretch 20 minutes, 31 calories. I did not do the 30 day mobility today as it is lower body and I will do it tomorrow when I do lower body. Total time was 69 minutes, 153 calories.

2.0 Supersets lower body and calves only mix

warm up with light tubing and 10 and 15# dumbbells

Incline chest press #1 15# dbs; #2 17.5# dbs; #3 17.5# dbs 8 reps superset with
barbell wide overhand grip row #1 55# 8 reps; #2 55# 8 reps; #3 55# 8 reps

Kneeling sweeper curls #1 17.5# dbs; #2 17.5# dbs; #3 15# dbs 8 reps superset with
incline lying triceps extension #1 15# dbs; #2 15# dbs; #3 15# dbs 8 reps

Shrugs #1 17.5# dbs; #2 17.5# dbs; #3 17.5# dbs 8 reps superset with
calf raises #1 25# dbs; #2 25# dbs; #3 25# dbs 8 reps

Incline chest fly #1 15# dbs; #2 15# dbs; #3 15# dbs 8 reps superset with
Barbell underhand grip row #1 55# ; #2 60# ; #3 60# 8 reps

Hammer curls #1 17.5# dbs; #2 17.5# dbs; #3 15# dbs 8 reps superset with
Single arm triceps kickback with loop #1 12# dbs; #2 12# dbs; #3 12# dbs 8 reps

Single Arm side lateral raise #1 10# db; #2 10# db; #3 10# db 8 reps superset with
double arm thumb to thumb rear delt fly #1 8# dbs; #2 8# dbs; #3 5# dbs


Walk outside and P30 Mobility is done.

Debbie - I still have some problems, nothing like I had before. The gel shots really working, I hope I will be pain free for a long time. How are you knees feeling? Great job on your KB workout. I hope your cousin will cut your hair forever :)

Jolie - this one is the cheapest since it attracted to a vet clinic. Everywhere else, they want over $100. The problem I have with all of them, Sadie’s cut doesn’t look professional. Her hair isn’t even cut. She is a yorkie, I understand how difficult it is to cut yorkies. I like her to look like one not like a different breed of dog. I had a yorkie 29 years ago, we used to cut her hair. I am going to try, lol. If I mess SEdie up, I will take her back to the groomer. You are lucky you can cut your own hair.

Diane - nice weight workout today.

Roselyn - nice job on your workout today.

Good night.
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I plan of doing the STS 2 supersets lower body mix tomorrow with some add ons. I feel like I am gaining back my strength. Not quite so much soreness.

Debbie, great job on the Raw ascending pyramids yesterday. That one looks a lot like the one that I did last week. It was lower body pyramids each exercise pyramid done 3 times. I was sure I was going to be in pain. I came through it okay though. I think that I should have went a bit lighter though. I was pretty burned out and skipped the final pyramid of reverse lunges. Nice work today with Raw Box for your waistline and kickboxing. I love the Box for your waistline. I find Kelly's Kickboxing workouts fun.
I heard about the outcome of your elections. It all makes me so sad. I used to think the majority of people were normal and would never do these things, but they are passing this stuff and accepting it!!

Belinda, nice work on P30 Lower Body before your dental appointment. I am glad you liked the new dentist. I think I am going to change mine to the one my husband used that is close to us. He liked him. The one I have used for years is a long drive and they lost their hygienist that we both liked. Not because they wanted to though. My daughter's in-laws groomed their schnauzer all of the time. It would sure save money and since you have taken Sadie to have it done before she is used to it. Nice work on P30 mobility today and a walk outside.

Jolie, nice that you a beautiful clear day for your walk today. I am sorry that you had to get a new credit card because of fraud. It is sad that there is so much evil going on in our country. I never thought it would be like this, but Satan is the great deceiver and working to take everyone down with him. It is hard to watch. I color my hair and keep a makeup mirror on the shelf in my tub/shower so I can see the back of my hair from the mirror over the sink. Having the 3-way mirrors over your door sounds like it would be helpful.
I have my husband cut my hair in a tapered cut in the front and let it grow out the layers for a while. Then I have him cut it off shorter and put back layers. That way it is not the same all of the time.

Roselyn, nice work on the Hiit workout.
This morning I did RAW R&R December 2019. I chose boxing moves over treadmill or MT. Had a great workout. I didn't use my egg weights today because I did two other boxing workouts this week. I still got my heart rate up pretty good without them.

30 seconds each exercise with no rest.

Boxing segment warmup

Biceps - 21's - 20# BB
Push/Press - 20# BB
Double Arm Row/Stand: 20# BB
REPEAT - no rest


Hammer Curls: 12's
Upright Row: 12's
Double Arm Row: 12's
REPEAT - no rest


Skull Crusher: 12's
Chest Press: 15's
Chest Press: 15's
Skull Crushers: 12's


Skull Crusher: 12's
Chest Flies: 15's
Chest Flies: 15's
Skull Crushers: 12's

Then I added on the first circuit of RAW TBTS Cardio Sculpt. I like that workout, wish I had time to do the rest of it.

Total workout was 48 minutes, burned 391 calories, did 3098 steps and HR was 139/169. Fun workout!

Jolie - Sounds like you are having some heavenly weather, lucky you! I didn't realize you could still see the ocean, I thought when you guys moved you weren't hear the ocean anymore. That is so cool that you can see all that, I bet it's like paradise!! Have you ever been to Catalina Island? Is that a tourist area or do people just live there? Sounds like a dream to me! Nice job on your walk!

Diane - Great job with your workout yesterday! I want STS 2.0. LOL! Yes, Ithink the pyramid leg workout I did was the same one you did last week. That is a good workout but it is hard to do three rounds of those exercises. I was dying by the end. The world is so different today, I hate it. I guess this is supposed to be the new normal. Like I told Jolie, I want to move to Mars. Yikes!!

Belinda - Thank you for letting me know about STS 2.0, I will definitely check it out. Maybe I can ask my hubby to get the set for me for Christmas. I would love that!! Thanks again!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
This morning I did RAW R&R December 2019. I chose boxing moves over treadmill or MT. Had a great workout. I didn't use my egg weights today because I did two other boxing workouts this week. I still got my heart rate up pretty good without them.

30 seconds each exercise with no rest.

Boxing segment warmup

Biceps - 21's - 20# BB
Push/Press - 20# BB
Double Arm Row/Stand: 20# BB
REPEAT - no rest


Hammer Curls: 12's
Upright Row: 12's
Double Arm Row: 12's
REPEAT - no rest


Skull Crusher: 12's
Chest Press: 15's
Chest Press: 15's
Skull Crushers: 12's


Skull Crusher: 12's
Chest Flies: 15's
Chest Flies: 15's
Skull Crushers: 12's

Then I added on the first circuit of RAW TBTS Cardio Sculpt. I like that workout, wish I had time to do the rest of it.

Total workout was 48 minutes, burned 391 calories, did 3098 steps and HR was 139/169. Fun workout!

Jolie - Sounds like you are having some heavenly weather, lucky you! I didn't realize you could still see the ocean, I thought when you guys moved you weren't hear the ocean anymore. That is so cool that you can see all that, I bet it's like paradise!! Have you ever been to Catalina Island? Is that a tourist area or do people just live there? Sounds like a dream to me! Nice job on your walk!

Diane - Great job with your workout yesterday! I want STS 2.0. LOL! Yes, Ithink the pyramid leg workout I did was the same one you did last week. That is a good workout but it is hard to do three rounds of those exercises. I was dying by the end. The world is so different today, I hate it. I guess this is supposed to be the new normal. Like I told Jolie, I want to move to Mars. Yikes!!

Belinda - Thank you for letting me know about STS 2.0, I will definitely check it out. Maybe I can ask my hubby to get the set for me for Christmas. I would love that!! Thanks again!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!
You are welcome! Don’t forget if you spent $75 you get $25 off. Don’t forget to use the coupons. Great job!!
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Today was P30 high intensity Hit on the schedule, I did a belly dance workout instead. I also did a SBF barre workout.

It’s my husbands birthday. I will not be around much today. Have a wonderful day.

Diane - I did like my old dentist, she is too far from where I live. The new one is across from my Ortho plus they recommended her. So far, I am happy. Yorkies cost a lot of $$$ for grooming. The groomers didn’t do a great job on Sadie, otherwise I just take her. I don’t like how she looks after the groomer. We shall see how we are doing, lol. Nicely done on your workout.

Have a wonderful day and workout, everyone
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