Getting it done for July & December 2015

Hello All,

You are all doing a great job!

Work is getting better. We are getting help next week. fingers crossed.
Just wanted to say hi.

off to it again...
take care all

till next time. :):):)
Hi Sherry and Heidi,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I thought I did? I can't remember if I mention it or not ?

DH surgery is scheduled for Dec 11 or Dec 4? The doc is trying to squeeze him in Dec 4. Fingers crossed! If they can't get him in on Dec 4, he will get the surgery on Dec 11. DH rotator cuff is torn in 3 places. He needs the surgery soon or they can't repair his shoulder anymore that's how bad DH's shoulder is. The doc also was talking using tissue from a dead person to place into DH's shoulder since DH's tissue in this shoulder is completely gone:( I hope they don't have to do that, it's completely crossing me out:( I know, DH is in good hands and the doc know's what he is doing. My son is getting married in El Paso in Jan 2016. DH and I plan on taking the RV and the dogs. I hope DH recovers soon so he can drive the RV. I can't even reach the gas patal:p I am completely stressing out. DH on the other hand, is completely positive every will work out. Oh, I forgot to mention …DH can't move his arm for 8 weeks:( Yes, I am stressing.

I started doing Leslie Swanson Thanksgiving Walk Challenge. It's helping me with the stress that's going on right now. Yesterday I walked for 3 miles. Today I did STS D18 plus extended stretch and I will walk one mile later.

Heidi - good job on your workouts and thanks for asking about DH. Means a lot to me.

Sherry - nice job on that run, girl.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout,everyone.

Hi Belinda! Oh that is not good with DH's Shoulder. :/ So sorry to hear however on the brighter side they can do a lot these days to help.
My friend at work just has his done around September. Yes, it will take time to repair and is very inconvenient for everything especially driving and sleeping. I would really plan on a plane trip if you can to your DS wedding instead of driving.
Congrats on your Sons engagement!!!!

Great job getting in your walks and that will help for sure on the stress issues. I will also check out that challenge! It would be great to do a walk challenge together. I did a 3 mile TM WO yesterday. Today DH and I are going to do the loop around our neighborhood which is 3.5miles. :)

Keep up your spirits! Hugs to you both!!!

Hello All,

You are all doing a great job!

Work is getting better. We are getting help next week. fingers crossed.
Just wanted to say hi.

off to it again...
take care all

till next time. :):):)

That is good news on the extra help! This time of year is very difficult and super busy I am sure.

Try to keep up with your workouts too!

Have a great one and check in soon again.

I am so glad it is Saturday! Very long and busy week for me again. Workouts are getting done in order but I am getting in something at least.

Monday: D16
T/W nothing but work and running around.
Thursday: RWH circuit legs. This replaced STS legs and my cardio. I missed WO's for tues and weds.
Friday: A 3 mile TM WO from Ifit.
Today: STS D18 for Back and Triceps also ab challenge: 25 sit-ups, 10 crunches, 10 leg raises and a 1 min. plank

Later Today I will do a walk with my DH. 3.5 miles planned.

Sherry: How are you doing?

OK off to do laundry and house stuff.

Have a great one!
Hi all! Happy Sunday!

Friday was a rest day, so was dinner out and an evening with friends.

Saturday I went to ballet in the morning. Class was going great until the very, very, last, final leap that I did and I strained a calf muscle bad. The rest of the day was uncomfortable and a bit painful, but it's doing much better today - stiff but no pain. I will not be going on a run today, maybe spin later, and of course, D18 to finish off the week.

Belinda - Oh no about DH's shoulder. Sounds like the doc's got a plan. It will take time to heal, though. Take a deep breathe and go on another walk.

Allee - good that you are getting help at work. You, too, take a deep breathe.

Heidi - Good job getting in what you can. No walk here yesterday, we got a foot snow dumped on us. What a way to start the season.

Off to get in laundry, run down to see DS for lunch, and back to finish the house stuff. Have a good one!
Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday! DH and I were on our way shopping when we saw what we thought was a little goat outside a local farm. When we got closer I realized it was a (skin and bone) dog. :( My DH quickly pulled over and we were in pursuit. We were quickly joined by another lady and the three of us kept trying to coax the dog into our car with no luck. We continued searching for about two hours and were joined by the local animal rescue and a shelter. We had no luck. This was about 1200 in the a.m., we returned to the same spot that evening giving another hour before dark, continually checking in with the shelter. We left a bowl of dog food (which I bought from Dollar Tree, I also bought dog treats, dog bowl and a leash) outside the shelter thinking the dog may go to the sound go other dogs as it was less that 400 meters from where we saw the dog.

This morning we woke up with chores but put them to the side again going back to the site looking for this poor little doggy, The first thing we saw was that the food was eaten from the bowel. We gave it another hour, as it was Sunday the shelter was closed so we checked in with animal control and they agreed to move a trap (very nice) to an area we all agreed might be the doggy's hide out. We left the area praying for the pooch, we went back in the evening giving it another hour, checking the trap and the forested area near the trap where we last saw the dog. Again no luck!!! Once we got to the house (at about 4 p.m.) the animal control team called us thanking us for our efforts, stating that the trap worked and the dog was well fed and warm on a blanket. We were excited, we plan to go and visit the dog tomorrow. I thought the dog was a boxer :) The lady from the animal control thinks the dog is a hound dog? Once the dog fills out, we know :) I even said a prayer for the dog today. I am so relieved the dog is safe and doesn't have to spent another night in the cold outside.

I don't know if you know, but I am following/supporting a few rescues on FB. Never in a million years I thought I would see an animal looking like this poor baby did in my area :) I thought they all in Georgia or Fl :)

DH and I decided to pay for the dogs Vet expenses:)

I will be back and catch up on personals tomorrow. I am beat and relieved at the same time. Good night, everyone.
Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday! DH and I were on our way shopping when we saw what we thought was a little goat outside a local farm. When we got closer I realized it was a (skin and bone) dog. :( My DH quickly pulled over and we were in pursuit. We were quickly joined by another lady and the three of us kept trying to coax the dog into our car with no luck. We continued searching for about two hours and were joined by the local animal rescue and a shelter. We had no luck. This was about 1200 in the a.m., we returned to the same spot that evening giving another hour before dark, continually checking in with the shelter. We left a bowl of dog food (which I bought from Dollar Tree, I also bought dog treats, dog bowl and a leash) outside the shelter thinking the dog may go to the sound go other dogs as it was less that 400 meters from where we saw the dog.

This morning we woke up with chores but put them to the side again going back to the site looking for this poor little doggy, The first thing we saw was that the food was eaten from the bowel. We gave it another hour, as it was Sunday the shelter was closed so we checked in with animal control and they agreed to move a trap (very nice) to an area we all agreed might be the doggy's hide out. We left the area praying for the pooch, we went back in the evening giving it another hour, checking the trap and the forested area near the trap where we last saw the dog. Again no luck!!! Once we got to the house (at about 4 p.m.) the animal control team called us thanking us for our efforts, stating that the trap worked and the dog was well fed and warm on a blanket. We were excited, we plan to go and visit the dog tomorrow. I thought the dog was a boxer :) The lady from the animal control thinks the dog is a hound dog? Once the dog fills out, we know :) I even said a prayer for the dog today. I am so relieved the dog is safe and doesn't have to spent another night in the cold outside.

I don't know if you know, but I am following/supporting a few rescues on FB. Never in a million years I thought I would see an animal looking like this poor baby did in my area :) I thought they all in Georgia or Fl :)

DH and I decided to pay for the dogs Vet expenses:)

I will be back and catch up on personals tomorrow. I am beat and relieved at the same time. Good night, everyone.

What a sincere effort and I am so happy to hear that the dog is safe and in a good place. High fives to you and your DH!
Well yesterday was my typical busy Monday. I HATE MONDAY! Anyway...Long day and a stressful afternoon. No workout.

Spent the evening clearing space for my DD's furniture that we will be picking up today. We couldn't do it Sunday for it was raining.

I will eat a light breakfast and get going on STS chest, shoulders and triceps shortly. Maybe a 20 min run as well.

Belinda: I did check out that walking challenge on Saturday. I did 3.76 miles that day. :)

Sherry: You must be swamped this time of year! Hang in there!

Allee: Keep working at getting in your workouts. :)

OK off to get something done!
Have a great Tuesday!
Thanks Heidi :) I think if you would seen the dog you would helped him too. Have fun with D19 today. Getting ready for a cardio workout. BBL!
Hi all!

I just finished D18. Sunday I decided to spin first (Pedal Power), then got caught up in other tasks, so never got around to D18. Monday had too many errands after work, so was just too tired to go hard. Today, I did get it in!

Belinda - So glad you saved that dog. Poor thing. So glad you found it before the weather got bad. You and DH have such big hearts paying for the vet bill. :)

Heidi - Did you get in your wo or/and a run? Yes, this time of year is crazy at work. It will calm down a a few weeks, right?

Time to eat and relax. Catch ya tomorrow.
That is good news on the extra help! This time of year is very difficult and super busy I am sure.

Try to keep up with your workouts too!

Have a great one and check in soon again.


Hi Heidi,

well..on the help. its another story. its okay. this too will pass. holidays seasons is almost over, right?
Hi all!

I just finished D18. Sunday I decided to spin first (Pedal Power), then got caught up in other tasks, so never got around to D18. Monday had too many errands after work, so was just too tired to go hard. Today, I did get it in!

Belinda - So glad you saved that dog. Poor thing. So glad you found it before the weather got bad. You and DH have such big hearts paying for the vet bill. :)

Heidi - Did you get in your wo or/and a run? Yes, this time of year is crazy at work. It will calm down a a few weeks, right?

Time to eat and relax. Catch ya tomorrow.

Great job Sherry!

Yes, I been keeping up with my workout just as well.
Hey girls,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday! DH and I were on our way shopping when we saw what we thought was a little goat outside a local farm. When we got closer I realized it was a (skin and bone) dog. :( My DH quickly pulled over and we were in pursuit. We were quickly joined by another lady and the three of us kept trying to coax the dog into our car with no luck. We continued searching for about two hours and were joined by the local animal rescue and a shelter. We had no luck. This was about 1200 in the a.m., we returned to the same spot that evening giving another hour before dark, continually checking in with the shelter. We left a bowl of dog food (which I bought from Dollar Tree, I also bought dog treats, dog bowl and a leash) outside the shelter thinking the dog may go to the sound go other dogs as it was less that 400 meters from where we saw the dog.

This morning we woke up with chores but put them to the side again going back to the site looking for this poor little doggy, The first thing we saw was that the food was eaten from the bowel. We gave it another hour, as it was Sunday the shelter was closed so we checked in with animal control and they agreed to move a trap (very nice) to an area we all agreed might be the doggy's hide out. We left the area praying for the pooch, we went back in the evening giving it another hour, checking the trap and the forested area near the trap where we last saw the dog. Again no luck!!! Once we got to the house (at about 4 p.m.) the animal control team called us thanking us for our efforts, stating that the trap worked and the dog was well fed and warm on a blanket. We were excited, we plan to go and visit the dog tomorrow. I thought the dog was a boxer :) The lady from the animal control thinks the dog is a hound dog? Once the dog fills out, we know :) I even said a prayer for the dog today. I am so relieved the dog is safe and doesn't have to spent another night in the cold outside.

I don't know if you know, but I am following/supporting a few rescues on FB. Never in a million years I thought I would see an animal looking like this poor baby did in my area :) I thought they all in Georgia or Fl :)

DH and I decided to pay for the dogs Vet expenses:)

I will be back and catch up on personals tomorrow. I am beat and relieved at the same time. Good night, everyone.

Wow! just amazing. Salute to you and your DH. Just like you I am following a few rescues on FB too.
Hello Ladies,

Hope all is well today. Happy Thanksgiving Eve. Wishing everyone of a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Thank you all for being a good friends and supporters.
Hi all!

I just finished D18. Sunday I decided to spin first (Pedal Power), then got caught up in other tasks, so never got around to D18. Monday had too many errands after work, so was just too tired to go hard. Today, I did get it in!

Belinda - So glad you saved that dog. Poor thing. So glad you found it before the weather got bad. You and DH have such big hearts paying for the vet bill. :)

Heidi - Did you get in your wo or/and a run? Yes, this time of year is crazy at work. It will calm down a a few weeks, right?

Time to eat and relax. Catch ya tomorrow.

Thank you, Sherry :) I do whatever it's necessary to help that dog :) He is so cute and shy :)

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