Getting it done for July & December 2015

Good Morning All,

Happy Sunday!

It has been a very productive morning. Meeting with coworkers to put together our Christmas party. 3 mile walk on TM. Done with the holidays shopping. Yay! Time to relax and enjoy some good music. Have a great day.

Today's plan: LIS Cardio SuperSets. :)

Later is shopping with my DD. I am taking today off from work. HEHE

Have a great one!

Good morning,

I am not sure what cardio I will do today?

Heidi - you are welcome :) Have fun shopping and enjoy your day off today.

Hi Allee and Sherry :)

I will be back later. Have a great day and workout.
Good afternoon,

I am back to report my workout: I did Jessica Smith 30 Day Walk (I am in Week3). I was suppose to do 30 Min Fat Baster today. I ended up doing next weeks 40 min Mega Burn:D instead. Since I am trying to go through my entire workout dvd collection, pulled out Cindy Whitmarch Incredible Abs V1 workout #2 = 20 min. I had that dvd for years and only done maybe 1 workout:(Workout #1 is on Incredible Abs V2. Weird, hah? I really liked the ab workout.

I will be back tomorrow after DH's doc appointment. Have a great day and workout everyone.
Hi all!

Sunday - ended up being a rest day while trying to get house and holiday things done.

Monday - picked up DS in the evening. He wanted to come home a few days before finals. So, rest day #2.

Today - had a extra vacation day that didn't get used yet, so using it today - dog walk, 3 mile run, the UY Flexibility. Plus, getting more house and holiday stuff done.

Allee - You won't regret the new series. I'm looking forward to it!

Heidi - Looks like we have the same plan today - off from work, getting in wo's, then shopping!

Belinda - Good job working through your dvd collection. I bet you'll find you have some really good ones.

No more time for breaks. Gotta get more things done. Have a good one, and be back tomorrow.
Good Morning All,

Happy Saturday. Everyone is doing great.

Belinda: (((Hugs) I am glad DH is doing ok. Praying for him. Wish him a very quick recovery.

Sherry: Hello. Ballet class sounds wonderful. Have a great Saturday. I hear ya on the holidays decorations. Hang in there.

Heidi: Awesome job like always. Can you move this morning?

Well..... I did it ladies. Finally broke down and order Cathe new series. Woot Woot!!!

Off to my workout and errands.

Have a great day .

Thanks you, Allee :) Woot Woot on ICE :)
Hello All,

I thought I check in this morning. Lol...

Belinda: hope all goes well tomorrow at DH appt. ;)
I have a few of jessicasmith dvds. I really love her walking series. Thanks to you and my friend. She a really huge fan of her. I believe she has all her workout.

Sherry! Thanks. You are right. I won't be disappointed with cathe. However being able to do them is another story.

Heidi! Awesome job. Have fun shopping with your DD. Enjoy your day off.

Completed LIS Cardio SuperSets yesterday as planned. Boy am I feeling those plank moves today! :)

Have on the schedule STS PLYO legs D26...will see. It's another busy work day and I have a guest coming this afternoon.
Tomorrow will be busy with my Mom for she has another Doc appt.

Belinda: How is your DH doing? Great goals you have getting through your current DVD collection. ;) I am sooo looking for to the
ICE program! Maybe I can convince my DD to join me in doing a rotation together.

Sherry: Sounds like a very busy week for you too. Great job on your run! Sneaking in a WO where you can helps with this crazy time
of year.

Allee: I have heard a lot of good things about JS programs. Enjoy!

OK off to work stuff.
BBL to report my workout if I get to it today.
Make it a good one!

Completed LIS Cardio SuperSets yesterday as planned. Boy am I feeling those plank moves today! :)

Have on the schedule STS PLYO legs D26...will see. It's another busy work day and I have a guest coming this afternoon.
Tomorrow will be busy with my Mom for she has another Doc appt.

Belinda: How is your DH doing? Great goals you have getting through your current DVD collection. ;) I am sooo looking for to the
ICE program! Maybe I can convince my DD to join me in doing a rotation together.

Sherry: Sounds like a very busy week for you too. Great job on your run! Sneaking in a WO where you can helps with this crazy time
of year.

Allee: I have heard a lot of good things about JS programs. Enjoy!

OK off to work stuff.
BBL to report my workout if I get to it today.
Make it a good one!


What rotation are you following? Enjoy your evening.
Good Morning,

Today I will do jessicasmith belly, buns and thighs walk.

I will be back later. Busy day at work.

Have a great Thursday.
Hey girls,

Today I did STS D37 Legs + Extended stretch and Jessica Smith 30 Day Walk HiiT walk + Healthy Back ( ran out of time yesterday).

Allee - have fun with Jessica Belly, buns and Tight workout. Is it a dvd or YT? Either way, I know you have fun.

I will be back tomorrow. Have a great day and workout, everyone.
Hi all!

Yesterday was a rest day - took DS back to campus for his finals.

Today - ran errands after work, but did get in RW Yoga for Recovery. I have yet to start M3, but wo cards are printed.

Allee - Good job getting in what you can.

Belinda - Nice job starting M3. Like your goals for Dec. I'll be cheering you on to get all of them done!

Heidi - Did you get in D26? Yes, looking forward to ICE also!

It's late - still gotta work tomorrow. See ya later.

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