Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for June 2024


Sorry for not checking in yesterday. DD came to visit us at the RV park. Unfortunately she didn’t stay long she had to go back home.

Today I did STF - Day 35 Upper body push and Cardio = 30 min.

Diane - thank you. We figured it out why we didn‘t had hot water. Everything is computerized in our RV. DD forgot to turn on the hot water on the panel ( I call it the mother panel). We learn as we go.

Debbie - glad you finally figured out what is causing the pain in your shoulder. It‘s a pain doing those exercises daily, they do work. Great job on your workout.

Roselyn - great job on your workout.

Jolie - I am glad eating read meat and eggs is helping you with your pain. I will look into it.

Boy, it‘s so hot outside. I don‘t let Sadie go outside anymore. Poor baby is going to burn her little paws.

Have a great weekend.
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Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Shoulders and Legs Mish Mosh $2, 52 minutes, 120 calories, heart rate 93/125. I finished off with CDorner Full Body Stretch with a towel or strap that I did Tuesday, 32 minutes, 47 calories. This is a really good stretch. Total time 84 minutes, 167 calories.

Mish Mosh Parts #2 body parts shoulders and legs when I did this before I added the leg body part bonus which is hamstring hip hinges with the step topper, firewalker ladder loop band, and pizza press loop which adds a bit more to it. Not today though. I want a some time to paint before husband gets home.
warm up
standing overhead press #1 25 barbell 8 reps
standing overhead press #2 25# barbell 8 reps
standing overhead press # 3 25# barbell 8 reps
squats with medium fabric loop#2 25# dbs 8 reps
squats with loop#3 25# dbs 18 reps
squats # 4 heels elevated no loop 25# dbs
Static Lunge R/L #1 20# dbs
Static Lunge R/L #2 25# dbs
Incline Front raise stability ball #1 8# dbs 8 reps
Incline Front raise stability ball #2 unilateral hold 5# dbs 8 reps
seated isometric hold w/ overhead press #1 3&8 # db 8 reps
seated iso hold w/ overhead press #2 3&8 # db 8 reps
deadlift #1 25# dbs 8 reps
deadlift #2 30# dbs 8 reps
close grip sumo squat 40# db 1 1/2 ct 8 reps
seated lateral raise 8#1# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise 8#1# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise #3 with iso hold 5# dbs 12 reps
rear delt fly stability ball/hip hugger superset standing #1 5#db/20# dbs for hip hugger 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger superset #2 5#db/25# dbs for hip hugger 8 reps
calves in a box 15# dbs 16 reps x 4 X/ 8 reps/4
abbreviated stretch

Jolie, great job on getting in STS Meso 1 Disc #7 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps today. I am sure you will be happy when your tooth is fixed and back to normal. Carbs are generally the smallest % of calories, for me. I am somewhat careful with lots of saturated fat though to avoid artery plaque. I put a limit to it on MFP so I know if I am going over very much from my goal. There are so many good nutrients in meats that many people miss. I read a pub med about the importance of protein in the diet. Although it says more than I think it was 3 gm per kg body weight may have the opposite affect of preventing certain health issues. That would be a real lot of protein imo.

Belinda, that is so nice that your daughter was able to visit you for at least a little while. I am glad you figured out the problem. When we went out once, and husband was out of country, the guys had missed something with buttons, and we had no water. They thought the tank must be full which was impossible. We took off for the public showers since we had been out in the lake water. It was gross. I dropped my bar of soap and just left it on the floor. We wore flip flops. I do not want that experience. They figured it out later and then all was good. I am sure you have even more buttons with all the things they have now. Nice work on STF Day 35 Upper body push and Cardio .
My triceps are so sore, I worked them on Friday but why the heck are they still so sore today. Geez. I'm wondering if I need to get some BCAA's or something? My muscles sure don't repair themselves fast.

Had a great workout this morning, I did STS 2.0 Total Body Super Sets. My PT therapist told me not to work shoulders until I see her again so I skipped two of the supersets.

Supersets done 3x's through. 8 reps for everything

SS #1
Squats: 15's
Deadlifts: 40#

SS #2
Incline Chest Press: 20's
Barbell Overhand Grip Row: 30#

SS #3
Kneeling Sweeper Curls: 15's - I did them standing
Incline Lying Triceps Extensions: 12's

SS #4
Shrugs: Skipped
Calf Raises: Skipped

SS #5
Alternating Sumo Squats: 25# (I did static sumo's)
Alternating Cross Back Lunges: 12's

SS #6
Incline Chest Fly: 15's
Barbell Underhand Grip Row: 30#

SS #7
Hammer Curls: 16's
Single Arm Kickbacks w/Loop Band: 5# w/pink band

SS #8
Single Arm Lateral Raise: Skipped
Double Arm Thumb to Thumb Rear Delt Fly: Skipped

Workout was 56 minutes, burned 309 calories and HR was 109/148.

Then my sister-in-law and I drove up to a park near where we live and we walked for one hour and 10 minutes, went 2.72 miles, burned 216 calories and HR was 72/88 - which, how? I usually get to 122 bpm on my treadmill when I walk. Weird. I'm almost at 10,000 steps already.

I just purchased some wall anchors and new tubing with handles so I can start strengthening the Teres minor and major muscles under my shoulder blade. I got both at Amazon for a decent price. I noticed Cathe does some of these strengthening exercises in her Body Parts back workout so I can't wait to get the set. I think it will be delivered tomorrow.

Diane - That pushup I was talking about was the one where you are on all fours, but instead of doing an actual pushup, you push up using your shoulder blade muscles only, so just a little down and up from the upper back. Remember those? That helps strengthen the smaller muscles in the shoulder blade area. I don't have a Fit Tower so I'm not sure how I will do those exercises, but I know she has people showing how to do it differently if you don't have the tower. Nice job with your workouts!!

Jolie - Did you order STS 2.0 yet? Great job with STS 1 that you have been doing. Those are great workouts!

Belinda - Have fun in your RV. Hope you have hot water again!!

Roselyn - Nice job with STS Back!!

Have a great day everyone!
Today we are having very high temperatures, so I had to get out with the pup and get a walk in earlier than normal. Walk was 1 hour and I burned 422 calories. It is supposed to get cooler as the week goes on, I am hopeful to get in some good weight workouts this week. My gym is in the garage, and it can get hot when the sun shines in the windows, I will have to start earlier than normal. I was supposed to get my tooth pulled on Wednesday, but I rescheduled my appointment till mid July. I have had so much on my plate lately that I just want a break from all of these appointments. I have no pain and my temporary crown is holding fine so July it is.

Debbie, great job with the STS workout and the walk at the park. Isn't it nice to walk outside in the fresh air! Your calorie burn on your walk seemed low today. I did not purchase STS 2.0, only the two upper body workouts. I have been using On Demand to try them out, but I am not sure if I will buy the other workouts or not. Which ones do you like best? I have only been lifting two times per week lately and my aches and pains are minimal compared to when I lift 3 to 4 times per week. I wonder if I need to lift that many times per week anymore?

Diane Sue, great job on the workout on Saturday, that was a good one!

Belinda, I hope you are enjoying your trip. I bet it was nice to have a visit from your daughter. Way to go on getting a workout in too!

Roselyn, great job on the BACK workout.

I bet you all are seeing some high temps where you live, at least that is what it is said on the news. Stay cool...
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No workout today. We ended up exploring the area. We had a lot of thunderstorms. The internet is not the best. I will catch up in the morning.
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Today I did Total Body Barbell Upper Body + core mix, 49 minutes, heart rate 103/140, 154 calories. I finished off with Yoga with Adriene Full Body Stretch (11 min) and Quad release stretch (15min) 26 minutes, 48 calories. Total time was 75 minutes 202 calories. I am not going to post the workout because I want to get some work done on the painting tonight before I go to bed. I decided to hold off on legs today as they are still sore from Saturday.

Debbie, great job on STS 2.0 Supersets today and the walk with your sister in law. 77/88 heart rate does not seem right. Mine goes up to 80 when I am sitting in my chair and reaching for the computer keyboard. I always have to set really still to get it to drop to in the lower 60's. I know this because I wait till I am relaxed enough to take my blood pressure. I am pretty sure our devices do not pick up accurately. It is probably a good idea to wait on the shoulders. That push up move you are talking about is used in some of the mobility workouts I do. For some reason I think Cathe does that in one of hers. Not sure what you call it though. I wrap my tubing around the round bar on my Bowflex select tech weight stand for around the mid range, use the 40# dumbbell for the low anchor and then the door hinge for top one. I mentioned getting the wall anchors like they use at PT to my husband. I did a lot of tubing work and straps for my shoulder and they had me work both sides for most.

Jolie, nice job on the walk today. I have had the caps on my teeth come off before my crowns were ready before. I don't know why they want to come loose on me. Not pleasant and both times it was during a holiday or weekend where I could not get in.

Roselyn, yes, the heat is terrible. Nice work with chest, shoulders, and triceps.

Belinda, enjoy your trip. I hope the storms are not too bad.
Well I am starting to feel really good again. The knot in my back is gone and everything is feeling good. Trap is still tight but not like it was. I can't believe those PT exercises are helping so much. It really does show you what can happen when smaller muscle groups get neglected.

I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Back today, which was an extremely good workout and Cathe actually does exercises that I saw on YouTube to strengthen the Teres minor and major muscles. I can't wait to get my wall anchors and new bands today, this workout will be really fun when I get those. I did use tubing and my door anchor this morning so it worked out really good anyways.

This is how it went - 1 minute (for the most part) rest between exercises

Straight Arm Banded Pulldown: Blue Band - 2 sets/8 reps (this is one of the exercises I saw on YT)
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did modification of seated Overhand Band Rows
Single Bar Chin up: I did modification of seated Underhand Band Rows
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did modification of seated Overhand Band Rows
Single Bar Chin up: I did modification of seated Underhand Band Rows
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 20# - 10 sets
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 25# - 10 sets
Barbell Pullover/Band Pull Apart superset: 20#BB/Blue band - 2 sets/10 & 12 reps
Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs: 40#/10's - 2 sets 8 & 10 reps (I liked the Pendlay exercise)
Band Close Grip Pulldowns: 3 bands put together - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated T-Band Pulls: Blue Band - 12 reps
Superman swimmers: (no thank you) I did the weird shoulder blade pushup exercise - 2 sets/10 reps

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 182 calories, HR was 134/182.

Was supposed to go walking with my sister-in-law again but she has a heel issue. One day we walk and she has a heel issue?! My other sister-in-law used to do this, we'd go walking for one or two days and then she became deathly ill or her back hurt. Maybe I'm the problem? I'm starting to wonder...

So I walked on my treadmill for 41 minutes, 2 miles, burned 336 calories and HR was 127/163.

Jolie - Bummer! You can't win with your garage workout room, it's either too cold to go out there or too hot. Do you guys have a basement? Maybe relocate your workout room somewhere else? I feel bad for you. So far I like all the STS 2.0 workouts. I've done several and like them all a lot. The One Body Part workouts would be beneficial to have, have you tried any of those yet? Our heat has finally subsided a bit. It's comfortable now but still humid.

Diane - I'm pretty sure my watch wasn't right with my walk yesterday too. That was a way low reading, I go up to 99 bpm just getting up to go to the bathroom. Whenever I have my Garmin set on anything other than the cardio setting, it doesn't read right. I wanted to use the "walk" setting so I could see how many miles we walked. It seemed to have been right last year when me and my DH walked. My HR always got up into the 120's/130's while walking. Yep, Cathe does that pushup in one of her workouts, I remember doing it. It's good and I can feel it when I do it. I'm already feeling stronger in the muscles under my shoulder blade. The knot is finally gone. Now if my trap would get loose, I'd be all set. I really liked the tubing work in today's workout that I did. T-Bands still feel bad to me, but I was careful while doing them. Nice workout!

Roselyn - Our heat has subsided a bit. I hope it does for you, too, soon!!

Belinda - Hope you are having fun!

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I did CDorner Tabata Cardio "Rock". 28 minutes, 125 calories, heart rate 123/155, 1,628 steps. This seemed so low on the heart rate and calories since I did the jacks, burpees etc.. Maybe because at 18 minutes she went to plank moves like down to forearms and back up, knee cross to elbow etc.. My heart rate plummets as soon as I go to the floor. I followed with STS 2 Standing Abs: metabolic, 12 minutes, 50 calories, heart rate 111/140, and STS 2 mobility #1, 19 minutes, 18 calories heart rate was 60/82 for this. I think my Garmin is not working right or they need another update or something. Total time was 59 minutes, 193 calories.

Debbie, I am glad that you are feeling so much better, that is great news. The mobility I did today had that move in it and Cathe calls it scapular push-up. Great job on STS 2 Body Parts Back today. I usually have done it with the tubing. The first time I used the Fit Tower for the chin ups and stuff and my neck and traps hurt so bad afterward, so I was a bit afraid of doing it again. After PT I have come to kind of like the tubing work. I hate superman swimmers! I think maybe Garmin has a problem that needs fixed. Even the mobility work was super low on heart rate and calories. Yesterday when I got up my Garmin was not connected to the app for some reason. I turned the wifi off and on and shut down the Garmin and it connected.
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I got my workout in early this morning. Full Body Burnouts Workout | STF - Day 36 = 40 min. We went to the beach which is only a few steps from the RV. Sadie had a lot of fun too.

Debbie - we are having a lot of fun. We have hot water, lol. Glad those PT exercises helping and feeling much better. Good job on your workout.

Jolie - it was very sweet of DD to visit us at Solomons Island, MD. Great job on your walk. Be carful with that heat.

Roselyn - great job with chest, shoulders, and triceps. The heat is terrible.

Diane - no storms. It’s very hot here like it’s everywhere. We stay mostly in the shade. Great job on your workouts.

Good night.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 and had an excellent workout. When I initially looked at the workout sheet for this I was very intimidated. But actually, it was a very doable workout and I really enjoyed it. Cathe says there is a one minute rest between each exercise but really there isn't. LOL!

This is how it went:
Squats: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Front Squats: 30# - 2 sets/10 reps (those were tough on my shoulder)
Barbell Deadlifts: 40# - 3 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Reverse Lunges: 15's - 8 reps
R/L Reverse Lunges: 15's - 8 reps each side
R/L Static Lunges: 15's - 8 reps each side
Close Grip Sumo Squats: 30# - 10 reps
1.5 Close Grip Sumo Squats: 30# - 2 sets/6 reps
R/L Side Lunges: 12# - 2 sets/8 reps
R/L Static Side Lunges: 12# - 8 reps
Barbell Hip Thrusts: 30# - 3 sets/12-10-8 reps (really felt these!)
Barbell Calf Raises: 15's - 20 reps (I used DB's)
Elevated Barbell Calf Raises: 15's - 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Calf Raises: 15's - 15 reps
Stability Ball Hamstring Roll Ins - Skipped
Stability Ball Quad Raises: 2 sets - 15 reps w/ball on shin; 12 reps with ball on toes (burner)

Workout was 56 minutes, burned 313 calories, HR 109/149. I loosened my watch one hole and it worked much better. During the warmup when I could feel my heart rate beating my Garmin showed I was at 66 bpm. I knew that was not right. So I loosened the band and it was a lot better.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1.25 miles, 26 minutes, burned 289 calories and HR was 159/181 (better) and I did 3003 steps.

Diane - My heart rate plummets when I go to the floor was well, I think that's normal for most people. Great job with your workouts! I need to do ab work tomorrow, I haven't done any this week yet. Yep, scapular pushups. Good name for it, I think they really help strengthen the upper back area. When I was doing them continually, I felt so much better. Need to start doing them again. One time I had to go onto the Garmin site to get help and the guy had me download the Garmin app that allows you to do updates from their website. It worked great. I periodically log in that way to see if there are any updates. I think the ones we get on our watches sometimes don't download right. Maybe check that out? Mine seemed much better today since I loosened the watch strap.

Belinda - Great job getting your workout in yesterday!

Have a great day everyone! Taking my mom to Olive Garden today for lunch. :)
Good Morning,

Yesterday I did TBTS Pull then hung out in the pool DH bought over the weekend finished the day at a baseball game unfortunately they lost so they are now done. Today we are headed to the lake then go for a walk. Monday’s ballgame was 102 110 with heat index.
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Today I walked the pup 1 hour, traveled 3 miles and burned 487 calories. Tomorrow it will be much cooler and I will get in a weight workout no matter what! I will also be able to get one in on Saturday as well so I will look forward to those two weight workouts this week. When it gets really hot, I get really unmotivated to lift weights for whatever reason. I guess it is the same for when it gets really cold and damp in the winter. Yesterday I brought in some DB's and did some arm and shoulder exercises in the house, so the day was not a complete loss for working out.

Nice job on the workouts everyone! Running late so I will be back later to read the posts for the day.
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Today I did Cathe Killer Legs + Barre Bonus, 64 minutes(extra time to set up fit tower), 175 calories, heart rate 101/136, 1,284 steps. I finished with CDorner Full Body Mobility loosen up from yesterday, 28 minutes, 36 calories. Total time 92 minutes, 211 calories.
Killer Legs
Squat Oblique twist 10# db
squat alternating arm up 10# db 10 reps
alternating rear lunges 10# dbs (singles and one and a half)
deadlifts 15# dbs
squat deadlift combo 15# dbs
squats 20# dbs 12 reps
close grip sumo squats 20# dbs 12 reps
pass under squats 15# db (up from 12#)
deadlifts 25# dbs
touch down lunges 20# db 10 reps RT/LT
deadlifts 25# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunges 15# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunge deadlift combo 15# dbs 4 reps
static lunges 20# dbs 12 reps
tap lunge combo 12# dbs (this is back lunge/forward lunge/backward lunge tap forward a bit and up)
calf raises 25# dbs 20 reps 2 times (I thought I was holding 20's till I set them down when done)
sumo calf raise combo 20# db 20 reps
side to side sumo squats 15# dbs 16 reps(up from 12)
triple side lunges 15# db 12 reps
alternating front lunges 15# dbs 12 reps
lunge knee up no weight 16 each side
lunge side bend combo 10# db held overhead
sumo squat to side lunge 15# db
barre using pink loop band and mini ball with Fit Tower

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Lower Body 1 today. I have to tighten my Garmin to the last hole on the band so it is tight for picking up my SpO2 right and remember to loosen it one notch for working out. It is really low if I keep it on tight. It is weird because it moves around when I have loosened but works better for cardio.

Belinda, nice work on yesterday's Full Body Burn Out Day 36 and today's Back and Triceps.

Roxie, good job on TBTS Pull Day. Sitting out in the sun when it is that hot for games is miserable. They really heave to make sure the players are well hydrated too.

Jolie, nice work on the 3 mile walk with the pup and some weight work in the house.
Today I had a great workout except for the fact that I hit my shin on a metal piece on a bench and it started swelling up the size of an egg weight in less than 30 seconds. I think I must have hit a vein, it is like a hematoma, but it did not change color. I put ice on it for 10 minutes and it really helped the knot/lump go down, but it is painful. Today's workout was STS Meso 1 Disc #8 Back and Triceps. Workout was 1 hour 10 minutes, which includes the ice break, and I burned 381 calories.

Diane Sue, those are some impressive weights you used in your workout yesterday!!! I wish I could do a workout like that but my knees and back could never endure it. I am surprised how much muscle I have maintained in my legs from all of the hill walking I have done over the past year. However, I need to work on my calf muscles, they look wimpy :) I would think I could build them going up steep hills but I do not. It is time to start doing calf raises again. The same thing happens with my FitBit. The tighter it is, it does not read properly. I am going to get a garmen this summer, I am looking for one on sale for the 4th of July.

Belinda, nice job on the workout. How is the vacation going?

Roselyn, great job on the Back and Bicep workout.

Debbie, I hope you have a great workout today. What bands did you purchase from Amazon? I have to get some new rubber bands, my last one broke this morning while I was using it. I love the band work for the small muscle groups, funny, I used to hate doing band work in the past.

Have a wonderful day. Cool and cloudy here today, but it will get hot after today.
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This morning I walked on my treadmill for about 32 minutes, burned 346 calories, went 1.55 miles and HR was 156/186. Now it seems like my HR is too high. Weird.

I also did some PT exercises (which I have been doing faithfully) and then I did STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch.

Roxie - Great job with TBTS Pull. I miss Kelly's workouts, especially the boxing ones, but I won't do those until this problem I have is totally gone.

Jolie - Great job with your walk! Yea, I commented on your garage issue the other day in one of my posts. Too bad you don't have a basement or extra room. I hated band work, too, it usually causes knots in my back. I'm trying to do them and being very careful about form. These are the ones I ordered: Resistance Bands with Handles for Women, 5 Level Exercise Bands Workout Bands for Physical Therapy, Yoga, Pilates, Door Anchor, Storage Pouch https://a.co/d/01cVN66e - I ordered wall anchors too.

Belinda - Nice job on your workout. I give you a lot of credit that you continue to workout even when you are away from home. I have never done that when I've been on vacation. Even back in the day when I was obsessed with it. Great job!

Diane - I don't really pay much attention to the Sp02. I'm usually in the high 90's. It's not something I care much about. Great job with your leg workout, that one looked like a killer!

Roselyn - Great job with your Back and Biceps!! I might start doing the 12 week rotation when my PT therapist says I can work my shoulders again. I'll let you know in case you want to follow along with me.

Tomorrow I'm going to Amish Country with my cousins so no workout for me. Have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday!!
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Today I did 45 Minute Lean Strong At-Home Legs Workout | STF - Day 38. I finally caught up on the rotations.

Debbie - LOL, once I start a rotation I can’t stop doing it. We can’t walk here, it’s too hot outside. We are going to take a lot of vacations in the RV, need to get our workout in especially after long hours of driving. I bought some exercise bands for PT from Amazon. Really like mine. They came with the door anchor. Great job on your workout. I don’t know if you knew Dr. Mc Dougall? He wrote the Starch solution? He passed away at the age off 77. He is very famous amongst plant based eaters. I have a few of this programs. So young. He suffered a massive heart attack at the age of 18, became a vegan. So sad.

Jolie - so far so good. We went to the Outer Banks and Gator River National Park. Outer Banks was crowded. We didn’t see any Gators, bears or wolves either. Today we are taking it easy. I hope you feel better.

Roselyn - good job with your back/biceps.

Diane - great job on your leg workout.

Not sure what we doing today? BBL
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