My mom is home from the hospital, she was there 3 days and they could not figure out what happened to her. My dad went into the hospital and spoke to all of the doctors and had them test her kidneys, and sure enough, she had a kidney infection and low on potassium. Amazing, my mom had every test known to man from MRI's, CT Scans to blood tests, urine tests and X rays and they could not figure out what caused her to pass out and my dad figures it out immediately. I tell you; this is why they put people on all of these meds, they do not know how to fix problems, but they sure know how to mask the symptom with a med!
Today I had an excellent workout, I did CL #25 Strong Upper Body and Core. This is a Giant Set type of workout that moves quickly so I had to pause several times to go at my own pace. I had to go down in weights because there are so many exercises in each Giant Set, by the time you are on your last exercise you are spent. Then, you have to do it again two more times! Workout was 1 hour, and I burned 422 calories. I added in some squats and leg extensions at the end of the workout.
Debbie, great job on the Chest workout today, wow on the weights!!!! I rarely pick up anything over 20#'s except for 1 arm rows these days. You are so strong in the chest, but then again, you always have been. I would do Body Beast with you if you decided you want to do it in the future. I just play music and lower the volume on the tv and tune the guy talk out.
Diane Sue, I am so sorry you are still suffering, but thankfully you have figured out what is causing the pain. That was so nice of your husband to buy you a new table for painting. My mom paints standing up in front of an easel. Way to go on the step workout even though you are not feeling well.
Belinda, great job on the workout while on vacation.
Make it a great day.