Hi Everyone!
Tonight I teach Pilates and my Total Tone class, I am thinking of doing a full body push/pull workout and just talk the class through the lower body and then join in for the upper body workout.....
My R knee is getting better with more intense icing and advil in massive amounts, but it is still painful to walk down stairs or if any weight or pressure is applied to it.
Interested in what the PT will say tomorrow...
I am having fun and keeping myself occupied with planning the girls B-day party this Saturday! They are learning about Native Americans History from this area of the country so they decided to do a Native American theme...Since they are turning 10, which is a big deal to be in the double digits, we are going to have them and their friends do a 'trial' of shooting a long bow to a target, after which they receive Raven feathers that I have collected over the years and tied leather around the stalks so they can hang them, after their trial, they will pick a clue from a hat which will lead them to their totem animal, I bought these little leather spirit bags with dream catchers on them and each one will have a little plastic animal inside of it which will be their totem animal. I am writing up little things about each animal from the Animal Spirit book...I also ordered a Birthday cake in the shape of a buffalo, common around here due to CU Buffalos! Any way it should be fun and I still have a lot to do! Glad to be busy otherwise the lack of exercise could make me nuts-0!!
Michelle: sounds like you are making strides in your strength! Way to go!
Shoegal: it is good to mix it up and we all have our favorites! I don't have S&H and I doubt I will get it now that I have STS...
Janey: the weather here has really dried up after a wet summer, not good for fires as there is abundant plants that then dry out....good job on jumping on the treadmill when the weather is Joey still working out with you?
Hi fives to everyone else!
Tonight I teach Pilates and my Total Tone class, I am thinking of doing a full body push/pull workout and just talk the class through the lower body and then join in for the upper body workout.....
My R knee is getting better with more intense icing and advil in massive amounts, but it is still painful to walk down stairs or if any weight or pressure is applied to it.
I am having fun and keeping myself occupied with planning the girls B-day party this Saturday! They are learning about Native Americans History from this area of the country so they decided to do a Native American theme...Since they are turning 10, which is a big deal to be in the double digits, we are going to have them and their friends do a 'trial' of shooting a long bow to a target, after which they receive Raven feathers that I have collected over the years and tied leather around the stalks so they can hang them, after their trial, they will pick a clue from a hat which will lead them to their totem animal, I bought these little leather spirit bags with dream catchers on them and each one will have a little plastic animal inside of it which will be their totem animal. I am writing up little things about each animal from the Animal Spirit book...I also ordered a Birthday cake in the shape of a buffalo, common around here due to CU Buffalos! Any way it should be fun and I still have a lot to do! Glad to be busy otherwise the lack of exercise could make me nuts-0!!
Michelle: sounds like you are making strides in your strength! Way to go!
Shoegal: it is good to mix it up and we all have our favorites! I don't have S&H and I doubt I will get it now that I have STS...
Janey: the weather here has really dried up after a wet summer, not good for fires as there is abundant plants that then dry out....good job on jumping on the treadmill when the weather is Joey still working out with you?
Hi fives to everyone else!