Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Feb 2024

Cam, nice work with Michelle Briehler 40 min Yoga HIIT Cardio.

Belinda, nice work getting in a long walk today.

Debbie, Great job on Raw Strength 3 cardio acceleration. I was going to do Real Raw the first one but, turned it on and saw her warming up with the ropes and some memory of doing it heavy and decided to hold off.

Jolie, good job on Raw Box and Pump and Raw shoulders. I really like that shoulder workout.

I had an appointment with my rheumatologist today. My blood counts are in the dangerous low level. He is taking me off the Actemra injections. I am going to be on infusions. I am waiting for the infusing center to schedule an appointment. The infusion will take 4 + hours every 4 weeks. I could get a nurse come to the house to give me the infusions. I feel safer doing it in a hospital setting in case something goes wrong, you never know? I hate this disease, it‘s kicking my butt for the last few month. Meds are not working. There are no medicine approved for RP. Whatever sticks! I need a break. I also found out that my knees are related to RP not old age.That explains why I have lost knee cartilage. I just hope this all will not interfere with Cathe‘s RT:( I am sharing my RP disease to bring awareness, not so you guys feel sorry for me. I am fine. I have a good team of doctors. I always knew deep down something wasn‘t right with all those so called ear infections I had in the past. I always thought I had ear/sinus infections. I ended up in the hospital, they had no idea either. They didn‘t know. This month is rare disease month.

I was going to do a weight workout today. Felt a litte down after my appointment. I did another dance workout. Made me feel much better.

Diane - great job on your box and sculpt today.

Good night.
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Tonight I did Cathe Live #451 You Bet Your Upper Body. A good thorough upper body workout that mixes weights and tubing that burns out the muscles. Also took a walk with the dog.

Tomorrow, a quick CL lower body workout.

Belinda, I am sorry you are having so many health problems. That sucks! You sure keep truckin along, though. Good luck with everything. I hope you are able to do the RT.

Good workouts everyone!
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This morning I did two very fun workouts and had an excellent cardio toning day. I did RAW Box 4 Your Waistline and also RAW TBTS Box & Tone. Both of these workouts are similar as they work both upper, waistline and lower body and you only use egg weights. I love them, they are so fun!!

Total workout was 55 minutes, burned 527 calories (HOLY MOLY!!!), did 4148 steps and HR was 144/177. I can't believe my calorie burn!!

Jolie - Both of these workouts are easy to find under the Cardio section of RAW, both are right on the first row. Great job on Box & Pump, those are some fun workouts. My favorite is the one you did, Box & Pump 2 and B&P 4. All of them are great workouts, though. Box & Pump 2 has fun 80's songs in it. Glad you are enjoying these workouts! I knew you would.

Diane - I'm still waiting for the new workouts she did last year to be posted, I don't think they ever were. I didn't even know she had newer ones that are being shipped, did you order them? I hope she posts them soon. What is causing pain in your spine and ribs?? That's scary. I sure hope that is better. This aging crap is BS!! Every day I wake up with a new pain somewhere. I never cared much for the Real Raw workouts, not sure why? I remember that was the very first one I tried, the original Real Raw and honestly didn't like it. I should maybe revisit them, I might change my mind.

Belinda - So sorry to hear about all you are continually going through. Please don't feel bad about telling us about it, we are here to support you. Just so you know, my cousin had the infusions and swears by them. She is actually able to function normally for quite a while after she gets them. So hopefully they will work for you as well. I was so happy when she started getting them and telling us how much better she felt. So I pray they work for you as well!! I hope you are in a better place today, hold your head up and keep motivating us because that's what you do!!

Cam - Looks like a great workout that you did. I am missing Cathe's workouts, I might have to do some of her older DVD's pretty soon.

Have a great day everyone!!
Debbie - thank you. I developed Pancytopenia, describes having low levels of all three blood cell types: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. I appreciate your support and kind worlds. I am glad your cousin is doing well on the infusion. Last night I have been reading up on the infusion, I feel a little better about it. I also feel more comfy doing it a hospital setting. All my doctors are right there if I have some reaction to the infusion. You never know. Wished the Actemra wouldn‘t cause my blood count to drop that low. I get regular blood test every 3 month since I was diagnosed. I am in a better place today than I was yesterday. All my doctors been talking about infusions a long time, it was just a matter of time. Thanks again. Great job today.

I will be back later. Still drinking my coffee.
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Back to report my workout before I forget. After my workout I started decluttering my basement, lol. I did “Build A Burn” from last weeks live. BBl
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Today I did CDorner Advanced Step #358 Dua Lipa X Taylor Swift, 60 minutes, heart rate 122/150, 266 calories, 4,535 steps. I then did CDorner Full Body Mobility stretch and flow from today, 21 minutes, 46 calories. This one was outside with a group of women. Total time was 81 minutes, 312 calories, 4,592 steps. I am interested in Cathe's new series that is coming out. I have high hopes for them anyway. I know a lot of us are not so interested in functional stuff, but maybe she will have something that is good.

Debbie, the TBTS workouts are from the last set of Raw dvds she was selling. One was Sculpt and the other was tone. This new series is done the same way as there is no premixes on them. She put that up there. They are just new Raw workouts. She is only selling them for 10 dollars same as the last ones. Some have already received them. If I remember right, TBTS was put up a couple at a time. I imagine there is some work getting them up.
Nice workout today. I have done those together. I don't know why, but I never get high calorie burns. For those I would be in the near 300 calories if I am lucky. I think I probably really burn a bit more than my watch says, but generally calories in and calories out seem to be close.
I think I liked the Real Raw workouts because of the music LOL. Obviously I never did the ropes warm up. I have spinal pain often. I was reading up on it on John Hopkins and causes and it mentions some sort of spondylosis that was on my mri results for the neck area of the spine. So, it is probably that and the fact I pushed through the lean back feet elevated Russian twist when it was uncomfortable instead of listening to Kelly who said if it bothers your back don't lean back. I also remember her having Sammy sit up on the bench and hold the dumbbell differently and not twist so much. I just aggravated what was already inflamed as I am fighting through a flare up right now.

Belinda, I am so sorry the medicine is causing problems and your other things are part of RSP. My heart goes out to you. I wish they could come up with the right thing that works to slow it all down. Being in a hospital environment for the infusions sounds like a good idea. Nice work on Build and Burn.

Cam, good job one Cathe Live #451 You Bet Your Upper Body.
Diane - thank you so much. I always wondered if my knees had something to do with RPC. I lost 50% cartilage in my right knee. I was Actemra injections was it. We all had high hopes to slow down RPC. Most people with RPC do well on it. I hope the Remicade infusion will work. I feel safer doing it in the hospital, all my doctors are right there if I need them. I need to get off the high doses of prednisone. I have too many side effects. Next week I need to get another blood test. I will get Cathe‘s new workouts. I am not sure if I want the DVD’s or start signing up for OnDemand. I am trying not invite more stuff into my house, still getting rid of thing. It all demands on the price. Great job on your step workout today. I need to check that one out. Does she do a lot of twisting, turning?
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Debbie the new workouts are supposed to be up by the end of the week. I got line Saturday haven’t done any yet
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Belinda, the CDorner that I did today does have a lot of turns and around the step. With her workouts if it says Advanced Step it is generally advanced because of the choreography. Otherwise if it says the words basic step on it, it is just generally basic step moves and nothing fancy. Fast basic step advanced would be a faster paced, but basic step. She still makes them fun though. She has explained this during some of her workouts. It is sad that that is causing the knee cartilage loss. Praying that the infusions help and no problems.
I saw a workout in my RAW workout folder for RAW Tabata Sculpt 2 and was wondering if I liked it. So I looked up the date on our checkin's and it seems I loved the workout except for the warmup since it was mostly all plank work. Glad I read it, because I decided to do it today so I did the TBTS Warm-up instead. I had a GREAT workout and really enjoyed it again. Only thing is with these tabata workouts, she has you holding weights for much of the workout and my traps get so tight. I put them down between sets as much as possible.

Tabata drills, 20 seconds on/10 off. 4 sets each cycle so 8 total tabata's in each cycle.

Cycle 1
Alternate Squat Twist:
Alternate Lunge Twist: 12#

Cycle 2
V-Raise/Front Down: 8's
Alternate Overhead Press Runs: 8's
(This one was tough, I had to stop early with the overhead press runs on the last two sets)

Cycle 3
Dumbbell Curls: 12's

Cycle 4
Dumbbell Rows/Bent Over Flies: 8's
Hammer Runs: 8's

Cycle 5
Cardio Burst: Knee/Kicks
- 8 sets alternating each side

Cycle 6
Double Arm Kickbacks/Stand:
Overhead Triceps Extension Runs: 5's

Cycle 7
Kickstand Split Squat/Suitcase Deads:
(One side at a time)

Cycle 8
Half Body Dead Bug:
5# (she didn't call it that, but that is what it is)

Workout was 55 minutes, burned 392 calories (back in 2021 when I did this I used my FB and it said I burned only 176. That thing was so wrong) did 1075 steps and HR 123/166.

Belinda - Great job with your workout yesterday! Keep your head up!!! :)

Diane - Never heard of Dua Lipa - LOL!! That was a long step workout, good job!! I have no desire to do step workouts anymore. Not sure why? I think I'm afraid of twisting my ankles on the step, I am not that coordinated anymore. So how are the TBTS workouts on a DVD? Aren't those considered her RAW workouts since they are done in her garage? Where do you find this information on new releases? Probably FB which I don't have. :( I'll have to revisit the Real Raw's, I don't remember the music in them. I hope your spine is feeling better today. I don't know how you and Belinda do it. You are both rock stars to me!

Roxie - That's cool, looking forward to seeing new workouts from Kelly. I had no idea she had new DVD's - which confuses me because they are done in her garage and are considered RAW workouts. Weird.

Have a great workout everyone!!

I did a dance workout today.

Debbie - thank you. I will. Great job on your Tabata Sculpt workout today.

Diane - thanks for the info on Chris step workouts. I usually stick with her interim/basic step. I haven‘t done any lately, I didn‘t wanted mess up my knee more. The one you did yesterday sounds like fun.

I can‘t decide if I want to buy Cathe‘s new bundle or sign up for On Demand? decision, decisions……
Yesterday was a rest day. I did not sleep well due to the insane amount of rain we got overnight as well as hail, it was so loud on the roof I could not sleep at all. Today I took the pup for a 50 minute walk, 2.6 miles and burned 388 calories. Next, I did RAW Box and Pump 5 using 1.5# egg weights. This has a big focus on ABS, and I like that since my ABS could use some help! Workout was 53 minutes and I burned 485 calories. Total workout time was 103 minutes and I burned 873 calories. I ordered some 2# egg weights on Amazon, and they should be here by tomorrow evening. I want to use heavier weights for the shorter workouts. I tried on my workout shorts, and they are getting baggy!!! Hopefully tomorrow my husband will walk the pup and I can get in a good weight workout.

What ever happened to Doreen?

Debbie, fantastic workouts the past two days. I have been writing down the workouts you are doing and I will be doing each one soon. I cannot do planks with this collarbone issue, it still is bothersome and I will not do anything to aggravate it. I am bringing in my rowing machine so I can do the ride workouts but I will use the rower instead. That will burn a ton of calories and it really is a total body workout.

Belinda, way to go on the workouts even though you are not feeling well. I hope everything works out for you. I would sign up for on demand and get access to every workout live or on dvd.

Diane Sue, great job on the step workout. I would love to do Yevette Bachman's workouts again but there is no room in my house to do it. I will have to wait till I get back out into the gym room when it gets warmer outside.

Roxie, great job on the workout.

Make it a great day. Tomorrow, I have a roofer coming so I am not sure if I will get in a workout since they show up so early in the morning. I will try because I am on a roll and I do not want to stop my momentum.
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Roselyn - thank you. I hope so too. Great job on your shoulder and triceps.

Jolie - I have all Cathe‘s DVD’s she ever produced. I do like the On Demand, it comes out to $17 a month with Live…not to bad. I am trying to downsize everything in my house. I am still on the fence.
Today I did CDorner Total Body Sculpt no jumping, 39 minutes, 162 calories, heart rate 114/152, 557 steps. I then did Raw Stretch Flow, 19 minutes, 51 calories. Total time was 57 minutes, 213 calories. I went a bit lighter than Chris did on some of this.

Total Body sculpt 45 seconds each move, 3 rnds done twice
rnd 1
banded squat 15# dbs
deadlift 15# dbs
bent over row 15# dbs
push up renegade row I chose the option of close grip press/pullover 12# dbs
rnd 2
alternating reverse lunge/hammer curl 15# dbs
wide squat hold with triceps overhead press 15# db
squat curl squat press 12# dbs
bear hold straight backs 8# dbs option is kickbacks and I did another option and did part of the straight backs with knees on the floor and part in bear
rnd 3
curtsy to lunge right 15# db
curtsy to lunge left 15# db
plank shoulder taps
cool down stretch

Debbie, great workout today. That was a good idea to use the TBTS warm up. I do not have facebook they locked me out for no reason unless it was because my avatar was the same I have here. They wanted me to give them lots of personal information and id to get back on and did not want to go back on again after that. Not giving out info like that. I get info from emails Kelly sends and from her website. https://www.coffeyfit.com/shop-now/ She is selling some of the Raw workouts on dvd now with no premixes or anything. Also people can buy the workouts as downloads. She has a lot of nutrition info there and there are some rotations and work sheets on her site.
Today I did CDorner Total Body Sculpt no jumping, 39 minutes, 162 calories, heart rate 114/152, 557 steps. I then did Raw Stretch Flow, 19 minutes, 51 calories. Total time was 57 minutes, 213 calories. I went a bit lighter than Chris did on some of this. I also did the upper body stuff on Chris latest foam roller workout skipping the lower body. Lower body puts a lot of pressure on my wrists holding my body up.

Total Body sculpt 45 seconds each move, 3 rnds done twice
rnd 1
banded squat 15# dbs
deadlift 15# dbs
bent over row 15# dbs
push up renegade row I chose the option of close grip press/pullover 12# dbs
rnd 2
alternating reverse lunge/hammer curl 15# dbs
wide squat hold with triceps overhead press 15# db
squat curl squat press 12# dbs
bear hold straight backs 8# dbs option is kickbacks and I did another option and did part of the straight backs with knees on the floor and part in bear
rnd 3
curtsy to lunge right 15# db
curtsy to lunge left 15# db
plank shoulder taps
cool down stretch

Debbie, great workout today. That was a good idea to use the TBTS warm up. I do not have facebook they locked me out for no reason unless it was because my avatar was the same I have here. They wanted me to give them lots of personal information and id to get back on and did not want to go back on again after that. Not giving out info like that. I get info from emails Kelly sends and from her website. https://www.coffeyfit.com/shop-now/ She is selling some of the Raw workouts on dvd now with no premixes or anything. Also, people can buy the workouts as downloads. She has a lot of nutrition info there and there are some rotations and work sheets on her site. I do not know who Dua Lupa is but, Chris must like the singer as she has used this one in a few workouts.

Belinda, nice work getting in a dance workout. I am amazed that you can still workout with so much cartilage loss. Chris puts out quite a lot of basic workouts. I kind of like the choreography, but do modify some of those twists that torques the knees with them. I saw Cathe has her pricing up for the next set of workouts. I will order soon as I can. I kind of want the downloads and dvds just because I can put some on my tablet for when I am away, or power loss and I can still do a workout. Which has happened before. I still have not purchased this last group of Cathe workouts so at this time I do not have quite all of them. I figure they will show up on Amazon eventually.

Jolie, great job on the Raw Box and Pump #5 and walk. Wow on the calorie burn too. Kelly does a great job of hitting the abs with her boxing workouts. I am sorry the storms kept you awake. I always have a hard time sleeping during heavy rain and hail. My dog has to come in my room whimpering every time. I hope that you can get the weight workout in tomorrow.

Roselyn nice work doing chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Good Morning,

I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes yes while listening to my book.

Debbie-Kelly has soom people that really want dvd workouts so she just films some raw workouts and puts out a limited amount. I just buy them to use in the camper because internet is spotty.

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