Getting Our Licks In!

OK, I think I'm back on track. Today was Yoga Relax.

ReneeP, How ya doing dealing with life? Still praying for ya and lots of hugs your way. Great job on STS Total Body. I love that one.

Take care everyone,

Lol Janie im ok i guess.. Alittle hurt my son who is kinda not doing great unfriended me on fb lol but before that he said ii post on his wall its embarrassing, so i dont anymore that was along time ago but he just deleated me here resently. Hurts my feelings. What an ass lol. He lives here for now but is never here. Confused.
Wow--I go on travel and totally forget to check in. Left on Wednesday for a quick trip to NC and got back home late Thursday night. Work is busy--my boys are so sweet and good. Ripken, as per usual, is laying right here at my feet as I type. He is patiently waiting for me to take him for a walk in the falling snow. Yes--falling snow. What crazy weather. You would think this is Colorado the way the weather has been zigzagging back and forth this spring. But, we all know eventually the heat will come. I just want some nice spring weather before hand. Been tackling week 3 of the March rotation: Friday Low Max, Saturday PUB, today cardio supersets and pilates-inspired STS ab circuit.

Laura: I'm so sorry that you are continuing to struggle with stuff. As to getting a Ph.D.--having done that, I can tell you it is like having a second full-time job, first the classwork and homework, then comps, and then writing your dissertation. It takes alot of time and dedication. I was lucky that my employer paid the tuition for my coursework. Balancing family life, work life, and school is a challenge for someone without children. I don't know how a person with children would manage but I know there are those who do. I don't want to discourage you but I want you to be aware of the daily time commitment and the long-term time commitment. What discipline are you thinking of getting a Ph.D. in? And what schools? Now--while you are digesting all that, remember you can always do upper body work while nursing a sprained ankle and if you have RIDE and CycleMax, they are good for cardio.

Janie: welcome home--it is nice to have our artistic Janie back with us.

ReneeP: you are doing so great these days wrt keeping a positive attitude and pushing on with your workouts. I sound like Janie, but I'm so proud of you.

Thank you for ur encouragement! Im kinda suprised im not injured yet lol but im stilll trugging on. I just been noticing if i feel a twinge i back off my enthusiasum a little then ice up and rest if i need to. Lol.
Im glad u r safe. I know ur boys r happy ur home! Lol
Ooo yuk writing papers was never a thing for me. Id love to write a book but no essays for school yuk. Idk to me there a difference. Of course id need an editor lol. So yeah good luck Laura if u decide to go that way! I hope u r doing well.

I did aolih today i added step moves for fun and a little more cal burn. Im sched for rest day tomorrow then its day one of my week 12 ! Whhoooo hoooo
Still snowing, but it's not really sticking. Alot of folks stayed off the roads today so my commute was great. Roads are just wet. :) Ripken and I had a slushy walk this morning and then I did pyramid lower body. All those ball roll-ins make my glutes scream.

ReneeP: wow, you are up to week 12 on your rotation. You must almost be done, yes? I write alot of technical papers at work and I do have an editor for sanity-checks and copy editing. Thank God for my editor--she is wonderful. I know a few folks who have written/published fiction and there is alot of back and forth with readers/editors in the publishing process. I think the important thing about writing is that you are writing about what you love otherwise, as an adult, why bother? With regard to backing off on exercise when you feel like you need to: I'm all about that approach. I see no point in risking an injury--just not worth it.

Honestly how does a person go about getting an editor? Are, they real expensive? Do tbey get paid after the book? I know it sounds weird but ive always wanted to turn all the things my family and i have been through i n book form. I want to reach teens yohng adults and elderly.. Just tell people how a person can choose better no matter how or what they were before or how they was raised. I want too to be able to show how God is there through all the good and bad .. And let people see him in all the times i can look back and see God there. I just dont know how to do it.
Thanks for advice!
Today is last week of xtrain yaa now im thinkibg oc doing a 30 of LIS and xtrain., no more 90 days lol i want to add to the max and cardio n weights in lol i also have lesmils ckmbat to try! Lol so much to do!
Janie i have, to much house chores. I want to paint my bedroom soon! Trying to find the perfect brown or tan that will go with a perfect green. Im thi.king of dark brown on one wall where the head of bed goes then a sandy brown and a sage green for my bathroom that is by my bedroom . So whats yalls opinions? I seem to keep getting samples not quit right! When i put the green on it kinda looks like baby poop. Lol so having hard time finding it.
Tonight was riding my spinning bike and watching TV at the same time. I didn't time it, but think it was about 30 min. Will be going to East of the mountains mid April for over a week to see my siblings and Dad. When I get back Joey and I will move to the Beach House for 6 months. Oh Happy Day! We love it there so much!

Michelle, Glad to see our Winter going away. It's time for warmer weather! Great job on Ripken and your walk.

, Check out the library and start by researching Editors. It will be a big fat book on Editors, how much they charge...some are free, but not many. When you are interested in any, just go to their website and they will have directions on what to do. Passion is key in a successful book. Good luck to you. Great idea on doing your workouts monthly. It's nice for a change.

Take care ladies,

Oh boy--today was Low Impact Circuit--last day of week 3 of the March rotation. Sun is shining here--still chilly, but the temps are heading in the right direction. I am worried about how Ripken is going to react to warmer weather though. Guess I'll just figure it out as the days go by.

ReneeP: Janie is probably most on target about how to get an editor, without actually having a publishing deal in hand. You will need to find one that you can hire yourself. If you actually have a publisher, like Random House, they will assign the writer an editor. Alot of companies that produce papers and documents have their own editors on staff. Where I work, we have a number of editors assigned to different research divisions. If you are really serious about writing a book, you might want to contact other writers who have written in the same genre that you are writing in. My sense from those I know who have successfully published is that established writers are happy to read new material and provide feedback to new writers. Do you live near a university or college? You might be able to tap into an academically-based writing program for assistance. My undergraduate alma mater has a very nice writing program and if I was so inclined to write fiction/nonfiction, I would probably tap into them as a starting point. Do you have some type of connection like that? Also have you kept a journal throughout your life? If so, that might help you get started.

Janie: 6 months at the beach sounds heavenly. If we actually move toward selling the boat and do so, I think a place at the beach will be our next investment. I'd really love to buy a place down in South Carolina or Georgia in the Charleston to Savannah area. Maybe someday. Right now, I'll have to live vicariously through you! You are going to need one car trip just to take all you workout gear though....

I tried to copy n paste from my phone so i dont hhave to type it all again. Lol ill get to personals later. Afterburn today after i jogged 2.5 miles lol. I didnt plan it ill tell yall more tomorrow. Thanks for advice on writing a book. I am serious. Id love to make my life a lesson or motiivation or inspiration to others. To prove that u,dont have to live with or live up to labels!
Christi Taylor tonight with Mission Possible. Such an oldie but goodie.

Michelle, I hope that you will some day get a place at the beach. For me it's a dream that literally came true. We mostly have two of everything when it comes to workout equipment. It's there when we need it and not have to pack all that stuff again and again. Yep, I'm spoiled. Great job on LIC. Congrats on the last day of week 3. That's awesome! Get a fan ready for Ripken and a spray bottle to cool him down on hot days.

ReneeP, Great job on AB today and jogging 2.5 miles. Very cool.

Take care ladies,

Love lic Michelle! So much fun music is happy.

Jane, i have two christy dvd and it seems complex, i mean maybe im not used to heer cuing but it looks like fun but i got frustrated lol. I need to try again sometime.

Today is cbs burnsets when i go home.
I have been getting some better sleep latly too!,i have been putting in heavy duty earplugs and eye patch that is pitch black!, yah! Lol
And on the seventh day, we rest. So that is today: a rest day. I was thinking of swinging right into the last week of the March rotation, but I find I really do need the rest day. Starting to look like spring--things are very slowly starting to show signs of blooming. Our yard service folks stopped by yesterday and did some spring lawn maintenance (crabgrass/weed control, fertilizer, lime) which is good. Means I can go straight to garden work this weekend and maybe get some mulch down too. Ordered a new dell all-in-one desktop for home last Friday and it arrived yesterday. So moving to a new computer just got added to my weekend.

Janie: two of everything--that is great. The spray bottle is a great idea for Ripken and my walks. Or I could talk a bottle of cold ice water and a small towel to wet and put on his head to cool him down. He loves that. The fan will have to be waiting in the house.

ReneeP: a good night's sleep is so important. My DH has sleeping issues and it just leaves him tired all the time. I'm glad you are making some headway in that department. One thing at a time...

Yoga Max prem. 1. Even being only 32 min. long, I sweated. Love this yoga.

ReneeP, I love Christi Taylor, but then that's me. She's not for everyone. Great job on cbs burnsets if you did it when you got home. lOL Good to hear on sleeping better. Yea!

Michelle, Enjoy your rest day, you need and deserve it. Spring is almost here as well, same signs and warmer. OOOOOo that's nice. Enjoy your new dell all-in-one desktop and gardening this weekend.

Take care ladies, and have a good weekend,

Cardio leg blast today!
Janie i like yoga relax i want to stay on the floor after its done and let music keep playing while i lay there and take a short nap.. Lol
Rest day yesterday. Today Joey and I are going up N. to visit one of our daughter's for Easter. It's a long way so decided to also spend the night.

ReneeP, Great job on Cardio Leg Blast. I like staying on the floor a little bit after yoga relax too. LOL:)

Take care and have a wonderful Easter,

Happy Easter my wonderful workout friends--may all the blessings of this holy time be with each of you. And may the good Lord watch over me as I try to set up my new computer. With any luck things will go without a hitch. Right now, I have two computers on my desk until I get everything moved over to the new system. Then I will unhook the old and recycle it. My new dell is an all in one. Just one plug! And it has Windows for the operating system so this old dog is going to have to learn some new tricks, but Ripken is sure that his mommy is up to it. I've missed a few days so let me catch up on my workouts: Friday was slide and glide; Saturday was LIS Upper body trisets; today was low impact step and STS abs weights and plates.

ReneeP: I am with you, I love yoga relax too.

Janie: enjoy your trip to visit your family. We will be here when you get back.

Happy Easter! Enjoyed this family so very much. Ate stuff I'm not use to and got a little sick. Oh boy! I know better too. Will workout Tues. since we will celebrate my birthday tomorrow with a nutritious meal at our favorite restaurant. Yeah right.:eek: Then the work begins to get in shape for a free HI trip from our children. It's for Joey's 75th birthday celebration July 2nd for a week in Maui. Whoo Hoo! Can't wait for that one. My goal is to finely weigh 125 pounds and most likely be reached before July 2nd. I know I can, I know I can...

Michelle, The lord is watching over you, always. LOL You are too cute.:D Great job on Slide and Glide on Fri. Saturday's LIS Upper Body Trisets and today's LIS and STS abs weitghts and plates. Happy Easter to you as well!

Take care ladies,

Michelle good job on ur workouts! I think u will do fine on the computer lol....thats funny.

Janie happy birthday! Im so glad u got to be with famoly! That is wonderful and gives warm fuzzies! I miss family gatherings so much!

I did 3 mile jog 1 mile walk then i did HS later afyer dinner. Before that i enjoyed laying on my patio on a blanket reading a book. It was 70 degrees and breezy! So nice to feel a nice warm breez and my big Duke laid with me. Lol everytime i lay on a blanket outside he has to lay with me and he makes sure his body is touching me... If i scoot over so does he. lol so cute.

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