Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024


We are in South Carolina. It’s very humid here from the hurricane. we use military RV parks. li got a lot of steps today. Running around tying up my house. It’s nice coming home to a clean house. We had a little late start, my neighbor stopped
by to pick up my keys for my house to water my plants. Well, DH turned off the water in the house. I probably will do a stretch before bed.

Diane- i know a lot of people believe oil’s are good for you. oil is highly processed. The nutrients being stripped from what I read from the vegan books I read. It’s still fat. I will see if I can find the article. Vegans eat a lot of tofu. I got so sick of eating beans, tofu and tempeh, i started eating meat again. Another reason was, very time I got blood test results, my protein was very low. I think in moderation everything is good.

Debbie - it will take us 3 days. Today was the longest stretch 450 miles. Tomorrow we will drive 450 miles, last day 375 miles. Lots of driving. We are going to the Key West. I fell a lot better today. Thank you.

Jolie - thank you for the prayers!

Good night
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Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up Low or high impact 70's music, 44 calories, 252 calories, heart rate 144/178, 4,059. I really do not think my heart rate was 178 though. I then did the Full Body Mobility that Chris did today with a towel, 28 minutes, 38 calories. This had some different movements in it. Total time was 72 minutes, 290 calories.

Debbie, nice work on Raw boxing 1 and STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up today. As we age things just wear out I guess. We all have our shortcomings and not everyone can get into certain positions. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to keep moving.

Jolie, good job on the walk yesterday and CL #276 All In Upper Body today. Great job on the weight loss, you should be proud of the accomplishment. That is wonderful that it has helped all the pain go away. It really is hard to stick with a program, but the results encourage to keep at it.

Roselyn, nice work on Iron Day chest, back shoulders.

Belinda, that is great that you can use military RV parks. I always clean everything before we leave so when I get home it is just laundry that needs done. I guess with the RV there is still some unloading some things. Not a lot though. Maybe the neighbor can get water from outside?
All of the medical centers say some fats are important for brain health and absorbing certain vitamins. I am very careful with oil choices, nothing cheap, just avocado and olive oil for some cooking. Also I get fat from nuts and nut butter. Usually Raw Almond butter. I make sure nut butter has no oils added or sugar or salt. The least processed things are the better. I am kind of weird about coffee as I like it single origin, natural processed sundried. I read something recently that said not to buy large bottles of oils like olive oil, because the more the bottle is opened the faster it goes bad. I prefer to buy California only oil over ones that may be tainted with other oils from other countries. It is really hard to know who to trust on these things anymore. It seems if you go to far one way you cause some other problem, so it is just best to eat a varied diet.
This morning I did STS 2 Lower Body 2 and really liked this one. No fear factor and I liked all of the exercises.

1 minute rest between each set:

Goblet Squat: 30# - 2 sets/10 reps
Squats: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Dumbbell Deadlifts: 20's - 3 sets/8 reps
Barbell Plie Squats: 30# - 4 sets/8 reps (I used DBs for two sets)
Drop Shift Lunges: 20# - 2 sets/8 reps (this was cool)
Step Over Front Lunge: 15# - 2 sets/10 reps
Glute Bridge: 30# - 1 sets/12 reps; 40# - 3 sets/12 reps
Calf Raises: 20's - 2 sets/20 reps
One Leg Calf Raises: 15# - 2 sets/12 reps
Wall Squats: Stability Ball + 10# dumbbells - 1 sets/8 reps and long hold

Workout was 54 minutes, burned 265 calories, HR 109/148.

Diane - I agree, we just need to do what we can and with what our bodies allow. My knees felt great when I started the Lower Body workout, but by the time I got to the shift lunges I started feeling them. :)

Belinda - Your trip sounds fun, I'm jealous!!! Have a great time and safe travels.

Jolie - Can I ask what you did to lose 26 pounds? That is truly awesone and I am so proud of you!! I could stand to lose about 5-7 pounds and I am not at all happy with my abs. Just wondered what you did to get that weight off. I think all your walks has helped with that as well, walking is known for weight loss. You said you need to start adding in protein - I thought you were already adding protein recently which is what has made me add more protein to my day.

Roselyn - Good job with Iron. Are you going to do one of the STS 2 rotations?

Have a great day eveyone!!
What I did for weight loss is go in a big caloric deficit. My son put me on a diet that he used to lose weight after he stopped playing football in college and it worked so well for me. I did not diviate from this plan not one day and it worked because I found what works for me to lose 2 pounds per week and so I stuck to it. Here it is. Do not judge me because my goal was weight loss and now my goal is keeping it off and adding muscle.

Breakfast- 2 eggs, half an avocado and a nectarine
snack- protein bar
Lunch- Chicken taco or fruit
Dinner- Chicken or steak Caesar Salad with half an avocado. I did not eat anything or drink anything other than water after 3:30pm. My intermittent fasting window was between 14 and 16 hours.

If I wanted to change it up for dinners, I would have two eggs or turkey chili and that is it for 3 months straight. It eliminated all of my inflammation, encouraged weight loss and improved my hormones.

Today's workout was a 3 mile walk, 1 hour and I burned 402 calories. Tomorrow, I have dental surgery for my future implant, I am having the tooth extracted with a bone graft and PRP. I might be able to get a workout in this weekend.

Debbie, great job with the lower body workout today. I am going to start using my Max Trainer for toning my legs, I need to bring it into the house because I cannot do that thing in hot humid weather, it would kill me! I agree with your and Diane Sue, we need to listen to our bodies at this stage of our lives, no more pushing it too hard, for what!!!

Belinda, enjoy your trip.

Diane Sue, nice job on the CDonner workout yesterday.

Have a great day.
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Today I did Raw Box For Your Waistline, 34 minutes, 160 calories, heart rate 122/153. I then did C Dorner Day 10 Spinal Mobility 19 minutes ,26 calories. Total time 53 minutes, 186 calories.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Lower Body 2. That is a good one I am glad you liked all of the moves. I was just going over all my worksheets and some of the pre-mixes that I have printed out the moves used, like the mish moshes 1 and 2 that work two body parts like back & biceps. They each mish most is different. I have favorites of these when I want to do 2 parts at a time.

Jolie, that looks like a great meal plan. I used to have a long fast, but never ate in the mornings. It was generally late afternoon when I would eat. I started having a little something in the mornings more recently, because I just cannot take some of my supplements without having something to keep me from being nauseated. Nice work on the 3 mile walk today. I hope the dental surgery goes well tomorrow.

Roselyn, nice work on Iron Day 3 glutes.
This morning I walked on my treadmill and had all intentions of doing the Full Body Stretch from STS 2 but I'm reading a book that is so good I lost track of time. When I looked at the clock it read 6:15 which meant I only had 5 more minutes for my workout. I have to stop at 6:20 to give myself enough time to get ready for work. Oh well.

Workout was 45 minutes, burned 323 calories, went 2.25 miles, did 5370 steps and HR was 133/163. Good workout!!

Diane - I'll have to check the premixes out but I've never really been much into the premixes. Not sure why. Great job on your workout, Box for your Waistline is a good one.

Roselyn - Great job with Iron Glutes!

Jolie - Why would we judge you on the diet you followed? It looked good to me with protein, carbs and little fat. One of my cousins doesn't eat after 3:30 or 4 p.m. but she hasn't lost a pound and has been doing it forever. I am usually starved by the time I get home - even though I have a decent lunch and I eat fruit or a nutritional snack around 2:30. By 5 I am starving. This is where I make my mistakes. I eat too much for dinner and then I usually find something sweet to eat afterwards. Nothing like cake or cookies, more like dates or a protein shake, but I know it's too much. By the time I'm done eating all that I am so full and I know I've eaten too much. I can't seem to help myself but really need to stop doing that. The rest of my day is very healthy. Excellent menu plan, though, that looks like how I used to eat back in the day when I was ripped and muscular. I am thinking about selling my Max Trainer. I never use it and it has such a fear factor for me anymore. All it does is take up room, but I do love that machine if that makes sense! LOL! Good luck with your tooth. I bet that is getting old!

Belinda - I hope your travels are going well. Are you in FL yet?

Have a great day everyone!
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Today I did STS 2 Body Parts mish mosh Back and Biceps, 46 minutes(I skipped the wrist curls), 112 calories, heart rate 93/125. I also did CDorner Relaxing Full Body Stretch with Chair (I used the foam roller while she was doing the 10 minutes of relaxing) This was 36 minutes, 56 calories. TOtal time 82 minutes, 168 calories. I lowered the weights and wore gloves that kept my wrists straighter as I am having some problems and think pressure is on nerves.

Warm-Up band and 5 and 10# dbs

Barbell Curls #1 35# 8 reps

Barbell Curls #2 20# 8 reps

Barbell Curl Pause Reps 30# 8 reps

Kneeling One Arm Row R/L #1 20# db 8 reps

Kneeling One Arm Row R/L #2 20# db 8 reps

Hammer Curls 15# dbs 8 reps

Crossbody Curls 15# dbs 16 reps

Barbell Pullover/Banded Pull Aparts #1 30# bb 10 reps and green tubing 12 reps

Barbell Pullover/Banded Pull Aparts #2 30# bb and green tubing

Incline Curls #1 stability ball 15# db10r

Incline Curls #2 stability ball 15# db 20r

Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs #1 40# 8 reps shrug 15# dbs 10 reps

Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs #2 40# 8 reps 15# 10 reps

Barbell Pendlay Row/Shrugs #3 40# 8 reps 15# 10 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl R/L #1 12# db 8 reps

Single Arm Preacher Curl R/L #2 12# db 8 reps

Seated T Band Pulls blue

Barbell Wrist Curls skipped

Cool Down/Abbreviated Stretch

Debbie, nice job on the treadmill walk. Enjoying a good book is a nice way to forget time while on the treadmill. I used to love to do that when I had my treadmill, The Bowflex Treadclimber requires holding on or working to keep balance unless walking really slow. I always tried to work without holding on. I am sort of like you as far as somewhat of a dread but, like thing, My husband uses it and when he has physicals for work her does well on the treadmill tests after all the time on the Treadclimber.
I like the mish mosh workouts because I can do two body parts in one day and have time for a recovery day in two between weight workouts in a week. Plus I can choose from two mish moshes and avoid some moves I do not want to do.

We are finally at the Key West. It’s beautiful here. Took a short walk watching the sunset. We had a few hiccup with the RV. Highways are horrible starting in the Carolina’s through Georgia. We were bouncing so hard , we noticed last night our dashboard is cracked. We stayed at Patrick Space Force base in Florida. We having problems connecting the city water to our lines. We have to run the water pump to take showers. We decided to drive today to our destination and have a mechanic come on site. I did get a walk in on the beach this morning at Patrick Space Force base. Saw what I believed was a dolphin ( it was very big) and we witnessed a rocket launch on base. That was pretty cool. I will see if I an post the video I took.

I will be back in the morning catching up on everything.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2. I had a really good workout. Now that I'm feeling better I have confidence in doing the exercises. I like this workout now that I know it better.

This workout had 1 minute rests between each exercise

Barbell Underhand Row: 40# - 2 sets/10 reps
Barbell Overhand Row: 40# - 2 sets/10 reps
Barbell Pullover: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps (I used a dumbbell)
Band Lat Pulldowns: 40# Band
Pull Aparts: 15# Band

Dumbbell Overhead Press: 12's - 10 reps
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 2 sets/8 reps
Bear Crawl Press: 10 reps (I did 8, these were interesting)
R/L Side Leaning Lateral Raise: 5# - 2 sets/8 reps
Scarecrow: 5's - 12 reps

Dumbbell Close Grip Press: 22.5's - 10 reps; 20's - 10 reps
Barbell Close Grip Press: 30# - 10 reps; 35# - 10 reps
Dips: (I did Chest Press w/25's) - 2 sets/10 reps
Band Chest Fly: 30# Bands - 16 reps
Band Kickbacks: Blue Medium Band - 8 reps/24 pumps/4 reps

Sweeper Curls: 20's - 10 reps
Single Arm Sweeper Curls: 15's - 10 reps
Barbell Curl: 30# - 8 reps
Barbell 21's: 20# (killer)

I'm really not liking barbell curls much anymore, they really are uncomfortable. I went lighter with the 21's and it felt better than last time.

Workout was 65 minutes, burned 293 calories, HR was 104/147.

Diane - Nice job with your workout, that mish mosh looks good. I might look into that. I'm doing the one body part workouts next week. I'm honestly not sure what to do with my Max Trainer, I really do hate to get rid of it. But I certainly don't use it much. It's out of my way for now so all is good.

Belinda - Sounds like heaven where you are!! I'm sorry about the issues with your RV, that shouldn't even be happening since it's so new. I can't believe the dashboard cracked. Our roads are in such great condition, aren't they? Ours suck here in Ohio.

Have a great weekend everyone!!
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I had my dental surgery yesterday and it went well except for the big space in my mouth where I do not have a tooth. Thank goodness it is toward the back of my mouth :) Today I went for a 1 hour walk with the pup, traveled 3 miles and burned 411 calories. I am not allowed to workout for a few days and even walking made my mouth bleed where they pulled the tooth, I think the bouncing probably aggravated my gum area.

Debbie, great job with the workouts the past few days. I said do not judge me because every time I tell people how I lost the weight they all say you are not eating enough! You are under eating, well of course I am, I am trying to lose weight. I eat what is right for me and I am happy with the results, but some people say it is not enough food. I will start using my max trainer for the winter, I love it to tone my legs. I get having all of this equipment in our gym rooms, there is barely any room to workout! I do not like barbell curls either, but I have never like them!

Belinda, enjoy your vacation and I am glad you made it there safely.
Diane Sue, nice job with the Mish Mosh workout, looks like a good one.

Have a great weekend. We have some cooler weather and then it gets really hot again. I will try to get in a weight workout this weekend before it heats up in my gym room.
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Jolie-I need some suggestions for supplements my cholesterol is 306 and I refuse to take a statin they are to dangerous I would appreciate your help?
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Today I did CDorner 70's & 80's Basic Step, 46 minutes, 218 calories, heart rate 125/154, 5,088 steps. I finished with CDorner Mobility challenge Day 24 neck and upper back 13 minutes, 19 calories. Total time 59 minutes, 237 calories.

Belinda, that is too bad your dash got a crack in it. That is so odd. The walk and watching the sunset sounds so pleasant. That is cool that you saw a dolphin. Have fun.

Joilie, I am glad the dental surgery went well. I am sure it feels weird with a tooth missing. Nice work on the walk with the pup. I hope the bleeding stopped.

Roselyn, nice work on iron arms and abs.

Yesterday I walked around the Marine. Today ended up being a rest day.

Debbie - the Key West is heaven. At lest to us. It‘s beautiful. No, the issue with the RV should never happened. The highways are horrible from the Carolina‘s to Georgia. That was on bounce ride. Great job on your workouts.

Diane - my husband served for over 31 years in the military. We usually take everything out the RV when we get home like food/drinks.It‘s too hot to leave things like this in the RV even for a few day‘s. I have a full size washer/dryer in the RV. I usually clean/do laundry the day we drive home. The RV is ready for the next trip. Plus, we are fully hooked up at the RV parks. I hear you on not knowing on how to trust when it comes to food. I agree to eat a verity of food.

Jolie - sorry about your surgery on your implants. Feel better soon. Can you please share more on how you lost the weight. Congratulations!


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Today I did STS 2.0 Mish Mosh 2 triceps and chest 42 minutes, 85 calories. I followed with 2023 Killer Legs bonus barre 18 minutes, 48 calories and finished with STS 2.0 Chair Yoga, 21 minutes, 26 calories. TOtal time 81 minutes, 159 calories.
I chose mish mosh 2 because I did not want to do the triceps dips. I did skip out on the push ups though.

Body Parts Mish Mosh # 2 chest and triceps 41:34 minutes
Warm Up tubing and 5 and 8# dbs
lying overhead triceps extension #1 barbell 30# 10 reps
lying overhead triceps extension #2 barbell 30# 10 reps
lying overhead triceps extension #3 barbell 30# 10 reps 3 down/1 up
incline bench press #1 15# dbs 10 reps
incline bench press close grip 15# dbs 10 reps
incline unilateral bench press 15# dbs 8 reps alternating
kneeling single arm kickback 12# db 10 reps
kneeling single arm kickback #2 12 # db 10 reps
incline chest fly #1 10# dbs 8 reps (half and all of the way)
incline chest fly #2 with pauses 12# dbs 6 reps
incline unilateral chest fly 12# dbs 6 reps
banded standing overhead extensions blue medium tubing 12 reps using 40# db as an anchor
banded mid chest fly blue medium tubing using the 40# as an anchor
banded triceps press down #1 black extra heavy with door anchor 12 reps
banded triceps press down #2 door anchor black tubing
12 reps
push ups (skipped)
abbreviated stretch

Belinda, I love the pictures. the sunset pictures are beautiful, Sadie looks so cute, and your RV is really nice. You and your husband deserve all of this. Nice that you are getting walks in with all of the beautiful scenery. That is so nice that you are able to do your laundry before you get home. That makes it so much better.
Good Afternoon,

I walked 2 miles this morning. We are headed to the lake for the week an right now trying to stay ahead of some stormy weather.
This morning I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Chest. Had a really good workout and went heavy. My left shoulder was clicking a bit and that worried me but all is good.

Flat Bench Press #1: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #2: 25's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press #3: 25's - 8 reps
Flat Chest Fly #1: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly #2: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Chest Fly Pinkie In: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Bench Press: 25's - 10 reps
Incline Close Grip Press: 20's - 10 reps
Incline Unilateral Chest Press: 20's - 6 reps alternating
Incline Bench Press/Close Grip Combo: 15's - 6 reps (tough!)
Incline Pause Chest Fly #1: 20's - 8 reps
Incline Pause Chest Fly #2: 20's - 6 reps
Incline Unilateral Fly: 20's - 6 reps alternating
Banded Low/High Chest Fly: 15# Band - 10 reps
Banded Mid Chest Fly: 25# Band - 12 reps
Push ups: 10 reps (on knees)

Workout was 43 minutes, burned 127 calories (my HR didn't get too high with this workout), HR 83/115.

Belinda - Beautiful pictures!!

Great workout this weekend everyone!! You all kicked butt!!

Have a great day!!
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I forgot to check in all weekend! My husband was out of town, so I had to walk the dogs each morning and that was my workout. Saturday and Sunday I walked 3 miles each day. It is hot and humid, and it is difficult for me to get into the gym to lift weights in the garage lately, I am not motivated, I guess. The Dog Days of Summer! Today I am resting because I had a horrible night's sleep, and I have an earache. The oral surgeon said it is because of getting my tooth pulled. I feel horrible because the antibiotics are making me feel sick too. I have 3 days left of antibiotics and then I should be feeling better.

Debbie, great job with the Chest workout this morning. I could never do chest flies with 20's anymore; my collarbone would never support that kind of weight since the injury. However, I never lifted more than that even in my prime, I was always scared of this exercise injuring me.

Belinda, great photos! I posted my diet that I have been doing to lose the weight the past week in a post. Just go back and check it out, it is basic but it worked for me!

Nice job on the workouts this weekend ladies. I will lift tomorrow no matter how unmotivated I feel :)
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STS 2.0 Giant set TB is done. I used lighter weights.

Debbie - great job today.

Jolie - I will look for it, Thanks.

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