Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for April 2020

Jolie - I am not very smart when it comes to working out, lol. I probably shouldn't have done that. I also helped DH with some yard work. My back and knees are killing me. Resting now. WOW, on your workouts today. Killing it too, girl.

Debbie - my DD lives in DC and she tried to get some food delivered. Like you they can't get a slot. What's the point? We can't get anything delivered except a few thing from Costco. No food deliveries. We have no choice but to make a run to the grocery store. DH went to the grocery store here in town. He said all the shelves were empty, WTH? I can't buy anything in town. we have to drive 45 min to Costco. I also hate this crap. Haven't seen my kids in a month. We did a zoom lunch last Sunday. I miss them so much. They need to figure this out.
Today I did Raw Strength day 3 shoulders and legs, 38 minutes, 101 calories, heart rate 99/148, 721 steps. I was going to do some cardio but changed my mind. I am sore all over from these workouts and decide to add day 5 stretch, 36 minutes, 38 calories, 103 steps. Total time was 76 minutes, 139 calories, 824 steps. Just not feeling cardio today. I may do workout 4 Total Body Monday. I almost did it today with shoulders and legs, but looked at the moves and decided I would be pushing my neck and shoulders with the upright rows and pullovers. I pulled up a foam roller and stretch that is 25 minutes on the Fitbit app and may try it this evening since I roll and stretch some before I go to bed at night anyway.

Doreen, it seems you have done a few workouts with Anja Garcia. Nice work.

Belinda, I got a weekly report from Fitbit premium and it gave me an average of 37 active minutes per day for the week. I was a bit annoyed with it since I feel I am a lot more active than that. Maybe weights and circuits do not count. Nothing counts very much with my new Fitbit. Although it gives me a workout and calories riding on the back of the motorcycle. Ha Ha. That was an easy workout to say the least. It seemed to think I was cycling. Maybe my husband scares me so much that my heart rate gets up there LOL. Really he doesn't other than I am apprehensive when we are on the freeway riding between two trucks. I thought one was goig to pull over and run us over once and when we rode past he was messing with a cell phone.

Jolie, I doubt I will do much for Easter a far as cooking. My husband and I will watch Easter Sunday church service when he gets up since he will be working all night. I watched my daughter's church have a Good Friday service with communion at home and going through the steps taken to the cross with a music group in between and prayer time. It was pretty good. That was last night and then I watched my churches Wednesday service I had missed. I was up till 2 am this morning :) I need to do some more cooking. I got some more fresh veggies and fruits yesterday at Sprouts. I also got a new Ninja blender as my last one quit over a year ago. So I have been coming up with some good protein smoothies. I bought several avocados for this. This morning I made one with 1/4 avocado, 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder, 1/2 cup macadamia milk, and 2 Tablespoons of Essential Living superfood powder with adaptogens in it and sprinkled some cacao nibs on top. Yesterday I made one with frozen pineapple and fresh raspberries with my nut milk and protein powder. I have some with greens that I will try. I frozen a bunch of halved bananas sprinkled with lemon juice for use. Yesterday I made a salmon recipe with a a tangerine based relish over it and had broccoli for dinner. This was from an arthritis cookbook.
Your chicken and vegetable idea sounds yummy :)

Debbie, it looks like we both did that stretch today. I have done the entire thing quite a lot. I did finish off with a little more rolling on my upper back area and lats with my smaller bumpy rumble roller. Man does it hurt when you hit a really sore spot. I have been doing this at least twice a day and it does help. I went downstairs after weights and thought about taking Advil then thought no weight till I do a good stretch and soak in the hot tub as that relieves it all most of the time, and it did.
I don't know why they don't prioritize grocery pick up. My daughter has got her orders from Walmart pick up but she says the meat is always missing. I gave up and am going to the store. My husband calls it going on a date when we go to the grocery store at 2 am when he is off. Unfortunately that store put out a thing on the news that they are restricting to 1 family member only can come in. So, I am not sure we will be able to do our shopping trip together. I don't think couples going in should be stopped. I do think groups should maybe be. I saw a group of young men go in when we were there and at the register they just had a few items, like their party snacks. Maybe that sort of thing. I really have not noticed a lot of couples though.
Debbie, it is rough on the elderly that are left sitting at home alone and isolated. Some of the ladies in my ladies group are like that. Glad you at least get to go check on your mother and talk from outside.

I forgot my weights :)
Day 3 shoulders and legs

Lateral raises(pinkies up, thumbs down) 12# 10 reps 2 sets then dropped to 10# 10 reps 3 sets
butterfly & press 10# dbs 10 reps 4 sets 8# dbs 1 set (I find this is more comfortable if I do not hold the dumbbells touching like Kelly starts out doing) I like that she says using the pinkies up helps take it off of the traps.

Alternating hip drop plank 10 reps alternating, 10 reps right, 10 reps left, 10 reps right, 10 reps left

front squats 1 1/2 30# barbells front squat 10 reps, 40# bar on upper back rest 10 reps 4 sets
hip thrusts using a step and two risers 40 # bar 10 reps then 10 pulsing, 4 setps 10 reps and 10 pulsing with last set having extra pulses
I know I don't usually workout on weekends, but my DH has been working so I figured why not? Today I got on my treadmill for a bit. Just did an easy walk:

Workout was 43 minutes, burned 269 calories, went 2.07 miles, did 4986 steps and HR was 111/133.

I see Kelly has a new RAW workout called Box & Tone, but it's not on her RAW channel? She tweeted the workout and has it posted on FB and YouTube. Why didn't she post it on her RAW Channel? Anyone know? Doesn't really matter, I have YouTube on my TV in my workout room, I just found it odd. I hope she eventually posts it on there.

Doesn't even feel like Easter. I'm going to head over to my mom's later and see her from a distance for a few minutes. Luckily, she loves being by herself and she also has me, my brother and several of my cousins who call her a lot. I know she gets lonely sometimes, but usually she is pretty upbeat.

Happy Easter everyone!
Happy Easter! I slept 11 hours last night, it felt amazing. I guess that workout yesterday really kicked my butt! Today I am resting, we are going out for a drive, I have to get out of the house. We are supposed to get some rain later in the day so I will put a fire on and cook for the guys.

Debbie, great job on working out today, I bet it was nice to do a little something since your husband is working. I am trying to figure out what I am going to do next week, maybe put together some total body workouts and do cardio on the treadmill, elliptical and rower. Are you going to keep doing RAW workouts?

Belinda, take it easy today, give those knees a rest! Maybe just do upper body next week and walk.

Diane Sue, I hope you enjoy your church service today. I want to get a Ninja blender, it would help with my soups. I just use an emersion hand blender right now but you cant get a puree from it.

Have a wonderful Easter.
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Today is a special day and I was reflecting on the good since I have had more time to spend in prayer and scripture reading and just thinking about the importance of what today means as Easter Sunday. I usually rest and contemplated a stretch, but did Kelly's new Raw Intervals #5. This was fun, quick paced, and not too log. Low impact as well. 30 minutes, 25 actual as I wrote down the workout moves for reference. Heart rate 101/159, 87 calories, 935 steps.
uses 10# dumbbells and 15# kettlebell and can be adjusted according to level. It is pretty fast paced so I stuck with what Kelly used. I really liked this. Kelly says she filmed this just before filming as she forgot to turn the cameral on so this was done on her second time through it.
Raw Intervals #5 25:21 minutes
15 # kettlebell and 10# dumbbells quicked paced

does kettlebell, boxing, legs, upper dumbbell intervals
Kettle bell halos with knee pulls
boxing 2 jabs 2 jacks
squat up twist
curl press dumbbells
Kettle bell figure 8's
boxing 4 jabs 2 pumps, 4 hooks 2 pumps, 4 upper cuts 2 pumps
genie arms squat pulses
dumbbells kickstand row/curl
Kettle bell alternating swing
box jab jab hook, jab jab uppercut
reverse lunge kickstand scale
1 dumbbell rainbow and 2 triceps extensions
kettlebell alternating swing
8 jab 8 twist 8 jab 8 uppercut
down to floor
dumbbells sit ups
dumbbells wide bench press with bridge

Roselyn, have a nice Easter. No things are not the same. Cannot wait for normalcy. Makes you really appreciate our freedoms and families and friends.

Belinda Happy Easter!

Debbie, Kelly filmed the box and tone specifically for the youtube channel. I don't know why, only that maybe it is to help people try her workouts. My husband working and not being able to get up and out to church has left me doing a bit more on Sundays than normal. I want to get back into normal habits so bad. Missed the family today. My 12 year old granddaughter texted me a happy Easter. Not the same at all :( Enjoy your visit with your mother. I suppose we do get pretty used to being alone. When my husband was out of country those years I still had family drop in, was babysitting, and was pretty used to it. Sometimes weekends particualarly got a bit lonely. I had friends from church though so there was that.

Jolie, it is raining here today and started last night. I wish I could sleep like that. I got woke up with my dog barking because the yard vacuum arrived on the doorstep. Talk about groggy and stumbling out to quiet her. I ended up feeding the dog and lying on the couch for awhile. I stay up too late with my husband working nights trying to accomplish tasks. I use my blender most of the time for soups. I don't like them real creamy so only do it enough to leave some chunks in it. I have an emersion blender but rarely use it. I am making a lot of smoothies. Found one that is good for the heart that has spinach and raspberries in it. Odd though is that it calls for cottage cheese which has quite a bit of cholesterol and saturated fat. I know there are different types of fats and different types of cholesterol. I also do not know how they expect you to find low sodium cottage cheese unless it was farmers cheese. I have a collection of cottage cheese from Braums that they give everytime I get a salad. I just bring it home. Have thought about making the dilly bread that was popular years ago with cottage cheese and dill.
So I found a couple more streaming services offering free access. Search for the app in the android or app store:


Yesterday I did a mini band and then tubing workout on Cyberobics.

This morning I did a total body barbell workout on Cyberobics.

Yesterday was a bummer - I didn't even "do" Easter dinner or any Easter type stuff like dye Easter eggs or hunt or anything. It was cold and windy with snow predicted so not even really wanting to get out to "social distance" at a park or anything although my husband and I did go for a short walk. It snowed last night and is still snowing this morning. Which is a bummer because when the kids can get outside it makes this whole stay at home thing easier in my opinion.
I had a bit of a set back yesterday with my upper back, it was hurting really bad and had a few bad knots again. WTH?? I used my therapy ball to press the knots out then I iced it. It felt pretty good this morning but now I feel like I can't go hard again. At least I'm not in pain, just soreness.

Today I did two really fun workouts. The first one was RAW Box & Tone that is posted on YouTube - what a fun workout. I thought it had Kettlebells and weights in this but it was just cardio, so perfect for what I wanted to do today.

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 228 calories and did 2945 steps. HR was 133/173.

Then I did RAW Core Moves and this workout was good but I skipped the low back, hamstring and glute work. I just wanted to work my abs. I watched Rocky III and IV this weekend and how do you watch that movie and NOT want to make your abs screaming hard? LOL! I doubt I'll ever have a six pack again, but I think I need to do more core work so I started today. This was fun and hard, my abs are so weak, even with all the kickboxing I've been doing. I really felt this. When she did glute and hamstring work, I did other types of ab work. Really felt it.

Workout was 24 minutes, burned 40 calories and HR was 70/107.

Hope you all had a great Easter, mine was just ok. I did go over to my moms and seen her from a distance for a few. She doesn't know how to stay away from us, though, she came out and kept getting closer and closer. Makes me feel bad that I kept having to tell her to move back. :(
Doreen, it is really cold here too. Funny, a couple of weeks ago I shut off the furnace and took the electric blanket and put it away as it was in the 90's. Now in the 30's and I have everything back on. I probably wouldn't have even taken a walk. It has been windy. Nice that you found a couple of more streaming services to try.

Debbie, you were probably thinking of the new Raw Intervals 5 which has boxing but uses kettlebells and dumbbells that I did yesterday. I posted a run down of it. I saw she has Box and Tone on Raw and I watched some of it last night and plan on doing it today along with the Total Body Day 4 of the 5 day strength rotation. I am slow at getting started lately. More laid back since I do not have to get up at 5 am since my husband has the new job. I do need to form some habits that are good though so I accomplish more things.
It would be hard to not allow your mother to get close. My family is a bunch of huggers so I know getting back together is going to be so weird after all of this. Wonder if we will ever be normal again.
I am tired of hearing the updates. One time they are encouraging and another it sounds like it just goes on and on. I guess it all depends on their agendas and what may be fact. Still have doubts about their actual numbers as there is no way they can be accurate. There are those that do online doctor consults. I wonder if they get tested at all or the doctors just say, yep, sounds like you have the corona virus, and then reports it. Or if those are ignored. A lady on our next-door neighbor area said her doctor told her he was sure she had it by her description of symptoms over the phone and she has only been out of the house to the store two times wearing a mask and everything. Other than that she takes her dog out for a walk when no one is around. I just wonder, that is all. I guess they can't discount the deaths.
BTW I get so sore across my upper back an shoulders sometimes and know of no reason, because it will be days I did not do a workout that should have caused it. I can only think it was from sitting on the couch or at the computer too long. Also, I love Core Moves. I find though that too much of the crunch type stuff and things leaving my neck unsupported sets off pain in my neck. I have to be really careful with that. Next time I do intervals 5 I will use a 10# kettlebell for the halos as the 15 had me worried when my neck and shoulders crackled while doing that move. I am okay today though.

Belinda, nice work getting STS in :)
Today I had a tremendous workout!!! :) (Adjectives) I started with TM, 30 minutes, 8.0 incline, 3.2 to 3.3 speed, traveled 1.6 miles and burned 301 calories. Then I ran on my elliptical for 16 minutes, interval mode, 2 minutes high resistance high incline, 2 minutes lower resistance lower incline and traveled 1.6 miles and burned 210 calories. Then I started my new total body workout program that I put together myself, and burned an additional 245 calories. Total calories burned was 765. Feeling great today. This is what my workout consisted of: One exercise for each body part, 3 rounds of the circuit and i did 12 reps per set.

Chest Press- 22's x 12, x 12, x 12
1 Arm Rows- 25# x 12, x 12, x 12
Seated Overhead Press- 17's x 12, x 12, x 12 ( go heavier next time )
Bicep Curls- 17's x 12, x 12, x 12
Lying Triceps Ext.- 14's x 12, x 12, x 12 ( go heavier next time )
Dead Lifts with BB- 35# x 12, x 12, x 12
ABS- 3 different exercises x 20, x 20, x 20

I will be doing total body workouts this week and probably for the month. I like them because i can go at my pace and do the exercises that i like with no injury.

Debbie, that new RAW workout sounds like fun. Since it says tone, you think there would be some weights in the workout. Sorry your upper shoulder area is giving you fits again! I didnt get to see my parents but i spoke to them on the phone yesterday.

Belinda, nice workout today, killing it with STS!!! How is the knee today?

Doreen, we didn't do one thing for Easter except make dinner, Mexican food LOL!!! I bet you are dying to open the door and let the kids run outside! How old are your children. My boys are 19 and 18.

Diane sue, i will be back later to read your workout post. I am making that veggie soup today. Sounds good on a cool day.

BBL. Have a wonderful Monday.
I finally finished my workout after dealing with Amazon and not delivering a package because my neighbors dog was outside with him. So weird. His dog hangs out with him in his garage all of the time.
Now I have to wait till tomorrow to get my package.
I did Coffey Fit Raw Box and Tone and loved it. It was 29 minutes, heart rate 134/164, 161 calories, 2,720 steps. I then did Raw 5 day strength day 4 total body, 28 minutes, 78 calories, heart rate 101/141, 680 steps.
Total time was 57 minutes, 248 calories, 3,400 steps.
Weights Total Body- Kelly uses a 35# and a 26# plate. I used dumbbells and kettlebells. Kettlebells give me a bit closer grip like they have with the plates.
This is 3 rounds of 7 exercises doing 10 reps
Modified pullovers 25# kettlebell 10 reps; 20# dumbbbell 10 reps; 25 Kettlebell 10 reps(making up my mind)
biceps curls 25# kettlebell 10 reps all rounds
squat/reverse lunge 25# kettlebell held in front 10 reps all rounds
bench press (kelly 35# plate) 15# dbs 10 reps, 25# db 10 reps last two rounds
weighted dips 30# dumbbell 10 reps, 35# kettlebell 10 reps last two rounds
alternating front lunges rt & lft count as 1 rep 15# dbs 10 reps rnd 1, 35# kettlebell rnd 2, 15# dbs rnd 3
upright rows (Kelly holds the edge of a 35# plate here) I used a 25# kettlebell 10 reps 3 rnds

Jolie, nice workout today. Maybe a stupendous workout would be a good one:p I like the fun words. I think the reason the Box and Tone workout says tone is besides the boxing Kelly does squats and low lunges where she touches the floor, and crossback lunges as kind of a non weight toning that still keeps the heart rate up some. The moves are quick paces. It is cold again here today. I should either make a soup or pull out some I have frozen.
Good morning,

I did Cathe Live #223 Low Impact Blast off Circuit = 41 min. Was a fun low impact workout. I will go for a walk shortly.

Jolie - your weight workout yesterday looks amazing. You came up with some amazing workouts lately. WTG! Thanks for asking. As long as I keep everything low impact I am fine.

Great job everyone on your workouts yesterday. BBL!
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I did a Cyberobics workout - Kick it by Anja Garcia this morning. That girl can kickbox. 10 rounds with various combos hitting the upper or lower body. Very hard and fun. I modified some tuck jumps into air squats but most of it was not high impact - she just finished a couple rounds with tuck jumps.
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Today I did RAW Day 4: Total Body Strength and had a really good workout. This one was fun and fast paced. Poor Sammie, dang, she was having a hard time with it.

3 rounds of 10 reps. So this is circuit style:

Pullover: 15#
Bicep Curls: 15's
Squat/Alt Reverse Lunges: 15's
Bench Press: 22.5's
Weighted Dips: 30#
Alternate Front Lunges: 15's
Upright Rows: 12's

I could have gone way heavier with the pullovers and upright rows, but didn't want to irritate my upper body. I feel great today.

Workout was 31 minutes, burned 173 calories, did 853 steps and HR was 115/169.

Walked on my treadmill for 28 minutes, burned 179 calories, went 1.36 miles and did 3291 steps. HR was 119/137.

I finally got curb side pickup to work from Meijers. I'm going today to get my groceries. I hope I got everything I ordered.

I'll be back for personals later! Have a great day!
I just signed up for Cyberobics. I agree the scenery is beautiful. I love Anja G. She is also on Daily Burn, Grogger and on YT. Her workouts are tough and fun. I do have an account with Neou. I did their Beta trial. The only thing I didn't like they use a very dark room. I may give them another try.
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Today I had a stupendous workout! I started with a walk on the TM, 40 minutes, 8.0 incline, 3.2 speed, traveled 2.1 miles. Next, I did my Total Body Workout #2, but I skipped the ABS because they are sore from yesterday's workout. After that, I got on my rowing machine and did 100 strokes, the highest resistance and finished with the TM, 10 minutes same incline and speed as before. Workout was 1 hour 25 minutes and I burned 758 calories. Yes! I am feeling great again today.

3 rounds of the Circuit, each exercise was x 1 reps.

Chest Flies- 17's x 12
Wide Grip Pull Downs- 60# x 12
1 Arm Lateral Raise- 12# x 12
Hammer Curls Standing - 17's x 12
Cross Body Lying Ext.- 14# x 12
Squat to Shoulder Press- 12's x 12

Debbie, I am glad you are feeling good in the upper body so you could lift today. Well that must have been a good workout if one of her workout people was struggling a little. "If it isn't hard, it isn't working" :)

Belinda, Nice CL workout today. Where do I find those workouts the you and Doreen are doing? The kickbox one that Doreen did today sounds amazing and to do a new workout!!!!!!

Doreen, nice job on Kick Box workout today. I love doing a new workout and finding out that it was good!!!! Way to go!

Diane Sue, that is so weird that the Amazon guy wouldn't deliver that package because of the dog? Maybe they felt uncomfortable thinking it might bite? I hope you have a great workout today. BBL to read your post.

Have a nice day everyone, it is sunny here so i am happy that i can get outside today.

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