Getting Our Licks In!

Brodie was feeling better (thankfully it seems to be a 24 hour bug) so we made it to the hot springs yesterday and had a blast, Lucas wasn't so sure about walking outside in swimsuits while it was cold but figured it out once he got in the pool :) Once home I did Plyo Hiit 1 but had to skip the abs because I bruised my tailbone when sledding (we hit a rock and broke the sled!) and certain moves kill my tailbone right now. I then followed up with a premix of the LIHI Back, Biceps Shoulders. Tonight I'll do Circuit Lower Body. I'm happy to say there was no weight gain through Christmas, I'm sure my 1 day of very little food had something to do with that :)

Janie - I'm really enjoying doing the weights workouts too, I have a tendency to not do weights as much as I should so this is good for me. The crazy part is I actually like weights! The premixes are great to meet whatever time restrictions I have, love that Cathe gives so many options.

I've been sticking to the Getting Started rotation. Took Xmas Day & Friday as rest days. Saturday started my 3rd week w/the rotation. Can't believe it. It goes by so fast. Saturday was LIHI: Legs. I really like this one. Sunday did LI HIIT #2 + Bonus Abs #2. Tonight I'll be doing LIHI: Back/Biceps/Shoulders. I'll most likely have major DOMS tomorrow.

Michelle: I'm sorry to hear that your DH is not on the same page as you re showing the new pup. I'm sure he'll come around though once you have a discussion w/him. Its most likely the expense more than the time that has him hesitant. Great job on your workouts even on Xmas Day.

Janie Sis: Glad to hear that you enjoyed your Xmas with the kids. Glad your enjoying the RWH workouts & that you failed the toilet seat test!! LOL It must feel good to do strength training again. Are you finding that your appetite has increased? Mine has.

Cindy: Glad you had a blast of a Xmas w/friends & family but sorry to hear that the kids are sick. :( Can't believe you put all the Xmas decorations away already. I'll be doing it this weekend. Glad you got some snow too. You & your poor mother down with a stomach bug. Hope everyone will feel better soon. My DS came down with a bad cold & an ear infection. Were you able to get the sewer pump fixed? And such a big expense right at the holidays too. You certainly have a lot going on. Have things calmed down now?

Take care everyone,
Rest day is scheduled today. Nice!

Kathy Sis, Great for your 3rd week with the rotation. Great job on LIHI: Legs and Sunday for LIHIIT 2 and Bonus abs 2. I am finding my appetite has increased. But for good things.

Cindy, Yea, glad Brodie is feeling better. So glad you went to the hot springs and had fun. Great job on Plyo Hiit 1. Glad you decided not to do the abs and listened to your body. Broke the sled? Wow! Do be careful. Also for doing LIHI Back, Biceps Shoulders. Congrats for not gaining weight during Christmas. I like doing weights as well, but do lots of cardio, because it helps with my weight. Yes, I think too Cathe has spoiled us on all the premixes. So convenient.

Take care everyone,

Another cold snap has hit us, it sure keeps my steps lower during the day because I don't want to go outside! I did Circuit Lower Body last night and it felt great, I love the cardio/weights mix. Tonight is Low Impact Hiit 1 and I'll do some cleaning. We've invited some friends over for New Year's to have a laid back night so I'll take New Year's off and hiit it again on the 1st.

I get another 4 day weekend and with Dave, he usually works himself too much but things are slow with everyone taking extended vacations so he's letting himself take another 4 day weekend. I'm proud of him but then he said he's stressing about the store being slow, it's never easy when you own your own business. I plan to do more paint and cleanup work in the basement and a friend of mine from middle school is going to be in town so I'm really looking forward to catching up with her.

The tailbone is feeling better, it didn't wake me last night from lying on my back so that's improvement!

Janie - I have to keep the cardio going also and love when I can mix the two together so I get the calorie burn. I've been doing well with my food intake but will really focus on cleaning up my eating once the 1st hits.

Kathy - Sorry you had illness at your house also is he feeling better? It is almost a given someone will be sick at Christmas in my family. We haven't heard back from the Plumber yet, hopefully today, but fingers crossed they can get it replaced this week. Things are quieting down so that's a relief, the Holiday's are just so crazy!

Cindy: You & I keep posting at the same time. Its always difficult to get plumbers out to the house around the holidays not to mention the extra cost. At least they always charge us double here in NY. Glad that your tailbone is feeling better. Do be careful w/that sled next time. Enjoy your time w/your middle school friend as well as your New Year's Eve party. I didn't know that Dave owned his own store. What type of store is it? Maybe there's something I can purchase? Does Dave ship to different states? Didn't you find the Circuit LB workout almost a puke-in-a-bucket? I have such a dread factor when I see it on the calendar. My DS is coming around but still not 100%. My DH is feeling awful w/his sinuses. I just hope both of them will be okay for the New Year.

Janie Sis: I have a scheduled rest day today too! I sure do need it. I like the fact that Cathe works us hard for 2 days & then we have a rest day. I'm liking this as I'm so used to working out 6 days in a row. What are you & Joey doing for the New Year?

Take care everyone,
I did RWH Low Impact #1 last night and it felt good. Baked some corn bread and peanut butter banana cookies for tonight and I'll be leaving work early to do a little bit of clean up and set up before people show up. Should be a good night to see 2015 arrive. Today is my off day and tomorrow I'll get back to it. We're supposed to be above 0 for the next few days so that will be nice, -7 this morning felt warm compared to yesterday's -17!

Kathy - I hope your family is 100% soon, it feels like the illness is never ending sometimes. I've had a raspy throat/voice for a few days and my fingers are crossed it doesn't turn into anything icky. Dave owns a computer store where he sells new and used computers and also does repair on computers. He's an amazing business man and I'm really proud of how successful he's been, not to get him to see that and relax when things get a little slow. Circuit LB does make me feel like puking, it went a little better last time but it's kicks my booty!

Happy New Year's! I'm looking forward to having a very healthy 2015 :)

It was a rest day for me last night. Today the rotation calls for Plyo HIIT 1 + Bonus Abs 1. I'll make sure its a good one. :) I'll be the only one tonight eating some snacks w/a few Bellini's.

Cindy: I like both of the LI workouts. Good job! And those cookies sound DELISH! Too bad you can't push them through the computer screen for me. And the cornbread too please. LOL Enjoy your party w/your friends. My DH (Andy) will probably be asleep by 8 pm & my DS (Craig) will mostly ring in the New Year w/his friends even though he's sick.

Happy New Year everyone! Let's make the new year a prosperous & healthy one.

Yesterday was Plyo HIIT one and Bonus Abs Two. Cathe is insane! Had to modify everything! LOL Happy New Year! Will be staying up and celebrating here at home where it's safe and warm. How cool is this?!? Love a new year, starting out fresh with my food intake and exercises. YaHoo!

Kathy Sis, Good job taking rest periods and doing Plyo HiiT 1 and Bonus Abs. Don't you think Cathe in insane in this one? Whew! LOL!

Cindy, Great job on RWH Low Impact 1. Enjoy your rest day and evening with friends.

Cindy, Great job on Circuit Lower Body. I love the circuit workouts as well. Doing cardio and strength training is good for me. Glad Dave is taking some time off. Everyone needs it even though it might be good for him. LOL! Enjoy your friend who is going to be in town, your days off, and just celebrating a new year with friends and family. So glad your tailbone is feeling better.

Michelle, How you doing? Missing you.

Take care everyone,

Sorry I have been MIA. Tuesday was Yoga Max, yesterday was HardStrikes, and today was RWH LIHI back, shoulders, and biceps. I need to decide which RWH rotation I am going to do this month. Sister is doing the one with STS.

Cindy: hope everyone is recovered at your house. At least you got Christmas put away. And I'm glad to read that your ILs came for a little visit. I'm going to take down my outside decorations today. I didn't put much up so it won't take long. I was peeved with my DH about our visit with the breeder last week, but we've been together for 30+ years and I know that he will come around. It's really not an issue of expense with him but getting used to the whole idea of me getting into conformation. And once he does, he will be my biggest supporter.

Anyway get this: the breeder actually called back this past Monday morning and offered us a puppy. So now ya'll are going to think I'm nuts, but after much conversation and thought, we declined. Not because the puppies aren't beautiful; they are. Their pedigree is extremely strong, but I don't have a warm fuzzy with the breeder. She is older and can be friendly and informative and then turn abrupt and dismissive. It could be partly that she is 81 years old but I think this is her personality and from my perspective, it's confusing. Nearly all the breeders I've spoken with up to this point are very friendly and informative. This whole recent experience was very different. So, we are still waiting for a Golden Dome puppy. My friend Kim who breeds labrador retrievers told me that I have officially turned into a dog snob which she says is not a bad thing. She also says that it is good to stick to my instincts and, although hard, be patient and wait for a performance puppy from a breeder with whom I am comfortable. So ya'll are going to have to put up with my whining and pining for a few more months. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.

Janie: I have been following your posts on FB. I'm finding your new jewelry endeavor interesting. You are so creative. Failing the toilet test is a good thing unless you really have to go, then it could be a problem--LOL! And the DOMs associated with RWH, they just keep coming. Also a good thing.

I hope everyone is safe and warm today. Hope we hear from Kathy soon.
Happy New Year--2015 looks like the year to get ripped. Ripken would love it.
Well, today was a big celebration and we did eat a lot, but healthy. Tomorrow will continue with Cathe's rotation. I can't wait!

Michelle, Great job on Tues. Yoga Max, yesterday's HardStrikes and today's RWH LIHI back, shoulders and biceps. YOU DECLINED A PUPPY???? Yeah, your right, gut feelings are really important. We all need to take heed when we get them. Besides love hearing all about what is happening in your life. I just want for you to be happy. You are right though, about older ladies. Some can be not what you expect. Then there are these wonderful older women who you just think are so sweet and caring... When I volunteered to help out with the elderly (before I became one) I made a point to really win over ones that were not so kind. It was a challenge and one well worth it. Just a memory you conjured up. LOL!

Take care and enjoy the process of getting your beloved-ed fur baby,

I've been keeping up w/my workouts. New Year's Eve was Plyo HIIT 1 + Bonus Abs 1. Does this workout get any easier? I think not. Yes Janie I truly think Cathe lost her mind. I did manage to keep up w/everything even though it wasn't at the same pace as Cathe & crew. I'm not that crazy! LOL And still cannot do a one-arm burpee & I don't care. New Year's Day was LIHI: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps. Today I have major DOMS in the front of my shoulders. I matched Cathe's weight on shoulders but not on chest. I think next time I'll use my bb at 50#s instead of the dbs.

Michelle: You have to go w/your instincts & if the breeder's personality fluctuates I don't believe that's a good thing. You'll be getting your Golden in no time & w/the right breeder. And I'm sure DH will come around & he'll be supportive. Have you decided yet on which rotation you'll be doing?

Janie: I really like the Low Impact HIIT ones. Much more doable for me & I don't feel wiped out afterwards. You did great w/Plyo HIIT 1. The second ab workout is tough isn't it? Especially if you come off of all that plyo work before.

I'll be putting away all the Xmas decorations over the weekend. DH (Andy) is very sick. Craig is finally coming around to feeling better. Guess I'll be on my own this weekend w/chores. :(

Waves to Cindy & Renee!
I don't know why but I wasn't able to see all of Kathy's posts yesterday. Weird. Today--boom, there they are. Ah, the joys of cyberspace....

Today I did the timesaver premix on Party Rocking Step that mixes PRS 1 and 2 combos--a good 30 minute, fast-past, step workout. It is supposed to rain here all weekend, so I took down my outside Christmas decorations today (not that much) and packed them away for another year. Tomorrow, I will tackle (literally) taking down the tree.

Kathy: so now that I can read your posts, you have not been missing but I sure have. Wow--between you and Cindy, ya'lls families' have had the corner on the sickface-market. Hope you do not get whatever the men in your family have been passing to each other. Ick. I have not picked a rotation but maybe I will go with the "getting started" rotation that you are doing. Cathe is giving us way to many options on rotations. And don't worry, my DH will come around on showing our next golden. First, we have to get a puppy. So, one step at a time.

Janie: which RWH rotation are you doing? Boy, we are all going to be super fit and super sore people with these new workouts. The glass pieces that you posted on FB almost looked like seashells. What did you use to frame the pieces of glass? You know I don't mind people of different ages and I was really hoping that I could spend some time talking with the breeder in Winchester because seniors are such a wonderful source of knowledge, but I had to go with my gut feeling in the end. It really won't be that long before we have a new puppy. Time seems to go by so fast as we get older...even when you are waiting for something wonderful.

Cindy: BRRR--you are getting that super cold weather. Ick. But I always figure that folks who live in Montana are "used" to the cold, but maybe not severe cold. Please refresh my memory, which RWH rotation are you doing?

Hope everyone had a great New Years and enjoys their weekend.
Don't want to start on an odd day for the Getting started rotation, so will be doing yoga until Mon. then will start it up again. Looking forward to it.

Michelle, Great jobon the timesaver premix Party Rocking Step; PRS 1 & 2 combos. Time truly goes by so unbelievably fast. I can't wait for you to have your puppy. Glad you are listening to your gut feeling.

Kathy Sis, Great job on New Year's Eve Plyo HIIT 1 + Bonus Abs 1. I don't think the workout get any easier. LOL! OMG! Can't believe the one arm brupees. I did one, I think? Also on New Year Day, LIHI: chest, shoulders and triceps. Yep I suspected you would have DOM's. Congratulations! Hope everyone get to feeling better soon.

Take care,

Started the RWH Getting Started rotation today: LIHI Legs. Second time I've done this workout and big surprise, I'm really starting to like it but then I usually do like Cathe's leg workouts. Didn't hit the pause button once. I view that as progress. Going to running some errands here shortly. First, I have to help DH with a few little outside chores, in between the rain drops. I'll try to get back later.

Art work/craft today. Please share some prayers to one of my dear friends in UFO group. Ladonna is on a ventilator for the 3rd day today. She has a kidney infection. We all are very worried why she isn't responding sooner to the medications she's getting. I don't know why are group is experiencing these sickness, the 2nd person in a matter of a week to come down with something very serious. The person (Jina) who got a clot in her lungs is slowly recovering at home and has oxygen with her at all times.

Michelle, Great job on Getting Started Rotation (will start it tomorrow again for me) LIHI Legs. Ouch, I've done that one and remember the DOM's. LOL! Congrats for not hitting the pause button. You are so progressing. I modify...

Take care,

Second day of the getting started rotation: today was RWH Low Impact Cardio 1 plus bonus abs 2. Although there were a couple of times that I was tempted to hit that pause button, I did not. I'm doing better keeping up with Cathe and crew but it sure gets more challenging to do so toward the end of the workout. Got the Christmas tree bundled up and packed away this morning--that was my warm-up before my Cathe workout. Just have a few odds and ends from Christmas left to put away. Back to work tomorrow and then I'm off again Wed-Fri--five days of dog shows coming up in Fredericksburg. It's like a second Christmas spread over 5 days. I've been looking forward to this 5 day of shows for a while; I'm psyched.

Janie: I will keep your ill friends in my prayers. Sure hope they recover as quickly as possible. This is the part of getting older that isn't much fun. I hope that you and Joey are taking good care of yourselves and each other. As we get older, we realize how much good health is a real blessing. I'll think of you tomorrow morning when I'm doing my next RWH workout. I have a LIHI workout tomorrow and you'll be making your legs and heart happy.

Waves to Kathy and Cindy. Hope you and your families are doing well,
Saturday I decided to try out Sagi's Body Beast Tempo dvd which was chest & tris. Picture yourself doing Slow & Heavy but much harder. Sagi does a 6-6 count for the 1st set, 6 down 3 up for the 2nd set & a 3-3 count for the 3rd set. You also do a pyramid style. I was crying at the end. No joke! LOL My muscles were shaking like crazy. Today was RWH LI 1 + Bonus Abs 1. Tomorrow will be LIHI Legs All Strength premix.

Michelle: Glad your doing the Getting Started rotation. You certainly have a lot of time off. Wish I did. I too helped DH take down all the Xmas decorations. He's doing a little bit better but DS is still with his infection. He only has 3 more days of the antibiotic & I think he'll need a stronger antibiotic. His ear infection is better thank goodness.

Janie Sis: I'll keep your 2 friends in my prayers. I'll need to check out all the jewelry that you've been making on FB. I'm sure the pieces are beautiful. I happen to really enjoy doing LIHI Legs. Its such a nice change with all the contrast training. I feel it much more.

We're in for a real cold snap here in NY. By Wed. it will be only 8 degrees. I'm sure that's still warm to Cindy.

Waves to Cindy!
Looking at old photos and came up with this one. I was in my 20's something and hosting a New Year party. YOUTH!

Kathy Sis, Great job on Sat. Sagi's Body Beast Tempo, chest & Tris. Sounds intense. I would be crying at the end also. LOL! Whew! Also for todays RWHL LI 1 + bonus abs 1. Keep yourself safe from those low temps.

Michelle, Great job on RWH Low Impact Cardio 1 + bonus abs 2. Good job not pushing the pause button. You are doing so well. Enjoy the dog shows. Sounds like you will enjoy it.

Take care everyone,

Janie Sis: WOW your beautiful! I know what you mean by YOUTH. Sometimes I look in the mirror & say Who the heck is that? LOL Your still very beautiful inside & out.

Tonight I'll be doing RWH Legs going to try out the All Strength premix. Sagi doesn't have on the Tempo dvd legs or shoulders so I'm substituting.

Both DS & DH are finally feeling better. I just hope I stay healthy.

Did everyone check out Cathe's new 2015 Jan. rotation? Its too intense for me. Michelle will you be doing this one later?

Michelle: Hope you enjoyed the dog shows.

Take care everyone,
I started off with 30/30 tonight. Really felt I needed a familiar workout.

Kathy Sis, I look in the mirror and say the same thing, sigh... Sometimes it seems like a dirty trick has been played on us, but then, this is life as we know it, so I have to deal with it. I am most of the time. LOL! Yea! I'm so glad the family is feeling better. Try Cinnamon powder/cinnamon oil(hot) mixed in honey. Take the powder form a teaspoon 3 x a day if you take the oil, take a very tiny amount about 3 x a day as well. It works for me so least I'm crediting it. Jan. rotation looks intense to me too. I'm getting to be a pansy! I just am so afraid of injuring myself, so hard to bounce back when you are aging.

Take care,


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