Looks like Janie and Michelle are keeping this check-in going.
Last week was long and awful. Sunday, the 13th, my youngest cat Peppy ran out the door and into the woods. I was taking the trash out, so, he escaped. I tried to get him back inside but managed the scare him off. And he was gone 6 long days. I was very depressed and upset. Tuesday I saw him in the backyard, I went to get him, but off he ran into the woods again. UGH. I was relieved to know he was still in the neighborhood, not dead or catnapped. I had to go to a music teachers conference in Norfolk on Thursday-Saturday. Still no return. My Mom was on cat duty. The other 4 still had needs, namely food and water. While away, I had a humane cat trap set. Caught my neighbors cat, but not Peppy. Saturday morning he shows up on my front porch with his family. (The family of ferals that I take care of.) While being fed, my Mom snatched him and got him back inside the house where he belongs. It was great to come home! Exercised very little last week. Mentally and physically drained. Haven't slept well in a week and am still experiencing difficulties in that respect. I am so HAPPY my Peppy boy is back. Pure and absolute JOY!
My other cat, Reeses, had to go to the vet today because of a urinary tract infection. He is currently on antibiotics. I think last week was a little stressful for him too. Its been 2 years since his last flare-up. Hopefully no other cat will have issues. This is making me crazy.
I did manage LowMax yesterday. (Sunday) Today has been a very busy day. Went to the vets, got an oil change, went to see my orthopaedic surgeon and won't have to go back ever again. I'm good to go! Wear my brace for another 6 months while exercising, take special care on pivoting moves. If it doesn't feel right, then don't do it. All what I expected to hear. Then, at school, we have parent/teacher conferences from 12 noon to 7 this evening. Nobody ever comes to the music teacher. (hooray) So, I've gotten a few things I need to do and am now killing time. Doubtful I'll exercise when I get home. I need to get some good sleep. I was up until 1 in the morning, wishing for sleep and then up at 6. Five fitful hours are better then none.
Tomorrow is a professional development day. Then we have the rest of the week off. Planning on doing something from the new series tomorrow. Don't know what yet, but I'll give "it" a whirl.