Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for April 2020

Sorry that I have been MIA the last couple of days, my son is using my laptop for school so we have had to share and that's the way it goes.

Thursdays workout was STS Meso 1 Disc #1 Chest, Shoulders and Biceps. I added the rower in between sets and rowed 400 strokes. I burned 477 calories.

Friday was a rest day.

Today I did cardio, TM, 30 minutes, 7.5 incline, 3.2 speed traveled 1.6 miles and burned 250 calories. Then I got on my elliptical for 15 minutes, interval mode, 1.5 miles and burned 190 calories. Then I got back on my TM again, 20 minutes, 1.06 miles, 8.0 incline and burned 201 calories. I did some squats and deadlifts at the end with lite weights. I burned 702 calories total.

I think next week I may do 4 Day Split lifting with cardio each day. I love those workouts but I will skip the legs since I am walking and using my elliptical almost everyday along with the rowing machine. I remember that leg workout being really hard, so NO!

I hope you all have great workouts today. I just found out that our schools will probably NOT be going back this year! OMG thank god I have a big house right now and we don't have to move right away.

Belinda, nice job on the walk today. How is the weather where you live?

Debbie, I went out and bought groceries yesterday but it will only last a few days with all of the guys in the house. I swear I spend $200 every other day! You should see that amount of supplements and protein we are going through as well. My kids go through 1 carton of eggs per day and eat a steak a day :( on top of all the pizza and burritos and everything else.

Everyone is doing so well on their workouts, thank goodness we all have gyms, or what else would we do to keep ourselves sane? For all of you that get to work, you are lucky.

Happy Saturday
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This morning I did Jessica Smith Walk Strong 4 mile power walk, 78 minutes, heart rate 128/173, 398 calories, 3.74 miles. I guess the miles you get would depend on your stride length. Jessica looks like she is tall.

Belinda, nice that you are getting outside and doing a walk.

Jolie, nice job on the workouts. I imagine with the boys home and grocery shopping it would take up time just keeping up with things. I saw one of the ladies in my church at Walmart one day and her shopping cart was filled with loads of large boxes of cereal. My thought at first was why so much, then I thought she has 3 boys that are teens, maybe the oldest is about 20. He graduated a couple of years ago, and her daughter that is 12. I felt sorry for her because she looked so tired and I knew she was going through chemo. Steak all of the time would cost too much. I pick one up for my husband about once a week. Sometimes I get some of the thin strips and make myself a stir fry, or recently some lettuce tacos from Kelly's cooking with Kelly which were so good I picked up another package for some more soon.
Today I started the strength workouts Kelly has on Raw. Honestly, not too impressed. I did RAW Strength Day 1 - Back and Biceps and I really didn't care for the exercises she chose or the way it was done. Not sure what I expected, maybe for it to be a little harder? Maybe more of a variety of different exercises. She does 5 sets of each exercise. It did get harder toward the last couple sets, but not that much. I probably should have gone heavier.

Anyways, this is what I did:

One Arm Row:
22.5# - 5 sets/10 reps
Single Arm Reverse Fly: 12# - 5 sets/10 reps

Frog Leg Lifts off Bench: 20/20/10/10/10 reps (I did only 3 sets, I hate these)

Seated Alternate Hammer Curls
: 15's - 5 sets/8 reps
Preacher Curls: 12# - 5 set/8 reps (why do trainers like this exercise?)

Hip Lifts:
5 sets/10 reps, last set was 20 reps

Workout was 42 minutes, burned 210 calories, did 724 steps and HR was 110/165.

I'm on fence on whether I want to do the the other workouts, I guess I'll do them to see how they are.

I also did Max Push 7 with Sydney and had a great, short workout. Love these trainers and what they do with the workouts. They are fun.

Workout was 11 minutes, burned 77 calories, went .20 miles and did 498 steps. HR was 132/170 so it really got up there with this one.

I may walk on my treadmill at lunch today, or if it gets warm, I may walk around my block. It is exactly 1 mile. We'll see.

Gotta start working, I'll be back later for personals.
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Yesterday I just went for a leisurely bike ride with the family. Relaxing just around the neighborhood.

This morning I did 2 workouts - a 20 Minute Upper Body Hiit by Gideon Akande which was upper body with hiit cardio alternating. His Hiit cardio was more controlled so it was doable. Then I did A Bodyshred workout by Keith Johnson - Bodyshred Dynamic Dumbell Training. OMG- I loved this workout. and Keith is so calm and encouraging. It is nothing like Jillian's Bodyshred workouts. Use heavy weights for como Olympic style lifting. I was working hard through the entire 36 minutes and had to take breaks to write stuff down.
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Good morning,

I ended up taking a nice long walk through my neighborhood. The weather was perfect.

Today I did STS M2 W3 D19 Chest/Shoulder & Triceps is done.

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Quick check as I have to run a couple of errands that I really do not want to do. I have plans to do Kelly's 5 day strength and Build and Burn combo for a bit. At least if it works out for me. I was pulled on this and Raw Front Side Back Side. I was really achy all over this morning and the last three days I woke with my low back hurting so I chose to do Raw Cardio Overload #2, 38 minutes, 193 calories, heart rate 122/173, 3202 steps. I will come back in awhile for personls. Yesterday I just did Raw Stretch and Tone.
Today was cardio, 1 hour walk on the TM, 3.2 miles, 7.5 to 8.0 incline, 3.2 to 3.3 speed and burned 624 calories. Wow, that was not that hard but I really had a good calorie burn. I think I am really getting in better shape so cardio isn't as hard now. However, the elliptical killed me the other day :) Heart rate was 128 average and max was 165.

Debbie, nice job on the workout. I cant decide what I want to do going forward, I might do the 4 day split lifting with my own cardio for this week, or I might do another lifting dvd from Cathe's past.

Belinda, great job on the STS workout today! Do you like the 4 Day Split workouts, just the weights? I might do those this week, cant decide.

Doreen, nice workout today and getting outside and riding the bike must have been fabulous!

Diane Sue, Sorry that you all sore, but great job on getting the workout done!

I hope you all have a great day.
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Jolie - I love the 4DS. I will do the 4DS after I am done with STS. I personally like the cardio workouts in that set a lot. You can also just do the weight premixes if you don't like the cardio. You really getting some milage in these day's. WTG!

How many of you wear a mask when you go grocery shopping? Do you wear a medical one or self made one?
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Debbie, did you print up the worksheets for the 5 day strength off Kelly's site? It would give you an idea of what the moves are ahead. I think I went lighter the first time than I did the second time. I had no problem with the frog legs, but remember the second time I put my mat over the end of the step for comfort. Today I looked at it and thought since my low back was sore maybe I should hold off or figure something else for the lower back or just skip it. I know we get sort of one sided and for some reason lower back seems an area that really needs to be done carefully. I think that it was the single back fly that I found uncomfortable being seated. Or maybe it was another move. I did two weeks of these when I did it last. I liked them though. 5 sets should be plenty of work even though it is two to 3 exercises per body part. Nice work on the Max Trainer.

Doreen, the bike ride with family sounds nice. That Body Shred sounds like a really good workout.

Belinda, I love the weight segments in 4 Day Split and all of the cardio's except the one that is drills. I just do not like that type of work.

Roselyn, nice work with Ripped with Hiit Plyo.
Today I did Kelly's Strong & Lean Kickboxing workout. It was really fun, I liked it. I like that she is putting her DVD's online, that is cool. Fun combos in this one. I didn't see Cardio Pump out there, though. Wonder why some of them aren't there?

Workout was 34 minutes, burned 255 calories, went 3445 steps and HR was 137/164.

Then I walked on my treadmill for 21 minutes, burned 133 calories, went 1 mile and did 2462 steps. HR was 117/132.

Diane - I am very sore today so maybe there is something to those workouts. I will do Chest and Tri's tomorrow I think (or is it Chest and Shoulders?). I will go to Kelly's website and print the workouts. I really want to try the strength workout with Strong & Lean but I guess I can do that next week. My back and biceps are really sore today. And yes, the single arm flies are seated. I did them standing because I felt they were awkward sitting on my step. My step isn't as high as her bench is.

Doreen - You do some interesting workouts, glad you are enjoying them!

Belinda - Great job on STS!!! I might do those again this summer. I wear a mask and gloves when I go shopping. I have a medical mask and gloves. Gloves are tricky, though. You are touching all the stuff in the stores and then when you go to pay you are putting all the stuff that transferred on your gloves to things in your purse. You have to be very careful. I usually just take my debit card and then when I get home I wipe it down with Clorax wipes. I don't take my purse with me anymore. Just too many things to worry about disinfecting once you get home.

Jolie - I'm feeling the same way about cardio, too. My Max Trainer is really getting me into shape quickly. I wish I could have been using it all this time, but with my upper back hurting, the movements with the arms were killer. I'm glad I am feeling better and can use it again.

Roselyn - Great job on your workout, and if I didn't say it before, I'll say it now - I'm glad you and your DH are Corona free!!
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Hi everyone,

Today I did Cathe Live #255 KB Plus Core = 50 min. My knees are bordering me again, brrr... Still keeping everything low impact. Maybe I need to back off walking so much?

Debbie - my husband still had a few painting mask with a filter, I been wearing that to the grocery store. Wipe it down with a Clorox wipe. I actually wipe all my grocery (boxed) down with a disinfecting wipe before we put it into the car. Take off the shoes at the front door not walking through the house. Wash our cloth we wore right away. This is very time consuming. I wonder if we ever get back to normal? Great job today.

Diane - I like both the step workouts in 4DS. Not a fan of the kick box and BC one. Too high impact for me.

Roselyn - great job yesterday.

Today I started with a walk on the TM, 40 minutes, 7.0 to 8.0 incline, 3.2 to3.4 speed, traveled 2.2 miles and burned 387 calories. Next, I did 4 Day Split, Biceps and Triceps and it was a good workout. My arms are pumped right now :) Total calories burned were 607 calories. One good thing about these workouts is they are pretty quick, short breaks and no standing around.

Debbie, nice job on the kickboxing workout today. I love kickboxing but all of those kicks hurt my right knee. It is really only the front kicks that do it, but I am walking right now because I am pain free when I do so.

Belinda, nice job on the Cathe live workout today. Does KB stand for Kettle Bell or Kick Boxing? Kick Boxing is what makes my knees hurt, the front kicks especially. I wear a face mask out when I go shopping, I used to wear gloves but I don't anymore. I buy almost everything on Amazon so I don't go out much. I just wash my hands as much as possible.

Diane, I hope you have a great workout today.

BBL to read your posts. Rain here again today.
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Jolie - it was a kickboxing workout. I never tried Amazon for groceries. I tried to order from the grocery stores here in town, they took most of my stuff out. That was a waist of time on my part. We live in the country, most places like food don't ship/or deliver were I live. I wished I wouldn't have to go out. I started wearing a mask since I had a horrible respiratory problem beginning of the year which lasted for a few weeks. I am afraid to catch something. Good job on your Biceps and triceps workout.
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Today I started with Jessica Smith Walk Strong and Have Fun: Have a Ball, 32 minutes, 132 calories, heart rate 109/146, 2,858 steps. I then did Raw Strength day 1 back and biceps, 37 minutes, 96/111 heart rate, 73 calories, 411 steps. I finished off with a Fitbit stretch from the discover section on fit bit app, (I did it from my tablet) 10 minutes, 25 calories (the app quotes it as being a 50 calories workout) I don't know if these discover workouts are there without premium or not. I never explored that much. I just know I cannot log into Fitbit coach, but reading the community I gather coach used to be an extra 7.95 and they have converted it to part of Premium. Most people are having problems with their Fitbit coach app. I am wondering if that is where the problem is. Anyway, I did like this recover stretch. I saw some longer stretches and yoga segments I would like to try sometime.
Total time today was 79 minutes, 230 calories, 3,269 steps.
Weights today day 1 back and biceps
single arm rows 5 sets 20# 10 reps (last time I used 25 and Kelly uses 30) I felt I should be a bit careful.
seated split stance reverse fly (single arm) 12,10,10,10,10# 10 reps(Kelly uses 12#) I did 3 sets seated and hit my knee at the odd angle I seem to get in. Maybe not bent over enough? I did the last 2 standing in a lunge stance.
frog legs on bench 20,20,10,10,10 reps
alternating pledges seated 15# 8 reps each arm 5 sets (Kelly uses 20# and I think it feels more difficult seated.
preacher curls 12# 8 reps 5 sets (Kelly uses 12#)
Abs reverse crunch hip thrust variations 5 sets 10 reps last set 20 reps I swear I counted 4 sets though.

Debbie, those workouts show you don't need a long time to get something out of it. Day 2 is chest and triceps, day 3 shoulders and legs, 4 is Total Body which I was surprised as I expected a light weight faster paced workout and it is not. Each round of all body parts is done 3 times. I really like the Strong and Lean Kickboxing. I recently did the premix for the first time that alternates the weight segments with the kickboxing. I quit taking my large purse and wallet. I take my Harley crossbody bag that is not very big, I can't even fit my wallet in it. I stick my license and bank card in the front pocket, wear a light jacket for keys in my pocket so when I get home the jacket goes in the laundry and I spray my bag with some antibacterial spray and let it set for a few minutes and then wipe it down, and I wipe down my card an license. I don't wear gloves. I have a cloth mask that is a couple of layers that I have had for a few years I wore to avoid pollen when working outside. I can make my step as high as her bench because I have so many risers, but it is still uncomfortable. I have a vanity stool and pull it out and sit on it because it has space at the sides. I still have to sit close to the edge so I am not hitting the legs. It is harder seated. I picked up 20's and did a couple of reps and decided I was struggling too much and pulling my shoulders into it more to hoist it.

Belinda, sorry about the knees. I know how you feel. I went back over nutrition and since I have been trying to watch things for cholesterol and heart health, I have allowed more grains into my diet and dairy. These are both things that are inflammatory for rheumatoid arthritis. I also started eating some peanut butter since it is lower cost than other nut butters and that is a no as well. So, I have to sit back and work on this some more. I have been having pain in all of my joints lately, even when I do nothing but stretch. I don't have antibacterial wipes. I just use some Melaleuca antibacterial spray on things. It is time consuming. I sprayed down my shoes and left them sit inside the kitchen, which I mop daily since it is coming in from the garage. I make sure I do not use the shoes I wear to workout as I don't want to use my step with some virus transferred to it when I lie on it or something. I think we may all tend to being more careful from now on after all of this. Maybe we will be able to relax a little. I have always rinsed off cans and containers and all fruit even bananas and pineapple. I wouldn't think walking would be that hard on your knees unless it was hills or maybe really long walks. It would be good if you could swim or something. I have seen recommended elliptical. Cathe does throw some impact into some of her kickbox workouts. Sometimes the kicking bothers my knees. The grocery stores took most of my items out when I ordered from the grocery store too. The only one I got everything in was Whole Foods at the start of all of this.

Jolie, nice work today and great calories burn. I order a lot of my stuff from Amazon. Funny, on some grocery items and stuff it keeps trying to take me to Whole Foods since I ordered from there. That is quite frustrating. Do you use Prime Pantry? Sometimes there costs are higher than the store and sometimes they are better. I don't wear gloves. I just sanitize lots and wash as soon as I get home. If I had hand sanitizer wipes I would use them in the car. The problem is they just have to be cleaned and removed and touch something and then it has to be cleaned. I wipe down my stirring wheel and door handles after I unload my stuff. The process requires rewashing my hands multiple times.
Today I did RAW Strength Day 2 - Chest & Triceps. I liked this one, she chose good exercises and I really felt it. Should have gone a bit heavier, but I did work it good.

5 sets of each exercise:

Incline Dumbbell Flies:
20's - 5 sets/10 reps
Flat Dumbbell Press: 20's - 5 sets/8 reps

Single Arm Kickbacks:
8# - 5 sets/10 reps
Seated Overhead Single Arm Extensions: 10# - 5 sets/10 reps (I did 8 reps for last set)

Ab work on the bench - 5 sets/10 reps each exercise

She does the reps really slow so you really feel it. I liked this one.

Then I got on my treadmill and walked on an incline of 6% for 20 minutes, burned 143 calories, did 1.06 miles and went 2615 steps. HR was 118/133. My HR sure didn't go up much, that incline made me breath hard. Every time I looked at my FB it showed 116 BPM, it certainly felt much higher than that. Oh well.

Workout was 40 minutes, burned 137 calories and HR was 95/149.

Belinda - We've been doing the same thing. My DH read somewhere that clothes does not hold onto the virus like plastic, cardboard, paper and glass does. But I still wash what I wear when I go out right away. Don't want to change it. So sick of doing all this crap, it takes up so much time. Sorry to hear your knees are still giving you issues. Mine do periodically, I notice it more when I start eating a lot of sugar. I'm trying to cut that out again, it's so hard to do!

Jolie - Great workout yesterday! I wish I got those calorie burns on my treadmill!! KB doesn't hurt my knees at all. I'm glad because I love kickboxing!

Diane - How do the Discover workouts work? Does it have a video to show you what to do? I've never checked that out before, I'll have to see if I can get them. I have a little Harley purse, too, for when I ride my motorcycle but I don't even take that with me. I have this metal wallet that you put your credit cards and money in and that is what I take with me. It's easy to wipe down when I get home. This stuff is so time consuming!!

Well, have great workouts everyone! Gotta get to work even though I am home. I'm on spring break as of Friday so I have a week of not worrying about working at home. :)
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This morning my daughter wanted to get up and go for a jog to see the sunrise. So we did that - with lots of walking. Then I did a 30 minute Strength circuit video. Basic stuff - Squat press, Heisman Runs, Renegade Rows, Reverse Lunges, Chest press, deadlifts. 6 rounds of each move for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off
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Hi girls

I went to Costco early this morning. I will get my workout in shortly. Well, my knees are so swollen right now, I can't hardly walk up stairs. I am suppose to do D20 Legs today. No way, I can do lower body. I can't bent my knees not even a little bit :( Having a hard time walking too. Hopefully in a few day's the swelling goes down again. Or I will take a rest day today? Haven't decided yet?

Debbie - isn't it a process going to the grocery store these day's? Never in a million years I thought I would stand in the grocery store parking lot wiping all my things down with an disinfecting wipes. Making sure after you put your groceries away you wipe down your counters in the kitchen. Wipe down/desinfect my mask.What a pain in the a$#. The hardest part of all this is not seeing my kids. We did a Zoom lunch with the kids on Sunday. That was nice. I miss them and want to be around them.

Jolie - I agree with Debbie. KB doesn't hurt my knees. It's all the other stuff I do.

Diane - I went to Costco this morning to pick up stuff for the next 2 weeks. I got disinfecting wipes, disinfecting hand wash. Toilet paper, since DH works from home I use a lot more. I usually don't use Clorox cleaners, since they had some I picked one up. Why not? If that virus gets any worst I probably will use it. You never know when you need it. I only clean with plant based cleaners. I can't stand the chemicals. I can't breath using those cleaners. Costco was well stocked today. I hit the jack bot today. Last time I went they were out on all those things. I prefer shopping at Costco, I can buy in bulk. I don't have to shop for awhile. Except maybe some chicken with I also will buy at Costco. I think I told you when I went to Wegmanns? They only let you buy one small can of beans, lol. I pray we all can relax after this is over. I walked up some hills lately I think that's why my knees are hurting and swollen up. I been icing and relaxing a lot. Hopefully in a few day's I am good as new again, lol

Happy Hump Day, everyone and stay safe!
Today I did Kelly Coffey Cardio Pump using the Raw channel and stopping at the end of the kickboxing portion, 32 minutes, heart rate 133/160, 170 calories, 3027 steps. I then did Cathe Lite Cardio Party timesaver 3 hi/lo, 34 minutes, heart rate 119/144, 113 calories, 2,46 steps. I also went to the Fitbit discover and did A popsugar standing abs 10 minutesm 27 calories, heart rate 102/121, 155 steps, and used an 8 and 10# dumbbell, finished with Fit Bit using discover and did Stand Tall yoga 20 minutes, 55 calories, heart rate 87/104. Fit Bit app set it at 55 calories when I pushed log workout upon finishing. I was curious as yesterday I noticed I got more calories through the app for the yoga than my watch, My watch said 27 calories. This yoga had 110 calories listed on the description. Total time was 86 minutes, 365 calories, 5,284 steps.

Debbie, I just click discover, then go to workouts and there are a bunch of them it will play the workout video on your device as a video does. I found an explanation of the free subscription to premium and they have a lot of workout thrown in that you get, but I gather it is not all of them. Fit bit post a full explanation of what you get with the free trial. I did ask about the coach and I may have got an answer, but have not looked yet. It is so annoying because I joined the community and suddenly I have a bunch of only men wanting to be my friend :rolleyes: I need to see if I can block that. I just joined so I could get answers.
Oh, and Cardio Pump is there on Raw. When you first get on the list of videos you have to click on the picture of Kelly that says 39 TMF videos or something like that and that is where I found it. Didn't see it on the other link. My wallet is a Dooney and Burke checkbook wallet. I couldn't even zip my little Harley bag if I shoved it in there and nothing else could fit LOL I like the idea of a metal wallet.

Doreen, the get up and run and watch the sunset sounds wonderful.

Belinda, I have a natural antibacterial spray cleaner from Melaeuca. Funny I bought so much of it I still have the concentrate to mix up bottles of it. Part of the ingredients is tea trea oil. I would have to look at the label. You can order that stuff any time, but to get good prices from them it is best to be a member. I often bought packs of several items at discounts so some of those cleaners I ended up with a lot of. I use natural cleaners as well. Next time my husband and I go to the store that is not Sprouts I will check for antibacterial hand soap. I made my hand sanitizer as I have not ound that. So sorry about the knees. When mine swelled last week it was so sore and tight trying to squat to put things in the bottom spinning cabinet was impossible. I ended up getting down on the better knee all the way to the floor to do it. It was so painful. I am glad that it let up though. Back to normal again.

Jolie, enjoy your rest day :)

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