Today I did the two new Raw workouts. The first was Step Boxing Drills 32 minutes, heart rate 114/130,134 calories. I think the steps were a little over 1,000, but I forgot to check it. This one is all low impact with options. To make it more intense they used 3 risers on the step. You do not have to. Not much in the way of walking around the step etc. Just things like one foot on, squat down push up to a kick till timer goes off and then do the other side. A few moves on the floor and I think a lot could be done without a step. She also says you could wear a weighted vest for either of these workouts. I have not put one on since well before surgery as having it resting on my shoulder hurt.
The second one is Hi/Low and sculpt drills, 36 minutes (a bit extra time to write it down), heart rate 101/120,120 calories. The option here is to follow Kelly who does the low impact version or Kitty who does the high impact version that is a lot of jumping when not doing a compound move.
I finished off with Raw stretch finisher 7 minutes. I did not use the watch for the stretch.
Coffey Fit Raw Hi/Low and Sculpt timed 32 minutes total time
1 moderate dumbbell needed, can wear a weighted vest if you like There is two rounds of the moves
warm up
squat/front raise/upright row started with 8's and dropped to 5's option if bothers shoulders is to do a curl instead
high move jump from side to side, low side squat knee up
pick up weight/reveres lunge/curl all on right then all on left 10# db
high impact lunge jump switch or low impact lunge twice then switch opt for reverse lunge for knees
close squat kickback 8# db Kitty does a harder version they called an airplane I could not do as it hurt
high impact step out high jump or low impact step out going wider 3 times and return
shift side lunge overhead triceps extension 8# db
side steps
repeat all moves then a short stretch
Cam, nice work with Penny legs yesterday. I am hoping to get done early enough today to get in a little extra stretching. I ended up ready for bed and realized I forgot to pay my car tag for December. So pulled the computer back out to do it online. I missed their e-mail reminder as it was on my lesser checked e-mail account. I changed that this time. I would not have thought about it except my main email gave me a reminder for my husbands this month. So I had to go do a search after looking at my tag. I hate when I do things like that.
Roselyn, congratulations. Praying that everything is okay soon.
Debbie, I understand. I wanted to be sure I got my range of motion back and healed well so opted for a longer PT than I had to have since the surgeon on my shoulder gave me an option and a prescription to continue. Although I think all of the insurance usage is one of the reasons my medicare supplement went up. They sent me a letter saying usage and age determined the extra cost

Nice work on Gym Style Biceps today. I remember using some of those timesaver mixes for those. I bet you are happy to have a working dvd player again. I like my new one a lot.
Belinda, nice work with Iron series 30 minute dumbbell glute workout and stretch. I hope PT is going well for you.
Jolie, hope you have a good day. That is interesting about the collar bone angle being off. I wonder why? I have been keeping an eye on my other shoulder as the bone at the top of the shoulder stands up quite a lot. The other one that had the surgery does not stand up like that. I am hoping it is not something going on with the arthritis. Did you get all of your food prep done?