Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for June 2024

My cat is laying in our bay window and snoring. LMAO!!!

This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. Really loved this workout, however, I did not go near as heavy as Cathe did. I am trying to go into this slow and not over do it, although this was a very intense workout, even with lighter weights.

I'm actually surprised this series isn't similar to STS 1. I wonder why she starts off right off the bat with very heavy weights. I thought the point of STS (shock training system) is to work slowly to gain strength. This workout seems to be just a weight lifting series going as heavy as you can at the get to. Very odd. Nevertheless, I loved this workout.

Flat Bench Press #1: 15's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2: 15's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3: 15's - 8 reps
Flat Chest Fly #1: 15's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly #2: 15's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In: 15's - 10 reps
Incline Bench Press: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Close Grip Press: 15's - 10 reps
Incline Unilateral Chest Press: 12's - 6 reps alternating
Incline Bench Press/Close Grip Combo: 15's - 6 reps (tough!)
Incline Pause Chest Fly #1: 12's - 8 reps
Incline Pause Chest Fly #2: 12's - 6 reps
Incline Unilateral Fly: 10's - 6 reps alternating
Banded Low/High Chest Fly: 10 reps (SKIPPED)
Banded Mid Chest Fly: 12 reps (SKIPPED)
Push ups: 10 reps (SKIPPED)

Workout was 35 minutes, burned 115 calories (my HR didn't get too high with this workout), HR 82/145.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1.33 miles, burned 201 calories, did 3170 steps and HR was 118/151.

Jolie - You are doing the true STS workouts. STS 2.0 isn't a shocked type system, which is weird. I was sort of hoping it would be similar to 1. Don't get me wrong, I like it a lot so far, just was hoping it would be more like the first series. I hope the PT appointment can show what is going on as well. The first time I went was for something similar, but whatever I have now is in a lot of different places - top of the shoulder, traps, neck, under my arm pit and triceps area, although the last two have subsided. I will mention it all to her, though. We'll see, I hope they can help.

Belinda - Are the infusions helping? My cousin swore by them, said it was the only thing that gave her relief. I hope it's doing the same for you.

Roxie - Wow, that is a lot of baseball games. Hope you are wearing your sunscreen!! Yikes!!

Roselyn - Great job with STS 2 Legs. I haven't tried those yet.

Diane - Great job with your workouts. I can't wait to start doing boxing workouts again. I'm going to wait until next week and especially after I see the PT lady on Thursday. It is feeling much better, but the trap muscle is still very tight. I just don't get it. I've massaged it, worked it out with my body buddy, put the infrared lights right over it. It is better but still tight. I'm not fond of band work either, and I have to be very careful with it. I'm not sure how I'm going to do the back workout in STS because I don't have a tower and I'm not doing pullups right now on my bar (forget it) so I'll have to sub something else. I hate when things get delivered to the wrong house. That has happened to us numerous times. Very frustrating. Glad you were able to get your package. You need to post your paintings so we can see them. :)

Well everyone, have a great day! It will be in the upper 90's here and feeling like 100 so I'm staying home and cleaning floors. Lord knows they need it!!
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Getting things set up to do STS 2 Mish Mosh #2 Biceps and Triceps after my husband goes to work.

Debbie, nice work today. I think the STS 2 plan is to do each phase to build up to the heavy weights on the body parts. I kind of worked around the 8 week plan. Then I went wherever I wanted with it and tried mixes etc. Today's plan skips out on most of the band work and bars in the back workout. I guess that is why I like it. Plus, you alternate back and biceps segments. I tried to post the finished painting but could not get it small enough. All my computer upgrades seems to have lost the stuff I used to resize. I will try again. It did load at half size but was huge still. I worry a little that it is not that good. My granddaughter saw it Sunday and loved it though.
Laura's painting #2.jpg
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Diane Sue, pretty picture.

Today was a 1 hour walk, traveled 3 miles and burned 401 calories. It is 11:15am and the sun it is just starting to come out for the day. I want some hot weather!!!

Running late today, no time for personals. Great job on the workouts everyone!
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Today was back, biceps and abs.

Debbie - is your cousins getting Remicade Infusions and why is she taking it? It’s helping…not quit sure how much it’s helping yet? I had my 5th infusion yesterday, having a lot of problems on my left side of my face/ear. I hope it’s not a side effect from the infusion. Everything I read online points to side effects. My appointment was canceled at UPenn for July 18. They did had an opening for Thursday, someone canceled. Lucky me. I will bring it up to the doctor.

Diane - Great job on STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. STS 2 Mish Mosh #2 Biceps and Triceps. Very pretty picture.

Jolie - great job on that walk.

Roselyn - great job with your leg workout.

Roxie - nicely done!

Have a great day and good job on your workouts.
Good Evening,

I did KCM Raw Shadowboxing 1 using 1lb gloves then did my PT Stretches. I did get that walk in last night but man it was hot.

Diane-beautiful picture
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Today I did STS 2.0 Back and Biceps Mish Mosh 2, 62 minutes because of stops and changes, wish I could keep it at the 43 minutes it is supposed to be,143 calories, heart rate 91/133. I finished with CDorner Full Body Stretching with a strap or towel, 33 minutes, 41 calories.
Total time was 95 minutes, 183 calories.

STS 2 Back and Biceps Mish Mosh #2 43 minutes

Step 5 risers, tubing, dumbbells, barbell,& stability ball

Warm up light tubing and 10# dumbbells

Barbell curls #1 40# 8 reps
Barbell curls #2 35# 8 reps
Barbell curl pause reps 30# 8 reps
Kneeling one arm row R/L #1 30# 10 reps
Kneeling one arm row R/L #2 30# 10 reps
Hammer curls 17.5 # dbs 8 rep
Crossbody curls 15# dbs 16 reps
Barbell pullover #1 35# 10 reps/ banded pull apart green tubing 12 reps
Barbell pullover #2 35# 10 reps/banded pull apart green tubing 12 reps
Incline curls #1 stability ball 15# dbs 10 reps
Incline curls #2 stability ball 15# dbs 10 reps
Barbell pendlay row #1 40# 8 reps/ shrugs 12# 10 reps dbs ( did not want to do shrugs with the barbell)
Barbell pendlay row #2 40# 8 reps/ shrugs 12# dbs10 reps
Barbell pendlay row #3 8 reps/ shrugs 12# dbs 10 reps
Single arm preacher curl #1 15# db 8 reps(stability ball)
Single arm preacher curl #2 15# db 8 reps
Seated T band pulls red tubing 12 reps
Barbell wrist curls 25# 16 reps (I did 6 reps as my arthritis in my wrists is hurting right now and yesterday's yoga irritated them already)
Cooldown abbreviated stretch

Jolie, hope you get to enjoy the sunshine, nice work on the walk today. It has been overcast most of the day here, but the sun peaks out now and then. Thanks on the picture.

Belinda, Debbie is the one that did STS 2 Chest today;). Nice work today on Back, Biceps and Abs. Thank you on the picture. I am glad that you got an appointment in sooner. I sure hope that the ear problem is not a side effect.

Roxie, good job on Shadowboxing #1 and PT today. Walking in the heat sounds unpleasant. Thank you on my painting.
I preordered Cathe’s new workouts this morning.

Diane - sorry:( You worked the same body part as I did. Great job!
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Wow is it hot here this week. We are in the upper 90's and with the humidity it is hitting over 100 degrees. It hasn't been this hot here in years.

This morning I did STS 2.0 One Body Part Legs. Had a great workout, I really liked this one. Even though I went light, my legs will be feeling it tomorrow!

1 minute rest between each exercise but most of the time it was like 30 seconds. LOL!!

Squats: 15's - 8 reps
Squats w/Pink Fabric Band: 15's - 2 sets/8 reps
Elevated Squats: 12's - 10 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 30# BB - 8 reps (I used a barbell)
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 40# BB - 8 reps (I used a barbell)
Close Grip Sumo Squats: 25# - 8 reps
R/L Reverse Static Lunges: 12's - 2 sets/10 reps
R/L Side Slide Lunges: 12# - 2 sets/10 reps (My left knee didn't like these)
R/L BSS: 12# - 12 reps (I only did 10 reps, my knee didn't like these either)
R/L Forward Leaning BSS: 12# - 12 reps (I did 10 reps but these felt ok with the knee)
Barbell Hip Thrusters: 30# - 3 sets/8 reps
R/L Side Lying Hip Raises: Pink Fabric Band (I did Clam Shells)
In the Box Calf Raises: 16 reps facing forward, side, back, side - total of 64 raises
In the Box Calf Raises: 8 reps as above - total of 32 raises

Tough workout. It was 52 minutes, burned 247 calories and HR was 101/132.

Got on the treadmill for 20 minutes, went 1 miles, burned 163 calories and HR was 121/143.

Then I did STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch that was 23 minutes. Felt good!!

Diane - Great job with the Biceps/Back Mish Mosh. That looked like a good one, I may try it after all. That picture you painted is really beautiful!! I'm sure you granddaughter will love it!! You are very talented!!

Jolie - Good job with your walk!

Belinda - Yes, I'm almost positive it's Remicade. She is taking it for RA. She has really bad arthritis and she swears this infusion has helped. I know you have RPC, but she did say it helps with her arthritis. I hope you aren't getting side-effects from it. She hasn't mentioned that but I haven't talked to her in a while about it. Can I ask what RPC means? Does it stand for Recurrent Pyogenic Cholangitis? When I looked it up, it says that it is inclusive to people who live in southeast Asia. I keep thinking you have RA but I realize it's RP.

Roxie - Nice job with your walk, it's hot here too. No relief until Monday and then it's only supposed to go down to the upper 80's. The humidity should be gone, though.

Enjoying my mornings, I love not working and being home. Hope you all have a great day!!
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Quick check in. We are getting ready for Solomon’s island. I did Lean Legs Workout | STF - Day 33 this morning. I will check in later when we are on the road. BBL
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Today I had to run an errand after my husband left for work so just did CDorner Power Step/easy follow high intensity, 31 minutes, 166 calories, heart rate 133/176, 3,682 steps. This was mostly Prince music and easy to follow but did get the heart rate up pretty well. I have sketched out and transferred to another canvas to start another painting. So will be working on that this evening. Tomorrow's plan is mish mosh #1 for body parts chest and shoulders. I like both though. #1 does not have all of the band work, but it has all of the sets of dips. I am okay with either. Kind of have to be careful with the dips and going too low. A hospital pt sheet I have kept says not to go below 90 degrees on dips. They also say not to do overhead triceps and instead do kickbacks and press downs. I do those moves but am worried about heavy weights overhead at all.

Belinda, I made a note for the last day to be able to preorder the new workouts. I may order them before then. Otherwise, I will be buying later. Have fun at Solomon's Island.

Debbie, great job on Body Part Legs. My legs are sore pretty much with any lower body workout. I think that stretch yesterday with the strap or towel was a good one for after the weights I did yesterday because I was sore before I started and really felt the back and arms, even my shoulders and when I was done with the stretch, I felt better than before the workout. I am not sore at all today which is surprising. Thanks on the painting.
Today I did something different because my son and I wanted to workout together. I did CL Vertical Loading and did really well with the weights. I did body weight exercises for the leg portion, or I did leg extensions and leg curls. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 381 calories. Tomorrow is a rest day because my kids and I are going to meet my parents for breakfast. My son is going back to Reno on Saturday, he wanted another opportunity to see his grandfather before he left.

Debbie, great job on the leg workout today. Good luck with your PT appointment tomorrow. It is supposed to get hot here next week, I hear the east coast is supposed to get a severe heat wave.

Belinda, have fun on your trip! nice job on the workout.

Diane Sue, 40# bicep curls is insane!!! I did that 10 years ago and I am much younger than you. Way to go!!! Great job on the Power Step workout today.

Roxie, nice job with the kickboxing workout, I love to do those types of workouts. Also, way to go on getting a walk in especially when it is hot.

Make it a great day.
This morning I walked on my treadmill for about 1.75 miles because I am SO SORE!!! OMG, my biceps are still sore and I did those on Monday. My chest is still sore and now my legs are extremely sore. LOL! Love it!! I have my PT appointment at noon so I'm looking forward to that. I still have issues with my left trap and neck. Hope she can do something about it.

I also did STS 2.0 Metabolic Core Warmup and really liked it. Cathe uses a 5# and 10# plate and i happen to have plates that have the opening in the middle so you can hold onto them. Glad I didn't get rid of them back when I was giving my stuff away. So that was a good workout and got my HR up pretty good. I concentrated on holding my core in and I really felt it. It was only 10 minutes, but a good one. I think your supposed to do this one as a warmup and then go onto another ab workout.

Diane - I'll have to check out that stretch but 30 minutes is pushing it for me. I like 15-18 minutes stretch workouts. After that, I get bored. Good job on the step workout.

Jolie - Excellent job on CL Vertical Loading, I remember that one and it's a good one. Did your son do that workout with you?

Belinda - Have fun!

Have a great day everyone!!
Today I did STS 2 Body Parts Mish Mosh #1 Chest and Triceps, 43 minutes, 90 calories, heart rate 85/117. Followed this with Yoga by Adriene, Upper Body (chest and Upper flow),22 minutes 34 calories. Total time 65 minutes, 124 calories. I used the cardio setting on my watch, but it makes little difference for me on calorie burns than when I do Strength. I think maybe the mish mosh 2 would have been better for my shoulders today. Now I need to clean house. I spent time this morning in the yard taking care of plants and weeds. It is overcast right now, but this weekend there is a chance it will get up to 100.

STS Body Part Mish Mosh #1 Chest and Triceps
warm up 10,12,15# dumbbells
Flat Bench Press 17.5# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press !7.5# dbs 10 reps
Flat Bench Press down/3up 15# dbs 10 reps
Lying overhead extension 35# bb 10 reps
Lying overhead extension 35# bb 10 reps
Lying overhead extension 30# bb 3/1 ct 10 reps
flat chest fly 15# dbs 10 reps
flat chest fly 15# dbs 10 reps
Flat chest fly pinkies in 15# dbs 10 reps (for some reason I think she did this one first even though it is listed later)
Dips using the barbell bench option(they use the tower or dip bars with a band except Al) 30# bb 8 reps
Dips 30# bb 8 reps
Dips 30# bb 8 reps
Incline bench press 25# dbs 10 reps
Incline close grip bench press 17.5# dbs
Seated single overhead extension 12# 10 reps
Seated single overhead extension 10# 10 reps
abbreviated Stretch

Jolie, great job on CL Vertical Loading. That is nice that you had the opportunity to work out with your son.

Debbie, nice work on the treadmill and the Metabolic Core workout. I have done those a lot and really like them. I do have to drag the plates with me to a carpeted room though. My Les Mills Barbell set is like Cathe's so I have those plates with the holes. Plus I have a set of the iron weight plates at 10# with the holes in them that I bought when my husband had a weight bench that I got for him. The extra plates come in handy for Total Body Barbell because there are some parts that are done with the weight plates.
Hoping PT goes well today.

No workout today. I had my 6 month check up at UPenn. She wants to hold off on the prednisone. She said it is to early to tell if the infusion isn’t working , I have not been on it long enough. If I don’t improve in a few days to see my doctor. I also had a hearing test at UPenn. I was very impressed with them. She took me in 2 hours earlier. Everyone at the hospital is very friendly and very helpful.

We have trouble with our hot water in the RV. I had a very cold shower this evening

Good night
My PT appointment went really well. Turns out, my left shoulder blade is not in the right position - since I have always done heavy chest work and back work, the smaller muscles under the shoulder blade are really weak and aren't pulling the shoulder blade where it should be - closer to the spine. She manipulated it a bit, moving the entire shoulder blade down and towards my spine. Wow did that feel weird!! Then she has me doing some PT exercises to strengthen that area. She has me stretching my chest muscles inside a doorway so I can get a good stretch throughout the entire area. I've been doing these stretches for a long time but have slacked off recently. Then she has me doing two other exercises, one using the foam roller and one I have to do while laying face down on my bed so my arm can dangle down toward the ground. this particular exercise is difficult and takes a lot of thought to do it right. It is amazing how we don't even train these smaller areas and then that leads to stuff like this and knots. She said I should be feeling really good in a couple of weeks. I go back on July 1. I am going to start doing that weird lat pushup Diane and I learned when we had issues a couple years back. I need to keep that muscle strong as well. I haven't done that exercise in a long time.

Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Triceps. Had an excellent workout, this was a fun one and I hate working my triceps.

1 minute rest between sets.

Lying Overhead Barbell Extension: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps
R/L Single Arm Overhead Extension: 10# - 2 sets/10 reps
Dips: 3 sets/8 reps (they did this different ways, I didn't use my barbell for now and just went with my body weight)
R/L Kneeling Single Arm Kickback: 8# - 2 sets/10 reps
All these I used my blue tubing band and I used the anchor I have in the door. For the first exercise I was in the middle of the door and for the last two it was up high above the top hinge:
Band Overhead Extension: 2 sets/12 reps
Band Triceps Pressdown, Palms back: 2 sets/12 reps
Band Reverse Grip Pressdown, Palms front: 2 sets/12 reps

Great workout. It was 43 minutes, burned 185 calories, HR was 98/129.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 1.3 miles and burned 236 calories and then I did my PT exercises.

I don't have time for personals as I need to get a bunch of errands done today. I hope you all have a great day and weekend!!
Today I did CDorner Step "Latin music" #389, 50 minutes, 220 calories, heart rate 124/151, 3,377 steps. I also did Raw TBTS Strength abs, 16 minutes with a 10# dumbbell, 43 calories, heart rate 96/115. I finished with Raw yoga stretch, 14 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 80 minutes, 285 calories. Tomorrow I will do STS 2 legs and shoulders mish mosh. I need more stretching today. I did something short because my husband is off today and has to go to bed early to do a 12 hour shift a 5 am. I will probably get up and fix him something to eat before he leaves.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 back.

Rosie, good job on Raw Box and Tone with 1# gloves.

Belinda, I am glad your appointment went well today and you got in earlier. I hope you can figure out why you have cold water in your RV and had to take a cold shower.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Body Part Triceps today. I love these for all of the options on them. I should have not been lazy yesterday and set up the Fit Tower and did the band work. I am somewhat sore in the neck and shoulder blades this morning. I need to go back and do a deep stretch as just the yoga is not doing the job. The first time I went to PT for my neck and shoulders they had me doing door stretches and lying prone with arm off the table pulling my shoulder up and back. The PT would work my shoulder blade around and put pressure on areas. After shoulder surgery they had me do the door stretches every time. They set a timer and I had to lean in, hold for 10 sec and release for what I think was 4 minutes. The Adriene yoga stretch for upper body and chest I did yesterday felt good even just lifting up my rib cage and arms pulled back. Which wide push up are you talking about. I guess I have done wide push ups. Is it the one that is wide and arms more forward? That rib pain I feel a lot lies behind the breast area and begins at the sternum. so keeping the area stretched seems to help. This comes and goes so I am trying to keep up with good stretches. We spend so much time working things and not enough time with the other IMO and things have been better when I do longer stretch and mobility sessions. When I first started STS 2 I was so sore till I started doing longer stretches and trying to keep them daily in my routine.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2.0 back today.
Today I had an excellent workout even though I am tired and have a spasm in my trap area. I must have slept in an odd position; my neck is tight as well. I did STS Meso 1 Disc #7 Chest, Shoulders and Bicep, 1 hour and I burned 362 calories. Next week I have my tooth pulled to prep for an implant so I should be able to eat better and get my strength back up. The good news is, I lost 14# since Christmas, and I am finally back to my pre Menopause weight!!!!!!!!!

Debbie, those exercises sound similar to the one's that I was doing when I went to pt for my collarbone issue. I had so many to do there was no way to get them all done and get a workout in as well. Nice job on the Triceps workout and I hope you feel better day by day.

Diane Sue, Nice job on the workout yesterday. I have not done a step workout in a long time, those are so much fun.

Belinda, I hope you get some warm water for your shower today. I just read in recent studies that anyone with an Auto immune disorder should go on the carnivore diet, and it will completely go in remission. Steak and eggs are the number one thing to help get someone better. I have been eating red meat, eggs and chicken with a few veggies and fruit and I have eliminated all of my pain in body, it will eliminate the inflammation which is the root cause of all decease.

Roselyn, great job with the STS workout.

Roxie, great job on the box and tone workout.

I have to go and snake proof my yard, so I keep the darn rattle snakes out of it. The one that was in my yard was huge! I surely do not want it to kill my dogs or get in the house.

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