The Christmas party was a lot of fun, I sort of knew one woman but I'm pretty social so I didn't have a problem chatting with everyone. They are a great group of people and the food was delicious and healthy (at least what was gluten free) except for the flourless chocolate tart

I did RWH Circuit Upper body and toward the end I felt like puking, good grief it's a good workout! More intense than I thought it would be at first and I really enjoyed it. It was 9:30 by the time I was done with exercising so I wrapped the last of my Christmas gifts and went to bed. Tonight I'm doing LWH Low Impact 2 and will get back down to the basement to do more prep work in Lily's room!
Food has been really good for me, I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my food and I like that they keep the sugars, carbs, fats, etc in green when you're in range and red when you're over. I'm working on staying within my sugar goal each day and then will tackle the fats, I wish nuts weren't so fatty
I'll have to try out the bike a bit (once it's out of the box) before buying her spinmax DVD, the one thing I've always hated is my butt being sore after riding one so we'll have to get a cushy seat.
Janie - It is so hard to get exercise in this time of year, too much to do! I'm waiting for overload to hit me but am exercising until that happens! I'd love a visit from you
Michelle - 2 weeks off will be so nice! At least you'll have plenty of time to get your licks in

My dad gets shingles and really suffers, I don't know if he ever got the shingles vaccine or if it was too much and not covered by his insurance but it's worth looking into for him if he's old enough. Awesome that he's losing weight and I hope he keeps it up, it can be hard to motivate these men.
Kathy - Dave is very non-confrontational with his family and never says anything to them, I can understand it at times but it doesn't help the situation. I know I tend to not bring things up worrying it will hurt my mom so I just try to get over them, doesn't always work

The speed and the weights are beyond my level, maybe I'll get there eventually!