Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024

Debbie here is chest and triceps mish mosh. Still hunting for biceps and legs
Body Parts Mish Mosh # 2 chest and triceps 41:34 minutes
Warm Up tubing and 5 and 8# dbs
lying overhead triceps extension #1 barbell 30# 10 reps
lying overhead triceps extension #2 barbell 30# 10 reps
lying overhead triceps extension #3 barbell 30# 10 reps 3 down/1 up
incline bench press #1 15# dbs 10 reps
incline bench press close grip 15# dbs 10 reps
incline unilateral bench press 15# dbs 8 reps alternating
kneeling single arm kickback 12# db 10 reps
kneeling single arm kickback #2 12 # db 10 reps
incline chest fly #1 10# dbs 8 reps (half and all of the way)
incline chest fly #2 with pauses 12# dbs 6 reps
incline unilateral chest fly 12# dbs 6 reps
banded standing overhead extensions blue medium tubing 12 reps using 40# db as an anchor
banded mid chest fly blue medium tubing using the 40# as an anchor
banded triceps press down #1 black extra heavy with door anchor 12 reps
banded triceps press down #2 door anchor black tubing
12 reps
push ups
abbreviated stretch
Mish Mosh Parts #2 body parts shoulders and legs
warm up
instead of standing overhead press #1 I did face pulls with blue medium tubing and door anchor
same move for #2
instead of standing overhead press # 3 I did seated Y's with 8# dbs
squats with loop#2 25# dbs 10 reps
squats with loop#3 25# dbs 10 reps
squats # 4 heels elevated no loop 25# dbs
Static Lunge R/L #1 20# dbs
Static Lunge R/L #2 20# dbs
Incline Front raise stability ball #1 8# dbs 8 reps
Incline Front raise stability ball #2 unilateral hold 5# dbs 8 reps
seated iso hold w/ overhead press #1 3/8 # db 8 reps
seated iso hold w/ overhead press #2 3/8 # db 8 reps
deadlift #1 25# dbs
deadlift #2 25# dbs
close grip sumo squat 40# db 1 1/2 ct 8 reps
seated lateral raise 8#1# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise 8#1# dbs 8 reps
seated lateral raise #3 with iso hold 5# dbs 12 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger superset #1 5#db/12# dbs for hip hugger 8 reps
rear delt fly/hip hugger superset #2 5#db/15# dbs for hip hugger 8 reps
calves in a box 15# dbs
abbreviated stretch
Iron day 15 shoulders

I cannot believe that summer is just about gone, today is supposed to be our last day in the high 90's thank goodness, we have a case of west niles here a teen is fighting for his life i hope these mosquitos go away !!!
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I was planning on legs and shoulders today but just didn't have it in me. Been an exhausting week so I just decided to get on my treadmill for a bit. Worked up a good sweat.

Workout was 51 minutes, burned 513 calories (which is crazy but my heart rate has been up this week (stress)), walked 2.5 miles, did 5899 steps and HR was 162/184. See what I mean.

Diane - Thank you so much for posting those workouts, I will get them on paper and do the Mish-Moshes next week. I would have just went back to the dates you listed but I appreciate you reposting them. I enjoyed the one I did yesterday. I hope you are feeling better today, how is your spine and neck doing?

Jolie - It's been hot here all week but we have a cool down coming next week and it will be more like fall. Looking forward to it but then that means we are that much more closer to winter and I hate winter. Hope it cools down there soon, the humidity you are having is what boggles my mind!!

Belinda - OMG on your RV having a leaky roof. That is not cool. That is crazy with a brand new RV. They better fix it and FAST!! How long will you be in Florida?

Roselyn - It is sad that the summer is almost over, I can't believe it. We are getting a cool down in a couple days as well. It's supposed to hit 98 today. Holy smokes!!

Hope you all have a wonderful holiday weekend! I'm looking forward to 3 days off.
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STS Trisets TB is done.

We decided to drop off the RV to Alabama on our way home from Florida ,leave it there how ever long it will take so they can fix everything that is leaking/broken.I have my infusion on the 9th. I have to be back. I noticed this morning rain was coming though the bedroom floor. Everything we get very heavy rain it leaks inside. The RV will probably stay there for a week if not long. We shall see. I believe they didn‘t put enough seal around the outside the RV?

Debbie - they are fixing it. Tiffin is calling us daily to trouble shot everything. They pretty good about it. It‘s just a pain going through it while we are on vacation. We actually glad it‘s been raining here otherwise we wouldn‘t know about the leak. We are still making the best of this vacation. It‘s so beautiful here. It does rain a lot here. Great job on your walk. I don‘t know how far I will get with STS 2? We shall see.

Roselyn - I hear you on the summer.

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Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up high or low impact, 29 minutes, 162 calories, heartrate 134/176, 3,004 steps. I followed with Raw Yoga stretch 14 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 43 minutes, 184 calories.
Roselyn, nice work on Iron Day 15 shoulders. I dread the winter months though. Right now I do not see many mosquitos. We did have a lot at the start of summer though. For some reason they do not like me, but they sure go after my husband.

Debbie, nice work getting in a treadmill walk. My blood pressure was up this week too till today. My guess is because of the pain and no sleep. My tough I hit a week ago has decided to start throbbing when I put on shoes. I did that cardio workout and it was all red. My back hurt when I got up, but once I took my curcumin boswellia and then went and did the cardio and yoga It felt much better. Plus with all of the cost of things, I am sure there are many of us feeling stressed.

Belinda, good job with STS Total Body Trisets today. I am terribly sorry about the RV. It sounds like they were in a hurry to get it done, or their employees are not good workers. I sure hope they get it all fixed and you have no other problems.
Yesterday I took the pup for a 3 mile walk through the hills, 1 hour and burned 446 calories. Today I did CL #276 All In Upper Body and added some leg exercises to the end of it to make it a total body workout. Workout was 68 minutes, and I burned 439 calories. I did leg ext., leg curls and squats. Ski season is just around the corner, and I want to go this year, I better start working on some leg strength! We have a heat wave starting tomorrow for a week, that should really make working out rough.

Belinda, sorry to hear that your RV is leaking water when it rains! Hopefully they will be able to fix that before the winter weather arrives.

Debbie, great job on the TM walk yesterday. I hope your stress goes away; it is always tuff when we have that to deal with on top of everyday stress. Nice job on the weight workouts this week as well.

Roselyn, wow on the West Nile Virus issue where you live. We will be going into the hottest time of the year for the next two months :(

Diane Sue, great job on the mish mosh workouts the other day, that is a lot of weightlifting in a day. Also, great job on your workout yesterday too.

Make it a great day. I cannot believe it is Labor Day weekend already! This year has flown by quickly.
Today I chose light workout since my toe that I had hit on the cabinet is still hurting. I needed something I could do without shoes, so I did Killer Legs bonus barre followed by STS 2.0 Mobility 1, 38 minutes, 82 calories. Not much but, I needed to move. Hopefully next week I can start doing something else.

Jolie, nice work on the walk and yesterday's CL #276 All In Upper Body and the added leg work. Great workout combo. I did not do the mish mosh workouts. Debbie asked if I had them because the guide to the series does not have the mish mosh workouts moves so I sent them to her since I already had them in my Word documents. That would have been one long killer workout:)

Went to beach today. I did Mobility 1 today.

Diane- sorry about your toe. Great job on Killer legs. I agree, I think they were in a hurry with the RV. We are not happy but we do the best we can while on vacation. Like I said, we are not cutting our vacation short because of this. We will drive it straight from the Key‘s to Alabama to figure out what is causing the leak into the coach. It‘s not just a little rain, it‘s a lot. I took a video when we had heavy rain to show them how much it leaks into our RV. They are trying to figure out where it‘s coming in to? The only thing I have to leave everything in the RV while we drop it off. Oh well. We plan on after we pick it up to drive to TX to visit our son. Fingers crossed it all works out.

Julie - I am sure they will figure out what is causing the leak. They are the manufactures. Tiffin is American made and very proud of it. I am sure they will take care of us. So far, we have no complaints with there service.

Rosleyn - great job Kaykay HIIT.

Good night.
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I am supposed to do one more week of STS 2 but I think I'm done for now. Just don't feel like it. This will be my active recovery week and then next week I think I'll start Body Beast. We'll see how that goes.

This morning I did RAW Kickbox 3 which was a fun workout with good music, but of course, you couldn't hear the music hardly at all. Usually her music is so loud you can't hear her, but she finally has some good music and you can hear it. LOL!! Oh well... I didn't use my egg weights except through one segment. This one got my HR up pretty good without them.

Workout was 41 minutes, burned 326 calories, did 4256 steps and HR was 135/167.

Hope you all have a great day!!

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