Last night I stepped with Amy Bento ASC II - I remember how frustrated I was learning this - well - now it is a total blast. My only complaint is that she breaks down combo II too long - especially one particular portion of it to the point that I was getting bored and really anxious to move on. This workout in general moves extremely fast - Amy usually does the combinations fairly quickly and with minimal TIFTing - which is why it is so fun now. No endless repetition - but it also makes learning it such a chore. I have to say it is definitely worth it now!!! It was too much fun.
My schedule makes it very difficult for me to watch the Olympics - I missed all the pair skating last night!!! The fact that it is very difficult to find channels on Direct TV is another reason - too many channels - takes a lifetime to channel surf - and it also makes it impossible to learn channel numbers. I don't watch a lot of tv shows -if I'm watching it is usually something I've seen before. DH decided to tape the Olympics so that we can watch sans commercials and skip over the fluff.
Reading a bunch of short stories now in the Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes - the short stories go by so fast - the mystery is solved almost immediately - no big reveals. We are enjoying it though.
Renee - I am glad that you are alright. That is certainly an experience - what do you think it is about these procedures that causes this to happen? We would love to hear your account of it. How do you feel now? We are all thinking of you.
Laura - Well - 3 things. I also would not say that I don't care for SC or that I'm disappointed - I do like them - but I do think that there is a bit of a spark missing in these. Given another chance I probably would have been more selective. Knowing me as I do though - I don't think I could have helped myself!!!!
It sounds like you had fun at the "beer dinner" - don't completely discount that - I know you said it wasn't worth it - but you and Bo had some good quality time together - there is some value in that. Every once in a while you should let loose - and it was a special occasion so gee - don't be so hard on yourself. Ok -so call me an enabler.
And legs are hard - so just talk yourself through it - lower your expectations and tell yourself you are just going to do it - I think it will take some of the dread of it for you.
Michelle - It sounds as if Joe had a great birthday - he broke the knife in using it to slice open his finger.
That sounds like something I would do!! I also have to say that I am partial to Cathe's Step as well - I really get excited about step in general - and I really like these new ones. We had about 4 inches - it still snowing a bit - but at this point no one is really paying attention to it anymore.
We've all become rather complacent.
It did however slow things up considerably on the highway last night - took forever to get home!
DH and I have a dinner this evening with some neighbors - I'm actually looking forward to it - we are going to a restaurant I've been wondering about for awhile - so it should be fun.
Hope you all have a great day - Hi to Janie, Shadowpup and Ironlady!!
My schedule makes it very difficult for me to watch the Olympics - I missed all the pair skating last night!!! The fact that it is very difficult to find channels on Direct TV is another reason - too many channels - takes a lifetime to channel surf - and it also makes it impossible to learn channel numbers. I don't watch a lot of tv shows -if I'm watching it is usually something I've seen before. DH decided to tape the Olympics so that we can watch sans commercials and skip over the fluff.
Reading a bunch of short stories now in the Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes - the short stories go by so fast - the mystery is solved almost immediately - no big reveals. We are enjoying it though.
Renee - I am glad that you are alright. That is certainly an experience - what do you think it is about these procedures that causes this to happen? We would love to hear your account of it. How do you feel now? We are all thinking of you.
Laura - Well - 3 things. I also would not say that I don't care for SC or that I'm disappointed - I do like them - but I do think that there is a bit of a spark missing in these. Given another chance I probably would have been more selective. Knowing me as I do though - I don't think I could have helped myself!!!!
Michelle - It sounds as if Joe had a great birthday - he broke the knife in using it to slice open his finger.
DH and I have a dinner this evening with some neighbors - I'm actually looking forward to it - we are going to a restaurant I've been wondering about for awhile - so it should be fun.
Hope you all have a great day - Hi to Janie, Shadowpup and Ironlady!!