Getting Our Licks In!

I didn't tell you guys but Friday Me and my friend went to the movies and we just got there just sit down and I asked my friend who the fella was on the screen and see the movie JUST started still having the names of people up there, and out of no where a man behind me kicked my chair really hard I mean hard, and told me and my friend to shut the F up. Now I know I cant stand for anyone to talk a lot during a movie but I would NEVER act that way to anyone and I don't talk through a movie.. any way I have been having this stuff happen a couple times lately I don't know what is going on but, ill get to that in a minute, but I turned around and looked at him and said are you serious? He made a face at me and said more choice words and I told him he could be nicer that he was an ass hole.. I turned around I was very upset and startaled so I grabbed my phone and tried calling my hubby just to see if he can get his cop friend up there lol.. I know that was silly but what can I do?? then when I did that he had the nerve to kick my chair again and stand up and cuss me more about having my cell phone out and I said that was enough he needs medicated..
I got up and and ask the movie people to do something they go in there and say they cant do anything til they SEE him do stuff.. really well I was so upset I started crying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know why am I like this? I don't know but I really do not know how to respond to people like that. if I would have stayed I KNOW for sure we would be afraid to laugh, so I took a rain check ticket we left. It was horrible. Now I know I should not be upset but I am, people here it seems are so rude.. like I was backing out of a parking spot one day and this girl flys down the lot and claims I was gonna hit her that I was not looking well she was driving fast I was pulling out slowly and I was looking that is how I saw her!! I stopped and act like I was going to get out but she left fast then!! if I drive down a lot I go slow and I let people who are backing out go !! Am I wrong on that? I don't think you should be speeding up a parking lot!!
another time last week going to the best buy no cars hardly in the store lot, I get ready to park but see a car going fast and I let him go around thinking he was in a hurry I had my blinker on to park to my left well he goes around me pulls in front of me and backs into the spot I was going !! I asked him why was he being rude he said f you, ill kick your ass, well I had it so I said come on kick my ass I hope you do!! then he goes into the store.. Why I ask you am I having issues like this?? I feel like I am back in elementary school.. I feel like staying home and never coming out again I am starting to hate people.. I think this is why I feel tired right now.. I just felling sorry for myself I guess... I wonder if I pepper spray people like that will I get in trouble?
Well, I'm into week 4 of Cathe's June rotation: XTRAIN All Out Low Impact HIIT this morning. I love this workout. Good thing because the rest of the week will be a challenge--focus is mostly on legs. UGH!

Janie: Happy anniversary to you and Joey. 22 years is amazing! My DH and I will be celebrating 21 years next month, although we've been together almost 30 years. Time flies when life is good, doesn't it?

ReneeP: well, you are right: some people are just rude and it seems like the common characteristics of the folks is that they are men. I know it is upsetting, particularly the movie incident. Best thing you can do is to remove yourself from an unpleasant situation. I understand the desire to stand up for yourself, too. But you can't win a war of words with people who are rude. My approach with folks like this is to tell that they they are not very nice and walk away. I have found that those simple words can have more effect than swearing. In the big scheme of things these are really just annoyances. Not nice peole are not worth the upset. And yes, pepper spraying rude people will probably get you in trouble. Again, not worth it.

My darling darling hubby (Joey) reminded me I've been missing some of my workouts and said so endearingly to get them done. I did. What would I do without him?
Today was beginners workout Total Body Sculpting and Total Body Stretching along with using the stability ball and Cathe's ab work. Needed something simple this time around.
Will be taking a yoga DVD with me in hopes they have a DVD player and promise myself to try and do it everyday.

UDATE: To try and redo the eating I did yesterday, I jogged/fast paced 20 min. around the house. Yea!

ReneeP, I'm so sorry you are having such a hard week. People can be such jerks. I've experienced things like that too, and like Michelle says, you have to just get up and leave. Those people are not worth the trouble at all. I like what Michelle said and tell them they are not kind. It will sick with them better than the pepper spray. Hugs to you and prayers as well. Think positive and also think of the project we will do together. It will be fun.

Michelle, Great job on the last week of June rotation and doing All Out Low Impact HiiT. I love that workout as well.

Good advice you gave to our ReneeP. OOOOOO yes, life is good with my Joey too. LOL

Take care everyone,

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Awe so sweet!! Your husband is so so sweet and supportive!! Love that! Yes I can't wait to get those to you!!
It will be a fun project !
Michelle I did leave we ends up getting our money back and then they gave me free tickets! So it was good, I just hate role are getting by with being butts!! Lol ill try to stay isotope.

I did HS with burn sets tris tonight!! Felt great!!!
Got up a little earlier this morning so I could walk Ripken before official sunrise. A few degrees temperature wise makes a huge difference for my sweet pup. After getting him home, cooling Ripken down, and feeding him his oatmeal for breakfast, I did TurboBarre--lower body express. That's 53 minutes of leg shaking--okay--it's really the last few exercises where my legs start to spaz out and shake. Guess that means I'm working, working, working.;)

Janie: how did we luck out to have such wonderful husbands? Your Joey is such a sweetie. My DH packed fresh sliced peaches in my lunch today. Yum, yum.

ReneeP: Hardstrikes is a great workout--one of my favs!

Did a Christy Taylor today.
Joey's brother has now stopped eating and drinking. The Hospice nurse is saying he will pass 2 days to two weeks. In my experience with my Mom and a very dear friend, once they stop eating especially drinking it's one week the day they stop. I would imagine he will die while we are in HI. They will notify us once he is gone, so that we may say more prayers and just know that finely he is at rest and peace. Bless his heart.

ReneeP, Great job on on HS with burn sets tris. Yes, it's a really good feeling to be done with exercise.

Michelle, Great job on walking with Ripken, wow before sunrise. Also on TurboBarre-Lower Body express. Love it when legs spaz out. You know it's getting in there when that happens.
Yes, I have a very wonderful hubby and I know I'm lucky with him. Your honey sounds so cool as well. Don't you just love them when they are like that? LOL

Take care everyone,

We have settled into two of the three Hs here in the mid-Atlantic: hot and humid. Getting up a little earlier to walk Ripken does make a difference although my DH thinks it does not. But, I am the dog walker and he is not, so he doesn't have any empirical evidence on which to base his opinion. Did Cardio Core Circuit this morning--one of Cathe's hardest workouts IMHO. She is just layering them on this week.

Janie: I'm sorry to here about Joey's brother. This has been dragging out, hasn't it. No fun for anyone. I have a dear friend here at work whose 91 year old father passed away about two weeks ago from old age. Seems a preferable way to move on--vice suffering with illness. ((((HUGS)))) to you and Joey and extra prayers for Joey's brother, family, and you all. I hope this does not put a damper on your HI trip.

We have not heard from Laura in a while. Hope all is well with her in Colorado. Also thinking good thoughts for our dear Shadowpup. I imagine with all that is going on with moving, health issues, and work, that she is quite busy. Sending positive energy to everyone. Ripken sends licks and love.
My last day to workout here before HI. I did 30/30 LOL. Tomorrow last min. things to do and will spend the night at our daughters and then HI. Will bring a few yoga and cardo DVD's without step, just in case. Well, you never know. Today Joey was scheduled to see a dermatologist. They took 3 samples to see if they were cancerous. They most likely are. Will find out when we get back from HI. He'll most likely go in and get them cut out as usual.

Michelle, Glad our Ripken and you are early birds to get a chance to do your walks. Proud of you both. Great job on Cardio Core Circuit. Yep I agree one of the hardest for me as well. The reports we've had on Walt (Joe's brother) seems he is not in any pain. Let's hope not anyway. Poor Walt, I'd hate to have to hang on for so damn long. I don't think he has a choice. You die when your body is ready to go, not you in my opinion. Some people tell their loved ones it's OK to go and they do. But, I think it's because the body gave out. I'm hoping it won't put a damper on HI too.:( I gave a little poke to Laura on FB saying we missed her and need her back. I can understand Shadowpup with all the things going on in her life. They'll be back. I can feel the positive energy, thank you.

Take care,

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Rest day today. Very humid here. Ripken hair just went limp this morning the second we stepped out the door to take our walk. We were not out for long this morning--just long enough for the important stuff. My boy was so sweet last night. He was lying next to me on the floor but had his head lifted up and leaning against me so I could pet him. He was just soaking up the love and luxuriating in every second. So sweet.
Ripken is so strong and hanging on. He is a sweet dog!!

Jane I am sorry about Joeys. Brother but how is Joey handling this?

I did x train legs and I did premix standing legs and chair and ball I really love love that wo cause it gives you lots of options
I decided to do To The Max!! ouch

I did love that workout but now it is way harder then it was!! Why is that? Wow maybe I had been slacking on the hit and tabatas but they are so hard !! But ttm I was able to complete it with difficulty yes but this time I thought I was gonna die lol. During the HIIT portion I decided to do the work when timer was at 25 seconds not 30 and that helped some what I guess I need to do thus one at least once a week to get my endurance back up!!
Happiness is working at home on Fridays and having your golden retriever asleep at your feet.:) Does it get any better? Well, maybe having the day off would be better. Did Drill Max this afternoon. Gosh, that is a long and challenging workout. Absolutely wore me out.

ReneeP: TTM is hard--no doubt about it. Sometimes I think the hot and humid weather can make working out harder, even though you are inside. I think it is going to be you and me for the next week or so while Janie is on vacation in Hawaii. Maybe Laura and Shadowpup will drop in.

Drill max is another hard one!! Good job Michelle!
I was laying in the synonym porch the other day and my duke laid with me!! He will lay in the sun just to get attention lol he ended up laying his head on my belly lol I guess all labs are sweet hearts!!
I did only yoga today! I needed to do something.
Stopping in for a check in!

The past two days I did GS Chest & tri's and Back, Shoulders and Tri's. My workouts have still been inconsistent at best and I found I had to drop my weights significantly this time. It is discouraging but I am trying to reframe my thoughts around this by reminding myself and I didn't start at the same weights as Cathe and it took me a long time to workup to that benchmark. Otherwise it just adds to my depression and make it seem like "Why bother!" I am going to try and workout every day this week with the exception of the 4th which will be my rest day. It is hard to motivate again and I even find myself just going through the motions or even stopping before the reps are done but I figure if I push through I will over time regain my momentum!

Hi to everyone and hope ya'll are kicking ass!!
I cant wait for Cathes dvds because we can do xtrain and the new ones as some kind of rotation and if we are having a day of cardio but we don't want to jump add in afterburn eek..i hate that one lol well love hate it..

My friend got the job!! she starts next Monday!! and get this is looking for another assistant!!! I am so excited for her and then for me cause I hate my job right now.. lol I am like oh boy oh boy she said she told him about me, because he mentioned he was going to hire two more associates and he will need assistants, and she jumped in and said I know the perfect girl for you!! And he knows my Doctor I work for so he even understands then why I want a new job!! He said to give him a few days he will call my friend to tell me to bring in my resume!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy it will be mon thru fri I really like part time but I have so many bills right now I can handle it I hope. Fridays will be half days.. And eventually he wants to have Fridays off!!!!! holy cow.. I hope I get it.. I am not good in interviews. I am so self conscious and it shows..

not sure what to do for exercise today I really need to follow a rotation again.. anyway I am kind of down I thought I was losing or getting smaller and I saw a pic or me I look bloated.. like a toad!! all over arms face head legs belly I just look like I am going to explode.. wt crap!!!!!!!!!!! I have got to do better.. I really do not know what else to do.. It is irritating cause I thought I was finally getting somewhere oh well go at it again I guess

Laura you are beautiful!! Hey we can trade bodies if you want lol I know you are going to get stronger, it is not in your nature to give up and you are right you didn't life as heavy as Cathe when you first started but I do understand how you feel.. hugs
Oh my poor duke had to go to vet today! Hard to get him in the vehicle hubby took him. They were going to amputate his tail. See for two weeks he has been scratching his tail so bad we kept trying to cover it up but he'd chew it off so last week we took him to vet they said they will have to amputate it. Now for a eek we had been trying to give him pills doc gave us. She was going to do surgery today. But she said it looks like its getting better. So they scraped it and put meds on it. Then he came home they gave us pills to keep him sedated some. Man he is smart he will eat food we snuck pill in it and spit the pill then I tried putting my hand in his mouth he is so so big. Me and hubby together can't get him to hold still'!! I got two pills down him but they must be strong!! It said 1 to 4 and I gave him two and already he is down, he don't like it either cause he let out the loudest cry tonight !! He is in our bedroom it scared the crap out of me. I laud in the floor with him and rubbed him to calm him down! They bathed him for us too! So I am loving being able to hug on him. Poor baby.
Took a break yesterday and after getting through Cathe's 3 month Get Ready for Summer rotations, I am doing a week of active recovery. So today it was just Basic Step and Stability Ball Abs. Easy right? Well, I was majorly winded. I think it's the humidity; makes exercising harder, even the easy stuff. I just need to remember to drink plenty of water which seems to be my downfall these days.

Laura: good to hear from you. Don't get discouraged and don't be so hard on yourself. You've been through alot the past 9 months. Just stick with the lower weights and you will get back to where you were. Doing nothing means you just continue to go backwards and we are all about moving forward, even if it's baby steps. Quite frankly, I'm into the smaller gains vice big jumps because big jumps on weight amounts just aren't in my DNA. I think that is true for just about everyone.

ReneeP: your poor sweet puppy. I hope his tail gets better. I'm sure having you with him helps him to feel better. It can be a challenge to give a dog medicine. The last script that we had for Ripken, he let me just shove the pills down his throat--no problem. He's not crazy about it, but he cooperated with the process. It is so much harder when the dog doesn't to let you open his mouth or does but then spits the pill back out. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on the new job opportunity. It sounds promising. And yes, I've been feeling bloated too--I think it's the humidity plus need to clean up my eating a little. Give your sweet pup a hug and kiss for me.

Still in my active recovery week. Did upper and lower body sculpt from Basic Step yesterday, but used heavier weights. Worked up quite a sweat with the heavier weights. Today I did Body Fusion from Basic Step. So, I guess I'm done with that DVD for the week. I'll probably move on to the Low Impact Step DVD tomorrow. Cathe hasn't posted a rotation for this month so I may be on my own--we'll see, maybe she will post something this weekend.

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy 4th of July.
Michelle happy Independence Day!

I like both those workouts u mentioned and I really like the one called low impact step that is in with her beginner one. I wish she'd do a few more like these!
I did lower body blast yesterday !! Hard on I felt! Not sure what to do today.
Not doing anything today, we had thought if the boys stop by we'd grill Bulgars for them but I don't think they are so probably nothing but sleep exercise and sleep today lol

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