Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 3rd

Hello Ladies - you all have had such great workouts! The STS legs look fun. I love to do legs.

Today I did legs and abs


Squat with 50# Barbell and 14# weighted best - 3 x 16
Static Lunges with 50# Barbell and 14# weighted best - 3 x 16
one legged squats - wieghted vest only - 3 x 16 - these were killer!


Hanging Ab Raises - 3 x 15 - I had on the weighted vest and it hurt my arms
Stability Ball Pikes 3 x 15
9:00 3:00s with plates - 3 x 7

20 minutes walking on incline with weighted vest

Then I had to go to work!!!
I did Imaz today. Everyone take care of you injuries.

Meals today:

M1: Protein pancakes
M2: Protein shake with flaxseed
M3: Turkey and some almonds
M6: Turkey chili

I need to put I in 2 more meals, haven't decided what to have yet.

M1: 3 egg whites w2tbsp of salsa and 1 package of grits
M2: ff yogurt w/ 2Tbsp of flaxseeds
M3: turkey patty sandwich w/mustard and romaine lettuces
M4: albacore tuna w/asian pear
M5: ??????

Ran out to Mart's and brought everything I needed and didn’t LOL:eek:. Tonight making turkey chili and protein pancakes. I brought a box of bread crumbs, maybe I try it and bake a few pieces fish:D
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My Meals

On whey protein shake
beef brisket, turnip greens and potatos (I know, bad bad girl!)
carb master yogurt mixed with cottage cheese
1/2 chicken breast with green beans
pizza - made with chicken sausage and veggies
calories 1540
fat 43 g 25%
carbs 141g 37%
protein 145g 38%

this is good for me - I usually can't get that much protein.
Finished my workout. I did Cardio Coach #3 (only 2 challenges, then nano died:mad:) so finished up with 20 min. intervals on treadmill and Lauren Brooks Quick Fat Blaster Kettlebell workout (12 min.). Workout was 1 hr. 3 min. Burned 370 calories.
Everyone seems to be doing good on their eating:D I need more calories, but it is getting so late. I got home late from picking up grandchildren and running a couple of errands. Then DH helped me with the ice maker because I have spent a lot of time chipping and messing with it. I have been previewing Meso Cycle 3 because one of the dvd's was loose and fell out and the case has a couple of cracks in it. So far the dvds are ok but I am going to ask for a replacement because I want a good case.
Remainder of the day's eats:
Starbucks skinny cinnamon dulce latte:eek: on the way to school.
Starving so had some leftover peas before I started dinner
Dinner was Green Giant Healthy Weight Vegetable packet (all 2 servings mixed with 1 cup of large frozen shrimp that I thawed and heated and a salad with Braswell's Vidalia Onion Creamy Cucumber salad dressing(this dressing is low fat, fair on sodium at 170mg and has 3 grams of sugars)
Snack will probably be some cottage cheese before bed. Can't see eating a bunch of carbs.

Dallys, sorry about the Nano. You still came off with a good workout.
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Tonight's workout was PUB pyramid up premix, but I added on an extra set at the highest poundage/lowest reps to each exercise.

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