Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024

Good Morning,

2.58 mile walk on my favorite path today. It has finally stopped raining here at the lake but it’s definitely humid. I discovered before my walk I somehow forgot sports bras so just going to have to wear regular bras and they will look funny with my tops.
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This morning I did STS 2 Body Parts Shoulders and really liked the workout. This is the first time I've done this one. I liked all the exercises and went careful with the weights. Really good workout.

1 minute rest between each set

Barbell Overhead Press: 30# - 3 sets/8 reps
Standing Iso Hold w/Overhead Press: 5#/10# - 2 sets/8 reps (this was weird, the iso hold was hard for me)
Incline Front Raise: 8's/5's - 2 sets/8 reps (I could only do 8s for 6 reps, this did not feel good on my shoulder so I stopped)
Seated Lateral Raise: 8's - 2 sets/8 reps
Alternate Seated Lateral Raise: 5's - 1 set/12 reps
Standing Front/Side Slide Combo: 5's - 1 set/10 reps
Hip Huggers: 15's 2 sets/8 reps
Rear Delt/Hip Hugger SS: 5's & 15's - 2 sets/8 reps
Band Single Arm Rear Delt Fly: 10# band - 2 sets/10 reps
Face Pulls: 15# band - 1 set/11 reps

Workout was 44 minutes, burned 191 calories, HR was 100/127.

Jolie - I can't believe it's humid where you live, that is so strange! We are having some nice weather now, almost fall-like weather, but this weekend it will be hot and humid again. I hope your ear is better today, I can see how that would happen. Sorry you are feeling so crappy!

Belinda - Great workout yesterday!

Roxie - Great job with your walk!! Are you on vacation?

Roselyn - Nice job with your workouts!

Diane - Hope you are ok, usually you check in on Monday's.

Have a great day everyone!
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Good Morning,

2.61 mile walk this morning it’s nice an cool not as humid.

Debbie-yes we came down Sunday in the middle of a thunderstorm but it’s been nice since we only run the AC at night.
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Today I woke up feeling better, but I have low energy due to lack of food. I have a temp crown on one side of my mouth and a tooth extraction on the other side so eating is very difficult. I got in two eggs and a nectarine for breakfast so that gave me a boost. I also took some Celtic Salt and that did wonders as well for my energy. Today's workout was CL Glassboro Road Trip from 2018 and I love this workout, but it goes too fast for me. I pause sometimes so I can get a longer rest period because Cathe only does about 5 seconds between exercises. Workout was 58 minutes and I burned 402 calories.

Debbie, great job on the Shoulder workout today, that looks like a great workout. Is that included in one of the STS 2.0 dvds? Way to go on the weights. It will be got here the next few days and then cools down a few degrees. In the Fall we go into Indian Summer and boy it gets hot and dry, that is when fire season starts.

Roxie, great job on the walk at the lake.

Rosleyn, nice job on the workout the past two days.

Diane Sue, I hope you have a good workout today.

Have a great day.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Recovery plus Standing abs.

Debbie - great workout today. Are you following the STS 2.0 rotation?

Jolie - basically you do intermitting fasting and eating high protein. Your diet looks good.Thanks for sharing.

Diane - I hope you doing well.

Roxie - great job on your walk. It‘s so hot here, no walk for me.

Roselyn - thank you. Nice job on Iron shoulder and triceps.

Good night.
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No workouts other than mobility stretches that I did Sunday, yesterday and today. I am resting my back. It hurts up my spine and on the back of the left shoulder where I cannot reach. Very painful and waking me up at night. It is getting better, but when I wake up in the middle of the night it hurts. Yesterday when I did CDorner Spinal Mobility, I hit a favorite move where you put your arm under like thread the needle only you rest on the elbow and push up and it stretches that area behind my shoulder that is hard to get, my shoulder made a clicking right where it hurt. I adjusted a bit and it quit clicking. Today I just did her full body stretch that she did this morning. Nothing really different. Hopefully I get to bed soon and sleep.
Wow, it was only 46 degrees when I woke up this morning. What is happening? It's the middle of August! It should be the dog days of summer right now here. Crazy. And by Saturday it's supposed to be hot and humid again. Of course, when me and my DH have to work on the outside of the house, it will be hot and humid.

This morning I did STS 2.0 One Body Part Legs. Had a great workout, I really like this workout. My knees were saying differently, both were hurting today. I don't get that, why sometimes they hurt and other times they are fine? WTF?

1 minute rest between each exercise but most of the time it was like 30 seconds. LOL!!

Squats: 20's - 8 reps
Squats w/Pink Fabric Band: 20's - 2 sets/8 reps
Elevated Squats: 15's - 10 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 20's - 8 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 20's - 8 reps
Close Grip Sumo Squats: 30# - 8 reps
R/L Reverse Static Lunges: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps
R/L Side Slide Lunges: 12# - 2 sets/10 reps
R/L BSS: 15# - 12 reps
R/L Forward Leaning BSS: 12 reps (Skipped, my knees do NOT like this one or the regular BSS)
Barbell Hip Thrusters: 35# - 3 sets/8 reps
R/L Side Lying Hip Raises: Pink Fabric Band
In the Box Calf Raises: 15's - 16 reps facing forward, side, back, side - total of 64 raises (I did them all forward, I don't get the box thing)
In the Box Calf Raises: 15's/8 reps as above - total of 32 raises (Again, I stood forward the whole time)

Tough workout. It was 46 minutes, burned 247 calories and HR was 111/148.

Roxie - Hope you have a great vacation!! It's cold here today!

Jolie - Nice job on your workout, I always liked the Glassboro workout, it is fun but you're right, she goes way too fast in that one. I always paused it as well when I did it. Yes, the shoulder work I did yesterday was the STS 2.0 One Body Part Shoulders workout. Its a good one!!

Belinda - I am following the 8 week STS 2 rotation. Great job with ab work yesterday!! I'm sure you are having a lot of fun!

Diane - So sorry you are in pain, I knew something was going on when I saw you were just doing yoga workouts. I wonder what caused your spine pain, do you know? I hope it gets better soon. I hate when something like that happens with no explanation. Very frustrating. Take it easy!!

Have a great day everyone!
Today I took the pup for a 3 mile walk, 1 hour and burned 406 calories. I am running late today so I have no time for personals. Great job on the workouts.

Make it a great day!
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I did STS 2.0 Supersets TB today. I am following the 8 week rotation.

My Rheum wants me to see a spine/pain management. I never been to a pain management, one thing I know I don’t want to add more meds to what I am already taking for RP. Have anyone done pain management before? My Rheum thinks those pain I am experiencing are related to OA in my neck. Woke up with a lot of pain in my neck last night. I am using the infra red light, magic massager. I am using light weights for STS.

Diane - I am so sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you feel better soon. All it takes is one wrong move, you are out for day’s/weeks. I do need to add more stretching. I hope you get some sleep. I wake up too with shoulder/neck pain. It’s very exhausting and frustrating. I hope you get some sleep. Please get some rest.

Debbie - I am also following the 8 week rotation. I did the 12 week rotation when it came out. I will see how it goes with my traveling. So far, so good. Great job this morning. We are having a lot of fun. Wished the pain in my shoulders/neck/biceps would stop. I almost have a feeling I have a frozen shoulder?

Jolie - great job on your walk.

Have a great day everyone.
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Today I felt a lot better so did CDorner Step Aerobics #413 No Breakdown with fun music from the 80's, 28 minutes, 120 calories, heart rate 116/147, 1,972 steps. This was a good one to get moving and not feel so stiff. I the did Raw Stretch flow, 19 minutes, 24 calories. I also did a little with the foam roller using it vertically. 47 minutes total time, 144 calories. I am not going to do any weights this week. Not sure what did it, but I had a hard time with so much pain trying to get into bed and lie down.

Jolie, nice work on the Glassboro trip workout yesterday and today's 3 mile walk. Maybe you can drink some protein drinks or something to help with the lack of enough food.

Debbie, in the 40's is cold. We are still getting up in the 90's and 70's and night. Great job on STS 2.0 Body Parts Legs. I didn't really get the calves in a box thing either. I guess to break it up a bit so it isn't a long non stop set of calf raises. I guess you get a couple of steps turning LOL. I just do them how she does.
I think I probably twisted wrong or something, maybe Saturday's Chest and Triceps mish mosh. My spine aches a lot anyway with the spine issues and arthritis, it does not take much to set off a big flare up. I had been doing well. I took a lot of Curcumin and joint supplements, did stretching and a little foam rolling. I was afraid to irritate it. I can still feel a bit this evening, but I also carted in groceries and a pack of water from Walmart delivery. I took a laundry basket out because someone filled one of those cheap bags with lots of cans and another with 6 bottles of kombucha tea. I hate when they do that.

Belinda, nice work on getting in STS 2 Total Body Supersets today. That is a favorite of mine. I was just looking a spine and pain management here, and they do testing to find the cause and then they treat with "physical therapy, medications, spinal cord stimulations, and injections." That is just what I read on their site. They say they do a holistic approach, so I don't know what you should expect. Hopefully they send the x rays you have already had. They do tests to help see if a nerve is pinched and that sort of thing. I have never been to one. I thought those things were what the rheumatologist is for. Mine does the x rays and mri's at their facility. He just offers me to go to a physical therapist or an injection in my neck. I suppose maybe the management place may look further into the problem.
I get that pain in my neck and spine easily. I have gotten where it starts throbbing holding up my cell phone, sitting in most chairs (I just sit up straight on a barstool all of the time). I hate those head things in the car when I am driving because it feels like my head is being pushed forward and my neck and spine hurt.
My sister in law and I walked over 3 miles last night at one of our parks. It was cold!!! I burned 250 calories.

This morning I did STS 2 One Body Part Biceps and had an excellent workout. I went way heavier this time, the last time I did this workout was when I was going to PT and having the upper back and neck pain. Felt great and my biceps were so pumped I had a hard time washing my face. LOL!!!

This is the workout:
Barbell Curls: 25# - 2 sets/8 reps
Barbell Curl/Pause Reps: 25# - 8 rep
Kneeling Alt. Sweeper Curls: 20's - 8 reps (I did concentration curls)
Kneeling Double Arm Sweeper Curls: 20's - 8 reps (I them seated)
Hammer Sweeper Curls: 20's - 8 reps
CrossBody Curls: 16's - 8 reps
Kneeling Hammer/CrossBody Curls: 15's - 6 reps
Incline Curls on Stability Ball: 15's - 2 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Preacher Curls: 16# - 2 sets/8 reps (I did concentration curls because the these hurt my elbows for some reason)
Banded Dumbbell Curls: 5's + Blue band - Lots of reps
Reverse Curls: 12's - 2 sets/12 reps
Barbell Wrist Curls: 8's/5's - 16 reps (I used dumbbells)

Workout was 41 minutes, burned 186 calories and HR was 102/132.

Jolie - Great job on your 3 miles walk. You burn double what I do when I walk 3 miles. We even went up hills.

Belinda - No, I've never been on pain management. I am so sorry that you are in so much pain, that is awful. I sure hope it goes away soon. How will you see this doctor if you are away from your medical people for a month?

Diane - I'm so glad to hear you are doing better. Wow, that is weird how we can injure ourselves so easily. Great job with your workout yesterday. It was 47 again this morning. We will be in the 90's this weekend.

Hope you all have wonderful workouts!!
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Today I woke up feeling full of energy, I slept 9 hours straight without waking up and I swear, I never moved once. For today's workout, I did CL Pumped Upper Body and had an excellent workout. This workout was 58 minutes and I burned 421 calories. I had to pause several times because Cathe goes too fast in this workout for my taste, I went slower and heavier. I love these older workouts more than her newer Live workouts because they are basic traditional exercises rather than compound exercises.

Debbie, great job on the Biceps workout today. I think I burn so many calories because my hills are very steep, like a 10 incline on the treadmill or higher! Also, I walk so fast there is no way I could have a conversation with someone, my pup hauls butt! Also, it is very hot weather and that always kicks my calorie burn up, I have to work much harder on my walks.

Belinda, what is OA in the neck? My mom did a decompression of her spine, and it was the best thing she ever did for herself except for the price tag! I have never been to a spine specialist. Sorry to hear you are in pain but I agree with you, no more meds. All they do is mask the problem with drugs there is no solution to what it is causing the issue.

Diane Sue, great job on the workout and I agree with you, do not do weights this week, it is not worth it.

Roselyn, I hope you have a great workout today. Are you still working and doing hair for a living? If so, how do you like it?

Have a great day.
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I did STS 2 Mat Yoga.

I got an offer with the VIP discount to join Jessica Smith. I couldn‘t resist. I do like her stretching and walking. Can‘t wait to try them out. Her stretched are amazing.

Diane - I wouldn‘t mind if they use a holistic approach, better than using lots of meds. I had no idea if they test for a pinched nerve. I am not sure what is going on? Mine is more in my neck, down my shoulders into my biceps on both arms. Isn‘t that strange? I can‘t hardly lift both my arms, I toss at night. I am sorry you are going through so much pain too. What are your doctors doing about it? Are you going to a pain/spin management for your problems? My UPenn doc ordered a bunch of blood test, which I got done on Monday here at the Key‘s. I hope it‘s a pinched nerve not RP related. I should get the results tomorrow. I hope you feel better soon.

Debbie - thank you. I have no idea what I did to my neck, shoulders and biceps? No clue? I am using the infra red light a few times a day, use the massager, rub some muscle cream on it. I probably do end up going the spin management and see what is going on.

Jolie - I mean osteoporosis in my neck. My Rheum thinks I have a pinched nerve. That pinched nerve won‘t go away. I agree with you on the meds. That is how I feel too Glad it helped your mom. I hope I know soon whats going on.

Going to the beach.
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Google Evening,

We walked 2.59 miles this morning then our oldest DD an her DH came down and went out on the lake with us. It’s been pretty cool here mornings in the 60’s and daytime lower 80’s.
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Today I just did STS 2 Total Body Stretch. I did not sleep much last night. Yesterday, I was pushing with my foot to slide back up straight on the barstool so my back would not be slouched and my foot slid off the chair bar and smacked the edge of the cabinet. Now my little toe is swollen and black and blue:(. I rubbed Aspercreme on it before I went to bed. I worked on a painting most of the day, stopped to make my husband some dinner and went back to it till after 8 this evening, then cleaned all of the floors and caught up on some housework since my husband is off the next 3 days. Hopefully tonight is better as far as sleeping.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Body Parts Biceps and the walk with your sister in law.

Jolie, nice that you were able to sleep 12 hours without waking up. I wish I could do that. Great job on CL Pumped Upper Body workout. I am giving my body enough time to recover before I start weights again and will probably start back lighter at first.

Belinda, I am not in a hurry to see my doctor. I tend to wait to see if I can make the pain stop first. I have an appointment with my arthritis doctor October. If I have to I will move it up. I find most doctors just talk to me, ask some questions sometimes and offer meds or injections, or option try physical therapy. I sometimes feel I am wasting my time. Maybe it is me, because I don't accept what they offer. I want to find other ways to take care of the problem and slow the degeneration down. Since it is both of your arms I bet it is something in the neck or spine area. Limited space and things like bone spurs can really cause problems. I have been refreshing my memory on all of the bones and muscle areas with my pain. I wish when I went in to see the doctor and explain what is going on, that they would at least get an x ray or something just in case there was more wrong. Hopefully the pain and spine management will be a good one and figure out the problem.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Back today and had an excellent workout. Lots of band work but I'm liking it. I purchased a band set that ranges from 10# bands to 35# bands. I can add two together to get a tougher poundage. Works great!!

This is how it went - 1 minute (for the most part) rest between exercises

Straight Arm Banded Pulldown: 15# Band - 2 sets/8 reps (did 25# band with the 2nd set)
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did modification of seated Overhand Band Rows - 25# band - 8 reps
Single Bar Chin up: I did modification of seated Underhand Band Rows - 35# band
Double Bar Inverted Rows: I did modification of seated Overhand Band Rows - 35# band
Single Bar Chin up: I did modification of seated Underhand Band Rows - 35# band
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 25# - 10 sets
R/L Kneeling One Arm Row: 30# - 10 sets
Barbell Pullover/Band Pull Apart superset: 25#BB/15# band - 2 sets/10 & 12 reps
Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs: 50#/15's - 2 sets 8 & 10 reps
Band Close Grip Pulldowns: 50# band - 2 sets/10 reps
Seated T-Band Pulls: Blue Band - 12 reps
Superman swimmers: (I just did arms up/legs up supermans with my hands near my chest) - 2 sets/10 reps

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 231 calories, HR was 109/152.

Jolie - Great job with CL Pumped Upper Body, I like that one too. Yea, steep hills would definitely make a difference in calorie burns. There are only small little hills on our hike, nothing major. You do a great job with your walks!!!

Belinda - Glad you got a yoga workout in, hopefully your doctors can give you some insite on what to do with your pain. That is awful.

Roselyn - Great job with Iron full body. Are you still a hair stylist? You haven't mentioned your job in a while, inquiring minds want to know. LOL!!

Diane - Ouch on your little toe, that had to hurt! If it's not one thing it's another isn't it? Geez. Hope you are feeling better with your spine and now your toe!!

Have a great weekend everyone. I am so glad it's Friday.
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We took a walk on by the Marina. Than I did STS 2.0 Tri Sets TB.

Diane - Oh no, on your toe. You can’t to seem to catch a break. You poor thing. I hope your spine is feeling better soon. That‘s how i feel about going to see the spin/pain management. Not to mention it‘s far from where I live. For now, I am on vacation until the 9th of September. I don‘t plan on going or seeing anyone until I get home. I am afraid what they will offer. It‘s so weird, that both my shoulders, bic and neck hurt at the same time. I do keep my weights light, I don‘t want to make it worst.

Debbie - I will not go to see anyone until I get back from vacation. I hope by then, it all works it self out. I still do all the stretching, itching, infra red light, massager a few times a day. Oh, I also you some tropical cream I got for my knees. Great job on your weight workout. Glad you like the bands.

Off to get to the beach.
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Today I did CDorner 80's Aerobics Low or high,45 minutes, 250 calories, heart rate 139/160, 4,573 steps. I followed with CDorner 30 Day Challenge day 18 tight shoulders and chest stretch, adding a few other stretches, 17 minutes, 22 calories. Total time 63 minutes, 272 calories.

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