Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024

Good morning,

Walk outside this morning and Chris C. Neck, Shoulder Release last night. I will be good and take it easy this week.

Diane - the x ray results should be up on my portal today. I think you right about about doctors. I wish more would go the natural route first than those kind of meds. I am resting, stretching, use a massager and rub Voltaren gel all over, ice. I am going to buy the infra light once Jolie tells me which one to buy.

Debbie -thank you. I think a lot of my inflammation issues comes from my autoimmune disease. I don‘t drink or eat sweets. I been completely vegan until a few day‘s ago. I will look into natural remedies rather taking that medicine. The more I read about it the more it scares me.

Great job on your workouts, everyone.
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Today I did Raw Box: Bands and Abs, 44 minutes, heart rate 135/169,227 calories. I then finished with CDorner mobility challenge day 10 Morning Spinal Mobility, 18 minutes, 21 calories. Total time 54 minutes, 248 calories.

Great job on STS 2.0 Lower Body 1 today. I thought 8 weeks was good for me. I did go on and try pre-mixes to see what they were like but mixed it up with other workouts. I count calories, to make sure I do not suddenly lose more weight. Usually, I feel full at 1300 calories, so other calories is usually pushing myself to get those extra calories in. I do not know why. I used to workout for hours and eat 3000 calories. I also weighed a lot more than I do now. Going by my pants, yikes, my size 0 ones are so loose I am always pulling them up.

Belinda, nice work on getting in a walk and Chris C Neck Shoulder release last night. I hope the x ray comes in and sheds some light on what is causing the problem. I have to use Volteran a long time before I really notice it helping me. It sounds like you are doing a lot. It takes so long to work out these things when there is inflammation. That fall on my knees really kicked up a flare up and everything hurting. I kept trying everything and finally the doctor gave me a steroid injection. The knee still kept swelling and the x-ray did not show any damage.
This morning I did RAW July Rotation: Tabata Boxing and had an ok workout. This was good to ease back into boxing workouts. I was surprised Kelly seemed so spent during this workout, I thought it was quite easy. Maybe she was having an off day. Anyways, I did like it. I also did STS 2 Mini Ball Abs. I love this ab workout.

Workout was 46 minutes, burned 284 calories and HR was 123/159.

Belinda - You're welcome!!

Diane - I wanted to do the boxing workout you did yesterday but I need to watch it first. With doing STS Upper Body I wasn't sure what the exercises were on it. I've done it before, apparently, but I don't remember it. The Tabata one was fun. That is crazy that you can't gain weight. I have been trying to eat only when I feel hungry. Sometimes it works, other times it doesn't.

Roselyn - Great job with STS 1!!

Have a great day!!
Getting ready to work out.

Debbie here is my list of moves for yesterday's workout. I am sure you could have done it. I did not care for the countdown voice on the tabata. It was a decent workout, but not one that makes ne really want to do it some more.
RAW Box, Bands, and Abs 43:30 minutes May 19, 2023

3 rounds of moves 30 seconds work

uses a fabric loop, latex loop tied (me a latex heavy loop), and optional step for abs, plus egg weights if using

each round changes moves

jab/cross/hook/upper cut all right

jab/ cross/hook/uppercut all left


jab/cross/hook/up facing forward right

jab/cross/hook/up facing forward left


fabric loop pulse squat out 4 sets

crunches on step step knee pulls 4 sets

boxing high/low/high/single hook 4 sets

hook/hook upper/upper 4 times

squat out fabric band 2 sets each side

squat up down in 2 sets each side

abs on step reverse crunches 4 sets

boxing inside/up/cross 2 sets each side

upper cut/cross/hook/back knee 2 sets each side

latex loop around ankles wide step out alternating with arm pulls

latex loop tap out side 4 times and in with arm pulls alternating sides

low plank knee in and up behind knee in 4 sets
Today I did Cathe Total Body Barbell, 59 minutes, 180 calories, heart rate 103/137. I then got a CDorner Mobility challenge day 25, full body, 16 minutes, 36 calories. Total time 75 minutes, 216 calories.
Total Body Barbell (reps are high on most moves and varied in count so not putting them down)
warm up 15# barbell
squats 35# barbell
deadlifts 55#
rear lunges 10# weight plates
deadlifts 55# barbell
plie squats 55# barbell (held in front which I never like, but did it anyway)
dead rows 40# barbell
squat presses 10# weight plate
dead rows 35# barbell
biceps curls 25# barbell
upright rows 25# barbell
biceps curls 25# barbell
overhead press 25# barbell
alternating rear lunges with biceps curls 20# barbell 12/8/6 reps
lateral raises 5# plates
bench press 35# barbell
pec squeeze 2.5# weight plate
close grip bench press 20# barbell( I messed up and thought Cathe said 20 and it was 30#)
pullovers 25# barbell
lying triceps extension 25# barbell
dips 25# barbell 10/8 reps
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
forearm plank
sit up overhead press 10# weight plate
seated twist 10# weight plate
forearm plank
Good morning

The storm strack changed from our last review. Since it is moving back inland along our path we are heading out this morning. This should give us rain with relatively low winds. Last night we cleaned the RV, did laundry.

The xray results came in Wednesday. I am still waiting for a call from my doc. The x ray‘s look good on my end. Exept narrowing of my C5 and C6. Not sure what is causing the pain in my shoulders/neck?

Diane - not sure what is going on with my shoulder/neck? Not to mention my knees are swelling up? The xrays show no factors, tumors. I still have a hard time moving my neck. I can‘t wait for the infra light to show up tomorrow.

This morning I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 2. I liked it but it had a lot of back work. I tried to concentrate on working my lower back where I had the chance to. Had a great workout but my upper back area is getting all tight again. I think tomorrow I will do a mobility workout and the total body stretch. I'm supposed to do Lower Body 2 but I think I'll wait until Monday to do that one.

This workout had 1 minute rests between each exercise

Barbell Underhand Row: 40# - 2 sets/10 reps
Barbell Overhand Row: 40# - 2 sets/10 reps
Barbell Pullover: 25# - 3 sets/10 reps (I used a dumbbell)
Band Lat Pulldowns: 40# Band
Pull Aparts: Blue Medium Band

Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 10 reps
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 15's - 2 sets/8 reps
Bear Crawl Press: (I did another set of Overhead presses with 12's)
R/L Side Leaning Lateral Raise: 5# - 2 sets/8 reps
Scarecrow: 3's - 12 reps

Dumbbell Close Grip Press: 20's - 2 sets/10 reps
Barbell Close Grip Press: 30# - 2 sets/10 reps
Dips: (I did Chest Press w/20's) - 2 sets/10 reps
Band Chest Fly: 40# Bands (way too hard, need to lower next time) - 12 reps (should have been 18 reps)
Band Kickbacks: Blue Medium Band - 8 reps/24 pumps/4 reps

Sweeper Curls: 15's - 10 reps
Single Arm Sweeper Curls: 15's - 10 reps
Barbell Curl: 30# - 8 reps
Barbell 21's: 25# (killer)

My wrist and elbows were hurting during this workout, not sure why. Form maybe? My wrist and fingers have been bothering me for a couple of days, I took something for the inflammation, hope it goes away.

Workout was 59 minutes, burned 247 calories, HR was 100/131.

We had some really bad storms come through on Tuesday. Two tornados in nearby areas and this caused power outages everywhere. We lost power for about 30 minutes so we were one of the lucky ones. My work doesn't have internet and only half power so I am working from home today and tomorrow. It was scary.

Diane - Thank you for the breakdown of the RAW Box, Bands and Abs workout. I may do it next week. Have you done the Tabata Boxing one yet? If so, what did you think of it? Great job with total body barbell, looks like a great workout.

Roselyn - Nice job with STS 2 Back. That is a good workout.

Belinda - A hurricane named after me!! I don't think that has ever happened yet. LOL! I'm glad you weren't impacted by it. I hope your doctors will be able to tell you what is wrong with your neck. Have safe travels!

Where's Jolie and Roxie??

Have a great day everyone!!!
Sorry I have been MIA, I have been so busy with contractors and painters since Monday. I have been getting in some workouts but I have to get up at the butt crack of dawn to get it done before all of the workers show up for the day. Here is what I have done so far this week.

Monday, Rest Day
Tuesday, 3.2 mile walk with the pup- 466 calories
Wed., 3 mile walk with the pup through the hills, 502 calories
Today, Cathe STS 2.0 Upper Body 1, 1 hour and I burned 444 calories.

I have so much going on right now, when it rains it pours. Which STS 2.0 workout do you like the best? Giant Sets, Super Sets or Tri-Sets? I received my new workouts, and I was wondering which ones you like over another.

Debbie, great job with Upper Body 2 today. I like the # 1 workout better than the #2 workout because of the amount of back in the second workout. However, they are both great workouts. I am excited to try my new workouts, I will start on Saturday! Sorry to hear that your wrists and elbows were hurting today, I swear, it is always something for all of us lately.

Belinda, have a great time on your trip.

Roselyn, great job with STS 2.0 Back workout!

Diane Sue, way to go on the total body barbell workout!

Make it a great day. I cannot wait for all these repair men are gone from my house. I think the painters will be here till at least Wed. of next week. :(
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Good Afternoon,

I am still around we stayed at the lake a couple of weeks ago and headed there on the 18th for another week. I have just been doing a lot of walking my last PT appointment she said we needed to focus on my core. We spend time in our pool when we aren’t at the lake but it’s been get to cooler in the evenings so the water is cold. I started battling ver when we got home from staying at the lake so that has been fun but DH watched a YouTube video on how to fix it and it seemed to work.
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Today I did CDorner Hiit Style Step workout with dumbbells, I used 8 for most and 1 10# for a couple of moves, 30 minutes, 143 calories, heart rate 125/159. I then did STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up + mini ball abs, 20 minutes, 76 calories, heart rate 110/150. I finished with STS 2 Mat Yoga, 22 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 72 minutes, 255 calories. My doctors office called to tell me things look good, but I have slightly elevated chlolestrol and need to eat more protein which is hard to do both and I do not like plant protein.
Belinda, I hope the weather is good for you. Our rain forecast has moved to Saturday and Sunday. We could sure use it. 5 years ago when I had the neck mri, they came back with C4 & C5 had moderate and right and severe left foraminal narrowing from posterior element hypertrophy. Then C5 and C6 severe central canal C6 and C7 had severe foraminal stenosis listed and moderate. I read that that could mean bone spurs and thickened ligaments may directly compress the spinal nerve root. I am not sure what all of that means exactly. He showed me the pictures and explained where he could do an injection in an area with a block. I am afraid of doing that and have managed to deal with it for a few years now. It gets pretty painful at times. Medical jargon often sounds way worse than things are.
I hope that they can do something for you.

Debbie, great job on STS 2 Upper Body 2. That one does have a lot of back work. It is probably a good idea to take a bit longer break. I find picking up heavy weights to do lower body makes me use my upper body just holding them. I think that it was Perfect 30 upper body that they picked up tubing for warm up moves and they used green, so I got out my green one, and I swear they were acting like theirs was nothing. I switched bands and wondered if the band strength changed on the colors as their green did not look like mine. Yes, I did do the Tabata boxing workout on Kelly's July workouts. I mentioned above that it was okay. I do not think it will be one I pick out often. For some reason I was kind of bored with it and Kelly did not seem all that comfortable with having to pause at the rests. It is better with music and not someone telling you when to start and stop. It was disappointing. I keep watching for the Box and Pump #8 She was showing a clip of on Instagram. I hope your wrists and fingers don't start being a problem.

Jolie, good for you getting in some workouts while all of the painting is going on. I like STS 2.0 Supersets the best. Giant Sets would be second and Tri-sets last. They are all good, but that is the order for me. We need to paint our house. It is not that old, but a lot of the houses in our neighborhood other than the ones just finished this last year, have paint wearing off. It won't be a big job like our other house, ours is mostly brick and the wood areas are mostly trim.

Roselyn, nice work on STS 2 Chest.
This morning my body needed a break, plus I slept like crap and got to bed a bit later than usual. Anyways, I walked on my treadmill and then did STS 2 Full Body Stretch. I couldn't do the entire stretch routine due to time, but did most of it. Felt great.

Treadmill walk was 28 minutes, burned 183 calories, did around 3,000 steps and HR was 118/132.

Diane - Ok, I do remember reading about a workout you said you probably wouldn't do much. Ditto for me, I didn't like the Tabata Boxing all that much. Looking forward to B&P 8!! Hope she releases it soon although I'll have to wait until I'm done with the 8 week STS rotation. Holding weights for legs bothers my upper back and traps too, I have to be very conscience not to pull my shoulders up.

Jolie - Wow, you are busy and have lots going on. Hope the painters are doing a decent job. And like Diane, I think I like Supersets the best. Trisets would be my next favorite. My wrist and elbows are better but my fingers still hurt a bit. I might have to break down and get yet another supplement for arthritis. Good Lord, it never ends.

Roxie - Sorry you are having vertigo again, that is not good. Glad the videos your DH watched are helping. Sounds like you have had a nice couple of weeks at the lake. Summer is going by so fast! Snow will be flying before we know it.

Roselyn - Great job with your workout!!

Belinda - Hope all is well with your trip so far. Hurricane Debby is still causing havoc everywhere in the East.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!
Today I took the pup for an hour walk through the hills, traveled 3.2 miles and burned 461 calories. I am so busy right now I just want a break with the teeth and the home improvement stuff. But it will look so much better when it is done, I mean both my teeth and the house LOL!

Debbie, great job on the rest today and a good walk and stretch. I need to do that myself this weekend.

Daine Sue, nice workout yesterday, I have never done that workout but it sounds like a good one. I like the workouts that do cardio with weights, that is why I have always liked Michelle Bachman workouts. I may go back to RAW soon, Kelly has some of those workouts as well.

Roxie, welcome back and I hope you had a great time at the lake. How do you take so much time off from work?

Roselyn, way to go on the Chest workout.

Make it a great day! Make America Great Again!
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We got home late last night. Roads were not too bad. Lots of rain.

Diane - sorry you had so much going on. Yikes! The x ray didn‘t show much at all. I still can‘t move my neck/shoulder. The worst part is all my joints/muscles hurt. I have very limit range of motion/stiffness. I sent a message to UPenn to see if it‘s RP related. She ordered more blood tests. Wants me to take high does of Tylenol. Resting no lifting, light stretching.

Debbie - lol, the hurricane was named after you. I ended up contacting UPenn, she is the Spezialist in RPC. My entire body aches and is stiff. I haven‘t worked out in day‘s. She wants me to take high does of Tylenol for a few day‘s to see if that helps. She also ordered more blood tests to check my inflammation marker. In RPC you still can have inflammation but your markers can be normal.

I will be back later.
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Good Afternoon,

I went for a 1.82 mile walk in 70 degree weather crazy for August.

Debbie-I don’t want summer to end I hate winter.

Jolie-I just request the time off I don’t get paid vacation but DH makes enough to cover the house payment.

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