Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Feb 2024

This morning I did the first - but remade - RAW Cardio Crush. I like this workout but of course there are plank jacks that I just did not want to do. So instead I did 3 pulse squats, jump shoot and two jacks. Worked out great with her counts for what she was doing. Fun workout. So there is a first one (this one), and a Cardio Crush 3 - where is Cardio Crush 2? Is there one?

Workout was 38 minutes, burned 331 calories, did 3546 steps and HR was 133/162.

I also did my own stretching. I am so tight again.

Jolie - this workout is under the Cardio section a few rows down. You guys are getting a lot of rain and I can't believe the destruction it is doing. How scary with the mud slides. Great job with Raw Box & Pump 5, I'm not sure I've done that one yet. Some I don't care to do because of compound moves, etc. I should try them all, though. You said this one had a big focus on abs, I'll definitely have to try it.

Diane - Thanks for the link to Kelly's site. I want to sign up for the emails from her so I can keep up with new things. Not sure why I'm not signed up already. Great job with your workout yesterday!!

Roxie - Good idea on buying the $10 DVD's from Kelly. I love her workouts, she just keeps getting better and better.

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I am tired, heavy rain and high winds last night kept me from getting a good nights sleep. But, I made myself do a weight workout, and I am glad I did. I did RAW Upper Body Strength and Endurance, I did this last week and loved it, so I did it again. Workout was 58 minutes and I burned 449 calories. I did the same weights as last week, but I upped them for squats and seated overhead shoulder press. My muscles should be sore tomorrow, there are so many sets and reps in this workout I was wondering will it ever come to the end!

Debbie, great job on the workout. So far all of the workouts I have done are more traditional lifting and cardio workouts, no functional or compound moves in any of them so far. I preview the workout the night before to make sure it is something that I will like to do and also where I will not get injured. If there is a move I do not like, I just do something similar so I can get the same outcome from the exercise. I love the one I did today, basic and really effective. I also added on some of my own stretching as well, I am very tight too!

Diane Sue, nice job on the workout yesterday. You lift impressive weights, I want to be like you when I am your age. Life goals!!! I want to sign up for Kelly's emails as well, thanks for sharing the link.

Roxie, good job on the TM walk.

I hope you all have good workout today.
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Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Raw Kickbox NRG its one of the new ones you really need to watch this one before you do it and she doesn’t use egg weights but it’s tough then I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes 2.17 miles.
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Today I did Cl# 450 TB Triple Play. Great workout.

Diane - my right knee is a little stiff when I workout. I do modify most moves, no high impact. No, cross back lunges I do side leg lifts instead. I probably could google a better choice but for now, that‘s what I do. Well, until now I was told my knees are from old age. I will see my Rheum soon, I will ask him what I can and shouldn‘t do. If it doesn‘t feel good, I don‘t do it. I always get the downloads/dvd‘s, not much difference in price. And like Roxie mention, internet isn‘t the best in an RV or campground. I probably will order both soon too. Cathe offers her latest once’s on the Daily Deals often.

Good night.
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Today I did CDorner Kickboxing + Core "rock music" 39 minutes, 214 calories, heart rate 138/167, 2,803 steps. This did segments of kickboxing alternated with segments of core using 2# dumbbells for some and planks. There was quite a few jacks distributed in it, but I just modified the jumping. I also modified the core and Chris gives some suggestions here and there. I followed it with CDorner Day 13 from the challenge Full Body Mobility 14 minutes, 26 calories and finished with Raw Athletic Stretch #2 29 minutes, 51 calories. Total time was 82 minutes, 291 calories, 2,971 steps. My shoulders and hips are sore from yesterday's weights. Compound movement workouts always seem to make me really sore.

Debbie, nice work on the remake of the first cardio crush. I am not sure if I have done the remake. I know I did the first that she had on youtube. I probably have, but just do not remember. I don't recall and number two either. The same thing goes for the Real Raw and Real Raw 3, where is 2? Maybe she did another and called it something else. Everything at first was "Really Raw" IMO. Kelly does just keep getting better and better. Lots of variety. I noticed that Kelly has changed the format of the workouts a bit on my Fire TV. Instead of going through the list and then clicking all after already viewing the first few, it goes to a whole page to scroll down through. It is much better.

Jolie, great job on Raw Upper Body and Endurance workout. I should do that one again. I am not sure how much time I have tomorrow though. It may have to be shorter as my husband is off and we have errands and I have groceries coming early. I keep hoping the new workouts will be up. Thank you on the weights. It was funny last night because when I clean the bedroom after my husband goes to work I usually pick up the dumbbells he has in there and do some biceps curls. I picked up one and did about 5 curls and thought I was getting weak as I forgot that he had switched out my 20's for 25's. I guess I can lift a little heavier if I put my mind to it. Maybe that is why my biceps and front of my shoulders are so sore today. Hmm!

Roxie, nice work today on the Raw Kickbox NRG today. I will look it over first then. I keep checking to see if any are up yet.

Belinda, good job on CL Total Body Triple Play today. Is that a weight workout? I used to go check the preview clips of the workouts to see what she had. I should look more.
Maybe when you see your Rheumatologist it will help you know what you can do. You know, I never got any real instructions after the shoulder surgery. I worry sometimes when it hurts or I hear clicking that I may be making something go wrong. What you have going would not be something that you are likely to find help online with since even the doctors are trying to figure it all out. I remember not being able to get signals in some of the RV places.
This morning I did RAW Box & Pump 5 and had an awesome workout. This is the one Jolie did this week and I wanted to try it again. Loved it. Lots of good boxing moves and the only complaint I have is the Tomahawk Hammer Curls. Didn't feel them at all. Next time I will probably use two dumbbells and just do normal hammers. Fun workout!!

Boxing - 1.5# Egg Weights
Alternate Snatch: 15# - 2 sets
Squats: 20# - 2 sets

Boxing - 1.5# Egg weights
Alternate Curtsy Squats: 20#
Tomahawk Hammer Curl: 20#

Boxing - 1.5# Egg weights
Alternate Snatch: 15# - 2 sets
Squats: 20# - 2 sets

Boxing - No Egg weights
Alternate Curtsy Squats: 20# - 2 sets
Tomahawk Hammer Curl: 20# - 2 sets

Workout was 55 minutes, burned 440 calories, did 3307 steps and HR was 131/164. Very fun workout.

Jolie - Great job on the upper body workout you did yesterday. That one is a tough one. Most of Kelly's workouts are traditional. She only has a few that has compound moves in them but they are still good workouts - just not ones I prefer. So glad you are doing these workouts! Did you get a new Garmin yet? I'd like to friend you if you did.

Roxie - Do you have the Kickbox NRG on a DVD? I didn't see that one posted yet. Sounds like a fun one. Great workout yesterday!

Diane - Great workout yesterday. I'm using RAW on Roku but maybe it will get updated like yours did soon. It is hard to find certain workouts, I wish she'd go to a numbering system, that might help a little. Funny on the Real Raw and the Real Raw 3 but no 2. She does that a lot I've noticed. I emailed her because I couldn't find where to subscribe to her letter and she emailed me back and said she subscribed me. I'm so excited! LOL!!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend! TGIF!!
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Good Afternoon,

TBTS Push and 50 minutes 2.40 miles on the treadmill

Debbie-that workout was one of the new ones it’s not uploaded yet.
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Today I did Raw Total Body Drop sets Express, 31 minutes, 107 calories, 104/136 heart rate. I then did CDorner day 12 Exhilarating Upper Body Stretch and Day 18 Stretching out Tight Shoulders and Chest, 27 minutes, 50 calories. Total time was 58 minutes, 157 calories. That is all I had time for this morning. I knocked a new bottle of oregano oil out of the cabinet and had a wonderful time cleaning up the mess. The brown glass shards matched my wood look ceramic tile. My house smells like the oil.

Raw Total Body Drop sets Express
Uses an incline step , 10 reps each move first set heavy second set drop to lower weight increment
Warm Up

Front Curl/Overhead press 15# dbs
Front Curl/Overhead press 12# dbs

Crush Grip hold away from chest/squat 30# db
Crush Grip hold away from chest/squat 20# db

Pull over 30# db
Pull over 20# db

dumbbells swing 15's# dbs 20 reps
dumbbell swings 12's#dbs 20 reps

leaning rows 30# db lft/rt
leaning rows 20# db lft/rt

Thrusters(squat press) 15# dbs
Thrusters 12# dbs

1 arm bench press 20# db
1 arm bench press 15# db


Debbie,, nice work on Raw Box & Pump #5 today. I am glad Kelly subscribed you so you get e-mails. I have purchased so many of her dvds and a shirt so have always been subscribed. I have wondered if there is a second workout, but she forgot to ad #2 to it. I have her on Roku in my second workout space, but have not used it since I did the heavy bag workouts.

Roxy, nice work on Raw TBTS Push and treadmill today.
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Today I walked outside. It was beautiful outside.

Diane - CL Total Body Triple Play is a total body weight workout. I am trying to do the Live workouts I haven‘t done. I am not suppose to do anything exhausted with RP. Moderate exercise is ok. Be careful with your shoulder. I am still going lighter than I did before I had the frozen shoulder. I still don‘t have full range of motion in my shoulder. I am working on it. Internet signal can be difficult depending where you dock. We adding extra boosters to get a signal. I will let you know if it works, lol If you in the middle of nowhere, DVD‘s is a better choice.

Good night.
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Yesterday I walked the pup 2.6 miles and got caught in rain again, so I called it quits for the day. Today, I had an excellent workout. I did 3 RAW workouts, and I am sure I will be feeling it tomorrow or by the end of the day. I started with RAW Box and Pump 4, the one Debbie did this week and I liked it a lot. I used my 2# egg weights, and it made a difference going up in weight. Next, I did Egg Weight Finisher and used the 2# egg weights again but buy the end of the workout I went down to the 1.5#, my arms were spent. To finish, I did Upper Body Finisher with Arms and Shoulders, and this is a short but effective workout. Total workout time was 1 hour 22 minutes and I burned 650 calories. The finisher and arms workout were both only 14 minutes long in time, so it made it easy to do workouts instead of one.

Debbie, I have not gotten a Garmin yet, I completely forgot to get another one. I have been using my old FitBit and it seems fine right now since I reset it and downloaded a new app. Once I get one I will let you know.

We finally have some sun shining this morning, wow on the rain that we have had. This week we got 8 inches of rain, that is the amount we typically get in a year. Nice job on the workouts yesterday everyone. I hope you all have good workouts today if you choose to do so.
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I went for a walk outside before it started to rain. I also did a dance workout. I hope I get a walk in tomorrow.

Diane - sorry about the mess. Yikes! Great job on your workout.

Good night.
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Today I did KCM Cardio Fit workout #1 boxing and lower body using the Raw channel. I do have the dvd, but chose to workout from the App. This was 32 minutes, heart rate 130/173, 172 calories, 1,471 steps. I used 15# dumbbells for the weight work. I then did KCM Boxfit #1 33 minutes, 158 calories, heart rate 126/167, wearing 1# gloves, 3,516 steps. I finished off with CDorner Day 24 neck and upper back mobility and Day 29 Unlock hips and Low Back mobiity 28 minutes, 43 calories. Total time was 93 minutes, 373 calories, 5,108 steps. I will probably have to take off several days from workouts as I have 3 mornings with things to go out for.

Belinda, nice work on the walk and dance workout. Sorry it started raining when you went for a walk. I work on mobility moves every morning for my shoulders and back before I go into my workout room. I have most of the range of motion back, although there is an issue at times doing things like reaching over my back doing hair or trying to zip a zipper and things like that, I get a catch or cramping clear up my neck. I think that I am probably at my high end for overhead presses now. I doubt I will ever be doing up to 25's again. I could be wrong.

Jolie, great job on Box and Pump 4, Egg weight finisher, and upper body arms and shoulders finisher. It is nice to be able to put multiple workouts together like that. We have rain coming tonight and maybe some snow tomorrow. I think and hope it will melt off before Tuesday and Wednesday as I have to go to my pulmonologist, and I have my ladies group valentines gathering.
I did another dance today. Still raining today.

Diane - that‘s good you work on mobility daily. I should do it too. No way….I will ever lift very heavy doing overhead presses again. Every time I lift super heavy I injure my shoulder. Great job on your KCm cardio Fit wo#1.Enjoy your break.
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Good Afternoon,

I did KCM Meltdown Heavy Bag Sammie does it without the bag and then a 2.25 mile 50 minute walk on the treadmill
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Today I did Raw Stretch and Tone #2, 17 minutes, 86 calories, heart rate 122/150, 375 steps. This used 5# first time through then 2# dumbbells going through stretches with arm movements. I then did CDorner Soothing Mobility Flow 28 minutes, 38 calories. Total time 45 minutes, 114 calories. This is normally a rest day. we have light snow here right now.

Belinda, glad that you got in some dance today. I am hoping the forecast of sun holds the rest of the week here.

Roselyn, nice work on biceps and back.

Roxie, nice work on KCM Meltdown heavy bag and the walk.
This morning I did RAW Upper Body Blast and had a great workout. This one flyes by, it's only 30 minutes but I took longer breaks because Kelly goes from one exercise to another and I just need time to regroup between exercises. She does one exercise for 4 sets, 30 seconds on 10 off and then moves to the next exercise. It's tough by the time you get to the 3rd and 4th sets. I changed it up a bit as I went along.

A couple of exercises used a barbell.

4 sets - 30 seconds on/10 seconds off

Barbell Bench Press: 25#
Shoulder Press: 10's
Dumbbell Flies: 15's
Lateral Raise: 10's
Skate & Curl: 8's - I did one set then just did DB Curls using 10's
Squat/Hammer Curl/Jump: 10's (I only did bicep work, no jumping)
Barbell Row: 25#
Dips: I did Russian Twist using 12#
Seated Reverse Flies: 12's
Skull Crushers: 10's
V-Situps - Skipped

Then I got on my treadmill and walked for .5 miles.

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 400 calories and HR was 124/155.

I'm not sure what happened but my Garmin was doing weird stuff so I had to stop it and then restart it again so I had two readouts. No biggies, I just added the calorie burns together.

Great job with your workouts this weekend!! Have a great day!!
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Yesterday was a rest day for me and it felt great just to walk the dog. Today, I did RAW Burn Out Upper Body, I did this one 2 weeks ago and I liked it so much I did it again. I used the same weights so I will not post the entire workout again. I finished with RAW 15 minute Boxing Finisher using the 2# egg weights and then I jumped on my rowing machine and did 100 rows on the highest setting. Wow, that machine is hard, very similar to the Max Trainer, they both work the entire body. My legs feel it the most and so does my back. Total workout time was 1 hour 2 minutes and I burned 455 calories. My goal is to start getting in more cardio to burn this fat off so I can see more definition.

Debbie, great job on the workout this morning. My Fitbit is giving me problems again, so I have to get the Garmin. I just hate spending that much money on things like that when what does it really matter how many calories I am burning if I am pushing myself with every workout. I did not have a fitness tracker for years and I was in the best shape of my life. I may just go without; I tend to get addicted to them. Have you ever done the Heavy Weight Bootcamp workout that is 1 hour and 11 minutes long? I might do that one later this week and wanted your opinion.

Diane Sue, did you get snow? Great job on the workouts this weekend, I will try those soon. Have you tried the RAW Heavy Weight Bootcamp workout? It looks like her longest one and it sounds good.

Great job on the workouts yesterday, we are killing it!!! Make it a great day.
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Walk outside and CL# 471 Metabolic Mania is done.

Diane - it was cold and cloudy outside. I feel like it‘s getting colder since it rained yesterday. Nice job on your stretch.

Great job everyone.
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