Getting Our Licks In!

This morning I did the tricep and bicep work from the Cross Train Express Upper Body Split and then I added on Ab Hits Workout 2. Not a long workout but good for a Monday morning when my body was less than enthused with getting up and greeting a new work week. My body is feeling old and tired of late. I'm hoping I snap out of this feeling soon.

Cindy: well you had a very busy Thanksgiving holiday. Never underestimate the amount of calories burned when dealing with snow. Congratulations to Lily on losing her first tooth--very exciting. Sounds like you are going for a short but intense cardio--another good option is the step only premix from Intensity. Crossfire has some good shorter premixes as well.

Sunday was Rapid Fire #4 Sweat the kickboxing & abs premix. Love this workout! Tonight will be Flex Train as I haven't done this one in quite a while.

Janie Sis: That was a great 2 hr. walk you & Rolly had. I didn't check out the pics on FB but can just imagine all the devastation. Takes me back to Sandy. My heart goes out to all those people. That was a nice bike ride you took to visit your friend.

Michelle: Wow that was some workout you did. I did that one quite a while ago & I must've had rocks in my head. I too was huffing & puffing through that one. I wish that Beachbody would allow us to purchase just certain workouts but unfortunately you have no choice but to buy the entire system. Out of the entire PiYo set I would've only bought Drench, Core & Sculpt.

Cindy: I'm visualizing you pushing the van up the hill. OMG that was some workout. Glad everyone enjoyed their Thxgiving even though it was gluten free. :) Sounds like you had great fun making snowmen & pulling the sled. I too did some decorating. DH put up the Xmas tree & did mostly all the decorations. I merely put some of the decorations on the tree. Pedicures are always relaxing; glad you had a good time w/Lily. I too will be seeing turkey leftovers for quite a while. DS & DH ask "What's for lunch? and What's for dinner?" You guessed it Turkey!! LOL I hope it didn't hurt too much re Lily losing her 1st tooth?

We'll have to wait a bit longer for our dvds. I saw the update & the replicator didn't finish in time. :(

Take care everyone,
I did 30/30. I love this workout! Sunny gorgeous day today and very cold. Brrrrrrrrrr!

Michelle, Great job on tricep and bicep from CTE Upper Body Split and added Ab Hits2.

Cindy, Great job staying active. Pushing a car uphill! Making snowmen and running while pulling the kids on the sled. Wow! I bet the kids loved being pulled on their sleds behind the truck. Sounds like a lot of fun to me. You are right, that is for sure staying active! With the right recipe, gluten free is perfect and undetected by anyone. Great job too for Sat. brutal Pilates. Congrats on the DOM's. Also for walking in the museum, baking and shoveling snow (twice!) Aw, after all that, a pedicure was (I'm sure) much needed). You deserve it. Time for tooth fairy to visit.

Kathy Sis, Great job on Sun. Rapid Fire 4 Sweat the kickboxing and abs prem.

Take care everyone,

Had a great day with food yesterday and got in my Tabata 1-2 + Core workout, felt great and my abs were screaming :) Lots of busy work around the house last night, my to-do list for Christmas is long so I'm starting to chip it down. Tonight I'll do Athletic Training legs and made turkey chili so we'll see if that tastes good with leftovers :)

I used up quite a bit of my leftovers last night with this recipe, Lily went back for seconds and Dave had thirds so it was a hit. I omitted the French fried onions and half & half in the mashed potatoes with no problem.

I need to shred the turkey and freeze it for casseroles and soups at some point this week.

Janie - I have 30/30 on my docket for tomorrow, I like that one too! Stay warm, lots of tea is drank on my part this time of year :)

Kathy - I forgot how heavy a vehicle was until I was trying to push it up the hill, it was ridiculous! No big pain for Lily on the tooth, it was beyond ready at that point. Did you see the rotation for December has the new workouts starting week 3? I'm so excited!

Michelle - Great job on the tris, bis, and abs! Hopefully your body is back to feeling well, I hate when body parts start talking to me in ways they should not!

Did you ladies see the article online about the 77 year old woman that can do 215lb deadlifts? What an inspiration :)

Last night I did Flex Train & today both knees are very sore. I have no idea why. Maybe it came from the firewalker bands? I'm sure I'll be better by tomorrow. Tonight I wanted to do KCM's stepboxing workout but will decide whether my knees can handle it. Bummer!

Janie Sis: I too like 30/30. I'm not a fan of 40/20 however. Did you start your Xmas shopping yet?

Cindy: I see you like that combo too Tabatas 1-2 + core. I'll check out that recipe you made. Its always difficult to know what to do w/all the leftover turkey. I always wind up by putting it into soup or sandwiches. Thx for the link. That's a good idea to freeze the rest of the turkey for later. Thx for that tip too. :) I did notice that too re RWH being in the new rotation. Getting excited too.

I'll have to check out that 77 yo woman. There's no way I would want to lift up that much weight. More power to her.

Take care everyone,
Yoga Relax this morning. I'm going to try to do yoga once a week (again)--my body was not feeling very yoga-like this morning but I sure felt better this morning after completing the practice.

Everyone is HIITing it this week--I guess that's another phrase for getting our licks in. A 77 yo woman deadlifting over 200 pounds. WOW!
I did Athletic Training Lower Body Express last night and pushed myself since I knew it was short, felt great with the bands. I then started taping Lily's room downstairs so I can paint it, we have the paint and I need to just start working on it! Dave did not do as good of a job cleaning up the drywall dust as he said so I'll be wiping down walls tonight and possibly tomorrow also. If I can get started on painting this weekend I'll be happy. At least it's some extra exercise to add onto my regular workouts. Tonight will be Hiit 30/30.
I added turkey to our chili last night and it was really good, I was pleasantly surprised!
Michelle - I need to get back into doing yoga regularly also. I love the HIITing it phrase!
Kathy - I hope your knees are cooperating for some kickboxing tonight :) I am a junkie for shredding roasted chicken or turkey and keeping it in the freezer, it's such a quick option to throw into crock pot dishes (or soups) when I'm short on time.
Last night was KCM's stepboxing workout #2. My left knee was bothering me the whole time. Not sure why either. The right knee is fine after I gave it a rest Tues. night. Tonight will be KCM's Muscle Up Lift 2 Be Fit one of the premixes. I might just stick w/upper body exercises on this one. Maybe its the lunges that are giving me a problem?

Michelle: I don't know how you can stand to do Yoga Relax. The poses are held way too long for my taste. Kudos to you.

Cindy: The prep alone before painting is quite a workout. I do all the painting in my house as poor DH isn't very good at it. Painting besides 30/30? Your the amazon in our group. :) What color did you choose for Lily's walls? Your one busy woman w/all you have to do it simply amazes me. I used to be just like you when I was your age. :)

Waves to Janie Sis!
Been keeping up with my yoga and cardio, but I have to say I'm soooooooooo busy. But tonight is all done. Now the people in the gallery will hopefully sell our stuff and we all can maybe make a little money. It's only until the 15th, but oh I'm so glad the work is over. Did have fun with the craft making though. LOL! Rest time. You know, I did answer everyone's post, but our internet connection must have disconnected me. It's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow sometimes and simply just doesn't do it's job. Dish use to me so good, and now...

Kathy Sis, Great job on KCM's stepboxing #2. Glad your knee is OK, close call...good call to keep with upper body until your knee is better.

Cindy, Great job on ATLBE. Aw, I'm glad you are planing and preparing painting and not me. LOL! That's a huge job. Yes, we use crumbled turkey all the time in place of beef. Can't tell the difference.

Michelle, Great job on Yoga Relax. Glad you feel better with yoga. I know I do.

Kathy Sis, Great job on FT and so sorry to here both knees are sore. You are smart giving a chance for your body to heal its self. Good for you. My Christmas shopping is done. YaHoo!

Take care,

Wednesday night I did Hiit 30/30, man that is a butt kicker :) I then washed the ceiling and walls down in Lily's room, took a good hour! Last night I did X10 Step then washed the ceiling and walls in Lily's closet and did some prep work to paint my old dresser for her. Tonight I'm taking off and cleaning the house then I'll do more prep work so we can start painting this weekend, the kids really want to help. She chose a dark pink and since it's in the basement we're just doing 1 wall dark and then the other 3 will be a light pink. Very girly! Saturday I have Pilates and Sunday I'll do Turbobarre. Lots on my to-do list this weekend so it will be busy.

Janie - Painting is not fun but the results are worth it! I hope you sell lots of stuff and hopefully you can kick back and relax a little bit :)

Kathy - My knees will act up a bit here and there and I know lunges don't help, take it easy! I'm very anal retentive with painting so to avoid arguments I do all the painting. The scary part is after Lily's room I then have a large family room and stairwell to do, that part scares me!

Well, it has been a few days and I couldn't remember what workout I had done on Wednesday (it's been that long since I've posted), but after reading through everyone's post, I remembered I did Supercuts on Wednesday, early work day on Thursday so no workout, Step Moves yesterday, and Pure Strength back, biceps, and abs this morning. Helped out with the Golden Retriever Rescue adoption day at the Petco in Dale City. Only took a couple of hours and it felt good to help. We only had 3 dogs with their foster parents today but no dog is actually adopted right on the spot. Any family interested in adopting a golden must complete an application and then have a home visit to make sure the family is suitable to adopt a golden. One already approved-to-adopt couple came in and indicated they were ready to adopt one of the dogs at the Petco today. All the dogs up for adoption are on the GRREAT website ( There were at least two other families very interested in adopting and were in the application and approval-to-adopt process.

Cindy: when you are done with Lily's room, please come to my house to paint--LOL!

Kathy: Just goes to show there's a yoga workout that appeals to just about everyone or not. I like holding the poses longer; I feel like I have more time to do the poses correctly. Great job on Flex Train--another fun workout.

Janie: I know what you mean about being busy. Seems like December just gets packed with activities.

Ripped with HIIT alert: got my email from Chris yesterday indicating my order had been shipped. Anyone else get an email? I'm guessing the package will get to me on Monday or Tuesday.
Walked the beach and stopped to see some friends at wash a way beach. They may have about a yard left before the erosion is up to there foundation. Yikes. Took some really neat photos of them. They are such a loving couple and take everything in stride. I don't know how they do it. Also did a 20 min. on my mountain climber machine. It was a cardio day. Yesterday was my rest day. I swapped days. LOL

Michelle, Great job on Supercuts on Wed, Step Moves the next day and Pure Strength back, biceps and abs today. Love it when people help out with animal adoptions. I'm sure it is very rewarding. Yea! It won't be long now for our new DVD's. So exciting!

Cindy, Great job on Hiit 30/30, yep it is a challenge for sure. LOL! And worked on Lily's room. And for last nights X10 Step and more prep for painting. Have a wonderful weekend. It looks like a lot of fun and very busy.

Take care,

Had a very busy weekend. Friday night went to our friend's house where my DH had a jam session. They were rockin it!! Saturday night went to see the play A Gentlemen's Guide to Love & Murder. Its a musical comedy. Great ending & wonderful singing. This was in celebration of DS's birthday which is actually the 10th. Weather was horrendous & we weren't able to take DS out to dinner. Sunday our neighbor's hosted their annual Xmas Open Pit Party. Wow was it cold! She hired a Klondike horse & carriage to take the kids around the block. She's unbelivable. Great food & drinks. I'm one tired puppy.

As for workouts I did Saturday 4DS (chest/shoulders/tris) premix & on Sunday I did LI Series (lower body premix). My legs have some serious DOMS today. Tonight will be cardio a kickboxing workout but not sure which one to do.

Cathe has already mailed out 85% of the dvds. Hopefully I'll receive mine today. Tuesday the latest. Can't wait. Did all of you check out the different rotations yet? They all look so good. I plan on starting the rotation on Saturday. Do you think all of you will receive yours by then?

Janie Sis: I hope you sell a ton of stuff at the Gallery. Glad your xmas shopping is over with. I'll be praying for your friend's house.

Michelle: Great workouts as usual. That was a lovely thing you did working at the adoption center. Petco is great for ensuring that their animals go to good homes.

Cindy: Good grief is all I can say re your prep job before painting. You must be exhausted w/all that painting. Did you get most of Lily's room finished? Hope you enjoyed the weekend after all that.

Take care,
Had a busy weekend and of course didn't get all that I wanted done. Friday I cleaned the house and worked on laundry. Saturday I did Pilates then took the kids painting and shopping for Dave's Christmas presents. Once home I taped more in Lily's room, cleaned up the dresser I'm going to paint, cleaned the basement bathroom, filled out Christmas cards, and made chocolate covered cherries and peanut butter balls. Sunday we saw Santa, ran lots of errands (wound up picking up an additional kid from the tree of giving to buy clothes and toys for because there were still so many left), went to the day care Christmas party, made muffins, and mixed together dough for cookies. I also sat down and played with the kids, Lily had asked and I decided it was OK to get behind on stuff and not exercise so I could sit with them - totally worth it. Tonight I'm doing P90X3 Warrior and will put the first coat of paint on the dark wall. Lily also has her Christmas program at school tonight so that will be fun :)

Kathy - I wish I had been able to get on the painting, the days got way too late on me too quickly! Sounds like your weekend was a lot of fun, wish I had a neighbor up for getting a horse and carriage ;)

Janie - It sounds like your friends are amazing people, that would be such a hard situation to accept and deal with. Great job on the cardio!

Michelle - How nice to get to spend time with the golden's and see some happy families and dogs!

I haven't received an e-mail on my DVD's being shipped, I'm guessing they didn't have time to get everyone. Fingers crossed I see it in the next couple days. Where are the different Ripped with Hiit rotations at? I can't find anything other than the December rotation.

Today I got my trike out and road it for an hour around the neighbor hood. Then did some yoga.

Cindy, Great job on cleaning the house and doing laundry. And for Sat. Pilates and shopping. And more prep for painting and cleanmax. LOL And all the other busy Christmas stuff we do. And a well deserved rest day. Wow!

Kathy Sis, Cool about the jam session. Wish I could have been there. And for seeing the Musical comedy. Sounds like a great one and funny. LOL Tell your honey, Happy Birthday. WOW! A Klondike hourse and carriage! How lucky for the kids! Great job on Sat. 4DS chest, shoulders and trix prem and Sun LI Lower Body prem. Congrats on the DOM's. I haven't heard anything yet from Cathe about the DVD's.

Take care,

Today was Cardio Leg Blast from XTRAIN. Got my new Cathe DVDs today. I've got Pure Strength tomorrow and then I'm just going to skip to the last two weeks of the December rotation so I can try out the new workouts.

Cindy: last two weeks of the December rotation are Ripped with HIIT workouts. And boy you had a busy weekend. Time with the kiddos always trumps doing a workout. That's just the way it is.

Kathy: I'm impressed with your neighbor's generosity: a horse and carriage ride for the children, really nice.

Janie: last trike ride? Do you leave the trike at the beach house or take it home?

Actually, I'm impressed with all of us that we are managing to get some good workouts in despite the hectic pace of the Christmas season. Hope everyone continues to get their licks in.
My DVD's were in the mail today so I threw my planned week out the window and looked at all the rotation options

I'm going to do the getting started rotation through December and then in January I'll start either the RWH/Low Impact or the 1 month. I did Lift it Hiit it Legs and I was pouring sweat and felt like jello. Doing the weight workout and then following it up with cardio on the same muscles really pushed me, I wasn't sure my legs would do what I needed at the end :)

Janie - Sounds like an awesome workout day, we've had warm days (most our snow is gone) but I'm hoping for a good cover of snow in time for Christmas.

Michelle - You have better restraint than me, I couldn't wait to jump in and throw out my P90x3 plans :) We are all doing great staying on task, the week or Christmas will be hard for me since my parents will be in town but I'll try to figure something out.

I rec'd my dvds last night & of course just like Cindy couldn't wait to try them out. I had already completed chest, shoulders, tris & legs so I decided last night to do RWH HIIT Low Impact #1 b/c it was a cardio day for me. What a fun workout this is. Cathe's so upbeat & bubbly its just like working out to her from all the old series. She of course leaves the best for last w/burpees as the final drill. Saturday I'm going to start off w/the 1st rotation just like Cindy.

Tonight will be RWH LIHI (Back/Biceps/Shoulders) + Bonus Abs #1. Looking forward to it.

Cindy: You make my head spin w/all the things you have going on. Seriously though time w/the kiddos is far more important than working out. I'll be preparing my rum balls this year & probably some Xmas cookies too. The RWH Leg workout sounds brutal. Glad you survived it.

Michelle: Can't believe your not jumping right into RWH. Have you decided which rotation you'll do? And on what day will you start?

Janie Sis: This must be the last time for the trike ride before the weather turns. Do you know approximately when you'll be receiving the dvds? And which rotation will you start with? Great job on your yoga.

Take care everyone,
Went to Shelton for my jeep, Joe had appt. and needed to fix a frozen pipe that burst there. sigh. When I got back to the Beach House, our dear friends house (over a quarter of mile away from us) went down the embankment. It's only a matter of time before the ocean will take it. Across the street from them are other friends and a lot of us (UFO members) are helping with them moving. There weren't enough boxes to do a very good job. It got late and will try again tomorrow. Should be boxes tomorrow so the effort will go a lot more smoother. It's 1:00 am and there is a high tide with lots of rain and high winds that can reach 70mph. The house may not be there tomorrow. Will see.

Kathy Sis, When Joe comes back to the beach house, he will bring my Cathe DVD's and then I can review them. Yippy! Great job on chest, shoulders and tris and legs. And good job on last nights RWH HiiT low Impact 1.

Cindy, I can't wait to get my DVD's to preview! I'll check out the Users-Guide after me posting. Don't yet know what I'll be doing until I can get them in my hot hands. LOL Joey has them and will bring them back to me at the beach house when he returns. Great job on Lift it Hiit it legs. Sounds so cool!

Michelle, Great job on Cardio Leg Blast from XTrain. We leave the trikes and bikes here at the BH.

Take care everyone,

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Last night was RWH (Back/Shoulders/Triceps) + Bonus Abs #1. This one is certainly for me almost a puke in a bucket. Especially when I got to the bicep section. That's my weakest muscle. I thought Cathe too was going to bust a gasket after viewing the look on her face. LOL Needless to say I loved it. Some new moves in there too. Today's my DS's birthday (23). I'll be celebrating w/him tonight. No workout.

Janie Sis: Your poor neighbors. I can't even imagine what their going through. I'm happy to hear that you rec'd your dvds. I'll be starting the official Getting Started w/RWH rotation on Saturday. Join me?

Take care everyone,

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