Well I had another lovely dinner with you ladies!

It has been great to have my mom here but I miss my girls! And DH is working crazy long hours and I hate to come home to an empty house so it so WONDERFUL to have all of you! (((HUGS))) By the way we had chicken breast with tons of spinach sautéed in a little olive oil and lots of garlic and a little bit of Udon noodles. Very simple but hit the spot after my 3 classes today!
We had a great time at the Natural History Museum. Made me re-appreciate this amazing planet we live on! Thanks for that info. by the way Janie, perfect after my NH discovery day! This is an amazing world we live on isn't it? I didn't get my cardio in before hand, as I didn't sleep well I ended up sleeping in, or trying to anyways...But we were on our feet for four hours at the museum and probably burnt more calories over time than I would have with a workout...although both together would have been more! Oh well...
Catchick: hold it! Did you say 55 lbs, holy molly girl! How high do your dumbbells go? I see a major purchase in my future with Meso 2! Shoot! Can't really afford that right now, still recovering from X-mas and dental work (cough)! You are hitting it hard! Good thing your diet is so clean!
It is amazing how good we feel when we do take care of ourselves isn't it?
You really have come an amazing long way as Michelle, who certainly knows better than any of us, referred to! AWESOME JOB!
Janey: did you get out for your hike! Are you close to the beach? You also are really hitting it hard with 2 workouts! Back on track must feel good!

That sounds like a good compromise with Joey on the puppy! You will find the perfect pup when you are ready! I am not...

To be honest today was the hardest day yet, past the shock and now into the grief..
Michelle: I love the Weight and Plates abs too! And man oh man an extra few pounds on those make a HUGE difference! They are like shoulders, little jumps in weights, huge difference in how we feel it.! Ripken is such a good pup, give him a doggy treat from me!

26 years with the same hairdresser, now she most be awesome! That is a great idea about asking her to keep cutting my hair on the side! She is the first person who just gets it right every time!
Shoegal: good to hear from you! It would be so fun to go with you and Rex on a wine tour! I think that is such a sweet and romantic thing to do! Sorry nothing tasted right, was it the same harvest of grapes, meaning the same year? As usual you are peaking my interest in another instructor! It does seem like you keep coming back to Kari..