I did Back, Shoulders adn Biceps yesterday. Used Gym Style but went at my own pace since I am lifting heavier.
Reverse Grip DB Row: 30# 8/8/12
1 Arm DB Row: 35# 8/8/8
T Back Squeeze w/band
BB Pullovers: 30# 8/8, 40# /6
Seated OH DB Press: 25# 8/6, 22# /6
Standing Lateral Raises: 15#/8, 16#/8, 17#/8
Lateral and Front Raises w/Band
Front Raises w/ DB (I added these in): 15#/8
Rear Delt Raises: 15#/4-2 ct, 8 single, 12#-same ct
Rear Delt w/Band
BICEPS (I really worked these!)
BB Curls: 45#/6 (too light!), 65# 6/6/6 - slow 4 count up/4ct down--these were challenging!
DB Partials: 20# /6 1/2 way up- 6/1/2 way down, 17# -same reps/ct
Concentration Curls: 25# 6/6, 22#/6, 20#/6
Curl Up Reverse Down: 15#/8, 17#/8 4ct up/down
Hammer Curls: 20# 6/6 sinlges, 17#/6 slow ct
**I finally ordered adn got my Pace Weights. Makes a HUGE difference in not having to jump 5#
Today will be an easy cardio workout.
Meals for today:
M1: Eggwhite cheese/veggie omelet, 1/2 wg bagel
M2: 1 can tuna, orange
M3: LOTS of veggies salad w/5oz chicken
M4: 1 cup cottage cheese, almonds
M5: rice cake w/ 1tsp p-nut butter, protein drink
M6: Chicken, steamed squash
Geez, you all what's up with the injuries??? I get sore just from reading the posts.

Seriously....Debbie, Linda, Diane Sue, Char, Suz (did I miss anyone?) Take are of yourselves!
Teddy...I am glad you started STS and are posting w/out so I can see what I have to look forward too!
Hi to everyone else!