Getting it done for July & December 2015

Good evening,

DH and I walked the dogs this morning. DH's surgery is tomorrow morning, we will leave very early in the morning. Not sure, when he get's relased? The surgery takes 2-3 hours. I am glad when all is over. I cleaned my house and went grocery shopping so I don't have to leave the house for a few day's. I know it's gonna be rough for DH sitting still and not move his arm for the next 2 month :) We probably will not get home until late tomorrow night.

Heidi - good job on your cardio sweat fest today :)

Sherry - have fun with your workout.

I will be back on Saturday. Take care!

Hello Belinda:

Wishing your husband good luck with the surgery.

Great planning on your part too. Hugs to you both!

Thank you for the encouragement too. Work load is way too much these days.
Another whopper of a busy day for me. Totally exhausted this evening.

This morning I made sure to get in my WO. Disc 22 and boy am I feeling everything including yesterday's Z workouts. Phew! Will be sore the next couple days.

Sunday is legs and Monday will be the last disc for STS meso 2. The rest of the week will be workouts from Z, running, biking and parts of May 2015 rotation.

Well that's the plan anyway.....

Have a good evening and I will be back tomorrow with my cardio workout of the day.

Good morning,

Thanks for all the kind words and good thoughts about DH :) The surgery went well. The surgery took almost 3 hours, we didn't get home until late last night. The doc put 4 anchors to hold his arm and his shoulder together. The doc also noticed DH's tore his bicep :) , the doc also fixed his bicep. They gave DH a blocker to numb DH Arm/shoulder….the blocker is starting to wear off this morning. DH has his arm in a sling so he can't move his arm/shoulder. This morning DH is bleeding from his shoulder, trying to contact the doc/hospital:)

I will be back later to catch up on personals.
Hi all!

D24 and M2 are both done! Plus, went to ballet this morning and took the dog for a walk. I think that's more than enough for today.

Belinda - Glad the surgery went well and everyone is home. Now the hard part - the healing. Good thing this is a recovery week - I think taking care of DH will keep you plenty busy.

Heidi - Good job on your workout. Feeling it is a good thing, right? Nice plan for recovery week. Too tired to think about that at this moment.

Need to eat a little something, then get ready for shopping and friends tonight. Busy this time of year. Hope you are having a good one.
Thanks Sherry :) You are right…the hard part is healing. Which will not be anytime soon. Yes, DH keeps me busy.

Heidi - your recovery doesn't look like a recovery, lol:p I was getting tired just reading your plans:D I think I will take it easy next week….yoga/stretching and walking. Nothing to crazy:p Good job on D22. Get some rest.

Good night, ladies
Good morning,

Thanks for all the kind words and good thoughts about DH :) The surgery went well. The surgery took almost 3 hours, we didn't get home until late last night. The doc put 4 anchors to hold his arm and his shoulder together. The doc also noticed DH's tore his bicep :) , the doc also fixed his bicep. They gave DH a blocker to numb DH Arm/shoulder….the blocker is starting to wear off this morning. DH has his arm in a sling so he can't move his arm/shoulder. This morning DH is bleeding from his shoulder, trying to contact the doc/hospital:)

I will be back later to catch up on personals.

Belinda: Hope all is well. :/ Glad the surgery went ok. Best wishes to your DH and a speedy recovery.

Hi all!

D24 and M2 are both done! Plus, went to ballet this morning and took the dog for a walk. I think that's more than enough for today.

Belinda - Glad the surgery went well and everyone is home. Now the hard part - the healing. Good thing this is a recovery week - I think taking care of DH will keep you plenty busy.

Heidi - Good job on your workout. Feeling it is a good thing, right? Nice plan for recovery week. Too tired to think about that at this moment.

Need to eat a little something, then get ready for shopping and friends tonight. Busy this time of year. Hope you are having a good one.

Sherry Nice job too! :)

Feeling everything the last couple days! All in a good way though.

I was planning on a run yesterday but ended up with house chores instead. Plus guests (Mother In-laws) hanging around doesn't help.
This morning I hit it hard with a great 5K TM workout my daughter recommended. It was a program on the TM I hadn't tried out yet. ;)
After was Z ropes #2. PHEW!

The rest of today is paperwork for the work days ahead. I have to get my Mom to an appointment on Weds so that will throw everything off on my plans and work schedule.

Have a good Sunday! Catch up soon again. Oh tomorrow's plan is STS LEGS! I have to finish up this Meso cycle right. Most likely Thursday will be the last WO of STS Disc 24 back and biceps.

Hi all!

Yesterday was a rest day so I could get things done around here.

Today started my recovery week. Today I did spin - XT Ride. I think I'll be doing spinning/running/yoga this week.

Belinda - How's DH doing so far? I'm sure it's still painful.

Heidi - Great run this morning. Good plan for the week. Yes, catch up so we're all starting M3 next week.

As for eating, DH started reading Forks over Knives, that a friend recommended for diet change. We'll see if this helps get some support for me in this area. And it's the holidays, so need to work all the harder at it.

Hope you had a good one. Tomorrow we're at it again.
Hi ladies,

Thanks for all the well wishes for DH :) He is still in a lot of pain and the meds still make him very sick :( Tomorrow is his doc appointment. Hate to see DH like this :( Poor guy!!

Last few weeks I went on a workout cloth shopping spree :D Bought at least 30 new workout tops/bras and paints :p Today I went through my workout cloth and filled up an entire black garbage bag. Had to make room for all my new workout cloth :D my dresser was getting full.

I did JS 30 Day Toning walk with morning. Really like this one.

Heidi and Sherry - thank you :) Keep up the good work.

I will be back tomorrow.
Hi all!

Tonight was a 2.5 mile run - on tm in socks - haven't done that for a while, and the bottom of the feet were feeling it! I hope I don't get s blisters.

Belinda - your shopping spree sounds fun! Good job making space for everything. Hope DH starts feeling better quickly - pain meds making him sick is not helping at all.

Waving hi to Heidi and Allee!

It's late - hitting the sack. Be back tomorrow.
Hi all!

Tonight's choice was Pedal Power. Also got home early enough to take the dog for a quick walk - she doesn't like leaving the yard when it's dark - silly pup.

Hope you are all doing well. Be back tomorrow.
Good morning,

Today I did a 30 min JS walk. I will also walk my dogs later.

The doctor appointment went well yesterday. DH got this stitches out yesterday. Doc said, everything looks good and the pain is normal considering he just got surgery. DH still has to keep his arm completely still. He gave DH different meds for the nausea :) That seems to help his stomach a lot a little. He has another appointment next Wednesday.

Update on the dog: The dog was adapted :) He will be going home next week. That really made my day.

Sherry - good choice yesterday. Haven't done that one in a long time. My shopping spree….was a lot of fun. I am glad I made room for all my new workout cloth.

Heidi and Allee - hope all is well.

I will be back tomorrow. For some reason, my knees are killing me today? Wonder what that is all about?
Hi all!

Tonight was a run - 3 miles on the tm. Took the dog for a walk - it was dark, but she did much better. nice to walk down the street when all the holiday lights are lit.

Belinda - Glad DH is doing so well, considering. Did you wear a new outfit for your wo today? Happy the dog was adopted - one less thing for you to be concerned about - you really don't need to add another one to the house at this exact time. but what is up with that knee? Are you helping DH a lot and maybe twisted it? Hope it doesn't get worse.

Waving Hi to Heidi and Allee!

Now to shower and wind down for the night. Be back tomorrow.
Morning and Happy Friday to you all!

Belinda: Glad to hear your DH is healing well. Great news on the dog being adopted! Oh nice to have new workout clothes! Always inspiring. :)
Good job getting in some time for your workouts.

Sherry: Nice run! I have been super busy again this week. :/ No workouts to report for Mon-Weds.

Yesterday I finally got in XT Cardio Leg Blast. Oh what a blast it was! LOL! Feeling it all.

Today's plan is Push Pull. I will be following the December 2015 rotation for the rest of the month I think....

Allee: How's it going with you?

Well better get moving here...
Make it a good one!
Checking back in with my workout completed this morning. :)

Push Pull.

Just in the warm-up I was feeling my legs from yesterday's Cardio leg blast. PHEW! Later sitting just a short time getting up
was another story. LOL! All good! I am sure going to be feeling this tomorrow morning.

Have a great night Ladies!
Good evening,

Today I did 30 min JS HiiT walk.

Heidi - nice job on PP today. Haven't done that one in ages. It is great news that the dog got adopted :) So happy for him, he deserves a great home.

Sherry - yes, I been wearing my new workout cloth :) I am really happy the dog got adapted and a little sad at the same time :( I am helping DH a lot, he can't do anything on his own. I think you are right, I twisted it somehow? I did got a lot of rest in yesterday…that seemed to help. Nice job on that run, girl.

I will be helping DS and his fiancé move into their new apartment tomorrow. I will try to check in the morning or at night. Good night, everyone.
Yes, Happy Friday!

Happy to report that wo's are done - dog walk, Spinervals 18 (70 min in the aerobic zone) and UY Yin Yoga - which felt heavenly. yes, I love a good long stretch.

Heidi - Good job on finally getting something in. I bet those legs were feeling it. Good job on Push Pull today. You aren't up for M3?

Belinda - Nice walk today. Be careful helping the kids move. Taking care of DH is so much more important. Can't have you down with a strain, too!

Ok, that's it for the night. I"ll be back tomorrow.
Happy Saturday!

Went to ballet class - wonderful workout today. Rest of the day will be crazy with shopping, errands, and getting house decorated for the holidays.

Hope you are having a good one!
Good Morning All,

Happy Saturday. Everyone is doing great.

Belinda: (((Hugs) I am glad DH is doing ok. Praying for him. Wish him a very quick recovery.

Sherry: Hello. Ballet class sounds wonderful. Have a great Saturday. I hear ya on the holidays decorations. Hang in there.

Heidi: Awesome job like always. Can you move this morning?

Well..... I did it ladies. Finally broke down and order Cathe new series. Woot Woot!!!

Off to my workout and errands.

Have a great day .

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