Happy Birthday, Cathe!!!!

Happy Happy Happy Birthday Cathe!!!

Hope it's a fabulous day, with beautiful weather and lots of sun & fun & relaxation!!! :D:D:D

Wish I could post you a fantastic birthday picture, Cathe. Just IMAGINE the thick-frosted mocha latte non-fat-no-calorie-miracle cake I am creating in my mind! :p

Awright Heather B. and you Educated Crowd people, HOW are you getting those image file links to work? I can't get my Little Barbell Guy to show up in my signature!!
Awright Heather B. and you Educated Crowd people, HOW are you getting those image file links to work? I can't get my Little Barbell Guy to show up in my signature!!

I use the WYSYWYG editor instead of the basic editor. I get a little menu to change the text, ad link and pictures, etc.

Hey girlyfiedgirl!!!

Hey girlyfiedgirl,

I used the WYSIWYG editor too, and I inserted the links to the 2 GIFS in my signature, but they show us as links, not GIF images. What WYSIWYG button did you use to insert your little bicycle guy (who actually is one of my GIFs too!!!)

Oh, and P.S. -- I looked at my "Signature Permissions" and it says I am NOT allowed to upload an animated GIF for my signature. :( What does yours say?
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Happy Birthday to youuuu...........happy birthday to youuuuu...............happy birthday dearrr Catheeee, happy birthday to youuuuuu!

I hope you are having a wonderful day! :)
Happy Birthday!!

Happy Birthday Cathe! I hope you have a great one! I want you to know that you are my FAVORITE instructor and I hope to be a great instructor like you one day :)
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Cathe! May this coming year be filled with many blessings for you and your family. I hope your birthday is extra special just like you!
Happy Birthday Cathe. Hope all your birthday wishes come true.

Thank You for the awesome present you gave to all of us.

Group Birthday Hug!!!!


By request, I am posting a group birthday hug from the forum orphans who are not able to log-in yet. Best wishes for a happy and healthy birthday from my friends:

Lorrie (L Sass) :)
Pennie (PennieAnne) :)
Michele (mf545) :)

Lorrie and Pennie have birthday hugs packed for the Road Trip. Michele will send big hugs when you film your next cardio series. *wink* (LOL, Michele!) :)

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day. I feel you gave us the Birthday Present with the new Web site. It's great.

Linda M.
Happy Birthday From The A-J!

Cathe, hope you had a wonderful, RESTFUL birthday! Isn't it the same day as Neil Armstrong et al walked on the moon? Methinks YES!!!! Must be some sort of karmic meaning to that.

Eat cake. Lots of cake.


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