I received my latest purchase in the mail yesterday: Shiva Rea's Yoga Shakti
Since i like her style, i had to get this one as most reviews say this is her best DVD. I purchased it even though i still haven't finished using the ones i bought through Collage.
It looks amazing and i'm looking forward to trying it since there are tonnes of segments to mix and match. This one wasn't available from Collage so i ended up purchasing through spirit voyage which i was very happy with.
Shoegal: I don't recommend the Yogini Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Women. That's the one i was least excited about so far. Collage should have more than just two choices for Shiva Rea since i ordered 4 of her DVD's at once from them and i'm slowly working my way through them (I'm on # 3). If you have no yoga experience i recommend her beginner flow yoga DVD. Even though i'm not a beginner, I got it as an introduction to Shiva's style and i like it a lot. I would also recommend the one i tried yesterday: Daily Energy. Although i haven't tried the whole thing yet, I like it better than Yogini.
Laura: The only way i know to change your pictuure is under User CP: Edit Avatar. You should be able to browse and select a new pic and then save.
Shoegal: I don't recommend the Yogini Vinyasa Flow Yoga for Women. That's the one i was least excited about so far. Collage should have more than just two choices for Shiva Rea since i ordered 4 of her DVD's at once from them and i'm slowly working my way through them (I'm on # 3). If you have no yoga experience i recommend her beginner flow yoga DVD. Even though i'm not a beginner, I got it as an introduction to Shiva's style and i like it a lot. I would also recommend the one i tried yesterday: Daily Energy. Although i haven't tried the whole thing yet, I like it better than Yogini.
Laura: The only way i know to change your pictuure is under User CP: Edit Avatar. You should be able to browse and select a new pic and then save.