I can't believe my active recovery week has come and gone. Yesterday I started meso 2, and did disc 13, chest, shoulders and tri's. I felt incredibly weak too!
The chest work was hard and I had to drop down in weight from my card. I felt very frustrated. Then I read my card wrong and tried to do 18 pound dumb bell shoulder presses. (It said 19 but I went 18)....well, that was my one max rep! Oops. I squeeked out 10 of 12 reps before giving up. Looked at my card, hit my head with my hand and said "duh". I should have been doing 13 pounds. So I went with 14 on the next two rounds, and boy was that A LOT easier. I thought with 18 I'd pull something but luckily didn't. Triceps, the indicated weights were just right, a good challenge. But I was glad to get it done.
Later that morning I went outside to mow. My push mower had to be fixed, and I had just got it back so, out I went getting the places my riding mower can't get. I somehow managed to find a nest of yellow jackets and got stung 4 times! I stopped the mower and ran inside slapping at my body. Two of those things followed my inside, I shoshed one out the door and the other one was still stuck on my shirt. I managed to kill it and save it just in case. In case of what? Well, I am allergic to bee stings. So, I popped two benedryl and got out my epi pen. Never had to use it before. I was chicken. I called my Mom and told her what happened, and she urged me to use it. My stings were starting to swell...and and that was enough encouragement right there. BAM! Into my right leg it went, and I just sat there watching as the swellings started to visibly go down. The epi pen didn't even hurt, so now I know not to be chicken. I got stung on my upper back, left tricep, right thigh and right inside ankle. That one is still slightly swollen, it itches and it hurts. I am suppose to do HiiT 30/30 today. I'm not sure if it will get done. Oh well.
I am now an orange belt. Friday evening was belt "graduation". And, yes, I get to keep every belt I earn, in case you were wondering. They don't get "turned in."
Today I will just do what is needed to get done around the house and relax and watch some football. I hope everyone has a pleasent Sunday.
Later that morning I went outside to mow. My push mower had to be fixed, and I had just got it back so, out I went getting the places my riding mower can't get. I somehow managed to find a nest of yellow jackets and got stung 4 times! I stopped the mower and ran inside slapping at my body. Two of those things followed my inside, I shoshed one out the door and the other one was still stuck on my shirt. I managed to kill it and save it just in case. In case of what? Well, I am allergic to bee stings. So, I popped two benedryl and got out my epi pen. Never had to use it before. I was chicken. I called my Mom and told her what happened, and she urged me to use it. My stings were starting to swell...and and that was enough encouragement right there. BAM! Into my right leg it went, and I just sat there watching as the swellings started to visibly go down. The epi pen didn't even hurt, so now I know not to be chicken. I got stung on my upper back, left tricep, right thigh and right inside ankle. That one is still slightly swollen, it itches and it hurts. I am suppose to do HiiT 30/30 today. I'm not sure if it will get done. Oh well.
I am now an orange belt. Friday evening was belt "graduation". And, yes, I get to keep every belt I earn, in case you were wondering. They don't get "turned in."
Today I will just do what is needed to get done around the house and relax and watch some football. I hope everyone has a pleasent Sunday.