Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for June 2024

Today I did CDorner Cardio Step #396, 43 minutes, 221 calories, heart rate 131/154, 3,214 steps. I also did Raw Your Healthy Back, 26 minutes, 54 calories, heart rate 89/106. Total time was 69 minutes, 276 calories.
Not sure about tomorrow. I planned on a weight workout, but we are taking my car in for a recall early morning.
Your Healthy Back which is core, back and stretch
rotating plank
upper crunch
bridge single leg
glute bridge palms up
side leg raise
bird dog
side raise
low plank knee drops
superman scap squeeze
child's pose child pose reach diagonal rt then lft
cat cow
lunge hip flexor stretch and hamsttring stretch
figure 4

Jolie, nice work on STS Meso #1 Disc #8 Back and Triceps. Ouch on the shin. I had one on the top of my foot once that came up right after I did yoga. I am not sure why, but I sent my daughter that is a dermatologist a picture and she said wrap it and it cleared up quickly.

Debbie, good job on the treadmill walk, PT exercises, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch today. My Garmin seemed to work more normal today. My Sp02 is in the upper 80's at night and low 90's in the mornings. It used to be in the upper 90's with the Fitbit. It does concern me a bit though as my daughter had me checking it often when I had covid. When I went to the pulmonologist there reading with that finger thing was low and I showed her the Garmin was in the 90's and she let it go. I told her I had to have the watch tight to get a good reading.

Belinda, nice work getting in Lean Strong At Home Legs Workout STF Day 38. You really do well with rotations. It looks like you are enjoying your travels.

Roxie, nice work on TBTS legs.

Roselyn, nice work on legs today.
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Not much sleep last night as I got up at 5 to get ready to take my car in and then we sat waiting for 3 hours counting getting there early. I did Total Body Barbell, 59 minutes, 199 calories, heart rate 103/143. I finished with Raw yoga stretch 15 minutes, 31 calories. Total time 74 minutes, 230 calories. I used Cahe's weights for all the moves this time. I pre-ordered the new workouts today. I need to go over equipment. I am guessing I need more than the one balance disc that I have. I recently bought what I thought would be a mini ball from Amazon that said it was 7.5 inches and it is more like 15 inches. Too big to hold behind the knee. I don't know what the sellers were thinking. Weird to see that I am the only one here today;) I hope you all get in great workouts and have a nice day. I think I need a nap.

Total Body Barbell (reps are high on most moves and varied in count so not putting them down)
warm up 15# barbell
squats 35# barbell
deadlifts 55#
rear lunges 10# weight plates
deadlifts 55# barbell
plie squats 55# barbell (held in front which I never like, but did it anyway)
dead rows 40# barbell
squat presses 10# weight plate
dead rows 40# barbell
biceps curls 25# barbell
upright rows 25# barbell
biceps curls 25# barbell
overhead press 25# barbell
alternating rear lunges with biceps curls 20# barbell 12/8/6 reps
lateral raises 5# plates
bench press 35# barbell
pec squeeze 2.5# weight plate
close grip bench press 30# barbell
pullovers 30# barbell
lying triceps extension 25# barbell
dips 25# barbell 10/8 reps
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
forearm plank
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
forearm plank

I did Quick & SPICY Low-Impact Glutes and Abs Workout! | STF - Day 39 this morning. It was tough after yesterday’s leg workout. Went to the beach all day.

Today is the last day of Cathe’s new presale price.

Diane - great job with your Cardio Step yesterday and TB Barbell workout today.

Have a great evening.
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Yesterday was a rest day for me. Today I decided to do something different. I am looking to do shorter workouts for the summer, since I walk a lot when it is sunny outside. Also, if it gets hot outside, I can workout in the air-conditioning inside the house with DB's only. I decided to do Caroline Girvan's Epic Heat Giant Killer Upper Body Workout. Workout was 36 minutes and I burned 271 calories. This workout is a Giant Set, 4 exercises for 45 seconds each with no rest in between exercises. At the end of the Giant Set I got a 45 second rest and then repeated it. I loved this workout. I pulled a muscle in my low back the other day doing stiff legged deadlifts and boy am I suffering today.

Great job on the workouts yesterday everyone. I think I am passing on Cathe's new workouts, I just will subscribe to On Demand if I want to try them out. I always like to get your feedback first before purchasing any workout. Make it a great day.
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Today I did CDorner Cardio Aerobics and more, 47 minutes, 240 calories, heart rate 136/173, 4,519 steps. I also did CDorner Full Body Towel or strap stretch, 30 minutes, 37 calories. I like this stretch and everytime I do it I want to laugh because if my husband came in and saw me with a strap wrapped around my neck and crossed in the front for a neck stretch, he would think I lost my mind and was choking myself. This workout helps and stretches things out well. Total time was 77 minutes, 277 calories.

Belinda, good job on Quick & Spice Low-Impact Glutes and Abs Workout STF - Day 39.

Roxie, nice work on TBTS push workout today.

Jolie, nice job on Caroline Girvan's Epic Heat Giant Killer Upper Body Workout today.

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