Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024

Good Morning,

We walked 2.54 miles this morning it’s breezy so we won’t be putting the boat in today just enjoy the camp site
Yesterday I took a 3 mile walk with the pup. Today I did CL Vertical Loading #2 and had an excellent workout. Workout was 1 hour and I burned 409 calories.

My mom passed out on Friday morning while in the bathroom and hit her head on the toilet and crack the seat in half! She is in the hospital and might come home today. They are doing every test known to man but have no clue why this happened. My dad and I told them that she is most likely deficient in electrolytes and salt due to the hot weather where they live. They think we may be right. Why do we know more than most doctors! I bought her some good supplements and some Celtic Salt to see if I can get her back on track.

Great job with the workouts everyone. I am off to see my mom. Have a great Sunday.
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No workout yesterday or today. I am still having the pain so nothing other than frequently doing some stretches and changing positions, getting up and walking. Sitting long periods makes it hurt. Nights are miserable. Hopefully it lets up soon.

Debbie, nice work on STS 2.0 body parts back Friday.

Belinda, hopefully the pain lets up for you. A lot radiates from the neck and spine, but also from areas that you would not think would cause problems. I am hoping mine lets up so when I go to my arthritis doctor mid Oct I don't have him offering an injection or meds. I feel like I am wasting theirs and my time really.

Jolie, that is scary that you mom hit her head on the toilet. I hope she is okay and nothing serious other than electrolytes. Nice work on the walk and yesterday's vertical loading 2.

Yesterday was STS 2.0 mobility 2, today was Jessica Smith Build Shoulder and back plus walk at the pier. That one reminded me of my PT exercises to strengthen my frozen shoulder. . Good workout.

Diane - I am sorry you still in a lot of pain. I pray it will get better. I am working on stretching/strengthen the areas that are hurting. Today I did a Jessica Smith shoulder/back. She used exercises I done in PT. She uses a band and very light weights for the rotator. I hear you on waiting time. I feel the same way. I hope by the time I get home, everything is back to normal. Fingers crossed.

Jolie - that is scary about your mom. I hope she is ok.

Good night.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Triceps. Had an excellent workout, I like this one.

1 minute rest between sets.

Lying Overhead Barbell Extension: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps
R/L Single Arm Overhead Extension: 10# - 2 sets/10 reps
Dips: 20# in lap - 3 sets/8 reps
R/L Kneeling Single Arm Kickback: 10# - 2 sets/10 reps
Band Overhead Extension: 15# band - 2 sets/12 reps
Band Triceps Pressdown, Palms back: 20# band - 2 sets/12 reps
Band Reverse Grip Pressdown, Palms front: 20# band - 2 sets/12 reps

Great workout. It was 40 minutes, burned 191 calories, HR was 102/134.

Jolie - OMG about your mom! How is her head after hitting it on the toilet? You are probably 100% right, maybe she was dehydrated. My mom gets really dizzy when she doesn't drink water. So scary, I hope she is doing better. Praying for her.

Diane - So sorry to hear you are still in pain, that is not good. I hope relief comes soon. I know how frustrating all that can be!!

Roxie & Roselyn - Great workouts!! Roxie, I know you just walked, but that is still a good workout!

Have a great day everyone.
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Today I did STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body.

Debbie - great job on your Triceps this morning.

Waving Hi to everyone that checks in after me.
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Today I am better. I think part of my problem is hours of leaning forward with my neck forward working on oil paintings. I have done lots of research on the thoracic spine area and pain causes. I have not gone back to painting now for 3 days now. I am near done with the painting I am working on and need to finish details. I concentrate on keeping my shoulders back all of the time. So much so that sometimes I think I am keeping my back in a rigid tight line. I can tell by the angle when it starts hurting. The thoracic spine does not have a lot of flexible bend and twist to it. I read on some medical pt sites that crunches should not be done with spinal issues. The suggestion was to do reverse crunches.
My husband ordered me a new desk to use for painting that I can raise the height, so the painting and easel are higher. My easil used to have a stand but is old and the legs got wobbly.
I am not ready to pick up weights yet. Today I did CDorner Basic Step for Beginners, 33 minutes, 183 calories, 3011 steps. I did find it pretty basic and added a bit of intensity to it. I followed this with a mix of things, STS 2 foam roller upper body, CDorner Upper Back & Neck Stretch/mobility day 24, and Day 16 standing legs, 42 minutes total. I forgot to stop my watch here so had to edit in the Garmin app. I am not sure how many calories since the Garmin was sitting on the counter while I showered and stuff. I noticed it was still going when I went to put it back on.

Belinda, nice work on STS 2 mobility #2 and yesterday's Jessica Smith Build Shoulder and Back and walk at the pier. Those exercises should help you. I was reminded of a move they had me do for neck and shoulders when watching youtube yesterday where they stand or sit with back against the wall and slide arms up overhead and back down. I could barely do it at the time. I would be careful about using a massager on the neck. Cathe said not to roll the neck or abdominals. PT never massaged my neck, but did sort of lift my head and move it around. I swear they left me in worse pain by the time I got home. This was several years ago. I would not go back to that one. They worked on knots in my upper back finding those knots that really hurt. I am looking forward to the new workouts. I have been watching the previews as they come out.
Good job on today's STS 2 Total Body Giant sets.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Body Parts Triceps today.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. Love this workout and did well with it. I went higher in weight on some exercises but listened to my shoulders and upper body. My shoulders started clicking a bit so I backed down with some exercises. I feel good right now.

1 minute rest between each set.

Flat Bench Press #1: 25's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2: 25's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3: 25's - 8 reps
Flat Chest Fly #1: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly #2: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Bench Press: 26's - 10 reps
Incline Close Grip Press: 22.5's - 7 reps (tough!)
Incline Unilateral Chest Press: 20's - 6 reps alternating
Incline Bench Press/Close Grip Combo: 20's - 6 reps (tough!)
Incline Pause Chest Fly #1: 20's - 8 reps
Incline Pause Chest Fly #2: 20's - 6 reps
Incline Unilateral Fly: 15's - 6 reps alternating
Banded Low/High Chest Fly: 15# Band - 10 reps
Banded Mid Chest Fly: 25# Band - 12 reps
Push ups: 10 reps (on knees)

Workout was 40 minutes, burned 156 calories, HR 95/144.

I'm seriously thinking of doing Body Beast again. Once I'm done with this 8 weeks, I might take a week and just do cardio things and stretching and then start Body Beast. I just don't know if I can handle all the testosterone talk, I might just lower to voice and watch what he does.

Belinda - Great job with your Total Body workout. That's a good one.

Diane - I'm glad to hear you're better. You know, I was wondering if the painting was causing you issues. That is tough to do standing in one position and holding the arm up. I can see how that can cause issues. I hope the new easel set-up works better for you. Hope it keeps getting better.

Have a great workout everyone!
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My mom is home from the hospital, she was there 3 days and they could not figure out what happened to her. My dad went into the hospital and spoke to all of the doctors and had them test her kidneys, and sure enough, she had a kidney infection and low on potassium. Amazing, my mom had every test known to man from MRI's, CT Scans to blood tests, urine tests and X rays and they could not figure out what caused her to pass out and my dad figures it out immediately. I tell you; this is why they put people on all of these meds, they do not know how to fix problems, but they sure know how to mask the symptom with a med!

Today I had an excellent workout, I did CL #25 Strong Upper Body and Core. This is a Giant Set type of workout that moves quickly so I had to pause several times to go at my own pace. I had to go down in weights because there are so many exercises in each Giant Set, by the time you are on your last exercise you are spent. Then, you have to do it again two more times! Workout was 1 hour, and I burned 422 calories. I added in some squats and leg extensions at the end of the workout.

Debbie, great job on the Chest workout today, wow on the weights!!!! I rarely pick up anything over 20#'s except for 1 arm rows these days. You are so strong in the chest, but then again, you always have been. I would do Body Beast with you if you decided you want to do it in the future. I just play music and lower the volume on the tv and tune the guy talk out.

Diane Sue, I am so sorry you are still suffering, but thankfully you have figured out what is causing the pain. That was so nice of your husband to buy you a new table for painting. My mom paints standing up in front of an easel. Way to go on the step workout even though you are not feeling well.

Belinda, great job on the workout while on vacation.

Make it a great day.
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I took a walk to the beach earlier, got rained on twice. It wasn‘t suppose to rain. Not sure where the rain came from, lol? I let Sadie walk in grass, little did I know it was crab grass :( The poor thing was covered in those little spikes. I felt so bad for her. DH and I pulled them all off her. One was so deep in Sadie fur, she stated to cry :( Lesson‘s learned, not let her out of her stroller near the beach.

I will do a stretch later instead of STS 2.0 Recovery.

Diane - glad you feeling better and figured out what is causing it. Sometimes we are not aware of our allotment/posture. I was wondering if that is my problem having bad posture? I am more aware now to find the cause. Great job on your step workout. My PT had me do that move on the wall. It really helps. I am having a hard time with my left side doing it. I do them laying down too. If it hurts I stop. I use the massager to get the knots out of my shoulders. I have them every time I go get a massage. Not sure if those knots have something to do. I hope eventually we all gonna be pain free. I am also looking for the new workouts. STS 2.0 is perfect, I only workout 3 day‘s a week plus mobility/stretching. No excuse not to stretch.

Debbie - great job on your Chest workout. I can‘t wait to do the Body parts. What week are you on?

Jolie - glad your mom is home. Sorry she had to go through this. Great job on your workout.

I‘ll be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout
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Today I did CDorner Arms No Equipment All Standing, 20 minute, heart rate 135/164,112 calories. This was a lot of movement and endurance based. It was a good one for warming up the shoulders and arms. Really all around as she added some balance options. I then did her Low Back Stretch Routine from yesterday( I would say today, but it is after midnight), 25 minutes, 29 calories. Total time 45 minutes, 141 calories. I couldn't see my stats on my Garmin app because they were have problems. I just looked and they got it fixed. I did not get much sleep as I worked on the painting till 3 am, which I should not have done, then got work up with lots of texts from family and friends wishing me happy birthday. I forgot it was my birthday or I might have went to bed earlier. Then my ladies group started texting and there was not going back to sleep. I didn't do anything special. Cooked up some things to have to eat, made cauliflower rice and froze some, and put out a Walmart grocery order. My husband went to work, and family all came on Sunday.
Tomorrow I will do lower body. Chris has an all the bands lower body workout tomorrow. I thought it would be a good one to do.

Debbie, Great Job on STS 2 Body Parts Chest today. I always thought it seemed sort of mean on Body Beast teasing the other guys about how they are not working that hard. I am sure it was more joking than anything else. I have not pulled those out in years.

Jolie, I am glad your mother is back home and okay. That is crazy that they did all of that testing and did not think of the potassium being low, or something like her kidneys. Nice job on CL #25 Strong Upper Body and Core. I do stand part of the time and part of the time I sit on a stool, I use when I play music on my keyboard. I need to stand back and look at the whole painting some of the time when I am working.

Belinda, nice that you got in the walks on the beach. Poor Sadie. Getting burrs stuck in the fur is tough.
I saw a guy on youtube sit on the floor next to a wall and slide the arms up the wall. I wonder if it is easier seated. I hope you can get things figured out too.

Roselyn, nice work on posterior chain iron and chest and triceps.
This morning I was very sore in my triceps and chest so I didn't feel like lifting again. That is what I don't like about one body parts a day, you don't a chance to do cardio workouts. I should do what Diane does and do the Mish mosh ones so I can get 2 body parts in at a time, but they seem to long. I mostly only have 40 minutes to workout on most days unless I get up really early and start earlier.

I did RAW Kickboxing and had a good workout. I didn't use my egg weights and still got my heart rate up good. I also did STS 2 Standing Abs: Metabolic Core which is 10 minutes. I like that one, I used my 5# and 10# plates.

Both workouts were 46 minutes, burned 365 calories, went 3969 steps and HR was 138/173.

Jolie - Wow on your mom, what is wrong with these doctors? And you're right, they would have prescribed her something horrible that she would be on forever and doesn't even fix the problem. I'm glad your dad realized what was going on. I'm glad she is home and resting. Nice job on your workout! I don't think I've done that one. I think I might start the Body Beast workouts not next week, but the week after. I'm getting tired of the STS workouts, it's time to move on. I'll do what you say and put my own music on and lower the volume, I can't stand listening to that testosterone show.

Belinda - LOL on getting rained on twice. Poor Sadie!! Geez, those things are horrible when they get caught in fur. I think I'm on week 7. I'm getting tired of these workouts.

Roselyn - Good workouts!

Diane - Great job with your workout yesterday, looks like good ones. Sorry you didn't get much sleep last night but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope you had a great day. I agree about the Body Beast guys but I think they do that to motivate the others. It is mean, though. I can't stand listening to it. I wish someone would remake that series for women with women doing it.

Have a great day everyone!!

STS 2.0 Supersets Total body is done. I will do a stretch today.

Diane - Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day. those workouts you did look like good ones. I have to check them out. I felt so bad for Sadie. Who knew they had them in the Key West? I was so afraid to let her out of the stroller yesterday. I haven‘t done Body Best in years.

Debbie - you almost done with STS 2.0. You are funny getting bored. I am on week 2. Not once but twice we got rained on yesterday walking. It‘s been raining a lot here lately. You never know when to go for a walk. I looked at my phone, it didn‘t show rain for yesterday. I felt so bad for Sadie. Poor thing.

Roselyn - great job yesterday.

Have a great day, everyone.
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Today I did CDorner Day 6 Quick 10 minute morning wake up stretch 12 minutes and Neck and Back Stretch and Strengthen that uses a chair 31 minutes. I did not sleep well and was woke up again by my watch with notification that my art table was arriving. Got an aquarium fish order that we had cancelled and groceries came in the midst of things.

Debbie, nice work on Raw Kickboxing and STS 2 Standing abs metabolic core. I think that the mish mosh workouts are mostly under 45 minutes. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

Belinda, nice job on STS 2.0 Supersets Total Body. Thanks for the birthday wishes.
This morning I decided to try the STS 2.0 Mish Mosh #2 - Body Parts Biceps & Back. It was an excellent mix of workouts and I really enjoyed it. Maybe next week I'll do these mish moshes and then have 2 days for cardio. I plan to do the Shoulders and Legs Mish Mosh tomorrow.

This is how it went:

Barbell Curls: 30# - 2 sets/8 reps
Paused Barbell Curls: 30# - 8 reps (killer)

One Arm Rows: 30# 2 sets/10 reps

Hammer Curls: 20's - 8 reps
Cross Body Curls: 16's - 8 reps

Pullover/Pull-Aparts: 25#/15# band
Pullover/Pull-Aparts: 30#/20# band

Incline Dumbbell Curls: 16's - 2 sets/10 reps

Barbell Pendlay Rows/Shrugs: 40# - 3 sets/8 reps (row) 10 reps (shrugs)

R/L Preacher Curls: 16# - 8 reps (I did concentration curls)
R/L Preacher Curls: 17# - 8 reps (I did concentration curls)

Seated T-Band Pull: 15# band

Wrist Curls: Skipped (time)

Workout was 49 minutes, burned 279 calories and HR was 115/136. I was sweating with this one, I really went up in weights with some exercises. Good workout!!

Beliinda - What's funny is I used to love to follow rotations. It was the only way I could workout. Now it seems I want to do different things every day and get bored with rotations. I have had some excellent results with STS 2, though, so I sort of want to keep going with rotations. That's why I want to do Body Beast in a couple of weeks. Great job with Supersets!

Diane - You're right, they are mostly around 45 minutes. I liked the one I did today. You wouldn't by chance have the workout exercises listed for the Mish Mosh for legs and shoulders would you? I checked the STS booklet but the Mish Mosh workout sheets are not there. I want to know what I'll be in for and I know I won't have time to view the workout tonight. If not, don't worry about it. I'll muddle through! LOL!! Hope you are feeling better. I have all my notifications turned off (except family members, especially my mom) until 5:30. They go off at 9:30 and don't make sounds until 5:30. You should turn yours off too.

Have a great day everyone!!
Yesterday I took the pup for a 3 mile walk, 1 hour and burned 441 calories. Today I am taking a rest day. I had a dentist appointment yesterday first thing this morning and got my new crown on. One tooth totally finished and 2 more to go and then I should be good I hope.

Debbie, great job with the mish mosh workout today. I am sick of all my workouts right now and with the walking too! I am finding it very hard to motivate myself to get in a workout lately. This happens during the summer for me, it gets hot, and I typically do not sleep well either.

Diane Sue, I am so glad you are feeling a little better. Nice job on the workout. I could never stay up till 3am, I mean never!!! How do you do it! I go to bed at 8:30pm like clockwork. Happy Birthday.

Belinda, nice job on the workout and the walk at the beach in the rain.

Do you have any fun plans for the holiday weekend? No me, my husband has to work. Make it a great day.
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STS 2.0 Chair Yoga is done.

Not sure if I mention it besides the dashboard cracking. We noticed with all the heavy rain here, it‘s coming into the coach. I took a video 2 day‘s ago. Dh sent it to the Tiffin and dealer. They all trying to figure out where the rain is coming in? We probably once we get back (after my infusion have to take the RV to Tiffin in Alabama. It‘s flooding very bad inside. It still not stoping up from our vacation.

Debbie - I hear you on getting bored with rotations. Glad you seeing great results. Nice job on your Bic and back.

Jolie - great job on your walk this morning. How is your mom doing? Glad you almost done with your teeth.

Diane - how are you feeling? Good job on your stretch yesterday. What kinda fish do you have?

Have a great day and workout
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Today I did CDorner Legs and Abs With All the Bands, 54 minutes(took me 64 because I paused and wrote down the moves, 123 calories. I am sure I am going to feel this later. I finished with CDorner Full Body Stretch with towel or strap, 29 minutes, 29 calories. Total time 93 minutes, 152 calories.
Legs and abs with bands
segment 1 fabric loop 45 sec each move used heavy fabric loop
lunge/curtsy/lift back
quick paced squat 1 1/2
monster walk
step forward/ straighten back leg/step back
repeat for another round

segment 2 abs 1 minute each move
loop band medium regular around wrists sit up
figure 4 reverse curlright
figure 4 revers curl left
side plank hold right
side plank hold left

segment 3 lower regular loop band (I used light because I could not get my left leg to curl all of the way with medium)
light loop band around feet leg curl alternating with a hold
light loop band around feet leg curl alternating with pulses

segment #4 regular loop band heavy
clam shell
clam shell with a hold
straight leg side lift and back
switch sides

segment #5 repeat segment 2 abs

segment 6 tubing medium
left foot in handle wrapped around other foot leg extension right 2 sets 60 sec each slow then a 3rd set 30 sec single
repeat on right


Debbie, great job on STS 2 Mish Mosh #2 Biceps and Back. I really like the mish mosh workouts and having time for cardio and my stretching in between. Plus it gives the body a rest day from weights in between workouts. It works better for me. I did mish mosh 2 shoulders and legs June 22nd. I probably have these in my word files because I made print outs. I did Mish Mosh 2 chest and triceps August 17th. I will look and copy and paste them here. What I did was went to the workout manager and printed out the mish mosh by copying and pasting the moves then I made notes on them as I did them originally.

Jolie, nice job on getting in the walk with your dog. I bet you are happy having one tooth finished. Eventually you will be able to eat normal food. I wish I could turn things around. My husband works nights and goes to work around the time that would be bed time. I spend my mornings getting some tasks done like laundry etc that are not noisy, do devotions and get in a workout and shower. By the time I am done my husband is up and it gives us some time to spend together and I save floor cleaning and painting till after he has left for work. It is just the way things have become, which makes it difficult when I have morning appointments. I usually wake up around 8 no matter what.

Belinda, glad you got in STS 2 chair yoga. That is terrible that your RV is leaking from the rain. I hope they get that fixed quickly. That should not be happening. When you get something new like that you expect everything should work well. I am feeling even better today. Some burning in my back of shoulder. Not sure why. I have nerve issues too because of a needle biopsy in my neck where they hit a nerve. We have parrot cichlids. I saw that my husband had ordered Jack Dempsy's that are also chichlids, but are really aggressive. We immediately canceled the order. Amazon said the order was canceled. Even the order dropped off of our account. Then yesterday these fish showed up on our doorstep. The Dempsy's are small and pretty, but they will tear up and eat the other fish. We have another cichlid in our tank and it is rather aggressive. I do not enjoy watching them get chewed on and kept in a corner by another fish. I just set up a small aquarium in my husband's office because I really did not know what else to do and it is mean to just let them die. I cannot do that.

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