Getting it done for July & December 2015

Morning! I can't believe it's already Monday again. :/

This weekend was busy work house, laundry and work related stuff. I didn't get much else done Sunday.

Another busy work day ahead.

Just finished STS D12 legs. I did not do the bonus part at the end however. I am going to feel what I did do later for sure!

Tomorrow's plan:
RWH Plyo 1
X10 WO #4

Belinda: I am going to follow the first week of January 2015 rotation for my week off. :) Have a great cardio workout!

Sherry: Nice job on your run! :) Yup that time of year where everyone seems to be out at the stores. Argh! Hate Shopping. LOL!
What's your plan for today? STS D10? Have a great one!

Allee: Did you change your rotation? How are you doing getting in your workouts? Have a fun with one today whatever you decide on doing. :)

OK off to shower and work.


Now I am going to have to check out that rotation :) That bonus leg workout is a burner :) Nice job finishing M1. Nice plans tomorrow.
Hello Ladies!

Happy November! ;)

Thanks everyone on for the dear encouraging words. I understand just a couple of minutes of working out will help with stress and all but I can't seem to get into it last week.

Not this week. I am going to rock. Hehe....

Today I did cardio supersets. Oh it was so much fun. ;)

Heidi! Great job today. You go girl.
I am still following LIS plus adding bodyrock to it.

Hi all!

2 mile easy run today plus dog walk. Was very windy and drizzly, so proud that I still got out there.

Belinda - Nice step wo this a.m. Is that online or another in your amazing collection?

Tomorrow is a rest day, and will be with friends for the evening. Have a good one.

Awesome run Sherry!
Happy Sunday!

Crazy day here getting house chores and errands done. Store was crazy - was really wondering if we needed groceries! Did get in a dog walk, 2 mile easy run and stretch.

Heidi - So, how the legs doing now?

Allee - How did trisets go?

Belinda - waving Hi!

Short and quick - still have things to finish before I sleep.
Thanks Sherry! I am loving LIS. ;)
Good morning,

Went for a long walk this morning. It's getting cold outside :(

Sherry - hope you got some rest yesterday.

Allee - glad you like LIS.

Heidi - good job finishing M1, girl. Still didn't looked at the rotation :( I am just taking it easy this week, I think :D

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great workout and day, everyone.
Hi all!

Tonight was a dog walk, 3 mile easy run, then 45 of the 60 minutes of UY Crosstrain yoga. I was wondering why I was more exhausted from the run, until I remembered I gave blood yesterday and takes me a few days to go at it hard again. Silly me.

Belinda - This is the perfect time of year for long walks. The fall colors are beautiful this year. We've got a few warm days, sunny and getting up to 70*, so trying to enjoy the outside as much as possible.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee!

Hope you all had a great day.

Wow those DOMS for legs on Monday got me good! I didn't WO yesterday due to that and I had a lot of running around to do.

This morning was:
RWH Plyo 1
X10 WO #4 cardio Blast

PHEW! Totally winded!

Tomorrow is upper body again.

Sherry: I can't imagine doing a major WO after giving blood. Great job just the same! :)

Belinda: Nice job on your walk yesterday. :) It's been pretty warm here over all but I am sure the temps will be back to normal soon.

Happy Birthday to your DD. Mine just turned 29 on the 14th. My oldest son is 30 too.

Thank you for the comment on finishing up M1. ;) Those leg workouts are killers for me!

Allee: How's it going? :)

K that's it for to shower and work. My oldest Son may be coming over for a visit this afternoon as well. :)

Have a great one!
Good morning,

Karen Voight Pilates TB is done.

Heidi - happy birthday to your DD. Are you doing anything special? I am with you on the nice weather. Been taking lots of nice walks lately. Good job today and stretch those legs.

Sherry - you walked and did a run? You go, girl. How are your legs today? I agree on everything your said about the fall :) Just gorgeous outside :)

Allee - hope you having a great week so far.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, ladies.
Hi all!

Had appt to get to today, so wo was dog walk and PT work for the legs/hips. They're doing fine, but just a bit off, so thought I'd "tune" them.

Heidi - Legs must have been feeling ok if you were able to get in Plyo today!

Belinda - Pilates - good job. Your core must be solid!

Allee - how are you today?

Tomorrow is a run day - who wants to join me? Catch ya then.
Good morning,

DH and I went for a long dog walk this morning. It's so beautiful outside :)

Question for you girls? Do you still buy workout dvd's? Or downloads?

Sherry - hope all is well :) My abs are feeling it today. Love pilates.

Heidi - good job on Plyo yesterday. You must have legs of steel :p

Allee - you must be busy with work, hah? Hope you get your workout in.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Hello to all!

Wow am I sore all over! I am not going to do Upper body today for sure! I just came in from working in the yard cleaning up the leaf mess.

Hey Belinda: Oh soooo nice out today! Love it! Glad your enjoying the weather with your DH too. :)

I do still buy DVD's and of course get the downloads as an option for later. computer is getting rather full and I have to move
the downloads to something else. Any suggestions on what any of you do for this?

I prefer the DVD's because they have all kinds of premixes whereas most of the downloads do not. :/

Hello Sherry and Allee!

Sherry: What was I thinking! LOL! Doing Plyo and X10 was very hard with DOM legs from STS. I should have done a bike workout instead. So tomorrow is the plan for a bike workout for sure!

How are you doing finishing up STS Meso 1?

Oh darn! I would have joined you for a run too. I did yard work today so that was my workout. Have an awesome run!

OK back to work here....Laundry again.
Make it a good one!
Hi all!

Run day today - legs fine, but just didn't have the stamina so only ran 2. Still replenishing those red blood cells. Need to get M1 done, which means a wo a day for the next 3 days - I'll be busy!

Belinda - still get the dvd's. We haven't invested in tech for the wo area, so still doing it the old-fashioned way with hard copy.

Heidi - Yard is definitely a UBWO!

Gotta get a few more things done around here, so making this short. Hope you had a good one.
Hey girls,

DH and I took a walk this morning. I also did Shape Pilates with Lizbeth Garcia = 30 min.

Sherry - nice job on that run yesterday. Have fun finishing M1 :)

Heidi - I still prefer DVD's too. I always forget about the downloads. I bought an external hard drive for my downloads. I think I paid under $100? I am sure you find cheaper ones. Mine holds a lot of downloads :)

See you all tomorrow. Have a great day and workout.
Hi all!

D10 done! Yep, pumped the iron tonight, and I guess I won't be washing my hair now. This one really got the shoulders.

Belinda - Nice job on the walk and pilates. Do you have many of the Shape wo's? Are they any good?

Dinner time, so I'll catch ya tomorrow.
Morning! Happy Saturday to you all!

Plan for today: run and RWH low impact #1 and of course abs

Thursday was yard work and Friday was another busy work day.

Sherry: Great job on D10! How are your shoulders today? Nice job on your run the other day as well.

Belinda: Nice job on your pilates and walk. I wish we could keep this nice weather we have been having this week. :/

Allee: How are you doing? You get in some workouts this week?

Off for coffee and checking my calendar for this upcoming weeks workouts. I hope that I can stick to the plan this time. ;)

Tomorrow I am taking my Mom out for the day. Most likely I will do a trail run later in the afternoon. Maybe drag my DH out too. HEHE

Make it a good one!
Good morning,

I am not sure if I get a workout in today? DH has an appointment with his surgeon for this shoulder this afternoon.

I will be back later today.

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