It is so funny to read that all of you (well, Shoegal, Michelle, Renee and Laura) have gotten snow, while we don't have much! It's one of the lightest years for snowfall, and actually we're at almost 50 degrees right now. Amazing

STS does have a way of pointing out various body parts, doesn't it? I'd think you would be fine to skip BB if you want to keep with your current schedule (given that upcoming trip).
Janie, what kind of rotation are you going to do? Your last one was really something! Speaking of something, your lurker group is doing very well. You have a nice set of conversations over there (I admit, I peaked in). It also looks like people began posting again over on VideoFit. Congratulations!
It's still not clear what's going to happen with my DC trip. The first meeting is one of those that's set in advance and apparently there are reasons it can't be changed. I have to at least make an attempt to attend; it probably means a long day in airports hoping planes will take off. This actually is not entirely bad news because I can get a few short tasks finished more easily in an airport than my office! Michelle, thanks for the reminder on the boots. I'd gotten out of the habit of bringing them to DC.... that would have been
bad this trip.
Speaking of trips and workouts, I finally concluded that starting Meso 2 right now would not be a good idea. It's taking awhile for me to recover from Meso 1; my sleep cycles are showing it. And I *really* want to use Travel Fit! I decided to do TRX strength yesterday; today will be Insanity's recover disk; and if I am able to travel then one of those days I'll do Travel Fit. These are all dvds that fit with the 'endurance' theme of Meso 1 - more reps, lighter weights or bodyweight. That will let me start Meso 2 next weekend. I feel a little guilty but on the other hand, this year I'm really working on my recovery cycles, and this approach fits in better with those.
Laura, I hope your DH is doing better today. He has been having a sad round of luck when it comes to injuries. All the Legs in STS are challenging, aren't they! What with your skiing I'm amazed you can do them.
Michelle, you did 40-20 also, right? I liked 30-30 more - mainly because the crew seemed so upbeat - what did you think? My favorite on that HIIT dvd might be the pyramid cardio wave but I have only done them once each and that's too early to tell. That silly teenager ... optimism is one thing, lack of planning another! Hopefully she will not skid into anyone or anything. Give Ripkin an extra pat or two from me

Will you both watch Superbowl?
Shoegal, I finally tried on my Vibram Five Fingers shoes, with socks to match, and used them doing my TRX. I am sure it was quite a picture! They really *do* feel like gloves on my feet! What was nice was the extra traction. No skidding around the way even bare feet can. I do not think I'll be wearing them in front of other people any time soon, but I might try running with them in private, on in our hills, when the trails are dry again. These are just black. No leopard print - you are the brave one in our bunch when it comes to shoes!!!! I bet you looked glamorous.
Renee, the worst things about power failure here have to do with the fish (heated tanks, big ones, sometimes we have to boil water on the wood stove for them if the outage is days rather than hours ...) and also can't do my favorite workouts! sigh. Sometimes it's better when it happens in daylight, though a little hard on meals. How can you have hot cocoa after shovelling snow if you have no heat??? (This is one of many reasons I love having a wood stove).
Ironlady, hope you're doing better!
BTW, is anyone in our checkin group a runner? Most of my family ran or still runs - and they are always always always getting hurt. Ankles, shin splints, hip replacements. Etc etc etc. The Born To Run book implied that this is because modern shoes, especially pricey ones, encourage bad form. I've been reading that barefoot or vibram is safer ... I kind of want to try running, but I don't want to begin a round of running injuries, and it could just be because the book made it sound so enjoyable.
I switched to TRX Back Biometrics when I realized there was a fair amount of bodyweight strength work in the Insanity recovery dvds! Wish me luck - can't tell yet whether my plane will take off in the morning ... have to be at the airport by 5:30am.