Getting it done for July & December 2015

Morning to you all!

Today's cardio of choice: Low Max Step only premix. (no blasts that is) Great Fun Workout!

The rest of the day is house chores as usual.

Belinda: Nice job on you walking workout and D15! :) What's the plan for today?

Sherry: How are you doing? Did you get in a workout last night?

Allee: How are you doing?

Off to start the exciting! LOL! :) Make it a good one!
Happy Saturday!

Already went to ballet class. Later I plan to do D15. DH doing P90X Yoga right now, but I think the legs have had enough wo for today.

Yesterday was my rest day.

Heidi - Nice job finishing D15 yesterday and Low max today.

Belinda - Also, nice job finished D15 yesterday. What are today's plans?

Yep, house chores to do done here, too. Now, off to get them done. Have a good one.
Good morning,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday. I did walked over 22 K :)
Today I will do a nice stretch and that's it.

Sherry - wtg, getting D15. Good job on that yoga too.

Heidi - good job on LM, what a fun workout.

I will be back later tonight. Have a great Sunday.
Happy Sunday!

WO done! Dog walks for wu and cd, 3.5 mile run, and SMax w/band for stretch. Now, to get all the other things done today with just as much energy.

Belinda - Wow! That's a lot of walking! Was that just shopping and errands, or something in particular?

Heidi and Allee - what do you have planned for today?

Whatever it is, make it a good one!
Good morning,

D16 is done :)

Sherry - it was a lot of walking :) DH and I went on a hike in the morning and never stopped walking :) Nice job on your workouts.

Good job everyone :) Keep up the good work.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Hi all!

D16 is done! Been off work today (Veteren's day observed), so able to get in my wo early, before too many errands. Banquet tonight with the cc team - last one - both kids have been running since middle school, so kind of bittersweet.

Belinda - Nice job on D16. LOL about your hike that didn't seem to stop.

Waving Hi to others. L

ots more to do before we go. See ya tomorrow.
Happy Tuesday!

Just finished a 2 mile run - outside. It was dark, but I had on all the right gear. Was unseasonably warm, so getting out while I can.

Hope everyone is doing well!
HEY! OI! This week has turned into another hectic one running in every direction.

Worked out Monday. YEAH!
Monday night I helped my DD move.
Tues: was super busy for work
Weds: Lots of running around again and no workout.

Tomorrows plan: RWH CIRCUIT LEGS. This should give me legs and my missed cardio all in one. :)

Great job all on your workouts!

Belinda: Best wishes to your DH! Nice job on the D17 legs workout. ;)

Sherry: Awesome job on your outdoor run! :) Good to plan ahead for the dark too.

Hey Allee! Did you do Cardio legs yesterday? ;)

OK Off and running out the door to pick up my DD at work.

Have a great Weds. evening!
Hi all!

D17 is done! That was one heck of a cardio workout, too! Left me quite quite winded.

Belinda - Good job on D17. Hope all went well for DH's doc visit today.

Heidi - How are the legs now? I bet moving your DD was quite the wo, too. Life gets so hectic, so good to get in what you can.

Allee - What did you get done today?

I'm starving - time for dinner. See ya tomorrow.
Happy Thursday!

2.5 mile run done! And I got a headlamp, so running in the dark is much safer. Completely stressed out at work (it's that time of year), so eating way off track, but I'll get back with it.

Hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is Friday! I so need it!
Happy Thursday!

2.5 mile run done! And I got a headlamp, so running in the dark is much safer. Completely stressed out at work (it's that time of year), so eating way off track, but I'll get back with it.

Hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is Friday! I so need it!

OOH nice! Great job on your run! I am with you on the stress issue....super busy at work lately.
Belinda: Hope all is well with you and DH's appt. went ok.

Allee: How are you holding up?

Sherry: Yup I was really feeling that upper body WO Monday and Tues. especially with the added lifting of heavy stuff for my DD.
We are moving the last of the furniture on Sunday.

Off and running! Happy Friday to you all!
Hi Sherry and Heidi,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I thought I did? I can't remember if I mention it or not ?

DH surgery is scheduled for Dec 11 or Dec 4? The doc is trying to squeeze him in Dec 4. Fingers crossed! If they can't get him in on Dec 4, he will get the surgery on Dec 11. DH rotator cuff is torn in 3 places. He needs the surgery soon or they can't repair his shoulder anymore that's how bad DH's shoulder is. The doc also was talking using tissue from a dead person to place into DH's shoulder since DH's tissue in this shoulder is completely gone:( I hope they don't have to do that, it's completely crossing me out:( I know, DH is in good hands and the doc know's what he is doing. My son is getting married in El Paso in Jan 2016. DH and I plan on taking the RV and the dogs. I hope DH recovers soon so he can drive the RV. I can't even reach the gas patal:p I am completely stressing out. DH on the other hand, is completely positive every will work out. Oh, I forgot to mention …DH can't move his arm for 8 weeks:( Yes, I am stressing.

I started doing Leslie Swanson Thanksgiving Walk Challenge. It's helping me with the stress that's going on right now. Yesterday I walked for 3 miles. Today I did STS D18 plus extended stretch and I will walk one mile later.

Heidi - good job on your workouts and thanks for asking about DH. Means a lot to me.

Sherry - nice job on that run, girl.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout,everyone.
Hi Sherry and Heidi,

Sorry for not checking in yesterday, I thought I did? I can't remember if I mention it or not ?

DH surgery is scheduled for Dec 11 or Dec 4? The doc is trying to squeeze him in Dec 4. Fingers crossed! If they can't get him in on Dec 4, he will get the surgery on Dec 11. DH rotator cuff is torn in 3 places. He needs the surgery soon or they can't repair his shoulder anymore that's how bad DH's shoulder is. The doc also was talking using tissue from a dead person to place into DH's shoulder since DH's tissue in this shoulder is completely gone:( I hope they don't have to do that, it's completely crossing me out:( I know, DH is in good hands and the doc know's what he is doing. My son is getting married in El Paso in Jan 2016. DH and I plan on taking the RV and the dogs. I hope DH recovers soon so he can drive the RV. I can't even reach the gas patal:p I am completely stressing out. DH on the other hand, is completely positive every will work out. Oh, I forgot to mention …DH can't move his arm for 8 weeks:( Yes, I am stressing.

I started doing Leslie Swanson Thanksgiving Walk Challenge. It's helping me with the stress that's going on right now. Yesterday I walked for 3 miles. Today I did STS D18 plus extended stretch and I will walk one mile later.

Heidi - good job on your workouts and thanks for asking about DH. Means a lot to me.

Sherry - nice job on that run, girl.

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout,everyone.

Good Afternoon Belinda!

(((HUGS))) I am so sorry to hear about you husband. fingers crossed! i will be praying for him.
Belinda: Hope all is well with you and DH's appt. went ok.

Allee: How are you holding up?

Sherry: Yup I was really feeling that upper body WO Monday and Tues. especially with the added lifting of heavy stuff for my DD.
We are moving the last of the furniture on Sunday.

Off and running! Happy Friday to you all!

Great job Heidi!

Happy Friday. Hang in there. Hope the work stress is getting better for you.
Happy Thursday!

2.5 mile run done! And I got a headlamp, so running in the dark is much safer. Completely stressed out at work (it's that time of year), so eating way off track, but I'll get back with it.

Hope you are all doing well! Tomorrow is Friday! I so need it!

Happy Friday Sherry!

I hear you on the work stress. Hope all come to an end soon.
cheers to all of us. ;):)

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