Getting it done for July & December 2015

Happy Wednesday!

I'm off work today to get ready for the long weekend, so already had a chance to do D19 (I think I'll be feeling that while I'm driving later today) and a dog walk. Now trying to get things done before the holiday.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and of course a big eating day.

Not sure I'll be able to stop by, so wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving now!
Happy Wednesday!

I'm off work today to get ready for the long weekend, so already had a chance to do D19 (I think I'll be feeling that while I'm driving later today) and a dog walk. Now trying to get things done before the holiday.

Tomorrow will be a rest day, and of course a big eating day.

Not sure I'll be able to stop by, so wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving now!

Happy Thanksgiving to you too :)
Morning! I hope that you all had a great and Happy Thanksgiving!

I did get in my workout finally this week. STS D19 for chest, shoulders and triceps. Feeling it today just right.

Very busy with family and cooking yesterday as might imagine.

Today it's back to business with work. If you have a long weekend ENJOY! :)

Plan for today: walk / run around the 3.5 mile block.

Make it a great one!
Happy Saturday!

Back home from visiting family for the holiday. Always fun but exhausting. After a good long nap today, finally got in D20 - much needed for the glutes!

Belinda - Poor pup. So glad you helped rescue him. Are those eyes asking you to bring him home?

Allee - Hope things start getting easier at work for you.

Heidi - Yep, D19 was definitely felt for a couple days here, too. Still trying to balance it all - work, home and wo's.
Morning! Happy Sunday to you all!

Sherry: Welcome back! :) I am off to do D20 right now! With ya on the DOMS later. HEHE

Belinda: How are you doing? Any plans for today?

Allee: What are your plans?

Off to it before I find another excuse not to get it done!

Happy Sunday!

D21 is done, and so am I! Laundry, groceries, and getting DS back to school - all done too. Time to hit the hay early, 'cause I'm just worn out.

Heidi - yes, there is the dread factor, but love the results, right?

Hope you all had a good one, too!
Good evening,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did a lot of shopping this weekend, couldn't pass up a good deal :) Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving :)

Today I did D22.

I went to Costco on Black Friday, they sold the organic Turkeys $30 off :D I got a turkey for $20. I cooked a turkey on TG and another today. I gave all the turkey, pie and all other leftovers from TG to my kids. I will freeze turkey I cooked today and use at a later time.

Friday is DH surgery, I am not sure how much time I will have to post. I will check in when I can. I am glad next week is my recovery week.

Sherry - nicely done on D21 today. LOL, those eyes do say bring me home :D I feel so bad for that dog.

Heidi - l dreaded legs for the longest time. Now, I love working my abs :) Good job with D20

Good night, ladies.
Hi all!

WO today was CycleMax. Needed a break after 2 days of weights. Work was crazy, so after spinning, been sitting in front of the computer trying to get some orders in. Just about wiped out now and I still need to shower.

Belinda - Good wo today. Great job on finding the deals. Nice find on the turkey. I'm sure your kids appreciate the leftovers. Glad DH's surgery works well with the rotation's recovery week. I'm sure it will all go well.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee!

Catch ya tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday!

Here to report D22 is done! Might have been a shorter workout, but seems to have worked the pecs and shoulders rather well.

Hope everyone is doing ok. See ya at the gym tomorrow!
Hi all!

WO today was CycleMax. Needed a break after 2 days of weights. Work was crazy, so after spinning, been sitting in front of the computer trying to get some orders in. Just about wiped out now and I still need to shower.

Belinda - Good wo today. Great job on finding the deals. Nice find on the turkey. I'm sure your kids appreciate the leftovers. Glad DH's surgery works well with the rotation's recovery week. I'm sure it will all go well.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee!

Catch ya tomorrow.

That was a great deal :) Good job on CM! So what did you buy? :)
Hello to you all!

Sherry I am with you on the super crazy work days. Great job on your bike wo.

Belinda: Awesome job getting in your leg workout.

Today is Thursday already!

Today's wo: A 30min speedspin then Z Strength #1 and Z ropes #1. Phew! Today was cardio can you tell? :)

I will be back tomrrow with STS Chest....etc.

Keep up the great work ladies!

Good evening,

DH and I walked the dogs this morning. DH's surgery is tomorrow morning, we will leave very early in the morning. Not sure, when he get's relased? The surgery takes 2-3 hours. I am glad when all is over. I cleaned my house and went grocery shopping so I don't have to leave the house for a few day's. I know it's gonna be rough for DH sitting still and not move his arm for the next 2 month :) We probably will not get home until late tomorrow night.

Heidi - good job on your cardio sweat fest today :)

Sherry - have fun with your workout.

I will be back on Saturday. Take care!
Hi all!

D23 is done! I swear the woman disguises cardio workouts as LBWO's. Really exhausts me.

Belinda - getting things for way too many people, as usual, so need to get every deal I can. Good luck to DH with his surgery. Good planning on your part - yes, will be a bit rough for a while.

Heidi - Great cardio wo! Good job getting it in when you can.

That's it. I'm done for the day. Hope you had a good one.
Hi all!

D23 is done! I swear the woman disguises cardio workouts as LBWO's. Really exhausts me.

Belinda - getting things for way too many people, as usual, so need to get every deal I can. Good luck to DH with his surgery. Good planning on your part - yes, will be a bit rough for a while.

Heidi - Great cardio wo! Good job getting it in when you can.

That's it. I'm done for the day. Hope you had a good one.


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