Hardcore Fitness Manaics Feb 3rd

Linda, a question for you..

Hi Linda,

I'm sorry to barge into the thread, but I was hoping you could give me your opinion on a turbulance training question.

I've recently started doing some turbulance training workouts - so far I've done the Bodyweight 1000 6-week program, the Bodyweight Phase 4 4-week program from the 6 month bodyweight manual, and I've just started a new one called Gain Mass Lose Fat which looks like it's going to be a good one. I've seen that you have done a lot of different TT programs and I'm wondering which one(s) you found to be most effective as far as gaining muscle/strength?

Thanks so much for your time,
Hi all. Still in pain. I was so bad when I got home yesterday I couldn't even stand up straight. WTF??? :mad: I used a tennis ball behind my shoulder blade to try and rub out the knot and that made it feel a lot better. I was ok when I got up this morning but now it's starting to hurt all over again. :rolleyes: That and a headache isn't a good thing. Hope this heals quick.

Char - Sorry to hear you are in pain as well. Geez, what is up with all this??? Hope you feel better soon!

I am also keeping my eats clean because of this and because I'm not working out that much until Monday. I forgot to post my eats from yesterday but I ate very well and drank lots of water. I'll post my eats for today later on when I figure out what I'll be having.
Good morning everyone:D

I don't know how I woke so early this morning, considering, the time I went to bed. :D Anywho, I did STS legs, didn't go to heavy since lots of these excerises I never did and didn't want to kill/hurt myself. Also did the bonus. Lots of DOMS going on in my legs.

Exercises & Reps

Walking Lunges & Plie Squats (body weight)

One Leg Touch Down Squats
Firewalkers (band)

One Leg Elevated Lunges
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell)
One Leg Slide Back Lunges with Paper Plate (dumbbell)
Side Slide Lunges with Paper Plate
Wall Squat with Ball and Leg Extension (body weight)
Squats (dumbbell)
Calf Raises (dumbbell)
Front Lunge Same Leg (dumbbell)
Stiff Legged Deadlift on Platform (dumbell)
Wall Squats Double Leg (body weight)
Lateral Step Ups (dumbbell)
Drop Side Lunges & Stand with Knee Lift (dumbbell)
Sequential Lunge Into Front Kick Combo
Squats Narrow Stance (dumbbell)
Calf Raises (dumbbell)
Deadlifts Wide Stance (dumbbell)
Pulse leg to side strait leg 24 reps (R & L)
Bent Leg Pulse to Side balance paper plate
Front/Back fan Kicks 12 reps (f & B = 1 rep)
Calf Raises (body weight)
Tibialis Press and Pulls with Stability ball
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Today I am just gonna try to live in denial and try to get my house cleaned and not think about the burning discomfort running down my arm. Trap area is very tight on the right side, but I am going back to Chiropractor on Thursday. My knees hurt as well and doc says my lower body is just out of alignment and causing havoc to neck area. WTH>>>I feel old..at least temporarily. Still going to workout abs every other day and do some cardio and then try to ease back into weights as soon as I feel I can. I just hope this doesn't go on for much longer as it did before.


I am going to get a deep massage here soon. I have an appt for next week, but trying to get in sooner. I wish you would do something similiar as I think it would help greatly. I still think a chiropractor would help very much, if you would just try. I might even go back to that Reiki healer as well. It can all get expensive though. I just want you to get some relief.


Hey hey!
Teddygirl...show off with your STS!! Mine comes today :)

Char and Debbie - sorry to hear you are both injured! Hope you feel better soon. My back started to flare up again yesterday but the pain is gone today, thankfully.

Char - today is housecleaning day for me too, and I am going to do upper body at some point. Is Bobby still doing better?

Debbie - I did BC Abs Sunday night and yowzer, it hurts! Clearly, if you were not sore, you work your obliques much more than I do...this has shown me that I need to focus there more. Those moves just hit them completely differently than others do.

Patti - I saw that you got the pull up bar. I have one too and love it. Did you get the arm things for abs? I finally ordered mine and am so glad that I did.

Linda - how are you feeling?

I have only been on here sporadically and not at all yesterday so don't know what I missed - will try to catch up later.

Oh, Sonya - I saw your pics. Awesome, girl.
Hey all! I feel old today- did CTX upper body split and it was OK. I didn't really pay attention to how many stinking reps she does when I was figuring out what weights to use so I had to drop a few of the weights a bit lower. She moves fast- really burns out the muscle group. I had a struggle since I got a tetanus / whooping cough booster in the shoulder muscle yesterday. Man it hurts! I've had better workouts, but it wasn't bad.

Charlotte and Debbie: I'm sorry you're both injured- do what you can and rest. Good for you on keeping the eats clean, Debbie. I can tend to get depressed when I am injured and sometimes food is the first thing to go out the window. It's a terrible cycle- good for you for avoiding that trap.

Teddy: You go on your STS! You jumped right in, huh? I got mine yesterday and watched the first workout. It looks tough and fun. Those guys are BUILT, no?

Shana: I didn't get the ab straps yet, but should do that. I am going to have to use the bands to get in the full # of reps for STS, but that's OK. :) I am done with BFFM, except for a few articles at the end. I loved it- so informative. I've been implementing the principles somewhat. I'm trying to figure out what helps me out and is still practical for my life. So far, just eating protein with every meal, eating 5 meals a day and eating good carbs has been great. I've leaned out in the past 2 weeks, so no complaints.

OK, gotta go pick up DD from preschool. Later amigas!
Good morning!

Yesterday was chest and back. I don't have time to post that one but it was awesome. You'll have to take my word. ;)

Today was legs and I upped some weights as planned and it went like this:

Leg Press - Bowflex Revolution
150# 8r
180# 8r x 2

Calf Press
150# 8r
180# 8r x 2

Leg Extensions
110# 8r
120# 8r x 2
This is up from 100# and 110# last week.

Ab Situps on bench
20 x 4
Added one more set of 20 this week.

Romanian Deadlifts
8r x 3
I still wish I could go heavier but I feel it in my low back and don't want to reinjure.

Lying Leg Curls
45# x 3
Up from 40# last week and 35# the week before.

Smith Squats
115# 3x8
Up from 105# last week.

Plie Squats - Smith
115# 3x8
Up from 105# last week.

Abs – Bench Reverse Crunches – Legs Straight
20 x 3

Debbie - I'm sorry you're still in so much pain. :(

Charlotte - I'm sorry that you are on the injured list too. Be careful.

I hope you all have a great day. Another busy one for me. Animal shelter meeting after work. Cardio after I get home. My legs were kinda fried so I wanted to give them a rest in between working them.
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Teddygirl - I meant to tell you I'm glad to see your breakdown's of the STS workouts. Interesting stuff. I hear Cathe rushes through these workouts like she does all the others. :rolleyes: What the heck is up with that? I just don't get it. Rest breaks are a good thing!
I did Back, Shoulders adn Biceps yesterday. Used Gym Style but went at my own pace since I am lifting heavier.

Reverse Grip DB Row: 30# 8/8/12
1 Arm DB Row: 35# 8/8/8
T Back Squeeze w/band
BB Pullovers: 30# 8/8, 40# /6

Seated OH DB Press: 25# 8/6, 22# /6
Standing Lateral Raises: 15#/8, 16#/8, 17#/8
Lateral and Front Raises w/Band
Front Raises w/ DB (I added these in): 15#/8
Rear Delt Raises: 15#/4-2 ct, 8 single, 12#-same ct
Rear Delt w/Band

BICEPS (I really worked these!)
BB Curls: 45#/6 (too light!), 65# 6/6/6 - slow 4 count up/4ct down--these were challenging!
DB Partials: 20# /6 1/2 way up- 6/1/2 way down, 17# -same reps/ct
Concentration Curls: 25# 6/6, 22#/6, 20#/6
Curl Up Reverse Down: 15#/8, 17#/8 4ct up/down
Hammer Curls: 20# 6/6 sinlges, 17#/6 slow ct

**I finally ordered adn got my Pace Weights. Makes a HUGE difference in not having to jump 5#

Today will be an easy cardio workout.

Meals for today:
M1: Eggwhite cheese/veggie omelet, 1/2 wg bagel
M2: 1 can tuna, orange
M3: LOTS of veggies salad w/5oz chicken
M4: 1 cup cottage cheese, almonds
M5: rice cake w/ 1tsp p-nut butter, protein drink
M6: Chicken, steamed squash

Geez, you all what's up with the injuries??? I get sore just from reading the posts. :p Seriously....Debbie, Linda, Diane Sue, Char, Suz (did I miss anyone?) Take are of yourselves!

Teddy...I am glad you started STS and are posting w/out so I can see what I have to look forward too!

Hi to everyone else!
I will start posting my stats next weeks, just trying to get a feel for the workouts. Plus, I need to retype all the workouts so I have in my puter:confused:

Debbie/Toasty: Have you tried soaking in a HOT tub of Epson salt? It draws out the soreness, works good for me:)

SONYA: LOL:D Wow, Woman, looked at your pictures, you are one lean machine. I’m very impress with your meals.

Next week, I’d like to order Newport, that’s was the one I wanted. After I order it, and purchase a few kettlebells, going to cut back on my spending.

I have spent enough money:rolleyes: a few days ago, I ordered Cathe stepper, I tell you. I’m done:( I wish I was rich.................
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I may just try that. Thanks!


Bobby is doing better. Still coughing though. Passed out on Sunday, but was fine. Still freaks me out as he wasn't passing out anymore and so I didn't expect him to on Sunday..thought that part was over. This stuff takes a long time to finially be over with. YOU NEVER WANT TO GET IT..NEVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you get things cleaned and sparkling. Still working on it myself.
Teddygirl - I wish I could soak in the tub. I'm prone to bladder infections so it's a no no for me. :(

Foods for today:

M1: Banana Cream BSN w/ 3/4 c. oats & 1 tbsp. Naturally More PB
M2: Cashew Butter Chicken Stew; 1 tbsp. almonds
M3: Zone bar; Clementine
M4: Parmesan Crusted Tilapia; salad w/light Italian dressing
M5: 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites w/spinach & 1 tbsp. parm cheese

1573 calories
59 g. fat - 34%
113 g. protein - 29%
126 g. carbs - 32%
Sonya, those pics are great; I like the partially in the shadows one in particular. It looks like something you'd see in a magazine. =)

I havent posted for a few days....have injuries escalated since I've been gone? Dang, I sure hope you all start feeling better; this does not sound like fun!

Didn't really work out over the weekend, although I got in abs and a bit of yoga on Friday before my best friend called. Then I had to rush out to get to my bf's and take him to his laser eye surgery appt. It went really well for him, but it was pretty creepy to watch on the monitor! Then I stayed with him all weekend, so no access to my stuff.

Monday seems to be my tired day. I did MTV Yoga as I didn't feel like doing too much. Tonight I'll do more. Hopefully I'll have more energy. I have been trying to drink more water.

Well, I found out the person I bought the gym styles from off the swap is a bad trader and several other people are having a problem with her too. I filled out a resolution thing through paypal, but I"m sure I'll have to escalate it to an actual claim.
Teddygirl - I meant to tell you I'm glad to see your breakdown's of the STS workouts. Interesting stuff. I hear Cathe rushes through these workouts like she does all the others. :rolleyes: What the heck is up with that? I just don't get it. Rest breaks are a good thing!

Yeah! but since being here with you guys I have learned to hit the pause button and take mines:D:D
I am eating every 1.5 to two hours, and I'm still hungry:eek: I see right now that I need to prepare some protein pancakes and big pot of chili tonight. I just finished eating a turkey burger w/romaine lettuce, w/ mustard and I’m STILL HUNGRY! :eek: next is an Asian Pear and a can Albacore Tuna, hm.....ready to dig in............
Hey Ladies,

Char & Debbie - Are to here about your trouble. Hope it resolves soon.

Teddy - Seems like way too many leg exercises to me. But thanks for posting, it is interesting to see.

Suz & Sonya - I keep forgetting to tell you both what awesome pictures!

Doreen - I pm'd you

Hi to all to others!

Okay, today I do have DOMS from Providence. Mainly in my traps. Ouch! And some in my shoulders and bi's. Got up a little late this morning, than got side tracked when my coffee maker wouldn't work. I had to cut my workout short, so I did the first premix from Amy's In The Ring, workout was 57 minutes and I burned 470 calories.

BTW, Hands have been getting better each night since last massage! So I am hopeful.
Hey all! Haven't worked out yet. Just not wanting to in the mornings lately, just loving my cushy warm bed:p. I plan on a cardio coach and some kettlebells later.

What is up with all the injuries? Maybe just a fluke? I'm injury free right now thank goodness. Just get tight muscles between my shoulder blades every now and then.

that's awful you got involved in that bad trader deal. So frustrating. Hope it get's resolved.

Debbie- I've read that Cathe rushes through STS too. I don't get it.

Teddy- I'm glad you are enjoying STS. That looked like great leg workout you did.

Sonya- I need to get something like Pace weights too. A 5lb jump can just be to much.

Great job upping the weights in your leg workouts!

Have fun cleaning.

You'll love your arm straps. I have them and it makes hanging ab work so much better.

Ouch on the tetanus shot! Congrats on leaning out too.

Yeah on the DOMS!

Gotta get back to work....
I got up at 4:45 this morning but just seemed to take forever to get started. Then my granddaughter arrived right at 6. She wanted to share my bench and I kept having to move her(got a workout doing that) then I gave her her own bench which lasted all of 5 minutes. Mine looked more fun :lol: I started with Empire State joint mobility and did it twice, then I did 4DaySplit Low intensity step skipping the shoulders and calves, and doing the abs, followed by 10 minutes solution shape, tone, and reshape with the figure 8 abs segment, and followed the LIS stretch. After I returned from dropping the girls at their the schools I did Low Impact Circuit w/up and first two combos and blasts followed by the abs, the Amy's Step Challenge 3 abs with the kettlebell, and stretch. Finished by foam rolling a little. Total calories burned was 704. I just got my STS dvd's :D Looking forward to starting. Wish the cover wasn't carboard because I really don't see that holding up over time. I will cover with clear contact or find other holders eventually. Taking the book with me when I pick up the grandchildren so I can look it over. Still not sure if I will be able to even do legs on STS. I may be skipping them for awhile. Just have to be really carefull about twisting my knee at all:(
Breakfast was oatmeal and yogurt
lunch was a baked sweet potato, salad w/ fat free dressing and tuna. Weighed that 5 oz can of tuna after I drained and rinsed it and there was 2 oz left:mad:

Charlotte, sorry you are having problems. Knees are causing neck problems??

Debbie, Hope you get that shoulder and headache under control quick. If that is the same cashew chicken stew from Oxygen it is really yummy:)

BBL got to run and take care of the grandbaby.
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