Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for August 2024

Today I did Boss Bands Timesaver #1 legs, glutes, and core, 28 minutes, heart rate 94/134. I didn't want to lift weights today as my shoulders and neck were bothering me and my hands. Maybe tomorrow. I followed with Gloved Up and Sweaty, 38 minutes, 223 calories, heart rate 144/172, ending with CDorner Day 3 mobility challenge lower body stretch and the warm up portion of another mobility she did that was a 20 minute hip and low back stretch I did not want to do a move on the hip stretch that irritated my knee. Not her problem, it is just that my knee was achy. This was 19 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 85 minutes, 326 calories. I need new boxing gloves. Two pair have the leather/pleather whatever you call it falling off. They are quite old though.

Debbie, nice work getting in a treadmill walk and STS 2 full body stretch this morning. Sorry you did not sleep well. Hopefully tonight is better. I check every morning to see if Kelly has put up the new workout yet before I do something else. I have been doing some PT finger exercises when sitting around and several times a day work on loosening up the wrists. It is helping with the supplements, but too long on my hands with floor stuff is somewhat of a problem.

Jolie, nice work getting in a walk with the dog today. I am sure have so much to deal with all at the same time is not pleasant. Hopefully it gets done soon. Chris throws in cardio and weight workouts here and there. With her when it is hiit, I check to make sure she does not have a mat on the floor which generally means burpees. The one I did was a good one and short at about 25 minutes work and got the heart rate up well. I followed the low impact version.

Belinda, I am glad that you made it home safely. It is probably a good idea they are checking your blood. I hate it when everything hurts at the same time. It wasn't long ago that I was like that and thought I may be needing another steroid injection. I told my husband even lying down in bed, everything hurt a lot. We replaced all of my supplements along with a couple of extra ones like a greens powder. I doubled my Joint support supplement and collagen and got another bottle of Thorne Advanced nutrients that covers about everything. I was also out of the bone support. It took a while but has finally kicked in pretty well. At least not every bone and joint in my body is hurting. I have been using a lot of Thorne products.
I hope things get better soon so you can do the things you want to do.

Roxie, nice work on the walk. I do not like winter. I prefer summer most of all. Usually there are no tornadoes (at least after June) and no freezing or floods. I hate the cold weather.
Debbie - I got my Infra red light today. Already using it. Thanks again.

Diane - Boss Bands Timesaver #1 legs, glutes, and core. I am going to check out the mobility workout from Chris tomorrow. What are you using from Thorne for joint pain? I try anything natural at this point. I am going to have to look into it. I hope it‘s just something freaky at this point and it will work out on it‘s own. I hate not working out.

Roxie - glad you having fun at the lake. I prefer summer over winter too.

Jolie - good job getting your workouts early. Hopefully the work on your house gets done soon.

Roselyn - have fun with your workout.
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Belinda, I still have not purchased the infra-red light. I keep looking at them and putting off buying one. Like I said my vet uses it with animals. It would probably help my dog as well. I use this https://www.amazon.com/Thorne-Research-Glucosamine-Bromelain-Boswellia/dp/B0797J1SNY/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=2IFWT9DRUPZXK&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.4INV_t_NyJVzAxp3o2SSZSTNw8eza8fGhDZ5kloFMBdD-1Y4Ws88Lny8H5FNBrhRfBY6YXLlUj8oLn5pPV34Az--3_Tde8GLVLLtxzSel0s4W_o2_XQCUxs_KsHVI_uJOiXQoWi3Dq9ivrtHXTkPJbIDHSf9nKj9geEOg_DFsUI0yIUgLh7Q73RlPY8VWKN0mz3NRmAI0iJyQAAayHgWb9HKwBgPiHFC9sZ7Va9lDtpudLHJIgAUo5YBLPhpj-kLM4I_IqMp32kWk2bRBtw_XCt854cFtRe-Kz57niei_1M.aHoIuqPEUWzv2MN25p38PvxvPy1qK15oJXPbKXFAH2c&dib_tag=se&keywords=thorne+joint+support&qid=1723262135&sprefix=Thorne+Joint,aps,178&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
Also next time I get collagen I am going to get the Thorne Collagen Fit. Right now I am using a scoop of Bulletproof collagen which has vitamin C in it to help with absorption and one scoop of Terranics I II III V & X collagen that has biotin, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C in it. The Thorne has added Nicotinamide Riboside to their Collagen, and I am also using Thorne Bone Support.

The Joint Support is 4 caps and suggestion is 1 or 2 times daily. I usually take them two times a day.
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Today I did a Suzanne Bowen Fitness “Deep Stretch with Abbie“ 30 min. It was the first time doing that stretch. The first 15 min she used a chair/counter top than she did a nice hip open stretches. I am going to try to do some barre workouts/mobility workouts with no weights. I will see how it goes.

Diane - thank you so much for the link and info. I will look into all of them. I can’t take Collagen. People with RP have antibodies to type II collagen are present during acute relapsing polychondritis episode. I stay way from collagen.

I will be back tomorrow.
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Today I did Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper with extended stretch, 48 minutes, 110 calories, heart rate 92/121. I then did STS2.0 foam roller Upper Body, 21 minutes, 34 calories, and finished with CDorner Mobility Challenge Day 12 Upper Body and Day 6 leg stretches, 26 minutes, 36 calories. Total time spent 96 minutes, 180 calories. We went to Hobby Lobby afterward and then lunch. I am such a klutz. I was trying to close out the Google Maps app when we headed int HB and I tripped on the curb and fell landing on my knee. Such a ridiculous thing to do. Particularly when we just saw a Mom stop her teen sun walking with eyes glued to his phone heading behind our truck when husband was backing into the parking lot. I iced it when I got home. It skinned my knee even though I had slacks on.

Perfect Pump Upper Body
warm up with medium tubing and 3# dumbbells
pullover set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
pullover set 2 15# dbs 10 reps
one arm row set 1 25# db 12 reps
one arm row set 2 20# db 12 reps
bent over clutch row 20# dbs 10 reps
posture pull tubing light
rapid row toss 25# db 20 reps (more of a hand to hand move)
biceps curls with 5# dbs and medium tubing rep
standing sweeper curls 15# dbs 10 reps
clutch curls 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set 1 15# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls set #2 12# dbs 10 reps
biceps curls #3 10# dbs 10 reps
incline front V lat raise combo 5# dbs 6 times
lateral raise bench 5# dbs 12 reps
scarecrow 5# dbs 12 reps
push press 3.5's 10# dbs
tubing battle ropes medium tubing
incline bench press 20# dbs 16 reps
incline clutch press 15# dbs 10 reps
flat dead bug fly 15# dbs 10 reps
decline push up 4 point elevate leg
overhead extension 20# db 12 reps
kickbacks 10# dbs 10 reps
push ups using step top 10 reps
triceps dips 1 12# db 20 reps
triceps dips 2 12# db 18 reps
triceps dips 3 12# dbs 16 reps

Belinda, nice work today on Suzanne Bowen fitness stretch with Abbie today. Every time I do the Barre work on Killer Legs, I am sore from it for a few days. I didn't know that about about RP and collagen type UCII. I forgot to mention that I also take Thorne Super EPA. I take their Advanced Nutrients.
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Diane Sue, I fell on Friday myself!!! I was stepping over a low gate and my sandal got caught on the top of the gate and I fell face first onto my hands on the concrete! I damn near killed myself. Also, my low back is really strained so sleeping has been hard the last two nights. I was too lazy to open the gate and thought I would just step over it :( Is Perfect Pump a Cathe workout? Great job on the weights!

Today I did a Cathe Live workout, #261 Upper Body Balltastic and had a good workout. The weather is hot and humid, but I did it with the help of a lot of water and the garage door up to get a breeze. Workout was 52 minutes; I skipped the abs because my low back is sore, and I burned 392 calories.

I signed back up for Cathe Live because while it is hot, I want to workout in the house and these workouts do not require a lot of equipment. This way I can store some dumbbells and a bench in my house and workout in the A/C going forward.

Roxie, nice job on the walk.

Make it a great day. I am off to purchase a new couch for my tv room and I am so excited. I found one at Crate and Barrel that I love and I will get it before the holidays.
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Good Afternoon,

I went for a 2.10 mile walk the weather is still staying cool which is so weird for us in August.

Jolie-enjoy that couch.

Belinda-I need to do that hip stretch workout
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No workout to report. Cleaning my house and packing up for Tuesday.

Tomorrow I get my infusion, originally we wanted to take off afterwards. Instead of rushing around, we decided to leave for the Key West on Tuesday. We will be gone for 4 weeks.

Diane - sorry about your fall. Och on the knees. I hope you feel better soon. That is the reason I can‘t take collagen. I know it‘s super healthy. It will mess with RP. I am not touching it.

Roxie - it was a good hip stretch. I really liked it. Great job on your walk.

Jolie - have fun with Cathe Live. Once I feel better I like to sign up for Cathe Live.

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This morning I did CDorner Morning Mobility Day 6 Morning wake up stretch + STS 2 Total Body Stretch35 minutes, 45 calories. I needed to loosen up this morning after sleeping for 9 hours!! That rarely happens to me. My knee swelling went down and just a skinned spot and my foot has a bruise on top of it. I figured that a bruise would show up on the foot because it hurt in that spot when touched. Boy did we have thunderstorms all night. When I got up this morning half of the back yard looked like a pond with bark from planters floating on it and water rushing down the street. I decided not to go out to church this morning in all of the rain. It has stopped this afternoon and sun is peeking out. Boy is it humid right now at 81 degrees.

Jolie, I guess we just are not as resilient as when we were children and fell with skinned knees and elbows and just got up took off again. I am always trying to do things the easier way and end up hurting myself or spilling everything all over the place. I had a bit of pain in my neck and hip last night and this morning. The stretch helped and I feel pretty good right now. I am guessing the fall probably was a bit much of a jolt to things. Yes, Perfect Pump is from Cathe's Perfect 30 series of workouts. All workouts are around 30 minutes unless a bonus which is around 8 minutes or extended stretch is added. Also there is a bonus core workout. I hope you are okay. Nice work with Cathe Live # 261 Upper Balltastic workout. I am sure that you will love the new couch. It is fun adding new things to the house. We have been replacing all of the furniture with the white wood look and my husband has set his office with this look and still doing additions to that look. My barstools we got last year are the white with a cream color upholstery. Something I would not purchase if I still had small children living in the house. I doused them with a upholstery repellant to and they wipe off well.

Roxie, good job on the walk today.

Belinda, I hope the infusion goes well and your trip is fun. I would not take collagen either if it was going to make things worse for myself. We take the supplements to help, not cause more problems. Same with meds. I saw there is a Whole 30 Vegan cookbook? I was going to check it out for protein recipes that might be low in satruated fats and cholesterol to maybe help keep that down some with my saturated fats that I consume.
I signed up a 7day trial for Jessica Smith TV today. I did 30 min yoga, really liked it.I still can‘t lift my arms up or move my head side to side. Not sure what is going on? I hope whatever this is goes away soon.

Diane - thank you. I agree, we take the supplements/meds to help, not cause more problems. Let me know about the Whole 30 Vegan cookbook. I assume for protein they use beans, tofu and tempeh. Saturated fats come from animal proteins from my understanding. I may be wrong.
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This morning I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1. I had an excellent workout and upped my weights on some exercises.

This workout was old school lifting, 1 minute rest between each set:

Flat Bench Press: 20's - 10 reps
Flat Bench Press: 25's - 2 sets/8 reps
Flat Bench Fly, Thumbs In: 20's
Pushups: 16 reps (I did another set of Flyes w/20's)

Vertical Chin-Up: 40# Band - 10 reps
Horizontal Chin-Up: 40# Band - 8 reps
Vertical Pullup: 40# Band - 8 reps
Horizontal Pullup: 40# Band - 8 reps
Rear Delt Fly Thumbs Out: 8's - 12 reps
Band Face Pull: 10# Band

Barbell Curls: 15's - 10 reps (I used dumbbells)
Barbell Curls: 17.5's - 2 sets/8 reps (I used dumbbells)
Alternate Isolated Hammer: 15's - 5 reps each side (killer!)
Reverse Curl: 12's - 16 reps

Lying Triceps BB Extension: 25# - 10 reps
Lying Triceps BB Extension: 30# - 2 sets/8 reps
Lying Cross Body Extension: 12# - 10 reps
Band Triceps Pressdown: Skipped (to save time)

Barbell Shoulder Press: 20# - 10 reps
Barbell Shoulder Press: 20# - 2 sets/8 reps
Seated Arnold Press: 12's - 10 reps
Side Lateral Raise: 5's - 11 reps
Alternate Side Lateral Raise: 5's - 8 reps

I didn't use the barbell for curls because for some reason that really puts stress on my wrists and elbows. Dumbbells feel much better.

Workout was 57 minutes, burned 262 calories, and HR was 105/141.
Sunday I did the Fox8 Foxtrot, which is either a 5K run or a 1 mile walk at the Cleveland Zoo. I did the 1 mile walk with my cousins. It was a lot of fun. I was able to get a selfie of myself and Tracy McCool, who is a news anchor at Fox 8. She is so cool, I really like her. It was a beautiful day to do this, it was actually cold when we got here, only in the lower 60's!

Belinda - Hope the red light helps a bit. I thought it helped me a great deal, especially with those knots I usually get all the time. Have a great trip to the Keys. I hope you don't get any hurricanes!!

Diane - Great workouts this weekend!! Ouch, sorry you hurt yourself!! That had to hurt!!

Roxie - Great job with the walk. It is nice and cool here as well.

Jolie - OMG on tripping, hope your back is doing better.

Roselyn - Good job on your workout!!

Have a great day everyone!
Good Evening,

went for a 2.40 mile walk this afternoon it was a little warm due to the humidity and I got a little overheated.

Debbie-I am thinking about doing STS 2.0
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I did a short Barre lower body. I am exhausted. The infusion for some took a lot out of me. I have so much to do before we leave for Fl tomorrow.

I signed up for Jessica Smith TV yesterday, I canceled the membership today. The workouts are good, the price for the membership wasn‘t. I could stream Cathe Live for almost 3 years for the price she is charging for a year.

Debbie - i hope the infra light will help too. I been using it a few time a day. I hope we don‘t get a hurricane too. Great job on your workout.

Great job everyone on your workouts. I will check in tomorrow.
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Today I did Cathe 2023 workout Killer Legs, 38 minutes, 177 calories, heart rate 125/175. I used the cardio setting instead of strength setting this time because this has little rest, and some moves are a group of moves put together and gets the heart rate up. I chose not to add the Barre bonus this time. I also did STS no equipment abs, 11 minutes, 41 calories, and STS 2 Mobility #1, 18 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 67 minutes, 248 calories. Other than the skinned off place on my knee it seems fine today. I am glad it got better quickly. I did catch myself with my hand and protected the cell phone in the other but had to replace the screen protector. When I got up and looked around no one was staring at me in shock. Maybe they were just ignoring me since my husband helped me up. Embarrassing moment anyway.

Killer Legs
Squat Oblique twist 10# db
squat alternating arm up 10# db 10 reps
alternating rear lunges 10# dbs (singles and one and a half)
deadlifts 15# dbs
squat deadlift combo 15# dbs
squats 20# dbs 12 reps
close grip sumo squats 20# dbs 12 reps
pass under squats 12# db (up from 12#)
deadlifts 25# dbs
touch down lunges 20# db 10 reps RT/LT
deadlifts 25# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunges 15# dbs 10 reps
cross back lunge deadlift combo 15# dbs done 4 times
static lunges 20# dbs 12 reps
tap lunge combo 12# dbs (this is back lunge/forward lunge/backward lunge tap forward a bit and up)
calf raises 20# dbs 20 reps 2 times (I thought I was holding 20's till I set them down when done)
sumo calf raise combo 20# db 20 reps 16 reps
side to side sumo squats 15# dbs racked 16 reps
triple side lunges 15# db 12 reps
alternating front lunges 15# dbs 12 reps
lunge knee up no weight 16 each side
lunge side bend combo 10# db held overhead
sumo squat to side lunge 15# db

Debbie, great job on STS 2.0 Upper Body #1 today. My wrists have a lot of arthritis, and joints on the thumb side are protruding. It makes lifting with a barbell uncomfortable and also, preacher curls and concentration curls. I have to work at getting things straight since my joints are not straight. I wear lifting gloves that wrap high on my wrists for some support. Dumbbells are easier to control.
The FOX 8 foxtrot sounds fun. That is great that you got a picture with Tracey McCool.

Roxie, good job on the walk today.

Roselyn, nice work on Iron Day 1 legs.

Belinda, good job getting in a short barre workout for legs today. It is a bit of work getting things done and ready for leaving the house. I used to keep some groceries in our trailer to have ready to go, but had to shop for perishables before leaving. Don't push yourself to hard. I hope you can get some rest before you go and feel better.
I read of the Whole 30 plan stuff and the front part of the book sample pages on Amazon. I don't think I would buy. The new book has about 100 vegan recipes and 100 regular Whole 30 recipes. Descriptions of each plan with shopping lists etc.. They have changed their stance on seed oils and carrageanan, and things like that. It looks like the vegan plan uses some soy, lentils, and had a recipe for lentils that looked like soy cubes to cook if soy causes problems. I am not impressed. I have read reviews an hard core Whole 30 followers are not pleased with the changes and allowing things like seed oils and soy in a plan that had those thing non-compliant foods. Also they are saying MSG is okay no one eats that much of it. So, no I would not purchase the book. I have 5 Whole 30 recipe books already. I have other books that include vegan recipes like Fix it With Food to address Autoimmune Issues and Inflammation I have used it a lot. Although Michael Simon sure wants to pour a lot of avocado oil over the food. I made myself the flax crusted salmon with grape and walnut salsa for dinner tonight. He uses two tablespoons per serving of olive oil between the salmon and the salsa. I used 1 for all uses. It has a meat free section and a meat section. I am mainly looking for ideas to increase my protein without too much saturated fat. +
This morning I did RAW Kickboxing 1 and used my egg weights. It felt good and my shoulder did well but it worries me to do too much boxing even though I love it. I'll see how it goes as I continue to do them. I love this one, it is a lot of fun and the music if fairly good.

I then did STS 2.0 Standing Abs: Metaboic Core Warmup. This uses a 5 and 10# plate and I like it as far as standing ab work goes. This combined with the kickboxing workout got my abs to burn so that is a good thing.

Total workout time was 46 minutes, burned 329 calories, did 3844 steps and HR was 134/177.

Roxie - Do you have the STS 2 workouts? You should do them, they are good.

Roselyn - Good job with Iron legs!

Belinda - How long will it take you to get to Florida? I hope you guys have a safe trip. Hope you are recovering from your infusion. I hope they help a little.

Diane - Glad your knee is ok. Great job with Killer Legs, looks like a good workout. I don't know why the straight bars bothers my wrists so much, I guess because they are at an angle they don't like anymore. I used to LOVE barbell curls, now not so much. My knuckles on some of my fingers are getting large but they don't hurt, although my fingers did hurt a bit last week, they seem ok right now. Great, one more thing to look forward to.

Have a great day everyone!!!
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I forgot to check in yesterday. I took the pup for a 3 mile walk, 1 hour and burned 429 calories. Today I did CL #276 All In Upper Body and had a good workout even though I went a bit lighter with the weights, it is so hot and humid already today. I am so sick of this weather this summer; this is NOT CA weather at all. Today's workout was 1 hour and I burned 413 calories. I got on the scale and I have lost 26 pounds since May!!! My cloths are falling off of me! I had no idea I was carrying around this much weight. This is the weight I was before I got married and what I weighed in high school. I look and feel so good I cannot believe it. All of my joint pain is gone, back pain is gone, muscle spasms gone and so much more. Keep in mind, I am 5 feet 10 inches so that is a bit of weight but not like it would be for someone that is 5 feet 4 inches. Some people notice the weight loss and some people do not. Anyway, I am proud of myself because it was one of the hardest things I have done in a long time. Now I have to reverse diet and start adding in more calories and more protein and I should be able to keep it off. Now that I know what to eat to get results, it should be fine.

Debbie, great job with the upper body workout, wow on the weights! I am glad that all of your pain is under control, the PT really worked well! Great job on the walk this weekend with your cousins, that sounds like so much fun.

Belinda, have a great time on your trip and I pray there will be no hurricanes!

Roselyn, nice job on Iron Legs.

Diane Sue, way to go on Killer Legs, that workout sounds killer :) I cannot do leg workouts anymore, they hurt my back and knees too much. I now use my max trainer for a leg workout because I feel fine after using it and it really tones my legs. The only exercises I do are squats with DB's, Leg Extensions, and leg curls on my machines. I need to start back at it again because I want to go skiing this winter and I need to get some serious muscle back into my legs for several days of all day skiing.

Make it a great day.
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