Favorite Step Moves!

It's really hard to choose. The best part is how Cathe puts the individual moves together. Cathe is just plain brilliant!

These are some of my favorite moves:

Pendulum Across the Board
Rhythmic Ls
Tap Hop Repeaters (my absolute favorite!)
Reverse Hop Turns
Up and Backs
Lunges "swimming" up and down the board or on all sides in a circle
Turning repeaters

I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but those are my mostest favorites.


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Favorite step moves (I could list every single one of them!)

*Reverse mombo

*Step kick stradle, dbl kick, lunge 3x

*Up jack, rock back, hop 2, rptr

*Mombo corner, cha cha pivot...Knee off side, drop sqt penj, exit, 1,2,3 turn, hop 2 to back wall basic, hop turn

*2 charlestons, turn stradle exit, heel toe pivot jack

*Jump swing

*Reverse Scoop

*Kick front side, knee tap, kick...rptr

Any of them from Rythmic Step!

Favorite Blasts:

Jump Tucks!!! Air Jacks!!! Plie Jacks!!!

:7 :7 :7
My favorites:

- Leg extentions
- Outer thigh repeators
- Peg leg pivot
- Step sweep (From Low Max)
- Mambo cha-cha
- Pendelum
-Drop squat
- Knee smash with side kick
- Kickbox kicks on the step
Most of mine come from IMAX 2 (my absolute favorite!):

Interval 1 (IMAX 2) Swimming back and front and off the back (too cute!) really gets me pumped!

Interval 4 (IMAX 2), the one two three count and knee off the back (Love it!) and I think this also includes the drop-box cha cha? it's followed by the pump repeater-- I hope I spelled this correctly--

Interval 7 (IMAX 2) Run up, Jack and rock back

Dynamic outer thighs

Flying angels
I was also going to vote for plie jacks -- only because of the music that goes with them during Interval 9 in Imax 2. (You know, that pepped-up Pina Colada song.) While I pretty much detest the same move in Imax 3, that triumphant music in 2 gets me going every time. I feel like I'm charging in to save the say somewhere. It's very Paul Revere-ish. :)
Other favorite moves:
Fast-foot repeater
Starburst over
Reverse mambo
Any type of rebounding move

(Not a big fan of Power 15s, I must admit!!)

All of you who are professing to love plie jacks, JUST STOP IT. If you keep saying that, Cathe's gonna put them in our workout on the road trip and then I'll have to kill someone.;)
Favorites: Fast foot repeater (LOVE IT)
Pendulum across the board
Power squats(but no more than 3 sets!!)
HOP TURNS are so much fun!!
that move where you jump on the board with one foot and
change feet on the board.(make sense??)
123 Horse when you turn on the board and face the other way
skipping across the board
power 15's and 7's

Too Hard for me stuff: more than 16 plie jacks
ski jump section on IMAX2(always have to modify)
Kickbox move when you hammer down your arm into a
lunge and pull your leg back.

I'm sure there's more but that's all I can think of today. Off to do some Circuit Max today!
fast foot repeater
the uneven power squats with a turn from IMax 2
I think it's #9 from IMax 2--straddle down the board, 2 jacks, turn, 2 jacks, plie jacks. Tough, but it's my favorite

The kick box type moves in LowMax and Step Blast?
I would like to second Shelley's very calm and SANE request. Would you please stop saying how much you like plie jacks!!!! Don't you know there's a monster at the end of this book?
Power hops turning
Up and back
Power 15's
Jump up to the step then off a'la interval 7 of Imax 3
Long hop turns
Straddle taps
Tap dance
Run plunge lunge
360's a'la second step combo of Step Blast
Not only do I like plie jacks, I like fun combinations like
plio jack
tuck jump
whole bunch of jumps and then repeat. I also love those taps to the side when you're using the full length of the step in between. Anything airborne rocks!
>rock-press reverse hops with ball change

Ugh I mess up on those ALWAYS, I always seem to end up facing the wrong direction! :+

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